how come a small island nation in the Pacific has a video game industry that rivals and in many ways surpasses the rest of the world combined?
How come a small island nation in the Pacific has a video game industry that rivals and in many ways surpasses the rest...
>the rest of the world combined?
You mean America?
>and in many ways surpasses the rest of the world combined?
I'd say that 90% of their games still look like early seventh gen games.
Depression and isolation breeds great art
Japan is not small. I wouldn't call any country with over 100 million people small. It's a pretty large globally impactful first world nation.
>3rd biggest economy in the world
Not even in the top 10 in terms of population and on track to dropping even more.
>the rest of the world combined
because it doesn't. it has a relatively large industry but it doesn't surpass north America and Europe combined.
Bruh 100+ million people is a lot of fucking people. It's not some little sub 10 million island.
cause the rest of the world contributes to society
>gookanon posts the same image again
Is that screenshot their national or something?
>dude, my epik graphix
Never gets old.
t. btfo'd jap
Because policies of isolationism have kept them genetically and culturally strong.
Literally a nation of no life incel betas.
Gooks on /int/ speaking in broken English are always white guys larping
BUT user! If you can barely run a game on medium settings with the newest 2000$ hardware, what's even the point?
anyone with a brain can realize that actual asians don't type like that and it's just dudes larping with proxies
They got an early start and used that to keep growing the industry
Had to be good at something since their art, music, movies, and sculptures are all shit.
That's gooks tho. They have to study in school everyday until 11pm. So many of gook kids have to wear glasses.
I love Italian Renaissance but come on, they had their own neat thing going on.
They were huge players in the electronics market as a whole in the 80s and 90s.
They make games because they have an idea and want to make a game, unlike the west that just has some hipster faggot looking for a meme job and an excuse to spew twitter politics to a captive audience.
>They make games because they have an idea and want to make a game, unlike the west that just has some hipster faggot looking for a meme job and an excuse to spew twitter politics to a captive audience.
Might be partly down to how we treat celebrity through craftsmanship differently. We don't venerate craftsmen in America anymore. Success, through whatever avenue, is a ticket to fame and notoriety. It doesn't matter if you got your fame through putting rubber balls into hoops or singing well or writing interesting stories. The fame is kind of it's own thing separate from the craft.
In Japan, they have a lot of mass-produced crap, craftsmanship is still venerated. If you produce clay pots for a living, then your identity is subservient to what you bring to the craft. You're expected to follow tradition and hone your skills. Who you are is less important than what you do, and fame is usually bound up in techniques and styles that are passed along family lines in generations of craftsmen. In the west, the personality and proclivity of the developer (especially a big name) is far more likely to influence the product as an individual expression, even if the game suffers for it.
So when it comes to a games, a Japanese developer is far more likely to look at the finished product and ask "What can I do to make the game better", than a western dev who is more likely to look at a finished product and ask "how can I leverage this to boost my image".
his image is a very old one comparing a woodblock print to drawings.
Wrong. Chinky games are boring as fuck and all look the same
>0 Comments about "redditfrog"
That's weird, usually they show up near the start of the thread