Just catched Groundhog Day here on SNES in my country .. and I'm wondering...

Just catched Groundhog Day here on SNES in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more games with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions.

I love time travel games .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..

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Groundhog Day got a full blown sequel for VR

im not joking youtube.com/watch?v=SUcbnGziH8k

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Looks kinda dumb

it's shit.

i love VR but the game is really not that fun, or engaging, it's also full of niggers and a terrible sequel.


Majoras mask

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There’s an element of that in Doki Doki Literature Club and Undertale but it’s subtle

Outer Wilds

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a literal shit game, but Akiba's Beat is about a repeating sunday (the first achievement is literally called "it's groundhog day" or something)
you can also watch Suzumiya Haruhi season 2, "endless eight". It was fun to watch when it aired


Looks kinda dumb

Wait, what? Is this real?

I cant tell anymore.

I honestly don’t know. There’s a music track for it on YouTube but that’s about all I can find.

Edge of Tomorrow

Ephemeral Phantasia. Enjoy

When they cry series puts many people off because of the repeating groundhog day like structure, but the VNs themselves are pretty good


Huh. Actually looks pretty neat. Might check it out user

Majora's Mask is an obvious one.

So are the Kindergarten games, both 1 and 2.


Kino game


The Sexy Brutale.

Yeah, shitty licensed game. I always see it in full rom sets.

Prey 2017


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When they cry series puts many people off because of the repeating groundhog day like structure, but the VNs themselves are pretty good

I cant tell anymore.

Wait, what? Is this real?

it's shit.

i love VR but the game is really not that fun, or engaging, it's also full of niggers and a terrible sequel.

it's shit.

i love VR but the game is really not that fun, or engaging, it's also full of niggers and a terrible sequel.

Looks kinda dumb


Majoras mask

Attached: 1569298367113.png (277x300, 93K)

pretty gay to be desu

Hey Yea Forums, don’t you tell me you don’t remember me, because I sure as heckfire remember you.

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Imagine thinking this game is anything short of a masterpiece. Imagine thinking it isn't kino. Imagine being so braindead, being such a stupid fucking nigger, that instead of praising this game for it's artistic and technical integrity, it's innovative, groundbreaking gameplay, that you do the opposite and dislike it for trivial things that are moreso your own personal problems than the games, such as "muh stress and anxiety", "muh crippling depression", "muh Boomer wait times". In fact, if I met any one of the retarded faggots making these whiney arguments, I'd punch them over and over then drag them by the hair until their face rips across the concrete.

Guys what the fuck is going on

Ephemeral Phantasia. Enjoy

I honestly don’t know. There’s a music track for it on YouTube but that’s about all I can find.

Battletoads feels similar to this movie if you play it without save states

What the fuck is this fucking thread

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Can we just ban all these ESL street shitters finally?

>Sony pictures

Guys what the fuck is going on

I cant tell anymore.

I'm just surprised the movie never got some LJN/Hi-Tech platforming garbage on SNES.

watch Endless Eight

Didn't we just have this thread yesterday?

I was in the morgue yesterday.

The Persona games technically are a repeating year.

what the fuck

I'm pretty sure there's no such game
GTF back to Yea Forums

Looks kinda dumb

what the fuck

Prey 2017


Maybe not exactly what you mean, but in Way of the Samurai you just play over the span of a few days and you repeat those over and over to take different paths.

Bravely Default
Majora's Mask

Just catched Groundhog Day here on SNES in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more games with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions.

I love time travel games .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..


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Hey Yea Forums, don’t you tell me you don’t remember me, because I sure as heckfire remember you.

Attached: Ned.png (740x409, 431K)

Guys what the fuck is going on

Honest answer here:
Astroboy for GBA. I don't remember anything about it but I wrote in my faggy kid diary that "it was the best game ever".

Faggy kid you had pretty based taste. Omega Factor is a legitimately good game. It was developed by Treasure, who previously made Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Radiant Silvergun and Sin & Punishment.

>groundhogbreaking gameplay

I really need to find the time to play it again.

It's not a real game.

my cart was defective. it kept reseting to the first level

Looks kind of Californian.

go back to school retard
looks like what I'd expect from a SNOY game

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lol wonder if the 40% pepe stages are still up

Eye Divine cybermancy if you are willing to finish the game numerous time
Succubus Prison, you get caught by succubus in their own house and they just want to suck out your life force, everytime they do, you travel back in time after they caught you so you live in an eternal loop of trying to break free and getting snu snu at the same time

Just catched Groundhog Day here on SNES in my country .. and I'm wondering.. is there any more games with this 'repeating the same day' theme? Not as good as Groundhog Day for sure.. but gimme some suggestions.

I love time travel games .. and this theme is sort of time travel ..

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