
Dear God this fucking fight.

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>Not running lone wolf

FUCK having to outfit four fucking characters

I know what you mean about the outfitting. But this is my first playthrough, thought full part was the way to go.
Going for hardest difficulty on the first playthrough might not have been a good idea though.

I want to fuck the red prince

Attached: Redprince 2.png (1044x586, 630K)

based and lizardpilled

>playing on easy mode
>removing all character interaction
cringe desu

>Draw a man
>Add breasts
>Call it a woman

>play lone wolf
>character gets charmed
>insta lose
nice try goy

she looks fine everywhere except that one particular artwork

If you get your armor destroyed you insta lose

Almost all of the party members are shallow, unlikable fucks. Beast was the only tolerable one by the time you get to Arx.
>Ifan starts out alright but quickly turns into a one-trick pony, "man with dark past out for revenge" cliche gets played way too fucking hard
>Sebille is a psychotic "lol so crazy xD" bitch, the only positive is that you can kill her multiple times
>Lohse is boring, contrast between "am calm girl" and "I HAVE FUCKING DEMONS IN MY HEAD" is played more often than an OC in a kingdom hearts fanfic
>Fane exists as a lore dump, has zero personality beyond "i'm better than you," outright ditches your party unless you pass a nonsensical skill check or literally sequence break the game
>Red Prince, like Sebille, is only valuable insofar as you get to kill him multiple times. Entire story is "DUDE WEED LMAO" played up by pretentious purple prose, with a bait-and-switch you saw coming from miles away

I honestly would've rather just run 4 voiceless OCs. DoS2 has a great world but it's so ham-fisted that it's not even funny.

Can't you run 4 nameless OCs after you unlock the boat?

Is Divinity: OS2 better than the first one?


Fane is fun to play, Beast is fun to play with
Red Prince, Lohse and the knife ear should be killed at the fist possible opportunity

is that the one with all the tentacles?

It's the one where you fight blindfolded.

Red Prince is best boy.

This fight isn't that bad. I had more trouble in the oil field.

I havent played the older games, besides Dragon Commander, so I dont know if they shown enough world lore; But for what is shown on them, I like the Lizardmen in the Divinity series, and precisely when I played DOS2, i choose Red Prince. I like the traditional and old empire of aristocratic lizards, and the middle-eastern theme given on the game is nice (even if im not fan of it). Too bad that both original sin games dont give too much worldbuilding, and that the Lizardmen and the empire arent much explored. I would really that in DOS3, you get to go there.

I was about to say you forgot about Beast but even I forget about him sometimes.

One of the few games where the hardest difficulty is actually HARD.

Having played both (once), I can say 2 is generally somewhat better than the first, altough the first one have its ups compared to its sequel. DOS2 have its issues too.