Secret Hitler

Let's play some Secret Hitler.
password: rage

>roles are randomly assigned: you're liberal, fascist or literally Hitler. liberals have majority
>fascists can see everyone's roles, liberals and Hitler don't know shit
>everyone pretends to be liberal
>each turn a player gets to be president and pick a chancellor, players vote on whether the pair is a go
>having an order that will give info on as many players as possible in as few rounds as possible is a good idea, i.e. 1-5 -> 2-6 -> 3-7 in a 7 player game
>president draws 3 policy cards which are either liberal or fascist, discards one and passes 2 to the chancellor
>chancellor makes the final choice on which policy to pass
>first team to max policies wins (5 for liberals, 6 for fascists)
>presidental powers are unlocked as more fascist policies are passed, for example after 3 are down the next player to be elected president, if a fascist policy is passed, will have a gun and shoot a player off the map
>if Hitler is shot liberals insta-win
>if Hitler is elected chancellor with 3 fascist policies down, fascists auto-win
>liberals win by taking notes, paying attention and trying to figure out who lied based on inconsistencies in the deck, attitude etc and pausing to discuss the game logically, trying to solve it as a puzzle
>fascists win by lying, conflicting with others, sewing chaos, framing others and rushing votes
full rules here:
The account is free and doesn't require an email as far as I know. Mods get anal about "naughty" words in your username but once you get into the game they can't touch you.
>A primer on understanding the "loop skip" meta:

Attached: 1569039217206.jpg (1552x873, 368K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Haven't played Secret Hitler in a good year, love it.

Just three more needed!
Come join!

Come on you faggots

Join pussies

Come on


What are you waiting for? Join already!

Updated link?
Link hasn't changed
The game is Yea Forumsirgins if you look for it if this doesn't work


How do I know what i am?

Your role is dictated at the beginning of each game in chat. Your name is color coded to fas or lib as red or blue respectively.

thanks. I think we're in an interlude

O N E M O R E ! !

Only one more needed!



see ya folks

New game?

I dont think there are enough to start a new game.
But you're welcome to make a new game and see if people will join.

again again

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3 more

Can someone reply to me when we have enough. I don't want to have to keep checking

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I think it'll make a sound once the countdown for the game to start begins.

The game mutes itself for me when I'm not looking at it. Don't know why.

Attached: 1567513682583.gif (780x439, 172K)


holy based

Someone explain this game to me in the most simple way possible and then I might play.

I don't know anything and I'm here hurry up and join there's only one spot left.

Roles are random. Libs know nothing and need to figure out who their allies are (other libs) and who the fascists and hitler is. Fascists know who every one is including hitler. Hitler has no idea who any one is besides himself so he plays like a liberal does and hopes his fascist buddies do the work for him. Every turn some one is elected President in chronological order. The president can elect a chancellor of his choosing. You can vote Yes or No to the election and it passed on to the next person in line to be president. If it passes then the president is given 3 cards at random. There are blue cards and red cards. President can discard one card and gives the remaining two to the chancellor. Liberals want more blue cards and Facsist want more red cards. People can lie about what cards they discarded and what cards were pulled to fuck around and blame people for shit etc etc.

It;s really simple join and i'l walk yo through

recreated game for 5 players

Why is the game named after Hitler? He didn't pretend to be a liberal to get elected. Quite the opposite.

because he's the most famous fascist, that's it

Are you remaking or not?

Nah its 3 am here

That was fun. I'll learn more about the game and next time my high IQ will destroy you. Bye