>current event is bugged
>cant do the shitty challenge quests
>Can't get that shitty dragon idol to NP5

The fuck is happening with this game

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Other urls found in this thread:


Meanwhile Arjuna Alter is a requirement to do easy challenges

They got your money and don't give a shit.

I hereby declare that Tamamo is best girl

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It's a fucking rerun, you should already have your shitty welfare.

DW can't into Challenge Quests

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I honestly cannot clear it.

I only just started it. What's the bug?

>playing EN

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you can't enter the western only servants challenge because some message will pop up and you will be kicked back to the title screen.
This pretty much blocks you from doing the other challenges.

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Wait, what? I was able to do the same thing with NP5 Jets.


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Global is dying. It's all over fatefags

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I genuinely don't know how you could enjoy playing this "game."

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Dopamine is a hell of a drug. Nothing gives a NEET weeb neckbeard that high quite like a scantily clad anime girl rolled at 1% chance after 500$ telling them they love them.

Charlotte a cute.

Not getting it free. What a lucklet

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Sheba soon

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should I roll for Cleo?

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Why the fuck didn't you get the shitty lizard last year?

Ok then

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>Expecting anything from Aniplex USA

how is it bugged? missing a copy of a hero liz as one of the rewards or something?

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You didn't even need to read 20 posts to find the answer to this question.

ah, i see

The only thing this character is good for are the bestiality doujins

>was going to try it out
>game won't even launch
>figure out it's not even optimized for android 10 yet
How the fuck does this shit make literal billions and it can't even run on modern android?

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Good thing I'm f2p. I'm just gonna ride out the event so I can level up my two favourite servants, Carmilla and Boudica as much as possible.

She'a a good assassin, but don't expect her to put you above her fat husband.

>He still plays the fucked version
>He still plays FGO at all

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There's quest requirement for western servants for the forest node. Even if you fulfill it, the game will say, nope, and boots you to the title screen.

as unlocking other areas require going through this node, it cucks out players of other copies of Brave Liz and some skill gems, and some lores.even if you have Liz already from last year, you can still burn those copies for 9 mana prisms.

As someone who started last year in the middle of Brave Liz event, I only got NP1 of her. so, unless they fix this, new players this year and last year who didnt get Liz will be cucked out

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Can you still get the welfare or is it and everything behind it just optional extra content like a challenge quest?

>free apoloquartz from a rerun bug
Sounds like a good deal to me, especially with Hokusai just around the corner

Enjoy your 10 bronze apples


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copies of Brave Liz are on nodes past the forest, unfortuntely, you have to clear the forest node to get to them. so its fucked

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>people still play the NA version
I can only explain this by sunken-cost fallacy and Stockholm syndrome.

I like to understand what I'm playing.

Sunken cost fallacy and stockholm syndrome are the core elements of any gacha game.

latelet problems

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nah. I was at level 65 in Azur Lane and spent around 600 hours on it and I stopped cold, deleted it and never looked again back in February.

>Dont care about dragon shits
>Just unlocked UMU Chaddette
Wow cares.


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she looks like she fucks horses

>EOP playing a story centered game with 0 context outside of reddit translations

Should I roll for Merlin or save for waifu mama roll in October

you don't need merlin as you can get him through supports. waver too.

the game is easy and you should only use the characters you like. for instance, if all your servants die you get one free revive.

umu Stacy

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>He doesn't have a min max'd farming party

roll memelin for meta
roll raicow for muh dick


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Is there any good reason why I shouldn't read everything on youtube instead?

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>on ho my gatcha shit is broken
Quickly throw more money at it !

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Last one. See you later user.

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>playing on a server who's translation is mostly reddit memes and cringe tossed into the script on purpose
Yeah nah you don't have room to talk /alter/

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>why are we fighting demon pillars again?

GBF Chads reportin
>fighting game
>action vidya game
feels good to be on the winning team
any good draws from the last gala?
You did get Colo right user?

What, do you want people to spoon feed you the story or something? What exactly were you trying to say with this post?

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Same. Worst of all a lot of the new girls aren't that great either.

GBF is somehow worse than FGO

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>GBF is somehow worse than FGO

i tried looking this game up but it doesnt even exist in the store, did the eu ban this game or something?

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There isn't an EU server, there's JP and NA

if you wanna play you're gonna have to change your region.

>implying fgojp isn't full of memes.

This game is normie as hell.

Or just use qooapp

>tfw just got 350 days log in SQ

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too lazy, wake me up when they allow me to play

FGO shills and defenders missing when it is a minor bug that is affecting the game that wasn't there last year. KEK

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>you can still burn those copies for 9 mana prisms.
I thought you could only get mana prisms for welfares past the loli Jeanne re-run?

thats rare prism. free SR nets you 9 mana prisms when you sell them

Can I already play with Tituria Alter in this game?

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It's not a game, it's a roulette machine.

>actually being a paypig for fateshit

Wait a sec. People actually PLAY, uh I mean pay this shit? I thought everyone with an iq of 70 just fapped to the pixivs and never touched the actual gachashit.

Keep being paypigs for gooks, retards.

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Never. That game only features Extra plus anime stuff from Zero and Apocrypha.

So this is the power of the most economically successful skinner box of all human history huh

Its fixed now you doomkeks
Now excuse me while I buy the biggest pack

I deserve a badge that says "former retard" since I used to be that dumb.

I wonder why

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>decent JRPG
>can do anything with f2p Servants, there are even a community dedicated to using the shittiest shit available to beat Challenge Quests

You have Scat, user.

>playing fateshit at all

>say the random weeaboo

Glad I didn't have to say it myself.

>Decent jrpg
Storywise? Grand Order was decent, everything after is stupid.
Gameplay? It's shit. Yes, you don't need meta servants, but the gameplay is basic as fuck and loses all fun quickly.

>Storywise? Grand Order was decent, everything after is stupid.
How the fuck was Grand Order decent?

>mobile game
Its lite skinner box for cumhead weeaboo

After okeanos is great

Grand order is popular, shekels, fame, top notch grossing. How is it not decent?

It's not game because I'm retard that follows every stupid Yea Forums trend

It's godawful throughout.

>How the fuck was Grand Order decent?
You could at least read the wiki about the story before you shitpost

>wasting time on gacha shit.
You did this to yourself.

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It isn't but ok

>playing NA
Well deserved

Name some scenes that you've liked.

Not him but I played the story and it was trash
I know you fucks like to jerk off Nasu and how le epic amazing Camelot and Babylonia is when it's still the same schlok just not on the same level as Septem

>Story starts off slow, showing that the main characters are learning and aren't experienced
>The stakes raise over time, even has the big bad show up and shit on everyone for the hell of it
>Very emotional climax, though ruined by Deus ex fou
Yeah, the early singularities were rough, but the only truly bad one was Septic, I mean Septem.

>Take one word out of a post
>Shit out like 6 buzzwords for no reason
Can you please kill yourself you wojak spamming fuckwit?

>it's still the same schlok
same schlok to what exactly? Septem? How is either Babylonia or Camelot remotely similar to Septem?

So what mobile game is fun?
>ib4 some shitty skinner box weebshit chink mobage

Buriedbornes, now eat a dick.

>you can finish the game with f2p servants
Are you sure that most of the players are fine doing the quests using welfare garbage? Are you sure those players would feel absolutely nothing when looking at the new Nero or Nobunaga when all they're using are fodders? Thinking "who needs them, I can finish the game with the common garbage everyone has!"

Are you saying they can't use those servants despite not having them? Are you implying that they can't roll those servants while being f2p?

>Story starts off slow, showing that the main characters are learning and aren't experienced
What do they learn? To just let the servants of the week solve everything for them?
>The stakes raise over time, even has the big bad show up and shit on everyone for the hell of it
Stakes are always the same until the very end.
>Very emotional climax, though ruined by Deus ex fou
And it was the only moment of the entire behemoth of a story that had any lasting consequences.

You let this gacha shit put your standards down far too low. The story is awful.

>First the King Hassan challenge quest was bugged to make it far more difficult than the JP version and nearly impossible to complete without hours of savescumming
>Now this
>In less than three months we'll have the Abi censorship shitstorm (Demiya was bad enough, but if she's censored autistic lolifags will probably burn down Albert's house and kill his family)

Is it happening?

Some people are happy because they have their favorites. My own favorite is a 4* with an alt that both were considered by many to be some of the worst in the game and I still cleared shit fine with them and had fun.
Too bad event grind was dull as fuck and NA is fucking retarded.

>What do they learn? To just let the servants of the week solve everything for them?
You say you read it, but did you comprehend it?
>Stakes are always the same until the very end.
Yeah man, the "war" between Jeanne Alter and the French is comparable to the assault on the holy city guarded by magically imbued knights
Fun boat adventures in Okeanos is the same as watching an entire time period nearly be eliminated by a literal behemoth aiming to end humanity.

I hope Abi is censored simply because it might finally wake the fucking retards up.

That is a negative.

>Hassan challenge quest is bugged
>DW says fuck it and just lets us deal with it, never addresses it again
>Translator scum openly brag about changing and rewriting things they didn't need to
>Halloween quest bugged, no fix in site
>fucked out of quartz again

Honestly fuck everyone involved in this shit

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>You say you read it, but did you comprehend it?
Explain yourself.
>Yeah man, the "war" between Jeanne Alter and the French is comparable to the assault on the holy city guarded by magically imbued knights
>Fun boat adventures in Okeanos is the same as watching an entire time period nearly be eliminated by a literal behemoth aiming to end humanity.
The stakes are "muh singularity" in all cases.

So it's easy to pull the characters you like while being f2p then?

>expecting bug fixes
>expecting apologems

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Yeah actually if you roll for only characters you like
You get free tickets and quartz to the point where you can get at least NP2 of the servant you want even with the shitty rates


Everything else after that enjoyable as well.

Ah I see okay, thank you for the information user.

honestly the gameplay is the only thing keeping me interested, the only issue is its too easy most of the time. But the core gameplay just clicks for me.


If you don't roll for every servant who makes your dick twitch, I guess.

Found the Nerofag.

the rates are bad but you have up to a two year's headstart towards planning and saving. you get 6SQ + a ticket a week, and it adds up over time. I started from nothing after the illya banner ended and I'm already up to 90SQ not counting tickets. I'll most likely have over 200 for when Abigail Williams drops (who most likely ISN'T getting censored considering the most recent loli servants with far more risque outfits dropped with absolutely no changes to their artwork.)

are you really v&?

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But it's not, in the case of Camelot that would have lead to a different outcome, and Babylonia was the same. That's why Camelot was EX and Babylonia didn't even get a rating. Both cases lead to something other than humanity going forwards.

It's fixed btw

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I gave away my account in the general on /vg/ when I finally realized it wasn't fun. Didn't spend anything on it at least, but it was probably snatched up by a reseller.

Brave Liz is officially too sexy for NA, they had to shut it down. Forget about Abby.

Everyone says fgo's gameplay is shit but honestly I find it pretty fun, there are various team comps, some welfare servants out performs some sr's even ssr's it's nothing ground breaking but you guys are exaggerating

>Yea Forums
No way

I fucking hate the time traveling PBS kids history channel shit they pull and the historical figures act like one dimensional memes

it's a pure cash-grab, like everything else about Fate

it has way better writing than what the modern Doctor Who, and the premise is the same

I'm a dumb American that doesn't know shit about legends like Tiamat and the like so I appreciate Mash and Da vinchan's input on it

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>going through these hoops just for some animu .JPEGs

It baffles me how you could enjoy playing this "game."

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They didn't bother fixing the Hassan CQ bug so I doubt they'll fix this lmao

How the fuck is the original VN is a cash grab? How the fuck everything about fate is cash grab? Are you sure it isn't your jealousy speaking? because your favorite piece of shit is not as popular as one of the most successful franchise in this world?

Dopamine. Gotta get pretty girl. Must roll more. It's my money I can do what I want with it. There's nothing wrong here. I'm gonna tweet on twitter that I have to make it through the month on $300 dollars after constantly mentioning playing multiple gacha games. >: (

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>GBF is somehow worse than FGO
At least GBF fix their shit when something goes wrong .

Jpn memes > Western memes
This is a fact.

Babylonia and Camelot are above anime standards.

Is it not full of phoneAIDS? because im kinda scared of installing it when the website told me i'd get an APK for a game i want but then i get an APK for a different app

What's next? The new Musashi story or the new Liz event?

of course they'll fix it, games well known for giving compensation for fuckups, even if they couldn't fix it they'd just send everyone some quartz, a lore and 4 copies of brave liz to their box or some shit

I think the apk you got was the qooapp apk
Its just a mirror of the playstore,this should be the official website

And you're using which anime as the standard?

It can't be helped. Fat Caesar is literally the fat faceless old man that NTR other people except he's the love interest now. You can't beat him.

>check the wiki
>Next Halloween event is lizshit again
What the fucking fuck???


Is there a go to Yea Forums guide to play this game?

last time i played was a couple of months ago on that event with the sengoku era girl with flint lock guns

Get fucked latelet

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if i were to start this game right now which cumrag could i reroll for easiest

Don't bother right now, only the disgusting danganronpa servant is on rate up.

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Built like a fridge.

>even if you have Liz already from last year, you can still burn those copies for 9 mana prisms.
Burning welfares gives you zero prisms and 1QP.

>dislike sexy women in games
>'ban sexy women from games, think of the children!'

>Yea Forums
>dislikes gacha in games
>'ban gacha from games, think of the children!'


Wtf i just saw that in the jp version they have super karna and arjuna alter and they look cool as fuck, are they new servants and when are we getting them?

>wah gacha is gambling, we're letting kids gamble! this is a moral outrage!

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Two years, Karna is a costume while Arjuna Alter is a separate servant.

>super Karna
It's just a costume, but you get it for free after finishing their story bit.
>Arjuna Alter
New servant that's super busted and is currently clearing the hardest difficulty quests left and right l. About two years from now on.


the bug is fixed