Formerly based game developer turns out to be cringe

>formerly based game developer turns out to be cringe

is there a worse feel

Attached: hopoo cringe.png (1314x997, 314K)

>implying this is the issue and not RoR2 being fucking terribly balanced and playtested by valve playtester-tier retards

Phoneposting retards named OP who spam Yea Forums with Twitter screencaps every fucking day

I am sure all those shootings were law abiding gun owners and not Chimpcagos who got their hands on shitty handguns.


Mass shooting is defined as like 3 or more people being shot at. Black people skewer our statistics like literally every other crime since they commit so many.

i live in Mexico and you can bet there has been more than 3 mass shooting lmao

Most of those in the US are nigger drivebys, but the media will never point that out.

Exactly, the shootings hopoo is discussing are the ones where many people die and usually by the hand of an AR15. It’s not like OP hasn’t posted this bait before.

>Brazil: 1
What the fucking shit? This is just a blatant lie.

Even if you omit things like black gang violence there's still way more mass shootings in America than anywhere else. Most of it is shit like some guy killing his wife and kids.

they just don't get reported
hell, this week 23 people were killed for just standing near a bar

I don’t doubt us has the highest gun violence but that data is skewed. For one US definition of mass shooting is different than other countries and we keep changing it to fit higher numbers. To have a fair comparison it needs to compare violent crimes through any means such as knives, vans, etc. guns are outlawed in lots of those places so no shit the numbers are low. Doesn’t mean there aren’t mass killings through other means

You're retarded and/or illiterate

those are not counted as they classify as a natural death for chimps

Drug dealer or gang fight shootouts do not count

For all we know, hollow got bluepilled during ror 2's development and that's why the game is shit.

That's the thing! They do in the USA

If a shooting has killed or hurt 3 people or more, it's a "mass shooting" and counts as +1 for the USA, but not in Brazil or Mexico. Now imagine how much gang related shootings move those numbers up.

All these countries are with different metrics.

What we actually call a "mass shooting" would be way lower for the USA (no more than 10 this year, I believe, and 4 in Brazil as far as I know) and if we pick the definition being for the USA to be for all other countries, Brazil and Mexico would be way higher then the USA numbers.

shit, I rewrote this halfway in and fucked it up, but I think you got the message

Imagine getting this triggered at someone posting statistics.

>South America is a crime-free paradise
Does liberalism make people retarded or are they just retarded before that?

Go look up how many people die annually by all rifles, not just AR-15's. Hint:

Canadian user here, we have shootings 24/7. Fucking 24/7. It's always the somalis or the haitians or the jamaicans. But it's illegal to say so or else Trudeau will have you silenced.

It's only in America and Mexico that people need to quibble over exactly what counts as a mass shooting, user. Everywhere else it's pretty obvious when they happen.

>"Mass shootings"

Attached: moving-goalposts.jpg (800x600, 104K)

>mexico: 3

those retards actually believe that lmao