Can 8.2.5 save wow?
Can 8.2.5 save wow?
No, but 1.13.2 can :^)
MMO's should just die off at this point. Please just stop playing them.
how can I get a thicc booty goblin gf?
now with 33% more green!
Only a new game (not a mobile trash they are going to announce this blizzcon) and getting rid of current writers team can save Warcraft.
Find a midget and paint her green.
actually good advice, thank ye.
WoW can't be unfucked because that'd mean reverting a bunch of retarded decisions. And if that happened the community would cry a lot.
>Loosing time and ressources to update models that didn’t really required it.
Next time it going to be panda, right?
If they are going to make them look like Shao Hao from cinematics then it would be glorious.
WrA Silvermoon has many gobbie thots that you can hire.
There's really no need to update Pandaren models, they already look better then half the updated races.
it took blizzard the entire expansion to add maybe 10-15 polygons to a model that is only noticeable when you have no gear equipped?
whoever is hype for the next expansion needs a reality check
Remember the number of subscribers were 1.7 millions some time ago.
Now it should be higher because Blizzard started to shill mounts for game time but that player mass still doesn't play. These numbers are only for marketers who will show it in their reports to their boss.
Next expansion may get an increase of people playing but again more people will leave soon after making player count even less than 1.7 million.
Devs can't admit they made a mistake by removing or changing X that's why stuff rarely gets reverted
More goblin ass is always welcomed
Ending the faction conflict permanently so the story can go in new directions is a start. MoP has largely been a rehash of MoP because of it.
As for the rest, we'll see in 9.0. The main things they need to do is bring classes back up to Legion + artifact abilities and traits standards (Azerite Essences are just a band-aid), remove AP/Azerite progression system, remove war/titanforging and stop severely timegating rep/achievement grinds.
Removing Mythic raids altogether and reforming it back to LFR/Normal/Heroic would be a start too. LFR for the shitters, Normal for the good players and Heroic for the best.
Looking at BfA, there's very little wrong with the actual "content" of WoW. It's better than it's ever been. The quests, the dungeons, the raids, the bosses, the art and sound, they're all great. The main problems are the overarching story that's grown stale and the way the content is trickled down into the awful progression systems.
womanlets give birth to manlets
not in my fantasy world
Every goblin halfbreed is taller than a base goblin. Your kids will be tall be goblin standards.
>Looking at BfA, there's very little wrong with the actual "content" of WoW. It's better than it's ever been. The quests, the dungeons, the raids, the bosses, the art and sound, they're all great.
>The main problems are the overarching story that's grown stale and the way the content is trickled down into the awful progression systems.
And how leveling is shit so nobody want's to do it and how the game is now so system filled that it's completely unimmersive and how all the classes feel too samey and how how the idiots think it's the story that is killing the game and rng bullshit and ect ect ect ect ect
Content is good. But the game is bad. All the game designers should be fired.
they started the updates to get every race on par with pandas, so no
>1.7 millions
I thought the reports were already under 1 million players? XIV became the bigger one for some time, classic saved it.
It's a poorly done rehash MoP at that.
But yeah, most of those suggestions would be some good first couple of strides (Also ditch scaling that has to be everywhere now), but I doubt Blizzard is willing to ditch the systems they sunk time into making, even if those systems made the subs go from bleeding to just outright gushing.
>half of my goblins ass will no longer hang out of the top of a lot of the skimpier mail and plate leggings
That's a no from me desu
Who said anything about breeding?
Going by some tweets today and yesterday, we're getting the first cinematic today and it'll contain one or more big character deaths.
it was 1.7 million in october 2018, i imagine the amount of subs has fallen below a million
No way.
That subscribe for 6 months and get a dragon mount and Classic release made it increase I think.
I doubt those people will even play though.
Most of those who paid for the mount probably checked in for a couple of days only to abandon it again.
So for now Blizzard has a lot of 'dead souls' to them.
I think in general current numbers are higher than 1.7million but the number of people who actually play the game is lower than 1.7
Probably not since Classic is supplementing those subs, but I bet it would have been really pathetic considering they haven't even hit the content drought at the end of the expansion.
A king of manlets is still a manlet
remember when they tried to remove flying in wod and our fuckface "community" forced their hand the other way? fuck you
Personally I think it may be for the good if WOW subscribers numbers will fall under 1 million.
It would mean that the dev may start to pay closer attention to lower scope and not make everything to be epic out of proportions.
More tight nit community is much more batter than millions of morons with lots of bots, multiboxers and chinese farmers.
>Despite this, total revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August.
Does that mean that more than 2/3's of the playerbase unsubbed during BfA?
They would have to take some really big risks if they ever want the game return to it's form. I'm talking shit like merging realms to be 50/50 or close it populations. Crossrealms needs to go.
They should just abandon WoW, wind it down... work on WoW 2.
I wouldn't be surprised. Even my friend whose entire guild was full of Blizzard dick suckers couldn't stomach the game.
Because expensive expansion + blizzard shop
based community
Would you call Mobile Warcraft thing that is Pokemon Go clone they make nowdays and announce this blizzcon as WOW 2?
I doubt it.
They are no longer interested in making massive projects like WOW. Whatever they do with Warcraft Franchise it won't ever be as big as WOW unless more serious massive games become trendy again but I really doubt it since they look up to chinese games that makes ton of money despite being shit.
Maybe if they actually managed to pull through on their "assurance" that what WoD had to offer would be worth getting rid of it instead of an obvious cop out on doing less work and having players consume the content more slowly.
Remember when people bitched about mop having too much content because their autism couldn't comprehend that maybe they don't need to do every single daily quest every day
>tfw they've been actively feeding the dataminers fake encrypted tidbits in order to figure out what they could crack and what they couldn't, so that now almost the entirety of 8.2.5 is encrypted and unspoiled
Last call for predictions for this shitstorm boys.
Its just that Wowhead stuff is actually paid by Blizzard and not independent so they won't leak stuff blizzard disallow them nowdays.
Our only hope are other dataminers but they have nowhere as much resources as wowhead team so the process is very slow.
we will find out in 6 hours
Just turn new models off
Wowhead wouldn't be able to do it either even with their resources. You'd need the level of hackers that crack DENUVO and shit like that to crack the new encryption system.
8.2 didn't save it
.5 patch won't do anything neither.
There will only be more shitstorm when Sylvanas had aplan all along and you were just too dumb to understand it or it was neccessary all along or some other dumb shit like that that will make Sylvanas good.
At least Blizzard really tries hard to make us think this even though they fail horribly and the character is pure evil and cringe.
Literally fapbait and nothing more for her fanboys.
All of them
They removed that option.
This. I also predict the new Shadowlands expansion will have a Dark Ranger hero class entirely based around Sylvanas, she'll be a new Illidan-type character in the expansion.
None of that addresses the dead world and lack of community. Retail is fucked as long as it's a single player game except MUH RAIDS
Oh well, downloading mods it is.
That's something you're never going to be able to fix, simply on account that it's no longer 2005-2007 and the demographic is compeltely different.
Correct, retail can't be fixed. That's why the game should be rebooted with Classic+
I played it as a Single player game but the writing is just horrible I can't stand it.
It is all Sylvanas jackfest despite Sylvanas being almost always out of the action. It is annoying as hell.
Every leader makes dumb decisions for unknown reasons, Sylvanas has a master plan we've been told about for years but never actually told what is this plan all along only SHE'S SUCH A GENIUS YOU'LL SEE. WE ARE NOT GOING TO GET RID OF HER. SHE IS NOT GARROSH 2.0
Bitch she'd better be the one.
Fucking hate that corpse.
No. It doesn't even add any new content. However, this will be a great patch, because everyone that doesn't play the game can watch and laugh at the next part of the train wreck.
>alliance and horse team up to stop Sylvanas's evil ritual
>She was actually trying to stop Nzoth and dumbasses fucked everything up
Alliance and horde will team up and Sylvanas will be promoted to War King since she was the only person smart enough to know what was going on. Also Baine and Saurfang will be publicly executed for being massive fags
>Removing Mythic raids altogether and reforming it back to LFR/Normal/Heroic would be a start too. LFR for the shitters, Normal for the good players and Heroic for the best.
Wrong, just give us one raid difficulty around Heroic-tier.
Sick and tired of this bullshit "difficulty tier" crap.
>Gee what should we do to make our content more relevant and show were not bankrupt creatively
>I dunno uh...make tier sets interesting and good transmog?
>nah lets just add multiple versions of one raid where the only difference is the amount of damage the bosses deal and how much hp they have, and maybe an extra mechanic on heroic/mythic thats stupid as shit and makes it so it takes months to clear
No fuck you, if you think that's good for the game's health then I'm sorry but you're fucking retarded.
Adding optional hardmodes to bosses like Ulduar was the pinnacle of raid design
Classic won't save you either. Classic is a pipedream. People are going to play to 60, raid MC and Onyxia and realize that's it, at least until the next phase. The RP crowd will organize some events and maybe there'll be some Hillsbrad shenanigans and raids on Stormwind and Orgrimmar, but it's 2019. People will get tired of it, they've become used to a culture of constantly new stimuli and instant gratification. And people don't have the time for it unless they're degenerate NEETs. Who wants to mine Thorium for hours and hours and hours? Who can find the time for it?
I hate raids altogether.
I play for the story and the only reason I need to go there is for the ending of particular storyline or a transmog piece. I don't want to go through this just so I would feel 'oh how difficult it is look at me I am so hardcore player'.
I hate raiding. Stop with that shit altogether or make it 10 people instead of what we have now.
What I would prefer is you have the raid.
Clear the raid, boss drops a key.
Key unlocks door to optional hard mode bosses that drop unique gear.
Like unlocking a door to a dragon boss, skin the dragon boss, get boss dragon leather, to make boss dragon leather set that looks cool as shit and turns your spells like green or some shit?
Locking pieces of transmog sets and story behind raids is bullshit.
>Hurr champion, you need to get this item to complete this quest/look cool
>queue for LFR please
An entire set for raids isnt bad, but don't pull this "Badass set made with blacksmithing, except the helmet which drops from X boss in Y raid" bullshit.
>you think you do but you don't
Just stop.
nice censorship
>remove AP/Azerite progression system
>"waahh I don't want to spend time playing, I want it all handed to me like mommy does reeeeeee!!1!"
Eat shit nigger. The more you play equals the stronger your character is a good system that should stay.
There'll be a core group who actively, genuinely cares and will keep playing, but it'll be a minority.
Expecting a "Classic+" is delusional.
If you're lucky maybe you'll get a few TBC servers in two years.
I haven't played WoW in years but still eagerly anticipate patch days for this reason.
The leveling and world content is modern wow is a fucking joke with how easy it is
Classic isn't that hard in this respect either but BFA is a thousand times easier than that
You just hit max level after teleporting around and facerolling all conent with zero challenge
I dont play these games for raiding so dont peddle me this just play mythic raids crap
>hands almost touch the feet, which are smaller than said hands which are attached to super long arms
>people fucking find this attractive
It's beyond me too
4 and a half hours to go boys.
It is going to be glorious shitstorm.
I am telling you.
why are you acting like classic doesn't exist at this very minute? people have gotten to 60 and done onyxia and MC and they're still playing. Before the census website got killed by blizz classic had a 3:1 active ratio with retail. You're also underestimating how absolutely casual people are. Majority of classic's pop isn't gonna do MC, much less clear it for months. Just hop on to a classic server, still lots of people at every single level who are just enjoying themselves.
Now, I don't disagree that there will be a drop off point where people who just don't care that much about raids will drop off because that's all that's left but its going to take a lot longer than a month or two. PvP BGs and honor system are gonna buy more time too.
Side note: classic pvp is infinitely better than retail's. Classic low level BGs are probably the best pvp over wow's entire lifespan. admittedly, the low level bracket classic pvp is absolutely a niche market.
Too bad bgs come in a later phase
But Phase 2 is gonna be a fucking wpvp warzone
People are still bitching about that now. "There's too many dailies, there's too much stuff to collect, there's too much gear to farm!"
Hopefully most of those people have permanently fucked off to Classic, but since they're mostly Vanilla LARPers who just parrot what their favorite streamer says, I doubt it.
>I want even less people in my already empty game
Nobody ever claimed retailers were smart.
seething spell clicker
it's bound to hit bingo, no matter what
our game will never feel empty you nitwit cross realm tech literally makes retail playable until the population drops below 1 server worth are you fucking retarded?
Plenty of people in my game. Fucking Brewfest crawls with people right now and Mechagon always has tons of people in it.
why even bother installing
What time are the timewalking dungeons out?
It's already September 24, where the fuck is the patch?
They'll be out by the time the servers come back up. Typically it would be at 11 a.m. ET but the servers will still be down during that time.
Is there something even more pathetic than somebody being excited for these completely gimped hallways because they are old?
Timewalking is the fastest way to level. I plan on getting several alts from 110 to 120 this week.
Except that is literally the case in BfA though.
MoP was fine, but looking at Nazjatar and Mechagon mount-rewarding meta achievements it literally is: play every day, every single day, no skipping, and you'll get it in 3 months - if you're lucky with RNG drops.
Can only play weekends or a few days a week? Too bad, if you miss the rotating world quests or rares it'll take you up to two years.
Of course! There's you!
Yeah, pretty much what I'm doing.
>It's bad that you can get cool mounts for doing completionist world content
Back to your containment game.
Cross realm is a placebo. Can you even trade with cross realm players or did they fix that?
When will we get the option to enable new models but have the rest stay 1.13.2?
No, but 1.13.2 did :^)
Fixed it for ya buddy
would make half goblins with that ass would milk my dick so well
Where the fuck did I write that idiot?
It's bad that you can't choose your own timeslots for progression like playing 5 hours in a weekend rather than being forced to log in every day to do the dailies and rares. MoP was never like that.
please moar also gib sauce
>We've come to the point where I can't ask people to name my Worgen and dubs gets it
Anyway, how are Blood DK in 8.2?
Worst of all the tanks.
Who even gives a fuck about this train wreck anymore.
Post more short stack goblins
Did they ever fix it so mythic+ isn't just about stacking rogues to skip trash?
>Dark Ranger
pls no I want QT goblin Tinker driving a mech.
They already did elves only class with DH.
yes sir
the patch comes out tomorrow,24th day is for American standard
5 more hours right?
around 4 hours until its out and a couple of more until players will reach the final.
I am going to watch Blizzard designer who is going to stream it.
who cares?
If my genes were so shit that they were recessive in affecting height, then Jr wasn't going to have an easy life anyway.
Feel free to have all the lanklet puss you want.
no one gives a fuck about the leveling autismo
Yes, yes it will.
How's tanking in BFA? I'm a warrior.
god I would love to pull out and climax onto her abs jesus fucking christ
Artist is SLB
They better remove factions so I can roleplay a proper goblin mercenary who fights anyone
>no eyelashes
5 more hours for Americans or for all of us? :O
US like it's been forever and ever. EU waits until Wednesday.
its been tuesday for burgerlanders and wednesdays for europooers for 15years now
but hey anything can change
so unfair desu
wish me luck frens
Movie ID 903 - 3:18 Min Long
Audio FileID: 3075714
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Movie ID 904 - 6:18 min Long
Audio FileID: 3075719
Subtitle FileID: 3075720
Movie FileID: 3075717 - 1920x1080 - 188mb
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Calling it now, first one hits today and it has Saurfang's death, turning him into a martyr.
Hi Taliesen.
It's a goblin, not a short human.
Normalfags already have four breeds of elf and two types of humans.
When is the patch out for NA?
Its the 24th already
>that little tease of labia
Someone on the Blizzard art team is definitely cultured.
Goblins canonically evolved to breed like rabbits because they have an incredibly short lifespan from blowing themselves up
do they blanda up with white boys?
New mommy soon.
Goblins will do anything if they get paid even if it leads to their death.
>shortstack with massive hands
at least they can give good handjobs with regular sized human hands, I wonder if their feet are regular sized too
What's the update? Room brightness?
How are game files encrypted exactly?
I don't believe it is that hard to decipher them for dataminers.
the thing in your pic has normal hands as well as all goblin fanart
fucking coombrains
will they charge less for snu snu if it's with a white boi?
Guess what happens in the final cutscene of the war campaign
cope classifag
Update: MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 09/24: Warcraft: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM (PDT)
They simply stopped releasing the full files. The data is just gibberish until they release the final pieces now.
what is it? is it a titan watcher?
The time it took for Blizzard to finally make goblins a playable race was bullshit. I dont even play wow anymore, I'm just happy to see more shortstack porn.
oh it can be, you can make it so hard that even deciphering any evidence in your computer takes so long that tax evasion crimes' statues of limitations kick in Germany.
And Germs have the latest NATO military tier tech to do it.
Blizz made a good decision on hiring their encrypter.
I guess putting the cutscenes on youtube themeslves before the game was even out wasn't a good business strategy in the end.
Boom, Stormwind defenses gone, Sylvanas sails in with a fleet and captures it while the rebels and Alliance are fortifying Thunder Bluff/ attacking Orgrimmar.
Sylvanas puts on the Ice Crown
Arthas' sister miraculously brought back from the dead and touched with the light
how's that possible thou?
Calia Menethil, Arthas' elder sister and heir to Lordaeron, raised as a lightforged undead by Anduin and Alonsus Faol.
Look again you lying, meme addicted fuck.
One hand is taking up half her torso. Canon proportions.
I don't fuck with normalfag shit.
The writing is just so....boring
Who even wanted goblins as playable race? At all? I can't imagine anyone in the playerbase asking for them. They work best as neutral faction.
>bad writing not the free space
seethe more retailer
So how are they going to eliminate Azerite as a plot element when the time comes?
based post more cutie gobbies
>goblin tech
pick one
Azeroth dies and no more azerite.
>Valeera got new model
It only took about 6 expansions until she became relevant, but it will finally happen.
Azeroth dies, Sylvanas possesses the world-soul and fuses with it, becoming a goddess of undeath.
>huge maintenance before release
Are they actually crazy enough to actually change the game?
get assblasted by cross realm tech while you cry on your dead realms kek
it will scatter into air like ashes, never to been or talked about again (excluding Seething Shore).
sylvanas stabs a massive sword into the world and we have to purge its corruption by dumping the azerite from the heart into it
oh wait
At this point I am willing to believe something this stupid will happen
>Blizzard's spin off game got new models 4 years faster than WoW
No idea, I never asked for them either back when I played, I just like their proportions now.
On the other hand, what playable race, maybe besides Bloodelves, did people ask for to be implemented all those years ago. I only remember murlocs lol
>Horde is forgiven
By whom exactly? Death to the Alliance and death to the traitors!
>Another comfy alliance town gets destroyed
You're psychotic, my dude.
> it will be midnight when maintenance ends
well, at least I'll have a good morning tomorrow
Superhero and god character focus killed the WoW story/setting. Also not!cthulhu shit is so overdone.
Your butthurt doesn't change the facts.
>lightforged undead
Thank god i stopped playing years ago
Real question, HOW does this take so long?
Lux Vult motherfucker.
>literally who npc get cool model updates
>player characters look like dogshit with almost no customization options
But the narrative!
to be fair it's just unique armor set and hair, the model and face is regular BE
When are we getting the war campaing cinematics?
Classic already did.
how difficult is it to add height, muscle or fat sliders and add separate eye colors, noses, mouths and shit? literally every other MMORPG has it
3-4 hours
I love classic, but damn classes feel same bad as on BFA, maybe i'm just that tired of tab combat.
The only way to save WoW is make classes unique and interesting to play.
their armor system is shit from early 00s they haven't changed. they can't do that without remodeling EVERYTHING for new system
Give me mists of pandaria
I didn't play up to legion since wotlk, how was DK in mists? In legion it felt exactly like ICC DK for the most part, which is fucking terrible compared to Ulduar DK.
The first one should drop ina few hours. War campaign is probably timegated over a few weeks until Blizzcon and final cinematic will be in the finale.
Jokes on you, I want to fuck female Pandaren. But nobody, unless ironic, asked for Pandaren
Post shortstack gobs
does it mean BFA is finally over?
Everyone who played WC3 and knew the Brewmaster hero unit asked for Pandaren.
Then kids who never played WC3 and only knew Kung Fu Panda started shitting on MoP and Pandaren even though MoP was peak WoW.
furries asked for them though
not even that its been 15 years and humans still cant have basic shit like a wizard beard.
Good thing we have store mounts
After that they most likely will make a new raid in 8.3
That’s would be the end
Nowdays they play the long con and trust that waiting for 75% of an expansion, then grinding for another month and a half to fly. In zones there's literally zero need to ever touch again, or in flight-disabled new areas (argus) will eventually grind peoples will to """""earn""""" flying every few years down to nothing.
Blizzcon 2025 Ion will announce between wheezes as his body attempts to maintain life function and an erection the size of his left leg. That the numbers are in and not enough people complete pathfinder, so flight is being scrapped for realsies
WoD ended abruptly enough, BFA not that popular either.
all those things are procedural these days, devs don't have to do much actual artwork to make it look good
blizzard is stuck in the past
Allied race gray humans is coming.
Brewmaster was a silly character that made spergs claps their hands, he was a neutral dude too, yet goblins were a horde faction and became neutral in wow.
An emotionally damaged group of people want something horrible, indeed.
Yeah no one wanted them, that's why they were almost the Alliance race in TBC until Blizzard retconned the Draenei.
People were asking for playable Pandaren since they found Chen's keg in vanilla.
Smart play. Timewalkers are the only tolerable way to level. If you have gold you walk out and buy the gear to go do whatever.
I meanwhile will be on classic
>yet goblins were a horde faction
not in WC3
Dranei were shit too, none of it should ever have been made.
>tfw no upright undead
>tfw no upright worgen
I love how Blizzard didn't manage to make these coats playable armor.
Even to this day, 70% of "armor" is just a 2D texture.
how are the upright trolls btw? many people use them?
>tfw no option to have eyebrows on a beardless night elf or gnome
Most played race on horde after belf
I shouldn't have said horde faction, but they still worked with Thrall multiple times, as mercenaries sure, but that still makes more a faction than the Pandaren ever were.
Goblins were going to be a playable race in vanilla but plans changed. There was also supposed to be a third faction, the Demon faction.
>tfw no upright undead
This mindset is what killed WoW. Everything has to be morally gray, everything need to be heroic, everything needs to be in the spotlight. It was much better in the old days where you had a more classical good vs bad setting. Everyone had their place and that made everyone unique.
I wouldn't be surprised if the faction merge comes soon, Orcs in Stormwind wouldn't even stand out at this point.
WoW needed better customization and models, not more races.
Joke's on you, I just want to produce more goblin girls
Pretty sure he meant upright as in standing straight
Don't forget Ogres and Nagas were considered as playable races.
Im not so sure about that. I'm 6'2"and I had kids with a 4'9" thai woman and although we had all girls they all wound up being quite a bit taller than their mother.
MMOs are the one genre of game that I wish was wiped off the face of the planet. There is nothing good about them, and only cause problems to those playing them, the people around them, and the industry as a whole.
Not a merge, faction identity is too important, but I fully expect cross-faction grouping for neutral quests, dungeons and raids. Replacing PvP servers with optional War Mode was the first step.
>allied races were the perfect opportunity to bring in exotic races that wouldn't be playable otherwise
>lol jk have reskins
Jesus fucking Christ Blizzard.
A whole new faction could have potential. I would love to see something completely out of left field from Wow, not that i'll ever play it again even if it happens but I can still enjoy the freakshow it would create lol
allied races were a mistake to begin with, things like dark iron/highmountain should've been tied into their original races creation, while anything actually new should've been added as belves/draenei etc were.
>everyone at blizzard hyping this patch up to get everyone to resub
>it's timegated for 5 weeks so you have to get 2 months worth of game time to see the conclusion
And all you faggots will fall for it.
>A whole new faction could have potential
It really wouldn't, at least from a gameplay perspective. They'd either have to be a neutral faction that could side with horde or alliance on a whim, in which case nothing really changes, or they'd just be their own full faction, and every pvp match with all sides involved would go something like this
>team 2 and 3 are locked in a heated battle over second place
>team 1 coasts to victory practically uncontested
t. ffxiv player
Overwatch is dying
>porn posting increases
Retail is dying
>porn posting increases
Jokes on you I haven't played since last November and I still monitoring everything that happens in the game equally storywise and mechanics wise.
Tonight I will watch the stream to see what is it all about and will enjoy the shitstorm.
I'm only resubbing once the anniversary event starts in November.
Sorry I should have been more clear.
>It would have been a shitshow and I would laugh.
t. faggot who plays guild wars2 yet hates mmos
>STILL no playable Ogres
Let it be real. It would be such a beautiful shitstorm.
Adding new races like the belves/draenei requires significantly more resources and time, that's why it doesn't happen every expansion. Allied races is the best way to get races like Ogres since Blizzard could just reuse assets from WoD and make a small starting zone for them.
>STILL no playable Nagas
Fixed that for you. Ogres are too big.
The only way to make pvp fun again is to have shared queues for BGs and make a world pvp dedicated zone where its FFA unless you are grouped.
Think dalaran sewers but on a zone wide scale with neat rewards from a unique currency.
Faction vs faction doesn't work when its imbalanced as fuck and queues are unbearable on horde.
you get that just for resubbing?
it says you gotta do some events or something
sylvanas is only working for sylvanas. she's not gonna be a boss and she'll probably quit being warchief when she's secured a Future For THe Forsaken or whatever other nazi ideology they get done shoving down her throat
I reinstalled retail since I had game time from classic
I just don't get it, I reinstalled my addons, did the brewfest dungeon, walked around and alt-f4'd
I just felt no motivation to do anything in that game
No you just have to do 3 LFR raids where you fight TBC Wrath and Cata bosses
I kinda don't want it now.
Are you trying to tell me you DIDN'T want to do a bunch of shitty quests to empower your infinite grind necklace?
LFR anniversary raid, ilvl 380 requirement:
NEW Chromie's Memory: Burning Crusade
Kael'thas Sunstrider
Lady Vashj
NEW Chromie's Memory: Wrath of the Lich King
Heigan the Unclean
The Lich King
NEW Chromie's Memory: Cataclysm
If you don't have a 100% uptime on shield block and ignore pain you die.
Fuck you Ion, give me some actual gameplay first
> Alliance and Horde will fight side by side against Sylvanas until Bolvar eventually appears and starts killing Horde leaders – first to go is Lor'themar. Bolvar will then side with Taelia and the Alliance. Sylvanas will shoot Genn in response, prompting the intermission.
>During the intermission, all of the Horde leaders will rejoin Sylvanas.
>Sylvanas declares that we're now strong enough to face the true battle for Azeroth.
The ruse cruise was going swell until user fucked up with these parts.
Still, Shadowlands is very likely to be the new expansion, just not like that. 8.3 will be Ny'alotha.
Any leak where Greymane or Anduin dies would be fake.
There are files in the game with propaganda materials that would be used in the future about Anduin, Genn and Calia.
So these can't die.
You mean those Scarlet Crusade pamplets datamined back in 8.1?
Yes. Them.
There's supposedly a Scarlet Halls scenario with Sylvanas' Dark Rangers too, but they didn't manage to decrypt it.
Still, how many times are the Scarlet Crusade going to be killed off "for good". The DK's did it again in Legion.
?? Undead Jaina now leader of the Horde?
I think they're going to surprise us with a small 2-3 boss mini-raid a la ToV. The way they've been encrypting this patch and how it leads up to Blizzcon makes me think they want to salvage BfA still in a big way.
>STILL not having a 3rd faction
Scarlet Crusade or Scourge fucking when?!
It's Arthas' sister
That's Calia.
I think they encrypt it because they know its shit so they want to as less shitstorm as possible.
I love DKs, this darth vader vibe is so good.
but I hate retail. the suffering.
>be Blizzard
>created ToC that no one fucking liked
>bring back same formula in legion as ToV that no one liked again
>prob gonna bring another similar one that no one asked for
It's too stupid that I actually believe Blizzard will do this.
We do what the living cannot!
So whens this happening?
More like because they didn't want people to cancel their sub before the patch is out.
Anarchy Online is older and you can chose between Slim, medium or thicc build.
If you're burger then they will start maintenance in 20 minutes I think. I don't know how long will it take but after that we would be able to at least watch streams.
I'm still fucking mad at the incel retard who said her outfit was "near-burqa" last thread
1 hour 20 minutes, give about 30 mins for quests to be finished and cinematic unlocked. So 2 hours.
The writers are not the problem. It's the developers.
It's very arabesque, perhaps even islamific, if you will
is redemption happening? for every two wods blizz makes one legion
will it get better?
tfw trying to post the only SFW posts from your Goblins folder and heir are duplicates in the thread
That looks quite clearly gothic to me but whatever.
>slim build
This is problematic
Both the devs and the lead """writers""" are to blame. They tell the rest of the writing team something COOL and METAL and EDGY to happen and make them come up with a way for it to happen.
Like throwing lego pieces in hot oil then telling them to make a Death Star out of it.
No consistency or long term thinking, or just thought in general, which is why they pull so many retcons out their ass.
They've been my favorite race since WC3, since the goblin alchemist was the only hero I could get any success with in DoTA LANs.
I wanted to play them long before I wanted to fuck them.
pandaren suprisingly looks better than every race that got updated so no
Sometimes it's just writing. But people will always be angry.
Alori or Assumi bros?
Well, how many races does it have? It's basically the equivalent.
none of it matters. story is not the point of MMO.
It has nothing to do with popularity. WoD was largely unfinished, and since then they plan stuff out in advance. In fact WoD was one of the more popular expansions at launch, everybody had hopes for it. The little content it does have isn't bad.
4? and no it's not.
>WoD was largely unfinished
because nobody cared. by the time they were in position to finish anything it was dead.
>killing off a horde leader every expansion
bravo blizzard, now this is writing.
Goldshire is now owned by the murlocs
What do you mean? It was a big success, initially. And even before that there were major changes to things they had in the alpha and previews, showing that they were cutting content everywhere. Every had a reason to care.