Kadokawa Jet Girls


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Fuck japan and their fanservice.
Objectification of womens should not be encouraged in all cases, they just create unreal standards who condition misogynist incels to commit violence aganist women.

>PS4 exclusive

When will they learn?

IS this the new hydro thunder?

Can't wait for this to backfire on them.

haha imagien unironically being a fucken female like hahahaha lmao

>Sony exclusive
no thanks it’ll be censored to hell and back, I sleep, wake me when it’s on steam with an uncensor patch

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PC port when
I love the idea of a co-op game where one person races and the other person drives


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This looks like they took PBS mechanics and throw them on a racer game.


I’ll put money on this getting censored, even if it never leaves Japan.

Unironically hyped just because I love Jet Ski racing games. Hopefully it's actually good and they don't use fan service to justify shitty gameplay.

$150 for a 21 minutes OVA, a two disc soundtrack and the Babu and Asscar

What the shit Takaki!?

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The characters look weird.


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Nope, fuck 'em.

mhm continue crying PCloser faggot. Look at that cleavage.

Is that fucking Naruko Hanaharu? I miss that guy's eromanga.

If Takaki was gonna make a PS4 game, why didn't he just made 7even, goddamnit.

It's Kandagawa not Kadokawa.

I'd rather have another Valkyrie Drive

I think he's talking about the company, user

Only if they do Mermaid, which they should have done in the first place.

Seriously you're not welcome here go back.

What would have been great too.

Not gonna lie those are some sick jetskis.

>Kusony exclusive
I refuse to believe japs can be this retarded with these high levels of stockholm syndrome
I wanted to be interested, but you KNOW it got censored and butchered

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Hope you feel stupid when the outrage shitposting threads start appearing.

And it's Takaki of all people.

Because PC gaming isn't a thing in Japan, not is Xbox. It's PS4 or Switch and if you think a game won't run on the Switch's hardware then you've only got one choice. Though in this case it's probably because they're not paying attention to what ninty's doing and think it's still the 90s where anything above a low T wouldn't be allowed on Ninty hardware

>Though in this case it's probably because they're not paying attention to what ninty's doing and think it's still the 90s where anything above a low T wouldn't be allowed on Ninty hardware
Takaki has games out on Switch so nobody thinks that anymore besides supreme normies. JP devs already know you can put lewd games on Switch.

Senran Kagura was ported to PC and so were more niche games like Onechanbara and School Girl Zombie Hunter. The games always come to PS4 first, then get ported after 4-6 months. Peach Ball came out even sooner than that.

Calm your tits. The fuck is wrong with you.

PC releases of most japanese games only occur if there's an english release to go with it. Not always but majority of them follow this rule, unless it's porn.

PC releases a lot of these types of japanese games are usually focused on SEA and HK.

Dammit, I would be so hype if this wasn't announced on Snoysored shit consoles. It looks like Valkyrie Drive which I fucking loved (the game, not the terrible anime)