what's the best way to keep the players interested in a game indefinitely?
new equipment?
new levels?
what's Yea Forums's opinion?
What's the best way to keep the players interested in a game indefinitely?
kidnap a family member they care about
threaten to kill them whenever they stop playing
Meaningful progression and late game prestige. It's always about the journey
Make a game that abuses the "Sunk cost fallacy"
League of Legends for example mastered this, why don't LoL players just quit that garbage? Because they already spent too much time in it
The way Path of Exile does it is pretty good
>Tons of autistic endgame tweaking
>Quarterly server wipes
>Blatantly retarded community
I know a few other games are like that im just most familiar with PoE
any game that can be played "indefinitely" almost always takes a sharp drop in quality past the initial understanding of the game, especially if it has randomly generated content. At that point you should just make a rougelike
yea sadly random just ends up being soulless 100% of the time
interesting point. not really keeping them interested though. and would be bad game design for anything other than profits and a high player base
You know the carrot on the stick? That grind for prizes that make players excited to accomplish something? Do that, but make a fun game. Also don't make the carrot so fucking far that players have to dress like hobos and baffoons for 30 hours until they enjoy who they are playing as. Also don't design that game around always feeling like you suck. Don't make your character feel like they are the only ones that matter. Don't base everything off of one idea, don't expect everyone to play the same. Don't hyper fixate ok autistic shit and don't make the game ugly. Cater to your target demographic. Don't try to appeal to everybody and avoid be offensive but also don't try to piss people off for nothing. Make the girls hot but keep it tasteful and not distracting. Let guys express themselves the way they want. Add context to what you are doing instead of asking us to go the place and shoot the dudes or building for buildings sake or the "make your own fun" design.
Have fun interesting NPCs and make sure they are written well. Don't make them annoying, don't one the "funny guy" because guarantee they will not be funny at all. If you want a character to be taken seriously making an animation of them killing or beating people up won't work. Don't be generic and don't rely on stolen ideas. Be creative
that's exactly the problem, nobody's doing it right
is it impossible to provide an environment that allows for continuous entertainment in video games or is every game just doing it wrong?
good input, thanks
I agree. That's why i played through all the Baldurs Gate fames
>Even Siege of the Sjw
It was fun watching my character develop relations with party member and npc's that carried over from one game to the other and watching my mc ascend to God hood over the course if an epic journey
yea that sounds like a nice experience. but you did reach the end of it right? how would you keep it going?
you'll be op at some point, so more, harder games to use your existing characters in?
The true answer, that nobody around here wants to admit to because it's cancer: gacha/lootboxes. Look at everything long-running, particularly the profitable ones, and you'll see they almost all abuse random microtransactions or sunk cost fallacy.
In short, there is no way to make a "good" game that people play indefinitely. It's better to make a tight, well-curated experience that doesn't overstay its welcome long enough to become boring.
so you're saying it's impossible because it hasn't been done yet?
Well i did take him over to IceWind Dale and solo'd that on a hard difficulty to compensate for his high level.
Infinite engine was neat that you could take characters between different games.
I guess it'd be easier to keep adding to IWD than BG because you could keep adding new maps quest periodically without worrying that much about the story it self
BL2 is definitely an indefinitely playable game. Each character is unique and deeper to that, each character has multiple different play styles. Even the idea of farming doesn't get repetitive if you shoot the shit with a friend while you casually farm a boss. It is, in many ways, the perfect game. And of course you'll get bored of it eventually, but you can just go play something else and come right back to it.
One more
If you're doing sci do stop greebling everything just for the sake of making it more complex. It makes everything harder to render at the expense of processing more action and it doesn't make things look "futuristic" it just looks overdesigned. Every call of duty game after black ops 2 is guilty of this, and after bungie gave halo to 343 everything became fucking ugly because fractal designs were put on everything for no reason.
If you're doing fantasy have some creativity but don't make everyone's clothing look like it's all made out of molded foam with lots of SHAAAAAAPES and spikes. Don't guild everything. Simplicity and easy to recognize silhouettes are often underappreciated.
Also giving someone an unfortunate background doesn't make them deep or cool or developed, that's just edgy nonsense. Character development and changes NEED to be seen on the screen. Don't expect anyone to notice or care about a character changing when it happened over radio dialogue. Make the villain matter and actually present for the story. Don't make them show up last minute for us to care. If you're going to make a woman in the game stop Makijg her a no nonsense sniper who talks like she's in the matrix. Showing a female character kill lots of baddies does nothing for our interest in her.
Don't make every character the same personality. It's a problem with solo developers because they always inject a little bit if themselves into everyone they write and often a lot of character couldn't be distinguished if you just took away everything but the text.
Make it fun. I still play games like the thps series and ssx because they have really fun and satisfying mechanics. These games keep me coming back because the gameplay is fun.
thanks for the input everyone.
will come back for more opinions or present ideas eventually.
probably whatever PUBG/fornite did early on
You just described Warframe
Having ways to change up the experience on top of a base fun game, I think games like Minecraft/Terraria are good examples of this where you can vastly change up your base and experience the world in a multitude of ways even if the base content isn't much. This could be improved on with more connected worlds, if Minecraft had it built in where you could zoom out into space and visit other players worlds I think a lot more people would be longterm players.
Other big games that do constant content like Fortnite/WoW tend to kill their own games by making people burn out. Forcing too many challenges or having to rely on other people to progress and being limited by time make people quit despite there being unexperienced content. I think this style would be improved on if they took a more adventuring approach where solo play is completely viable but having friends is just more efficient. I feel like if fromsoft tried to make an indefinitely engaging game they could do so as their games capture this really well.
Autistic high level optimization where optimal solution is hard to find.
Then shake it up just a tiny bit with each update. But make that tiny bit just big enough that the meta has to shift in non-obvious way.
For online multiplayer/esport type games:
Give the illusion that a game takes "skill" and is worth playing at a top level. Make it 5v5 so that players' egos aren't bruised when losing (omg my team sucks!!!). Have slight, subtle RNG present but not too much to occasionally let bad players have a taste of being "pro".
All you can think, everything