Didn't even sold half of the quantity of playstation this genaration

>didn't even sold half of the quantity of playstation this genaration
>launch first party AAA games for 1 dollar on gamepass
how is xbox alive and making money again?

Attached: Xbox-1170x720.png (1170x720, 70K)

because less than half a shitload is still good enough. why do you care do you own stock in them?

Microsoft has infinite money so they don't give a shit, something Sony can't do.

Don't forget that it's about to be overtaken by the switch.

Microsoft really fucked up this generation.

Yeah Microsoft doomed right lmao

>Yeah Microsoft doomed right lmao
I didn't say that, even hardcore Xfags agree that MS fucked up this entire generation.

They'll probably be fine during the next one though.

>didn’t even sold
Can we fucking ban all ESL street shitters?

>50 million users paying microsoft for the ability to use the internet that they already pay for
What are you talking about user, they are making hand over fist... Good thing too because unless Sony stops being dumbasses, I might need to switch companies next generation. Then again with how this generation went, I might not miss out on much by going with neither and just having my Switch + PC. Fuck being an idiort is getting cheaper than it should be...

I remember when I was a kid and friends were saying to defend the new xbox.

>Have PC
>Microsoft announces that all future Xbone "Exclusives" will also be on PC
>Oh boy!
>I've still yet to buy one
Sunset Overdrive looks okay, I guess. I might get one or more of the Halo games if they ever actually release them.

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The Bone X is fucking amazing. Hope next generation they do that but like with some games.

Microsoft really fucked up with the bone, but they're a much more stable company than Sony or Nintendo are if you discount gaming. They're not doomed, but I think they might try going all out in pursuit of the game streaming meme instead of trying to succeed in a way that hardware manufacturers usually have.

>why do you care do you own stock in them?
the xbox division is not a public company, MS is.

>how is xbox alive and making money again?
they are not, that's why Papa MS cut their allowance and they have no game budget.

>Microsoft has infinite money
It's not like they are going to spend that money on a dying division dumfuck. Gears 5 was founded like 5 years ago.

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Nintendo + PC has been the go-to combination since the beginning of this generation.

All xbox games come to pc and MOST ps4 exclusives get ported eventually, though if you really wanna play bloodborne and nu-GoW than you'd probably be wise to purchase one.

>Nintendo + PC
>Nioh randomly crashes during boss fight

Sure bro.

>though if you really wanna play bloodborne
I did enjoy it, and it got me into Souls a lot better than DaS did. I'm usually after games like Disgaea and Valkyria Chronicles, but they are losing their exclusivity real fast with Sony pissing everyone off. Hell, Switch gets the most interesting version of DQXI even if it isn't as pretty. This generation didn't feel like a complete waste, yet when I look back, most of the shit was either multiplatform or something that I didn't HAVE to play. The only thing I will miss is my trophy collection. I didn't do dumb shit like get 100 easy trophies, but I enjoy having my platinum for Drakengard 3 for beating a fucking ridiculous final boss, and collecting my platinums for FF since it was my favorite series growing up.

>Sunset Overdrive looks okay
Sony owns SO now by merit of having bought the developer. It's real look it up.

>actually invest in unique and fresh IP's
>people don't buy it

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>no win7 support

Microsoft should genuinely look into going all in on game streaming, make games for all consoles but still make their own as like a low cost alternative for the PS4/5 for people who just wanna play like FIFA and shit

Its sad that at the end of this console's life it still only has 1 game I want that I can't get on pc or ps4. I want rare replay just for the viva pinata games. Sea of thieves is also great but I have that on pc.

This game could have been incredible if you moved with a skateboard and could do tricks yo continue combos.

Not halo

M$ needs to cater to the japanese market by releasing tons of (all-ages) eroge uncensored.

Because most of their games are on ps4 or pc and they have no exclusives worth anything.

Wait for it...

The people that own an xbox buy more games

if i recall, the 360 ended up being a pretty decent VN machine in japan (even steins gate was exclusive at first), but it still flopped horribly.

The Xbox brand is tarnished right now.

Sony won by doing absolutely nothing and normies think they're saviors.

Sony is gonna have to fuck up really bad to not stay on top. They can ride the success of PS4 into one more generation.

I did love this game but the plot was absolutely cringe.

Because it was still starting out, it takes time to build brand name, especially in Japan, but once you have it you can hold on to it forever as long as you don't fuck up horribly. They just saw it as a failure and didn't bother again, which was a big mistake. But, in large part that was due to them wanting to go always-online with the XBONE, which was never going to work in Japan, so they had already cut all ties at that point.

Japan is going to move to Switch. All the anime games are coming to Switch uncensored and nowhere to be found on Xbox.

The problem with seeing more Jappy xbox games is that Japan is really moving away from home consoles; something like 8% of all PS4 sales were in Japan, compared to 19% of all PS1 sales. There's no real sense in pursuing a market that's imploding.