So Yea Forums hates Maxmillian right?
So Yea Forums hates Maxmillian right?
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Only if he stops asking me to go with him
I don't really think about him at all.
He seems like a fag from what I've seen but I don't have a reason to hate him.
only when he bandwagons and does sponsored streams
oh wait
No. Do not care.
Literal who?
I'm still trying to figure out which videogame character this is.
Max is comfy. I enjoy his vids and his cute dog. He shills hardcore sometimes though.
I don't get his anime jokes
he's fine when he discusses things instead of screaming hype at trailers.
who gives a shit what you faggots think?
Nah I like him but his friends are impossible to watch so I never do
I don't hate him. I just think he is boring and overrated. Not like that matters since he can make lotsa money by just being that way.
I dont hate him but i want an asian wife who cooks for me and plays monster hunter. Pretty based.
He's fine. I just want to poke fun at him for the nigger dagger thing. His streams are boring, most of the time.
le nigger man
>pretends to play fighting games
>is actually complete shit at them
>shills them anyway
>moves into the newest and coolest fightan and shills that for the next 3 months
Yea Forums is Maxishillian.
faggot who is the face of the FGC
Yeah pretty much this, I don't even watch 3/4 of his content, only when he somehow plays something i am interested on like DMC5. Also how the fuck he is still interested in CoD, i tried watching him the other day and it was all kinds of boring.
I thought he hated the FGC and most high level play in games in general.
Returning to his roots, basically.
>dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime dude anime
>i love guilty gear and ff7 but I ain't no weeb
he browses Resetera threads on the regular what do you think
He doesn't love GG, but he loves FF 7 though
Man. I remember when he tried to play GG and then whined on Twitter when he got fucking annihilated by a Slayer or was it an Elphelt. It was hilarious either way.
Yes we got it!
Frasier Frash is the one I hate, the guy is such a poser.
That really irks me, if he was a Boomer or just a normalfag then I would get his "anime jokes" but he sucks FF7's dick like it was his life.
How come he gets the n word pass? Other white people who said it get their career destroyed. Kramer, Paula Deen, Hulk Hogan, that dude who owned the Clippers.
It's weird because I sometimes enjoy his content, but with FF7? he is the sole reason I want the game to flop somehow, I can't believe he is shilling SO hard a game that it's uncertain if will be finished or how many parts will it have.
why the fuck is Cheney so smug
Keep saying it.
>Its a simmons acts intellectually superior episode
>Kenny and Steve try to outdo each other for whos more annoying
All of Max's monkeys are annoying as fuck.
Shilling FF 7 is nothing compared to shilling for basically every fighting game he pretends to play, except Marvel
>you have to be good at fighting games to enjoy them
Max is certainly a fighting game fan, and he has been for a long time. He's not amazing, but there's no denying that he's honest.
I think the reason he goes from game to game is because his audience typically wants to see one specific game. He was insanely hyped for Samurai Shodown, but he doesn't play it that frequently (on stream), because other fighting games will get him more viewership. Same with SFV; a game that he admittedly has a lot of fun with, but won't play on stream, as his audience isn't super invested.
Interestingly, people seem to enjoy watching him play games other than fighting games, as of late. I enjoyed watching his Sekiro streams. You can tell that the Souls games are some of his favorites. If I recall, Bloodborner is his 2nd favorite game ever. Whenever he's passionate, it's enjoyable to watch. Same with his DMC5 streams.
It's when someone plays something explicitely for views without enjoying it that it becomes uninteresting.
I'm no jealous nigger but sometimes I wonder how much money he has put away. When he streams newly released games these cucks donate about $300 an hour to him.
Got away shooting his friend with a shotgun in a hunting trip. Shit, I'll be happy too with all that vice president privileges.
Considering one of his mods probably has a government or google job or some shit and donates him thousands of dollars hes set for life.
keep saying it
is this projared brother or something all these dude looks exactly the same lol
>soft n
>soft a
It was a slip because he was mixing together a bunch of words that end with -igger and -agger.
Chinger Chagger Nigger Dagger. It was a slip of the tounge, and unintentionally.
Plus, nobody really gives a shit whether or not you say the N-word if you're likable enough. Look at PewDiePie.
Dude is a millionaire with all that twitch bucks. I can't believe he's 49. At least his health is good.
Is OP actually this Max guy? I am thinking so..
Don't care, seems like a fag. Sage in all fields.
I like him but I can't stand his gay little dog.
Hes actually had health issues the past few months with his stomach and his foot and whatever else. He doesnt even eat unhealthy but it can still happen to people.
I know everyone knows this hilarious video, but if one more person isn't aware, this will make you at least chuckle.
He fucks trannies so he's based in my book
He also has huge anxiety and panic attack issues. If I recall, he had to go to the hospital a couple months back for a random panic attack.
Based saudi oil tycoon donating to Max
He looks younger.
God don’t remind me. I’ve watched FFS’s stuff on and off since 2011 and his opinions perplex the shit out of me. The best way I could describe it is that he has the mind of a boomer, but tastes of a zoomer. He’s also become consistently worse at games and unenthusiastic about everything. He relies on his subs to do most of the work for him in multiplayer games and set up their Show and Trailers.
He's pretty alright at third strike. Also happens to be the content I enjoy most from him. That or him diving into older capcom games in general. Would like of he played more alpha 2 or CvS2
He does NOT look or sound 50, no way.
sue is /ourtranny/
>and shills that for the next 3 months
You mean one week
I wonder how streamers feel sometimes, some get more money than actual doctors by just yelling at a camera.
Okay seriously how come I have 20/20 vision when it comes to telling if someone is trans or not? Is it obvious for anyone else?