The only good HEs

The only good HEs

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Other urls found in this thread:

Too subtle OP


Funeral isn’t even that good. Motherfucker will get out anytime you interact with him in the late game

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fujo get out

I'm surprised there was a thread so early. At least it lets me post my art and get the filename code from them for future use.

Lets see if this thread stays alive. I finished this piece of trash a little while ago and I want to kill myself. All the eyes on the weapon and suit are animated and the big one itself is rigged. Took way too long and was way too detailed for my sanity.

Attached: Spider Bud.jpg (1920x1080, 512K)

Do an easy abno next time, like 1.76MHz or Dimensional Refraction Variant

Stop fucking worrying so much about jannies and learn the difference between a 404 or an actual deletion, If the OP of the thread that had the LoR Angela Picture is around, you are a big clerk, not everyone in these threads finished the game and even less gotten the true ending

If you are going to make a "subtle" thread keep in mind newcomers, we had a thread earlier today with a new manager, and I highly doubt he will know about this thread is about.

Last thread felt like a very good thread imo. Especially with the presence of newcomers being the soul and the meaning for these threads.

Threads with Malcutebutt should return, she's second most recognizable character after Angela

Looks great blenderanon

At least seeing Malkuth trying to remind me about the manual just felt appropriate

What is this circlejerk shit even about?

Monster management. You take on the role of a manager and it is your job to work on entities known as abnormalities to both learn about what makes them tick, strength your employees, and most importantly to gather energy from working on them. Aside from the simplistic visuals it has some pretty interesting game mechanics and intriguing lore of the setting.

Which one

The game's front page will probably explain it better than I can

soulful SCP tycoon game made by gooks



Jew mythology

Everyone forgets about Christian mythology just because tree is Jewish

What do you think she got?

Attached: 1569222862024.png (986x690, 20K)

Free shit obviously

I'm following the guide to extract textures but I inevitably get an error before I get to the EGO suits, which is what I want.
Can someone just dump all the textures somewhere?

>literally everything except suits gets extracted successfully
>extracting the suits by themselves doesn't work but every other texture works
Can someone please dump them before i get an aneurysm from this

Someone could do it before so it us possible. What program do you use to extract anything?

UnityEX after Unity Studio and UABE didn't work

I'll try it out myself. Sounds more productive than just shitposting

Suits are named "[abno name]_00001.tex" or something similar

There was a mega with SOME
But I don’t have the link...

Carmen's bucket is mine.

Attached: Adam1.png (710x794, 174K)

How kino would it be if A appeared like this in LoR?

Angela and Binah would both get soaking wet at the mere sight of Adam.


Attached: Yes.png (849x1200, 474K)

The weak (Adam) should fear the strong (Ayin)

>3 panels and has goku crater reference

How big is Adam's dick?

Read the Manual

Attached: Mal.png (848x1200, 558K)

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Oh look, Binah is finally happy

She can be a very happy goddess given the right circumstances

Attached: B1B0E48B-2608-47AA-B2B9-0AC271A8B366.png (520x570, 89K)

A good bloodbath and Ayin is all she needs.

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Will this Bloodbath do? There's not much to kill down here and we would like to keep our agents if possible.

Attached: Bloodbath.jpg (1920x1080, 577K)

>Binah and Ayin soaking in Carmen's suicide bath
I have no rational way to describe my feeling towards this.

Is this the true reason why he wanted more abnos?

Is it still possible to get plague doctor after day 41?

Yes, I don't see reason it won't be possible

>Is a midgame turbo justice trainer
>Easy to suppress
>Has a counter of 2 so allows for a slip up if you're avoiding him breaching

Can’t seem to extract it though

>The only good HEs

Attached: Z.png (219x230, 67K)

What exactly does the Snow Queen's gift do? Why is it the only UNKNOWN one?

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+6 HP/SP, strongest statboost gift beside wings

Yes but >implying any stat but Justice matters

Why is she smiling?

yeah, those +1% attack speed surely matter a lot, especially since they don't properly increase ranged weapon speed

>I have no rational way to describe my feeling towards this.
One word: Hot.

Attached: 1563404319271.jpg (2047x1712, 743K)

More health is always good though scales incredibly well with gear damage reduction as +6 HP is an effective 30 hp if you have 0.2 resistant gear.

Do you wear Gaze or Noise on your justice chad?

Alright boys, im going on a crusade. If ANY of you commits a SIN, you're all going to be in big trouble!

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thanks skullbro i cum on snek, she hiss at penis

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Cute snek!


Attached: qoh cuddle.jpg (841x1010, 230K)


What is right way to open dds files, tried GIMP and it opens only some on other has "DXGI format (99)" problem?


¡es el simio MariKong!
I have a Mega Chad whit all s gift on HP and or Regen… he can trade blows whit nothing there and rarely if ever need a healing bullet

In this game there exists an evil corporate organization called Lobotomy Corporation that captures and imprisons Abnormalities, creatures whose powers and existence defies common sense and common law. Despite the company's assurance that "they contain them for your protection", it becomes gradually more evident that a majority of these Abnos are docile and may in fact be benevolent. What makes it worse is that these poor creatures are experimented on and tortured, all in the name of "science". There's more to the lore but I won't get to that.

You play as a rebel insider, disguising himself/herself as a clerk, and going through hallways collecting information about the facility. Your main objective is to release these poor cute creatures so they can taste freedom again, but the release methods vary and you have to make sure your own position isn't compromised.

Good luck agent.

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Rate ordeals from easiest to hardest (no spoilers!)
for me
>dawn: violet, amber, green, crimson
>noon: violet (with prep time), crimson, indigo, green, violet (caught by surprise)
>dusk: green, amber, crimson
>midnight: green, amber (try, lose agents and reset), violet (instant reset)

Attached: dawn of crimson.png (700x700, 451K)

>dawn: violet, crimson, green, amber
>noon: violet, crimson, indigo, green
>dusk: amber, crimson, green
>midnight: green never actually done it but it seems the easiest to deal with., amber (takes 10000 years waiting for spawn caps and rotations), violet (i've done it a shitload of times so I'm used to it)

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Attached: 6zylxavl.jpg (1569x967, 302K)

dawn: violet, crimson, green, amber
noon: crimson, violet, green, indigo, violet ( first time only)
dusk: crimson, amber, green
midnight: green = amber, violet

also r < b < p < w

No! I’m spending all the LOB making even more Bongbongs

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This tread is too stealth

Just spoiler the name of the game each thread, usually that works for other game threads as well

Ok i'm back,so did you all behave yourse-

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