Into the trash

Into the trash.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>vagina bones

>game comes out with multi-language
>jap release is censored too
Dead on arrival. I wanted this to get ported but not like this.

The one on the top with vagina bones included would look perfect imo.

That's so old the jpeg artifacts are already obvious.

>vagina bones
This is the biggest virgin signal of all time

This is an old screenshot from the Wii U days, we still don't know if the Switch release is fucked since the Aversa scene in the trailer was fucked but the outfits on the Japanese eshop were still uncensored. Could go either way.

If the switch version is still censored I'll skip it. If it's uncensored I'll buy it. As simple as that.

If its not censored somebody in marketing fucked up pretty fucking hard
Reminds me of how people were thinking the burger release of daemon x machina would be censored because some genius censored the trailer.
Probably the same moron who censored the ring fit trailer.

What is it then?

Just an old meme referring to the adonis belt muscle group
You usually can only see them if the person has a low body fat percentage or if the person has been working those muscle groups out to pop them off

A pelvis you dumb retard

It's genuinely weird that you'd spend 60 bucks on this to begin with, let alone this being the sole thing stopping you from it.

I swear it's the same thread each week, just with some new game each time. At this point I'd figure you guys would just stop buying the games and just buy porn instead.

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>vagina bones

Everyone has a pelvis

I might actually get this game if they remove all the cringe

mons pubis
happy fapping

The Adonis line.

This is literally me.

These fucking drawn dudes look like such bros.... Holy shit where can i find friends like these?

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>kill bandit
>loot vagina bones

It's the principle of the matter. I refuse to put money down on shit that's censored. I don't even like idolshit. I didn't buy FE fates because of censorship as well. Still played it anyway.

I never got around to hacking my wii u though, so I'd consider buying the game because the people who did play it make it sounds like it's a fun game despite the idolshit. But I'll never put money down on a game that's been censored.

Okay but...what game?

Fucking read


? what did they censor

>It's the principle of the matter

>I don't even like idolshit.

Yeah ok retard. Enjoy paying 60 bucks for something you don't even like.

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fucking American education
The "Vagina Bones" are the Internal Oblique abdomen muscle puffing out and pushing the topper layer muscles against the skin and making the V shape
This is often called an Appolo or Adonis belt in body builder's circles
It is not the pelvis, the pelvis is much lower and is where the internal oblique anchors into the skeleton
these muscles allow you to twist your torso

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>Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Fuck me I glossed over that.

>spot the newfags

>non-stop threads saying that Catherine and Persona are getting censored by Sony despite literally no evidence that was ever going to happen
>it's okay when Nintendo does it...

Wasn't this game shit on here anyway?

With or without censor the game is shit
My bet for Censoring is being fucking lazy ass to fix. There no other explanation.

>vagina bone
Pelvis: am i a joke to you?

At least we can look at unsencored porn, it it was Japan then half of the image of the women would he a fucking black line.


YouTube is down the hall.

Get your head out of your ass, vagina bones will never cease to be amusing

Aight, how do i log out of 4chin?

>vagina bones
you incels are so fucking pathetic holy fuck. just off yourselves already. you won't be missed.

I could look past the idolshit if the game has good gameplay. I don't see why it makes you so ass blasted though. Feel free to keep seething if it makes you feel better.

it's a meme you dip

Censorship retards would be taken more seriously if they got mad over shit that actually mattered

>wikipedia has porn

Reddit/era please go.

If it makes coombrains seeth it's a good thing

>it only matters if I care about it
Fuck off retard

t. incel
How does it feel being a kissless virgin in your late 20s without any hopes of being loved?

It does matter tho because it's a good thing, videogames are not porn and you are a savage animal for mixing both

>vagina bones

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3d modelling/animation term
>I knew it was bait but I took it

The American upload of the daemon trailer censored "gore" that was in the European and jap trailers.
Ring fit removed a shot of somebody playing the game because the guy in charge of us trailers presumebly thought it looked too much like a spastic.

Catherine IS censored, they clearly stated they avoided doing things that would have got them sunbeamed.

>vagina bones.

censorshipfags are incels

Another newfag outed.

huge difference
nintendo and treehouse censor first party titles, in an overreaching attempt to protect their wholesome image. they dont touch third party titles. some things you can buy on the switch are literally erotica.

meanwhile sony can veto creative decisions made by third party devs on a whim. and they require every title published on PS go through the ESRB (the american games ratings board) to get published, even if its just going to be locally in japan. nintendo is being stupid and overprotecting of their brand, but sony is going even further, trying to censor the industry around them.

Your reddit bones are showing.

Thread should have ended here.

i will never not laugh at vagina bones

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you should lurk a year before posting nigger

Here's the thing that boggles the mind: the subject matter of the game, idol-shit, has a very narrow and niche appeal to the kinds of gamers who would buy something like this specifically for the fanservice. They then censor and remove most of the fanservice. What the fuck were they thinking? Who would want to buy this?

>What the fuck were they thinking?
No one can answer that question.

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I'm usually not a 'lurkmoar' fag but this meme really was not that old, holy shit. Is turnaround here really that quick now?

Casuals/secondaries have infested Yea Forums. Look no further than the people here who defend easy modes.

>these are the retards spamming incel in every thread

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This is from the Wii U version, the Switch version is decensored you fucking mong.

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>With incels interlinked

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Nintendo's stance on sexuality has changed so much the past 5 years, I wonder if someone during a board meeting literally said that nintendo needed to allow more ASS on their systems


who is this protecting

>Oh gee I sure wonder why this game doesn't sell in Gaijinland.

Ironic weebs, apparently.

t. seething euro. American education sucks but knowing the correct term for vagina bones isn't common knowledge in other countries either

no it's not you faggot those are completely different

Nintendo tends to censor the trailers, but keeping the games untouched,
Hopefully this game releases the uncensored version.

Came here to post this, but I guess that's how Yea Forums works, they just want to shit on everything

>omg why are you so mad about them censoring shit like this? It literally doesnt matter

then why censor it?

>ugh fucking incel

vagina bones

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Worst part is knowing people like this will move on to their next digital soapbox in mere minutes while the affected games will remain censored forever.

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ok, but why did they censor it?

>senran kagura is still a thing
Except it's not, purely because of the shitty policy that he's claiming doesn't exist. Fucking faggot.

its too sexy for burgers

Vaginabones dates back to before 2010 you mong.

>vagina bones

Based Kimishima did it

Why would they go out of their way to use a scene for the trailer that had to be censored though? Why not use any other scene?

Looks like a swell bunch of lads to be quite honest.

>Yea Forums - falseflagging and antishilling

Yeah people like you who made bait thread should go into the trash indeed. Also I bet you're American since you're so stupid like your president

2010/ late 2009 was when i first heard the phrase