What are some video game characters whose motivations have been grossly misinterpreted by fans?

What are some video game characters whose motivations have been grossly misinterpreted by fans?

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Yo why the fuck is Gohan so shit in Super?

Is the left the correcy translation? Holy fuck it makes him less of a pussy.

gohan more like bitchhan, lmao shit ass half breed

It's the more accurate meaning behind the original dialogue. Gohan was subtlety threatening Cell when he said he doesn't want to kill anybody.

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Gohan is a pussy ass bitch either way, which shits all over his established character.

Who the fuck cares about Soihan?

What the fuck am I looking at? A translation of a translation?

>reads left to right

I'm at a mental block here, what's the word that describes someone trying to be nice but still talking shit at the same time?

Passive aggressive?


Close but not exactly

That's it, thanks


That too

>Son "I never earned anything in my life" Gohan
Miss me with that trash.

I get chills when a saiyan reaches a new power level.

>They can't read Japanese

Just watch his behavior on literally the beginning of the next Saga.
Gohan likes fightning too, he was hella excited for the martial arts tournament, he just doesn't like to kill.

>he was hella excited for the martial arts tournament

No he wasn't, he was blackmailed into it by Videl. He was only excited to see Goku.

Cell is the best smug anime girl

Reminder that the last Saiyan to emit a Great Ape roar when they achieve a new form in the current arc is usually the one who's destined to defeat the current big bad.

Gohan defeated Vegeta
Goku defeated Frieza
Gohan defeated Cell
Goku defeated Kid Buu

I don't remember if Goku or Vegeta made any great ape roars prior to the Universe Survival Arc

You have to be completely shit at reading in-between-the-lines to think he wasn't excited.
Hell, he didn't even have to train for the martial arts tournament and skip school.
Rather, just look at him sparring with goten, he was having a ton of fun fightning.

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Cloud. Granted, anything with him in it after was the fan interpretation and it sucked.

>he was hella excited for the martial arts tournament

Gohan didn't train at all after he defeated Cell, Vegeta mentions how his power level was almost exactly the same as when he was a kid. Gohan was never a fighter, he was always dragged into them against his will and when he finally defeated Cell, he was finally able to relax.

Even in Super is an important plot point that Gohan has to force himself into training again after the whole Saiyaman movie stuff as he realized he needed to fight in order to protect his new family. At best you hear him saying that it was his saiyan blood what made him feel excited when he fought during the exhibition match.

Squall too.

did gohan really call majin buu a retard to his face?

I miss dbz

Nothing you've said implies Gohan doesn't like to fight, only that he was lazy/slacked off or didn't care about training, there's multiple parts of the start of Buu Saga that imply that he does like to fight though.

James Bond. They thought he was doing it for England

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Gwyndolin did nothing wrong

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Uh... no. He was excited becasue it meant he could see Goku again.