How can we improve this video game?
How can we improve this video game?
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use Fortran
It's too fucking expensive and difficult to convert to other language code.
completely throw away the programming language
By letting you define functions in a script anywhere.
Use Julia
Why is this shit so difficult engineering bros
By going up an octave
Fuck Matlab.
>programming language
It isn’t, it’s like C for babies
It's difficult if you're retarded, retard. Apply yourself.
Make it free software
>Incorrect. The correct answer is 1.500.
improve the for loop performance, they're currently too slow at 1080p
its pretty easy to use tho
just use elseif loop casual
Is Matlab actually used in the industry or is it a meme perpetuated by universities to get retarded students to shell out cash for licenses?
My area is communications/signal processing and it's basically all we use.
I'm not in the industry but from what little I've used of it, it feels like a massive scam. Like the TI-83/84 monopoly in highschool
how the fuck is it difficult
a retard could pick it up day 1
Really? I only ever used it for an optimal control course to solve differential equations and I assumed it was a huge meme.
i know researchers that use matlab but i don't know which industry you mean
>When you use R to plot white vs black crime rates in a major city and get expelled
I do research, so maybe it's different, but 90% of my time has been spent using it over the last year.
You can do that already
I work for a research lab and I use it and LabView pretty often
Their nspires are cool though, right?
I can run LUA programs on my calculator because I'm a fucking nerd
Fucking R. It's so fucking clunky.
I also happen to be fucking retarded
gnu octave bitch
It's used a lot in the industry but they're desperately looking for a way out. Some interest is in but it's too new to gauge.
You don't. Just use its free counterpart GNU Octave, it's a drop-in replacement.
No, don't get me wrong. I really like my old ti-84 SE and my N-spire but reading up on how TI cornered the market and shoved out all of its competitors by essentially bribing schools and textbook makers was shocking for me back in the day.
am i retarded if i found this basic language difficult but i found c++ easier?
is it easier learning how to code before learning basic engineering/data processing tools like matlab?
>get expelled
did you really
I used Julia and it was basically Python with weird scope rules. Is it much faster or something?
Can I use Octave to send programs to integrated circuits and arduino?
I interviewed for engineering job with Northrop and they said they use it.
It's weird at first but a lot less clunkier to use, MatLab just feels obsolete in comparison.
Bro Georgia Tech students use it come on.
>tfw georgia tech
no bully
It is de Facto of Enginering Mathemetic tool, unlike the meme Maple or Mathematica.
Ths issue is the cost. Owned by an israeli company, it costs about 10k/year for the main program and a few k/year for one toolbox.
The issue with Matlab is that they are squeezing a lot of money from its costumers.
i.e: I have a data from field measurement, would like to find a curve fitting or transfer function in laplace domain.
MATLAB: Oh.. you need an Advanced Control toolbox, thank you.
Me: @#$!@#$
my uni lets us download everything off of Matlab's website, including Simulink, Toolbox, etc.
Just use Python with SciPy or something. As a programmer, Matlab is an inconsistent mess.
Student edition.
They planted the seeds, so they can not escape from MATLAB when they graduated and work in a tech company and spend a lot of money to purchase this expensive software.
> not pirating
either way any self respecting uni should let you use it with remote access
Oh I pirated it, but there's definitely some people who don't know how to do it.
I used to think Open Source was a meme until I went to Uni and had to fork out untold amounts for proprietary predatory garbage like this that offers the bare minimum while milking the most it can out of people already wallowing in debt.
It's the 21st century, piracy us common knowledge. A non tech savvy whore coming to study chemistry because she watched too much BBT deserves to be memed on.
impressively wrong post
software licenses in general are an entire fucking racket created by software companies. at this point you're basically just paying them so they don't have a reason to go after your companies ass for not paying.
No. Matlab is legit.
Fuck Mathematica though.
Fuck matlab on a spiritual level
Pretty much all my comp sci lecturers made jokes about "getting them other ways" when they recommended textbooks for the unit
Nerf x
>no simulink equivalent
Literally what's the point?
The auto industry uses Simulink everywhere.
Open source isn't a meme, but the FOSS fundamentalists are.
open sores is great for convincing autismos to work for google for free
make it start indexing at 0
You just can't make it through modern engineering if you can't use matlab
how to partially fix julia and r r is too much of a mess to bother fixing
Isn't R being phased out by python even on its home turf?
MATLAB started as a simple matrice manipulation program.
In mathermatical anotation, index starts from 1, i.e: A(1,1).
It is more appropiate to ask why computer hardware was designed, retardly, with address 0000000h as a starting address, not 00000001h,
The answer is that they need to maximize the utilization of 8/16/32/64 bits variables to 2^N fully. Matlab variables are very long precision floating points, you don't need to worry about that.
JMP is now a major player in statistic.
Not cheap though.
physics research uses it a lot
>try for days to solve problem using matrix-matrix interaction
Give up and implement what I want in 30 minutes using a loop