What is the better system?

What is the better system?

>you collect and discard hundreds of weapons as you level up until you find the legendary weapon


>you have only one weapon that is your companion that you upgrade throughout the journey

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The inbetween you have a few diff class of weps that you keep forever and upgrade system

First if I have to choose but why not both? All weapons you can level up. But the best one is the one you start with fully upgraded, your characters signature weapon. Kino.

i like when you choose a weapon at the start but it changes appearance and gains abilities after upgrades. like making the master sword in skyward sword, not my favorite zelda game but i liked the idea of improving the sword.

i prefer
>the starting weapon is portrayed as a shitty useless weapon that you should discard for new weapons but is actually used to make the ultimate weapon that outclasses all of them

third option
you have a huge arsenal of different weapons and you are free to pick whichever ones you like and stick with them
souls games do it the best

one weapon that you can upgrade, it can shift forms and abilities and basically has it's own talent tree, each upgrade physically changing it's design. In the end it's a masterpiece just to look at. I think fable 3 attempted something like this but it didn't pan out as well.

why not both
you can swap if you want
but you can also upgrade your starter weapon

This is one of the things I liked the most about Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2's upgrade system, the weapons look more ornate and impressive as you level them up and gain more moves
Memories of acquiring the Broken Straight Sword in Demons Souls comes to mind

I like the idea of weapons having their own talent trees and you can swap styles and builds easily.

They're both stupid in a vacuum

the souls games did weapons just about perfectly

i just want weapons i can customize and change. i wanna have weapons where i can sit in a customization screen for hours customize changing every single part of them with different stuff and then enchant/upgrade whatever them with different things.

>Dozens of usable weapons in a sea of shit
The longer the tooltip, the better it is

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Hundreds of weapons but each one somewhat unique with like moveset, scaling or different special attack.

You collect hundreds of versions of various types of weapons until you find a set of legendary ones.

the second.
fuck lootershit.

As a added bonus. You then modify and enhance the legendary ones you acquire.

A small pool of unique weapons that can all be upgraded to stay relevant

Is Bloodborne like this? I spent hours upgrading the Saw cleaver but recently spent all my stored echoes on Ludwigs Holy Blade and levelled it up.

It depends:
If you collect a lot of weapons, does it gives you different options and moves? Or does it just change numbers?

nah that game doesnt have enough weapons to really have a worse option. i was thinking more of artorias greatsword where you need a broken straight sword

It depends on the game, really. I feel like Nioh overdid it a bit with the item drops, but for the most part it was fun gathering cool looking shit and reforging it. I feel like it made sense in Sekiro to use only one sword, but the alternative items got a bit ridiculous at times. That's what this thread is about, those two games.

The one where you get a bunch of increasingly better weapons but you can't discard your starting weapon and towards the end of the game there is a secret side quest that unlocks an item that turns your starter into the best weapon in the game.

It's been a long time but wasn't Ninja Gaiden 2 like that?

those two options are usually found in vastly different games. Games with huge loot pools usually revolve around collecting treasure, and it is a reward for completing lots of little quests.

games where you stick with a few weapons are usually way more skills based, since you can't force the player to git gud at the retarded difficulty, and then throw a different weapon at them, with completely different stats and characteristics.

personally, I like the kinds of games that give you a handful of weapons, and make them upgradeable. Like Bayonetta, for example, or certain RPGs. those usually aren't as deep as games where you only have one weapon, but they do give you a lot more variety in how you play.

One weapon but with a dozen functions. It does not change or upgrade. The player learning how to use it is the only progression needed.

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EBF has a nice middle ground of upgrading an entire arsenal of specialized weapons.

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If I had to choose between the two, I'd go for the latter. The first option has a lot more problems; sometimes you waste money on a weapon that gets replaced really quickly, sometimes you render a bunch of quest rewards invalid because you lucked out and got a really powerful weapon, and while I have grown to appreciate sequence breaking, it's a bit of a cop out when a game ends up having a dominant strategy that people end up abusing (I'm looking at you Drake Sword)

botw would honestly have done better if the weapons like great flame blade were only obtainable once and they'd stop working like master sword only for you to have to repair them to use them again. And mops and bokoblin bats would well off just break. Durability should last longer too.