You are allowed to pick the next Smash DLC character, but they must be a villain. Who do you pick?

You are allowed to pick the next Smash DLC character, but they must be a villain. Who do you pick?

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The didact



Venom Snake ( Metal Gear MSX Villan)

Luca Blight


Based and eggpilled

Fawful is also acceptable

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Sephiroth, FF7 is more iconic than any game except Pokemon R/B, ALTTP, Ocarina of Time & Super Mario 64

Who else to choose?

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How would Sephiroth work? I feel like his range would invalidate all swordies. I think he'd play like a zoner

I'm getting the mother of all invites here Jack!

if ridley wasn't too big then neither is metal face


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King Boo

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Senator Armstrong makes smash great again!


Captain Maple Syrup

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Are Mewtwo, Wolf, and the Kirby antagonists really villains? They seem more like rivals that are interested in themselves more than doing bad things

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Metaknight and DDD aren't really villains, rivals at worst. Straight up allies most of the time now

This fucking Chad

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They aren’t a black and white definition of bad, but no one considers them good guys.

Never even played Soul Calibur, but he'd be cool as fuck.

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Came to post this

Also good, though people would bitch so hard about him using a sword

DJ Octavio to debut his kicking Samurai form. Have him fight with his sick Wasabi Beats.

Ah I see you are a Hom of culture as well.

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He'd be cool.


DDD used to be a villain. Wolf is a mercenary with a code of honor. He'll work for anyone that'll pay him, so his motives are questionable at best. That being said, he has helped Fox in the past.

Reminder that if you choose Edelgard's route but don't make her your lover then she will kill your lover before your wedding and then wear their skin.

If you're not picking Dr. Rrrrrobotnik, you're being an egghead. No other video game villain not in Smash is as iconic as he is. His moveset would cover 25+ years of bossfights, he would be yet another glorious heavyweight (probably the highest tier, being the rrrrrenowned genius doctor that he is), and he would have the finest selection of alternate costumes rrrrreferencing his many variations. You rrrapscallions better change your mind at once or else you'll join Scrrratch and Grrrounder in the scrrrap pile.

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is this true or shitposting? didn't play the games

The absolute best


K.Rool, Ridley, and Dark Samus are the only out and out villains.
>ganondorf wanted the best for his people but got way too deep into eldritch dark magic shit and corrupted by power and desire for power
>dedede is disagreeable at his worst and legitimately does care about his subjects
>bowser's only a villain on the clock and has shown repeatedly to be a really chummy dude when he's off the clock
>bowser jr. just wants dad's approval
>metaknight just wants a good fight and absolutely refuses to be underhanded about it
>wolf just does what he's paid to do and had eschewed that to do the right thing before
>mewtwo just wants to be left alone and really only rampages in self defense


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Pic related plus Eggman

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But in the Banjo trailer K Rool takes a nap with DK and Diddy



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Also Marx

You could argue that Dark Samus is just following its primitive nature. After all, she/it is only really a Metroid


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Chaos from SA:DX. I need the wet, stretchy lad

He would be super based

>Hedgehog Stew Remix
>stuck forever on the shitty Sonic stages

That thing's sapient enough to know what it's doing.

Black Shadow. Falcon's been the sole flag bearer of F-Zero for 20 years. It's time that changed.

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Mah Knigga!

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I'd prefer Samurai Goroh, even if he's more comic relief than an actual rival.

Although I think Black Shadow is cooler, I'm not picky. I just want F-Zero to get a second rep. I will admit, Goroh deserves to get in. He's the last character from the Melee intro to not get in as playable.

>Cucks the shit out of Tracer
>One of the best written villains of all time
How could you pick anyone else?

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Uhh, Venom?


Revolver Ocelot.

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Hell, if they do include a DMC character, I'd say muh boi has about a 25% chance of getting in over Dante anyway.

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Blizzard has explicitly said that, if anyone gets into Smash, they want it to be Diablo.


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The 2035 incarnation of Dracula.

Dark Matter

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Finally, some Wario Land representation

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my waifu

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Hell yeah motherfucker
Obligatory echo


King p

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The villain from F-Zero
Black Shadow fags do not need to apply

Porky, Skull Kid or Captain Syrup.

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i'd be unironically pleased with this
based and chadpilled
only thing is how would they make him play different from olimar, unless they just went with the echo fighter option

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i have to sorry

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Top tier choice

>most popular kirby villain only got a boss fight
>expecting el ratto to be playable

OP never said it had to be a likely character user

Eggman talks too much


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Better suited for Boss Rush.

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That's one blasted hedgehog!

Does Scorpion count as a villain

The bucculus would make a great villian for smash, considering it's already from the smash series

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Heihachi Mishima

Most based choice coming though

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Based and eggpilled

Just make Louie the bug king he really is. Add the final boss with Louie on it

my nigger

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>Final smash is releasing Uroboros into the atmosphere

Anyone else want Pyramid Head though? Not exactly feasible, but maybe they would.

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>There are people who want Marx despite only being in one game and already being playable in Star Allies
Everyone knows the correct answer for a playable Kirby villain is Dark Matter though Magolor would also be okay
>bowser's only a villain on the clock and has shown repeatedly to be a really chummy dude when he's off the clock
Bowser's totally unrepentant he just happens to be a bro to his own subjects.
How chummy he is with Mario varies depending on the game.

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Repeat this after me: I'll never take on a god again.

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Vile. It would never happen but I love this guy.

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Dude is basically an SNK Boss.

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>Top Pick
Metal Sonic
>Please Tell Me They Count