Are women genetically worse than men at gaming?

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what happened to her anyways?

this bitch has no tits

With any luck, the same thing that happened to that other E-Thot that got her head half-sawed off.

they're genetically worse at everything outside of sucking dick

Died of dehydration after trying to sell too much of her own piss.

Gave a bunch of incels stds


when is this slut gonna fuck on cam

She almost died in Greece from food poisoning. Imagine the smell coming out of both ends though

no, they're just used to getting others to help them cheat around every problem in life that they encounter so when they have to rely on improving their own skills at something they don't know how and it makes them feel bad.

also that woman is not attractive and if you think otherwise you've been brainwashed into being sexually attracted to plastic.

Excuse me user but this is factually incorrect. Men are way fucking better at sucking dick.

Belle has nice tits. Did you see her nudes?


they're genetically worse than men at everything except child-rearing

She fell off last July because people successfully got her various social medias permabanned. The internet makes for short attention spans so people moved on to newer memes (such as the "storm area 51 meme")

no, a lot of them were pushed out of practicing cause of misogynist fucks

Wasn't that revealed to be a false flag because she hadn't even shipped out the stupid water when all the accusations came out?

only cucks want to watch women have sex

this. fag here but i used to be with women before and men are way better at giving blowjobs


Makes me feel bad for them

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do people even realise she was a porn industry shill.

I've heard this before as well from close friends. "Guys know what guys like better than women" is the case I've always been presented with. Still, to this day and the desire to not deal with stupid female drama, I've yet to fall down that rabbit hole.

>beta males buy this shit bulk
>gosh what's with women :/
Better question , what the fuck is wrong with men that's made them this thirsty

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Yes, we can tell that you are

i'm going to donate to her patreon

>storm area 51 meme
That also seems to have died within the past month.

Dunno but I bet I could kick your ass and then fuck it.

Yes men have better 3d spatial reasoning

she objectively has no tits retard.

This bitch is pretty ugly
What was the appeal again?

>That also seems to have died within the past month.
Some news covered it 3 days ago.

>Are women genetically worse than men at essentially everything?

KYS nazis

Ahegao face. Her and that short haired one with the nosering.

If men were capable of giving birth, we would be better at that too.

Just like in every other aspect in life, yes.
Why are there no successful female professional gamers? Why are all the "female representatives" transsexual men?
I don't like to talk ill of women because there are many types of women I love but it's just a cold truth that there's nothing in this world that a male wouldn't do better than a female would, except for giving birth, that's their one and only job in this existence, and it can't even be disproven.

I only know it was initially a facebook meme created by a guy who ran around like naruto "ironically"

Newsoutlets are always late to the party. What else is new.

Like I said. Short attention span. The "hot meme" of the moment only last a couple days at most. Just think, the big memes right now will be completely forgotten by next week. And then 2 weeks after that Pewdiepie will review them.

>That also seems to have died within the past month
That shit happened 3 days ago and people were talking about this naruto running guy.

nothing wrong with being a nazi

probably got enough money to live a comfortable life so there was no more reason to whore herself

Yeah, the retard was probably influenced by the meme, which died a while ago already.


she probably got banned because her account was growing too fast despite them hiding it and they couldn't blue tick her because of the content.

The "Naruto Runner Guy" was already established on Youtube and social media. ElixirHere I think is his name.

Nah, that "festival" ended 2 days ago. It was pretty hard to watch.

Yeah but judging by this woman theyre genetically better than men at business lol

She has almost my exact xbox controller.
Pink with black accents is kino taste. It's too bad about the rest of her.

It died because it happened and its over

Trust me, there's a man behind Belle, pulling all the strings

I don't know a single guy that, if they magically turned into an attractive female, or just a female in general for a day, that would not absolutely whore themselves out to lonely neckbeard virgins for a day so they could earn disgusting amounts of money, would not absolutely do just that.

somebody who bought her piss water tracked her down and has her in their basement. her manager and the FBI are doing a good job keeping it quiet, unfortunately if she ever gets found her fortune will be depleted and she will be in debt for the rest of her life

But if it didn't have the deadline set by the facebook event calender it would have not even happened. The only reason people remembered to actually go to Nevada in the first place was because of the deadline. Almost all memes don't have deadlines and therefore only have a lifespan of a couple of days.

holy shit you are retarded and insane

So if you were in Belle Delphine's body for a day, and you could make insane amounts of money from lonely virgins, without even having to touch them or interact with them at all, you would not take advantage of the situation and do exactly what she did?

god i wish i was her personal human toilet

she made enough money that she never has to work ever again. she won.

no because the hypothetical scenario is fantasy.

The hypothetical scenario is not real. That's part of the point. You try pulling the same shit she, and hundreds, no... thousands do everyday as a man. It's not possible. Lonely dudes outnumber e-thots in such a crazy way.

you need mental help tranny

No one is genetically worse at anything outside of specific biological defects of the individual. The problem is that male to female representation at the highest levels of competitive play is something like 20:1 so the talent pool is simply too shallow for truly outstanding women to appear.

Anyone have the video of her filling a jar with spit without Ethan Klein's ugly mug in the bottom corner?

No way. I don't identify with trannies. I'm just saying how easy it is for a woman to boot up a webcam or to post some cosplay and the money starts rolling in. And somehow men are the "privileged ones"?

where the nudes at tho

This is only for attractive women, doesn't work for ugly ones.

I wish that were true. But even undesirable women can hold power if the man is desperate enough. Some people just need to realize that they don't have to be desperate. You don't have to pay a bunch of money to some girl streamer that doesn't actually care about you. Ugly dudes can attract attractive women. Just don't be creepy, and wash your testicles. The more that neckbeards whine and cry, the more that ugly/fat women can get away with in the modern world.

Do zoomers not know you can just make a new account with an alternate email address?

What about lying and manipulating?

they are worse at everything

So the way I understand it is that, if you reach that kind of level of "social" status, and you get banned, they actually keep tabs on you and monitor you to see if you make new accounts or try to circumvent the ban by making new accounts, which they will then say that you violated the terms of use and can potentially take you to court for large amounts of money. Apparently the threat alone is enough to deter most large scale influencers. A good example of someone that tried to get around a band was the Daddy O 5 guy that got in trouble for child abuse. Basically he made a new account for his kids but everyone saw what he did and mass-flagged him. The internet is a weird place.

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No, it's clearly sexism.

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Imagine being this much in denial when the numbers don't lie

Oh man I love this. Because of this the quality of the teams is going to down overall because they will have to fire at least one awesome male player to make room for a casual female twitch streamer...

They are worse at everything, but we need them only for sex and reproduction. There is reason why the only trade where they make more money is prostitution, modeling and porn acting,
Without men strong need for sex their life would be fucked because it would be as hard as men life.

And what numbers might you be talking about? The fact that there is at least a 20:1 representation ratio but a woman can still manage the top 8 at EVO?

They are meant to be just livestock for breeding with same rights as children.

Thanks for reminding me I'm almost out of gamer girl water.


she literally asked for it geez get over it bro

the kind of gamer that gets angry at women existing is usually shit themselves. small man syndrome

There is a video of her blowing a banana. I jerked off my penis to it many times, good stuff.

Better in technique maybe but girls genetically have softer tongues and fuller lips.

women don't have the need for escapism as much as incel men so they tend to travel, go outside and experience life more

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that was a tranny

fads come and go.

Based and truthpilled.

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>person with female name who is good enough at games to place in tournaments or be a top speedrunner
>tranny 100% of the time

Beats me pal.

Neck yourself, frognigger.

Bath cancer.

This is the shittiest meme ever made. Especially at this day and age.

Actually wouldn't the lack of ANY females in 12 separate teams prove the opposite? Social stigmas are not absolute while genetic aptitude is.

Lets even assume a high rate of sexism and 10/12 teams are anti-woman. Then the last two, if we assume equal footing, would have a few females. Probably not half due to the smaller number of female players. It would be something like a distribution of 110 vs 3.

However. If the difference is that females aren't able to to reach the same skill ceiling as males and the picks are based on skill quality, then the distribution, or lack thereof makes more sense. While the bell curves of male and female ability may intersect there are going to be a significantly larger portion of males at the top. Further compounding this there are less females in the running in the first place, squashing their curve further. In this scenario, even if males and females were similar but not equal in ability then there would still be none picked as the teams would obviously want the best of the best players. This would result in the 113 vs 0 split.

In my opinion his data does not support the point. In fact it supports the opposite that female players lack the ability to be in the top percentage of players.

Nobody genetically gives a fuck but you OP.

evryone loves travelling user

not mechanically

the only reason most of them are worse is because they dont play as much

really it is
basically just go on liveleak and youll see why everyone was saying "go travel"
it really just amounts to "look at how fucking shit the rest of the world is. be thankful youre a citizen of the 1st world"

this is true. I love traveling to your moms house

I don't

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dad get off Yea Forums

I never followed this bitch but I'm glad.

>Best medic player in TF2 (and only competent "female" in high invite TF2) is a tranny

anyone else got other examples?

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Any man will tell you females are better, faggot. You're not a man and your opinion doesn't mean anything.

this but unironically.

I'm already inside your mother son

Nobody better than the jewish male

make sure you say that again when youre put up against a wall facing a firing squad

They're genetically worse at a LOT of shit. Basically anything that isn't home rearing i.e. cooking or birthing (and even then most women suck at those).

I will and I'll say it again when my dick is lodged up your mothers ass lol

Oh thank fucking god. Hope that worthless slut can manage to learn how to work some crappy minimum wage job before her parents kick her skanky ass out.

they're genetically worse at everything outside of drawing loli porn

you wont because thatll never happen degenerate

now this I can get behind

Yes and no it depends on the game

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>In fact it supports the opposite that female players lack the ability to be in the top percentage of players.
or that females don't have the desire to be in the top % of players
For example, I have never seen a single female on LeetCode (CS interview prep site). LeetCode is frequented by people trying to get into Google/Amazon, or simply brush up on their programming skills. There aren't very many cis female programmers, and of the few that have the desire to go for a position at Google/Amazon, diversity quotas would give them a massive advantage over the mostly Asian and white demographic of LeetCode users.

keep crying schlomo

She's a millionaire, dumbass. She'll never have to work again for her whole life

You mean ara ara on shota porn

Nah she has like 500k.

Wealthy people that didn't earn their money through hard work usually don't stay wealthy very long.
Just take a look at lottery winners. Hell, there's even a good example of this phenomenon on this website,

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She was someone that found an audience of retards and exploited it, nothing more or less.

Nip women do top notch erodoujin, hands down. Kinda funny how that seems to go against the western narrative about women in niche hobbies.

It's extremely simple.
Men have about a 15% better reaction time on average than women.
This is just using a normal distribution.
When you filter for the top .0001% of people with the best reaction times, the area under the curve for that top percent is going to be nearly 100% men, due to that initial 15% deviation.

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Men are faster and stronger due to many factors (related to muscles). Men also perform better with spacial awareness and a host of other mental tasks which i guess translate to gaming.

Wrong, men are physically faster and stronger by default.

Not saying men are better at everything. Women are far better at many things, particularly vocations involving face to face care i.e. nursing and other medical fields. But to answer op's question, yeah, men are better

Those are some BIG fucking tits holy shit!

If women are better at video games, how come there are barely any progamer females?

That's because you're fucking gay

You need to stop viewing tranny and xchange threads on /gif/

>implying a man can't suck dick a thousand times better than someone who doesn't have one and can only go on hearsay as to what having it sucked actually feels like

yes, we are, come add me and tell me how bad i am at video games

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Yes, just like they are genetically worse than men at most things, like fighting and building civilizations for instance.

>different email
lol I have like 12 reddit accounts all registered to the same email because the fags keep permabanning me.


She gave up on her pitiful, soulless copycat attempts.

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The real reason is instinct. They don't have the same drive to face and overcome challenges. What they want instead is attention.
Now how much of that is nature or nurture...

she literally doesnt even look like a real person, the fuck

>women hit on me all the time
>intentionally lead them on then don’t go anywhere with it every time
I deep down hate women because of my mother so even though I could easily get a gf I deny every advance they make

Jesus Christ either a pissed off user or a thot.
Probably both

no. theyre very very good

i don't think there are any
she's smart

Damn, you are a real chad and an alpha.

Disgusting pig.

theyre very good. HOWEVER many have awful taste in video games /thread

Because she now wears stupid amounts of makeup.

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Post ass.

Not really user. If I were an actual Chad I’d be fucking them. But I hate them too much to even do that

I was going to say that women are smart enough to not do unproductive shit for hours on end but then i realized that Instagram and Netflix exists.

There's a lot of factors but I think women are generally discouraged from being good at it. A woman in the competitive gaming scene gets a lot of undesired attention and they're expected to look good instead of simply being good at the game.

Look at more introverted hobbies like art, which you can share over the internet on Tumblr and Instagram or whatever. It's more socially acceptable, they don't have to reveal themselves, and it has a greater percentage of other women so they don't feel singled out.

My ex was great at difficult retro platformers and multiplayer fps games, and I'm certain that mechanical ability could've translated to something like fighting games if she cared enough.

That's a pretty broad statement so I'm gonna go with maybe maybe not.

So if a guy is shit at games despite playing a ton of them is it agp

So, you are just stuck in your emo phase?
At least don't make the mistake of dying your hair blue or something.

Not even that. You can hate something without being emo. Most women don’t even know how disgusting I find them

Soul vs Soulless

The one on the left is a boy, right?

user she's your ex, you don't need to kiss her ass anymore

No you faggot.

It's a male (female).

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>expected to look good
Not quite lol, women have worse reaction times than men and reaction times are a big factor in video games, which is why when comparing best players or even worse in things more influenced by physicality like sports (even motor sports), you argue who is the best the debate is among male competitors, when left with the women to compare among you can compare best woman (far worse than the best male so why bother) and all you have left is which one is the cutest


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No, but I bet you wish she was, fag.

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post that "Average white incel" picture where they all look the same

>MS Paint images prove my point

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>sucking dick
Ask Mad Thad about that.

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lmao, the average /pol/tard

>not posting the best version

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Nah, the problem isn't whites, it's Americans.
Look at Switzerland, they allow weapons, 99% white population and no mass shootings.
No American savages.
Americans are just a parody of humanity, they are inherently violent creatures who only know how to murder and destroy
Every mass shooting in the US should be celebrated, since only scum died.

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but all the incels reeing about women on here have been proven to be asian

Who could possibly be pushing this anti-white narrative?
Could it be aznmasculinity?

Now that the dust has settled What did he mean by this? What the FUCK was his problem? What's his end game? Do Americans really do this? How's her foot game? Me on the left. Bane? Imagine being arnold in that scene What's next for her career? BLACKED/Sitting on my face D R O P P E D It's a blank episode Who was in the wrong here? What's his name again? wtf I love blank now Blocks your path He fell for the blank meme. How did blank get away with this? Who's this semen demon? We want the blank audience. Here's a (You). Dullest franchise I have finally become... Blank(TM). Is he /ourguy/? Games women will never understand. I don't get it. Games for this feel? SEETHING

>leftists complain about incels
>but at the same time defend trannies
>when trannies are just incels so lonely that they fell for the "i'll become my own gf" meme

Is millennial activism just a race to see who is the biggest, most autistic freak in the world?

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I'm American and it's definitely a problem with Americans. Large majority of my countrymen are subhumans, left or right on the political spectrum. Place is carried on the backs of the 1% of the population with an iq above 90

that poster is one of the asian reddit bugs trying to deflect their bullshit onto whites.
All the "incel" shooters have been asians.

Wouldn't surprise me, they already admitted they are the ones doing the BLACKED spam.

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They have been hijacking memes and turning them into anti-white male memes over the last 5 years.
Most people dont notice.

Why do they always have glasses? I recently started wearing some and I don’t want to end up like them.

Actually there's a chance it might be only one guy.

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Because the person who made the image specifically looked for people who had that exact face.

they are currently spamming other boards with porn and made an aznmasculinity thread on here earlier that got deleted

I would become a cuck spamming shut in if I had that face too.

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Video games.
Ban me, Pete.

That was made up. At the time people started claiming that she hadn’t even mailed any bathwater yet.

The women are genetically worse then men in general.

>100% silicone
gee i wonder why god that's hot

I'd like to slice your fucking face off

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Spike pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, EZGif, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

is there a better way to see the frames without having to download anything? :(

She is an actual girl

Added "her."
Confused at 'Tits or GTFO' and is an absolute newfag.
Tranny, confirmed.

Have any nudes of her leaked yet?

Hence the (Female)

r u new?

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She qt.

It's a fact that on average men are smarter and also have better reflexes. Are there even any women in competitive gaming? I think even in games like chess they get destroyed.


No and this maymay has never been funny

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This is so pathetic.
What the hell.

>all the free easily accessible porn on the internet and people paid money for this kind of content
Literally why


So why are they pissed off at " ghosts"? Small penis syndrome?

This bitch looks freaky. Something is wrong with her nose and mouth.

She's lost like 1/3 of her patreon bucks because of her inactivity. Whatever she's doing it's not very smart.
If she kept up for another year she could genuinely earn enough money to be set for life.

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