Borderlands 3 Is 2K's Fastest Selling Game Ever

>Borderlands 3's publisher 2K says the looter shooter sold over five million copies during its first five days on the market, making it the fastest-selling game in the company's history.

>That works out at 50 percent more sales than Borderlands 2 during the same launch window - a game which went on to sell over 22 million units.The high figures were achieved despite backlash from fans when it was announced the PC version of Borderlands 3 would be an Epic Games exclusive. A press release from 2K announcing the sales records draws attention to the store figures in particular, saying "Borderlands 3 delivered the highest pre-order sales figures to date for a 2K title, as well as broke pre-order records with the Epic Games Store. Initial sales of Borderlands 3 have exceeded the label’s expectations and, in particular, PC sales of the title through the Epic Games Store have been incredibly strong."

>Over 70 percent of Borderlands 3's sales were digital, and the game has consistently pulled views over on Twitch. 2K says it's generated more than 14 million hours of content on the streaming platform, which is more than half the viewership that Borderlands 2 generated over seven years. Our review said Borderlands 3 was the best in a series of great co-op shooters. Our full thoughts are in the video above.


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Other urls found in this thread:

>the same publisher that publishes R*
>BL3 surpassing any GTA
they're cooking the books


Oh shoot nevermind, that's Take Two

i got bored with it about halfway in. maybe it was just the character i picked, but i ended up quitting an doing another run of 2 instead.

Take two owns 2k. 2k owns gearbox and gearbox makes Borderlands.
There is a reason they specifically said 2k for this.
Because if they said Take two everyone would know they were full of shit.
They are technically correct with this statement.

Take two is a low tier Zenimax.

"Mainstream game sell"
How could we expect such results op, im truly btfo'd into oblivion.

Attached: EC6T7BXXsAYjDpJ.jpg (1365x2048, 393K)

holy fuck it outsold GTA V and RDR2 opening sales?

Who did you play and what were you building?

Oh I see. even with that I realized Rockstar publishes in-house since GTAV, so I was wrong on both accounts. But yeah, what does 2k publish besides NBA, borderlands, and bioshock?

i was moze, i was in the fire-crits god tank tree. the mech felt 100 percent worthless, i had a minigun and the laser cannon on it. i only used it as a panic button for a bit more health honestly. oranges felt too common, and 90 percent of the time my purples were just better

I think they publish the Civ games? Not sure.

One thing I find curious is that these EGS announcements all come from company releases, never public data.

No source will ever satisfy you steamies.

>every single shill thread ever
>Zero discussion on gameplay
>Zero discussion on mechanics
>Zero discussion on anything actually relevant to whether its a good good
Fucking kek, this is the worst failed attempt at viral marketing ever by the Gearbox jews

Is this a stealth epic thread

The only source so far is from the same mouth.

Attached: TheFuck.gif (320x289, 1.12M)

Gearbox's independent retard, 2K owns the Borderland ip

You might have been either subbing or maining the support tree. Every character has one.

Never said Gearbox owns Borderlands. Just that they make it.

>Purples better

I honestly thinks 3 lacks content currently, already stopped playing a week ago

Why yes we did need yet another fucking thread about this.

Because whenever someone actually talks about the game. They get wojaked by shitposters.

Why do you make this exact thread every hour

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Read your post you said 2K owns Gearbox

this isnt 2 were oranges are better than the guns in tiers above them. if you get a purple vladof rifle or a purple jakobs revolver you dont need an orange

There's only 1 class of guns where the purple is legitimetly better and that's torgue launchers for the sticky grenades. Every other class of legendary has op as fuck guns.


Gearbox said it

Take Two said it

How is that the same mouth you stupid retard?

No, steambros.. it was supposed to fail

That only stands if the purple is also an Anointed weapon or if the Orange you got is a gimmicky piece of shit like the rocket that can't kill people or the pistol that shoots mario fireballs.
But the only thing that beats that is an anointed oranges or anoited purples with Alien parts.

Because I love to see seething steamcels

>3 of these threads

get out