UNIST Thread

The long wait

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Pass is vee
UNICLR demo notes were posted in yesterday's thread if anyone missed them

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>UNICLR demo notes were posted in yesterday's thread if anyone missed them
Thanks for taking the time to provide a glimpse into CLR.

I feel like I've gone into air backdash withdrawal, and I haven't even tried Londrekia yet. Early 2020 can't come soon enough.

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I want my goddamn laser

kw: pclobby
the only change needed is gun nun being added

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or wagner's 214x being armored even unbuffed.

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any euros play in these threads?

One tried

I see.

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I like this idea.

make 236a safe on block and +2 with sword buff and she might be able to get to mid tier

Is it possible to play this on a CRT? Had a dream about setting up the game to play on one the other day.

before i was in college, i used to play blazblue and persona 4 arena on my 12 inch crt tv. i had a fucking blast playing ps3 bad company and any fighting game on that thing.

i dont see why not

store.aksysgames.com/collections/preorder-now/products/pre-order-under-night-in-birth-exe-latecl-r I didn't realized but CL-R is up for pre-order already. I'll probably hold out for a version with bonuses. Hopefully we can get the art book that was included in the EU preorder of UNIST

oh no is it mika night again?

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I'll play a "secondary" in that case. An XD a day keeps the memers away.

Yeah, I was just about to say that it was only EU and JP that had any sort of special edition/pre-order bonuses



How late can they edit these descriptions?
Cause I guess we can forget about PS3 and Vita updates

oh right I forgot to ask deska, were you getting 8f during our mika mirror as well? i have no idea why our connection's been so bad the last few times we've played

>restart PS4 because I have no bars with Clawz again
>get communication error and can't even join the lobby
>restart yet again, Clawz still no bars
Mika PC lobby, here I come I guess. This netcode hates me.

your connection is still a far cry from "normal lag"


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Yeah, I think any time any stage that isn't Park is played, the net seems to crap out. I can only play on netsafe options.

Still too scared of merk

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Do you all have 0-1frames of lag or something? Because to me, this amount doesn't even come close to what I'd call a problem.

Quiet night.

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>changed from the character i hate hyde to the character i hate even more byakuya
pls dont exploit how retarded i am

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I'm not losing back to back as fast so I'm not complaining as much

All the excitement was for yesterday

I'm pretty sure I've asked before, but do Merk's worms hit low or mid?

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rip 236C

If it hit low, then he'd have no trouble making unblockables

mid, he's not privileged like seth with unblockables

Don't go giving Kamone any ideas before CLR is finalized...

Which lobby needs more players? I'm down to hop in.

PC has 7 at the moment.

The man had way more years to think about than you have. I'm pointing that out because it'd be so easy for them to make that change but that level of unblockables would literally be too easy

Alright, got what I needed, Starting another pc lobby, same kw

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I just don't understand what to do when blocking Carmine. Between the spikes and puddles it seems like it's never safe to try much.

ggs pclobby, gotta get to bed to get up early. ill leave the lobby up though.

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GGs Spoon. Those walkup grabs had me in stitches.

Wheel is hella plus
22x is only +1
214 is dependent on the version used to be either safe or unsafe and if I IC'd it or not
623 is only plus if I have a puddle near me

So shielding 22x is a start

Fuck, I'm doing it again.

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Cute egg.

in cl-r Byak will be able to lay an egg sac that shoots out thousands of mini-Byaks

>twice my raw IW fireball gets blocked and then followed up with free combo
Darn shame. Guess I should just keep it for combos and long range guesses after all?

I can never tell when I'm allowed to VO 214x

Only if Eltnum's reload gets to work like Wagner's 22C.

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>Eltnum has to spend meter for active reloading
Yes please, that's a nerf

I pretty much always CS the dive when I have it, a DP would probably be quick enough to hit before I reach the ground.

Ah shit, I forgot she spends meter for her 22C. Nevermind then.

ggs pc lobby



GGs broski. Have a good night!

GGs, gonna leave early. Mind isn't focused enough to play tonight.

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gimmie someone to play tonight

I dont want to think about what Kohaku is planning



Wait, did I just win three in a row?


Nice airgrab

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ggs everyone. Still not in the mindset to sit down and lab/grind seriously I guess.

I'm already suffering on enkidu.

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GGs m8. Like everything in life, take the steps to doing things like that in moderation! Have a good night!

That damn lizard doesn't stay gone long enough after you "kill" it.

That conversion off the crouching FF always gets me good Beatie, haha.

GGs pclobby. Can't wait for that redbull tourney

GGs broski. Good luck if you're gonna compete!

GGs guys. Time for me to leave and grab some food.

I don't even know what I'm trying to do anymore.


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GGs everyone

Oh, that was a bit abrupt.
GGs then

I was originally going to come back but then I realized my brain was checking out for the night so figured I'd just stop there instead of getting frustrated as I get more tired and my play falls apart

Don't worry m8, you're not alone on the getting lost idea.

I unga'd pretty hard in that Wagner mirror just now just now. Barely had an inkling of what worked there.

GGs then everyone. GGs basto, good to have you back from mikaland
Fair enough

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Oh yeah, forgot to mention but FB is having another stream on the 27th.
Up in the air if it will have anything uniclr related or just be the regularly scheduled lore dump

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Thanks for the games psnlobby.
I'm finally settled in my new place so I'll be joining in on psn a lot more consistently. Looking forward to getting bodied more by everybody since it feels like they've gotten much stronger since last I played.

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I don't think it can be called that much.

I really should learn to stop playing when I get too frustrated.

why the FUCK hitting a crouching normal after a divekick with Enkidu is SO damned hard

Beats me, Just gotta practice it until it becomes second nature.

This is why you delay the shit out of your air normals before it so you do it as low as possible from the ground

Can you chain Enkidu's auto-combo into 4C? That's interesting if so.

No, 4C isn't really a combo filler. More of a starter than anything since you can combo after it if you havoc someone in the air/grounded CH which knocks them on their ass.

>Enkidu lobby
I wasnt expecting this. A welcomes suprise

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I am so lost on who to play I just gave up and told someone to pick one for me. No idea what made pyro and desk start

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You and Pyro started duking it out in an Enk mirror. I saw Angel pop in and decided to go full Enkidu myself.

Actually, since you can special cancel it, some people do fit it before they do their 236AAA.
The timing has never sat right with me though

Makes sense to me. Seems difficult to pull off in combo after giving it a shot just now.

Enkidu has probably become my 2nd most played character after Linne I think beating out Mika possibly by now. He's a blast to play. Wanted to get in a few matches with him in mirrors for some fun times.

Yeah, the delay to land the 236AAA is pretty tricky.

shit fuck I can't pull this off consistently
I may just give up and go back to Hyde

What are you doing before you do the divekick. Write it out

Not him but it looks like he's starting with divekick into 2C > 5C > air series > divekick?.

That might be why he's inconsistent if he goes that route since you probably can't get the sweep on the second go-around easily?

Or it might be 2B in place of 2C? Either way, it's interesting stuff even if it's risky to start with divekick.

Man, Enkidu's IWEX will never not be cool.

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Karuma Noman Meigoku Hakenshou!

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That depends on his air series.
If he wants it to connect, I'd probably try to do the air series, land, 66B, and then into the divekick than trying to do another one high in the air.

GGs pclobby. Thank you for the games.

I'm personally more a fan of his IW fireball since it looks like a reference to Art of Fighting's Haou Shokouken.


GGs m8. Likewise! Have a good night!

Hmm, I never really tried CSing out of DP for combo with Enkidu before. Neat stuff though not sure if damage scales well or not. Maybe useful for closing out?

You'll be hard pressed to combo out of it with CS because you'll never combo out of 623C midscreen even with CS while you can combo out of in the corner without any resources to begin with

>That double parry interaction

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alright then

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Well it was the B DP for mid-screen but I understand that it'd be a waste for resources most likely yeah, haha. Felt like a clutch play in the moment.

Also, that parry dancing was fun, hahaha.

GGs all

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GGs m8s. Felt great getting that Enkidu fix in. Fun night! Til next time!

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GGs pclobby hopefully Ill get home earlier tomorrow got stalled at work tonight

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GGs. Tonight seemed to have been better connection-wise.

Might do this again if someone has me play enkidu again

I hope that you could find someone you really like to play as when CLR rolls by, man. Character Main existentialism must be an utter drag.

You learn to live with the pain after 2 years. It only really sucks because I enjoy the game itself, the pace, and how GRD and the associated mechanics works. I'm just missing that character I love with little to no caveats with 'em.

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You don't mind me asking, what is the ideal character that you are looking for as far as play style, personality, etc, anything?

I'm not even really sure since my characters don't seem to follow any particular pattern.

Going by the games I put the most time into and enjoyed the most, something that either brings hazama, kanji tatsumi, parasoul, or slayer to mind would be a good place to start, but I don't exactly know what kept me on them, so a start is all I'd have. I never really thought about it beyond "they're fun for me to play."

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>hazama, kanji tatsumi, parasoul, or slayer
Huh, seems weird that Mika didn't make the cut for you. What is it about her that prevents her from being your proper main?

Well the fact that I fully admit that I play her just because she is easy to pick up a combo with. I'm not as enthusiastic as others about her, and her gameplan itself just does not gel with me and is honestly kind of exhausting at times. My naturally slower (and cowardly) way of playing can't constantly keep up with the level of gorilla needed to play her strengths.

>I'm not as enthusiastic as others about her, and her gameplan itself just does not gel with me and is honestly kind of exhausting at times.
Fair point. Rushdown can get tiring to play.
>My naturally slower (and cowardly) way of playing can't constantly keep up with the level of gorilla needed to play her strengths.
Hmm, do you think someone like Phonon would be a better fit for you, then? She generally seems to dictate the flow of the match well enough thanks to her strong neutral tools and she can play the runaway game with her fireballs and whip.

I do like her those few times I get her, but the last time I gave it a serious shake her BnBs were just 2hard4me like most characters' and at the time I really didn't want another character to enable my constant downbacking. I just kept her in the random pool because of it.

>her BnBs were just 2hard4me like most characters'
Well, you could always start at the basic and just work on getting one of her practical general purpose bnb's down and then slowly going from there. Maybe park can help you if he drops by. In any case, I wish you best of luck in finding a main, or something as close to a main. GGs and thanks for those games.