How did the wolf know she could use a sword?

How did the wolf know she could use a sword?

Attached: Emma the Perfect.jpg (759x1024, 76K)

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because they talked and she told him?

Replay the game.

They talked and she told him.

Real answer: it's a japanogook thing. You can look at another swordsman and recognize they're a swordsman, from how they carry themselves and stand. At least, that's the genre convention

Seriously you guys need to pay attention to the fucking game.

He is the first person to suggest she can sue a sword and she even tries to give a non-answer.
>Who taught you to use a sword?
>A sword? I am merely a doctor.
>Yes, but who?
The exchange was kino, don't know how you forgot that.

A master shinobi like him can just take a glance at her posture and know that.

but how? What are some other examples of this? It was extremely badass

This smells of a shitty, awkward translation

Like that part before butterfly fight when Kuro asks "who are you" for some reason, and in jap he says something else

>but how? What are some other examples of this? It was extremely badass

It could be that people who always wear a sword walk differently. Like a policeman who walks like he is wearing a gun belt even when he isn't.

>that short exchange
>catching the diversion of a proper answer and calling her out on the bullshit
I knew Yea Forums had shit taste, but wow

The shota told him after one of their many censored sex-scenes.

but why wolf didnt get her obvious flirting ?

She could have calluses on her hands from gripping a sword.

She literally stands around so there’s no actual way to discern she’s a skilled swordsman. It’s just a popular trope where skilled warriors can recognize others of a similar caliber. Countless Shonen and action stories have this trope. Hell, you can arguably trace it back to knightly romances in the Middle Ages (Gawain and the Green Knight) or even further, like Beowulf. It’s probably lasted so long because it’s believable and cool to see.

It's just the typical "experienced professional can judge a person's abilities just by looking at them" thing.

her physical appearance also dead giveaway
like seen shit

Wolf is somewhat dense as far as allusions of intimacy go. For some reason though I feel like Owl was an absolute cunt destroyer.

Attached: Great-Shinobi-Owl.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

Real questions here.

How hairy is her snatch?

When she was found out by the sculptor acting as a monkey, how old was she and when did they fuck for the first time? Was she a virgin at the time or was she already raped before?

Did the sculptor go monkey rape on her at some point while on monkey booze?

Why is there so little art of her and literally no doujins

japenese kinda turned off if women look dead inside, no fun to draw
i dont see much of her aside at pixiv

Not likely, she always holds her hands together or faces her palms downward

Attached: 66026641-1553950447.jpg (600x337, 40K)

actually, that kind of holding is not common
try it, you feel off

Because he's a bad ass and she probably gave a mean handjob

How do I find a woman that will swing my dick like a sword?

Wolf didn't even know you're supposed to cook rice before eating it.

She touches wolfs face when she examines him

He's the Naked Snake of feudal Japan.

>woman swordsman
B-b-but I thought Yea Forums said japs didn't fall for the SJW!?!?!

Female warriors are ok if they're cute, you dense meme breather.

he's a wolf, he can smell it

You can kill her user, its ok

Because Kuro>>>>rice loli>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Emma
He just doesn't care that much.

But wolf asks her as if he'd really seen her fight. That fragment also left me wondering how it was possible if nothing was ever seen to indicate that Emma was the gentle sword.

its more like " i think X is really Y , but i need confirmation directly from X " thing

It's bad writing

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Say no to Thots.

Attached: gourdwitchisdead.jpg (1086x919, 311K)

>duhh woman bad
>duuuuuhhh pedophile good

Attached: the-mark.jpg (960x720, 82K)

look, i wanna hold hands with Emma!

Feels ok

How is she so cute and why do I have her as my wife?

>the mark of true future carpel tunnel syndrome

>Emma the """""gentle""""" blade
how gentle was she on bed?

She did fought off Lady Butterfly or something. Afterwards, she found Wolf laying dead, after Owl backstabbed him in Hirata.

>fought off lady butterfly
no lol. she'd die fighting lady butterfly.

The sake conversations kind of imply this.

The fuck is this?

the mark

>literally no doujins
I guess you haven't seen the one with her and kuro then?
I'm not even memeing, it's the only doujin she has AFAIK

Playing too much PC games

Yeah, I do that but I don't have anything under my wrist. Is it from titty mouse pads or something?

it's from shitty desks and bad/no mousepads
it's also a complete meme, if you've been playing PC games for long enough then you wrist has already calloused enough to not get that red and inflamed just from using a mouse for a long time

t. 30 year old who has been playing PC games since he was 4

I don't care what /pol/ memesters think, I want a Tomoe DLC and I want it fast.

*Teleport behind u*

Attached: ashina cross.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

wolf killed lady butterfly

I never got the idea she was flirting, just gently teasing him.


Did you guys never get her drunk. She pretty much gets angry when she realizes that Wolf doesn't even remember her from back when she stitched him back up after he got very injured. She also constantly shows extreme care for his life and was the one who was pushes for the route where both Kuro and Wolf live.
Of all the Fromsoft ladies, she is very clearly the most genuinely interested in the MC romantically

Reminder that based Date Masamune annihilated the filthy Ashina clan.

Attached: Date_Masamune_Artwork.jpg (1000x950, 118K)

Sekiro,Kuro,Emma,Rice loli foursome when?

>that moment when you recognize the ashina style and know you already know all her techniques before she uses them

Attached: the man who sold the world.jpg (1920x1029, 119K)

I mean that happens in the game as well. The Ashina Clan going to shit and dying is the entire plot of the game

Yeah, but Date Masamune is often credited as the one who lead the Ashina's demise. Shame that his Sekiro-counterpart did not appear in the game.

Well,it's not meant to be historical. While the name Ashina is used, none of the characters are named after real people.
Especially considering that you cant introduce someone even loosely similar to Masamune and not making him into a boss fight which'd make it even more weird considering he's supposed to win. Tho I wouldn't be surprised if he was part of the game early in development.
The last section of Sekiro does feel rushed

>none of the characters are named after real people.
Seems they're based after real samurai though.
Isshin Ashina
Genichiro Ashina
Ashina Castle

Hirata Estate.

Attached: SEKIRO.png (1920x1080, 2.94M)

What does he says when Kuro sees him in Hirata state. Always seemed strange to me that question of "who are you?"

None of those characters have anything even remotely common with the characters in Sekiro dude.
>B-but they are called Ashina
Of fucking course. Ashina clan was a real thing. Obviously every member of the clan had the Ashina name.

>basically the story of the game occurs in 24 hours with the hero destroying all Ashina's millitary force because he has to save a shota
For me, it's GOTY.

Attached: illust_76188652_20190916_202324.jpg (1181x1364, 420K)

>Moritaka was born the son of Nikaidō Moriyoshi (二階堂 盛義) and Onamihime, lord and lady of Sukagawa Castle. He was adopted by Ashina Morioki to continue the family line, and as per that arrangement, married Morioki's daughter and had a son, Kiōmaru. After Moritaka's succession, he, became very unpopular among his retainers. This led to his assassination at the age of 22 or 23 at the hands of Ōba Sanzaemon (大庭 三左衛門).

The only bit here that fits is that he was adopted. You can say the characters are based on these figures, but extremely loosely if you ask me. Besides, the crucial thing here is that Genichiro is very much respected by the soldiers.

>This led to his assassination at the age of 22 or 23 at the hands of Ōba Sanzaemon (大庭 三左衛門).
Shura Ending

Some post images of the Emma nude mod

Japan has strong history with female warriors same with Chinese female warriors too.

Don't believe Yea Forums bullshit.

Her hands weren't delicate enough to be doctor's hands.

Calloused hands, killer's eyes, her "aura", whatever. It's a trope as old as time that skilled warriors can immediately spot another one just by looking at them.

I don't think it's only Japan thing. Feels like everyone who at least experiences warfare or have some form of martial training can at least gauge other people abilities when they first met.

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I don't want to achieve the shura ending because this. But I've been told that the fight is very good.

If her grab is anything to go by her handjobs could be considered attempted murder

Did it? I don’t recall. The only thing I remember was isshin calling him a fool.
You are a bitch ass FUCK for spoiling this for me you BITCH ass FUUUUUUCK!!

Yeah that part was weird, kept wondering if I missed something my first playthrough.

>Why is there so little art of her and literally no doujins
I feel that dojin authors keep a distance from her because she represents Japanese femininity in the same way that Yumi of Senran Kagura is the archetype of the perfect wife. There are some things you just don't interact with.

Attached: Yumi_EV.png (640x680, 308K)

>spoilers under a spoiler

>read spoiler text
>get spoiled
>WOOOOW I got spoiled

Attached: 1462036492813.png (499x338, 38K)

>Not noticing the big-ass sword

I'm pretty sure with her skills she can disable any human being in that context.

Because wolf never stopped being a child soldier and a well-trained killing machine. He wears the same clothes that when Owl found him, it is a symbol of that. He probably doesn't even have carnal desires for that matter.

Attached: ssdt-young-wolf (1).jpg (1200x710, 129K)