>b-but muh lazy
B-but muh lazy
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it still looks like shit?
I don't get it
That's not the National Dex.
the whole thing looks more blurry on the top pic, it was probably due to shitty video compression.
the graphics still look subpar
Wow they fixed broken texture mapping, that makes those games not a trainwreck!
Cool. Still looks bad. Still doesn't have all the pokemon. Still doesn't have good designs.
upscaled wii game
this is sad.
what's the difference
is this why they weren't able to add every Pokemon from the previous games?
Bro, it literally looks like a Gamecube game in both images. Sure, it seems comfy and evokes a strong feeling of nostalgia, but that doesn't mean it isn't lazy.
Oh wow does this mean they are adding back the missing pokemon
imagine defending this shit when there are still less pokemon and lacking animations
>graphics shit
that's so low on the list of priorities for this shit
Where's all the people that complain about every Yakuza game being the same?
Come to Pokemon threads and do that here instead.
old had more soul
I mean yeah, I guess they tried a bit harder and thats good. But It just makes me wish Nintendo weren't trying to be special snowflake faggots with the whole weak platform+gimmick thing. It's clearly hindering the presentation of these games. Release a real console and a real handheld, fuck motion controls, fuck touch and fuck every nu-nintendo fansoy that defends these things.
Give me a real console, and the next gameboy. You're NOT special for having gimmicks.
Is this image supposed to compensate for half of the dex being deleted?
Give it some credit. It's more like an early Wii game but with x2 anti-aliasing.
complaining about stupid shit as always. who cares
What wii game is this?
The switches hardware fidelity is the last thing holding back these games user
Oh neat.
Where the fuck is the national Dex?
When the fuck will Nintendo step in an make this first party?
Get a PC retard, if your idea of a good console is Sony or MS's strategy of releasing a subpar PC you are fucked in the head
I'm not gonna buy this game but are people really this assblasted about no National Dex? In all the previous games, I don't think I've ever taken the time to catch all the Pokemon. There's like 900 at this point, who the fuck has the time for this shit?
I was at first. but I always end up with a team of all the new pokemon anyway. So I am not that upset.
Oh my god who cares? I'm almost upset enough to feel an emotion about the fact that dev hours and manpower was actually spent on touch-ups of that scale.
You just posted a screenshot from a higher-resolution video.
pc games are shit and boring. everyone who owns a pc has 300+ steam games but never touches them. I want to play kirby and bing bing wahoo man but nintendo is holding us hostage with their gamecube level graphics
Because there is a chance that your favorite mons won't be in.
Hundreds of favorites are being cut, and when it's coming from a series with a massive and autistic fanbase, yes asses are being blasted. It's not about filling up the ingame pokedex with all 900+ species, it's about forming your army of favorite Pokemon spanning all 8 gens to take with you online. Shit like Nidoking and Banette are possibly being cut. It's just awful. No Pokemon deserves to be cut, even the least popular Pokemon like Statler. It's just retarded.
I do have a PC, retard. This doesn't excuse Nintendo from having sub standard hardware for the current generation. They're not special or unique for it, just behind. The PS4 can be bought for less than a switch and has much better hardware. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL PS4, yknow how sad that is?
Nintendo has no excuse. NONE, no mental gymnastics excuse this. You're a brainwashed cunt.
is this emulatable
The mainline games have already been lacking for years, but the first mainline game on a console and yet is asking people to lower expectations even more while also asking for more money. The reasons why they cut the dex also doesn't hold up either, the reason the 3DS games suffering a lot of frame issues was apparently for nothing too, and this is also the game people who were upset about the Let's Go series were told to wait for.
It's pretty shit overall, and it doesn't help that GF doesn't have the drive to make decent games anymore yet they haven't even tried to make one in years.
I don't collect all of them. However collecting is still the most strong aspect and I have tons of unique ones that will be split from it, and to boot they'll all be stuck in a fucking secondary app. Why bother when the biggest reason I buy these and the prime reason I spend so much time playing them (i.e. collecting, trading, and customizing each Pokemon I like) is neutered to shit? I don't see most of my favorite Pokemon getting in ( e.g. Shedinja) so far even if all I cared about were the few favorites I have.
>what is video compression
Oh my god! Who the hell cares?!
i had this weird dream where i actually got the game and it had this points system in the menu for unlockable outfits and gear, and starting up the game it went straight into the character select which was entirely unfinished with no music, the same background as OPs pic, and the character models were still shown with the half body character shots.
To their credit, it looks better than a lot of shit on the Switch. Not that it's saying much.
Call me when they unsnap the missing pokemon back.
I just started replaying Super Mario Odyssey and holy shit it looks gorgeous, how can an RPG look like complete shit?
>le nation dex
why are you even playing the new game if you just wanna use the same faggot pokemon as the old ones.
Please understand, The Pokemon Company is a small indie developer and doesn't have the means to get good graphics or have the complete national dex.
Fuck the National Dex. Go buy USUM to use it. With National Dex the competition scene ends with the same OP pokemon. Use different shit faggot.
Eat shit you filthy gamefreak apologist, no salamence no buy
For what fucking reason gamefreak? Seriously, instead of not looking lazy you look incompetent holy shit, fuck you Gamefreak.
Shut up filthy apologist.
>caring about muh competitive
Go play Showdown and whine on Smogon until they ban everything you don't like.
XB X doesn't look like this, did it? I got bored of that game but i don't remember it looking this good
They increased the resolution of the textures, wow...
just play Ubers
anyways who gives a shit, 60 dollars shouldn't have less content than 40 dollars
I'm going to let you in on a secret: the Switch is a portable console. It's design to be played in bed or in a corner of your tiny Japanese apartment. No one in Japan docks the Switch, except little kids when they have friends over.
The only reason why docking was implemented was to satisfy 30-year old Western manchildren who will spend hundreds of dollars of special editions of nth-degree iterations of the games they played as children. The people who have "man-caves" and take days off work to play Zelda.
Japan has the right idea of video games; they are for children. The adults who play them hide this fact and are shamed for it. Encouraging "gamer" culture was a huge mistake.
So instead of balancing the game to mix up the competitive scene, youd rather them just get rid of half the pokemon? Doesnt that even further limit the competitive scene? Sure theres different pokemon, but now theres fewer to choose so the meta will establish itself pretty early on
mancaves are where alcoholic football dads hangout
They're not going to get rid of strong, popular, mons you retard.
Because that's been the selling point for 2 decades?
I honestly don't understand cutfags.
No Cacturne, no buy.
Same but Ampharos too
Took you long enough
>nintendo fags think this looks good
holy fuck, you god damn man children need to be executed
Thats pretty much the whole deal, shit graphic is not a good reason to complain about when it comes to pokemon
>all companies show bullshots before release to market their games!
>except based gamefreak they develop their games until the release date even if it's unfinished!
>>except based gamefreak they release their games even if they are unfinished!
What a cock sucker.
Why Ampharos?
Anyone have the screenshot of the new trailer that accidentaly shows a mouse cursor on screen proving that the footage is running on PC and not Switch hardward?
Nice deflection Gamefreak apologist.
>people will unironically argue this in a few months' time
Ampharos is a meme on Yea Forums and /vp/ for some strange reason.
Still my favorite Pokemon, though.
I'm astonish to how blatantly lazy and devoid of creativity Game Freak became after the 2D sprite era.
>Quoting mancaves
Do you have something against mancaves user?
Polished shit is still shit at the end of the day
>The Pokémon Company is a small indie developer
Those fags don't make games. They exist just to sell you garbage merch and have you play their mobile-published excrements like Masters and GO.
>an image who prove their are lazy
lmao, shills are trannys and kids.
Why would you downgrade something that can run on a phone and looks terrible to boot? I mean yeah it looks slightly better but it still shit.
>Anyone have the screenshot of the new trailer that accidentaly shows a mouse cursor on screen proving that the footage is running on PC and not Switch hardward?
Pretty sure it's just pre-recorded footage playing on a PC. This isn't CoD/Battlefield or literally anything thats demanding on hardware so why go through the effort?
Nintendo has ZERO say over Pokemon aside from making them exclusive to their platform
GAME FREAK is the laziest piece of shit developers who can't be bothered to make a decent game despite their Pokemon brand being the highest grossing franchise in history.
If GF would give Nintendo the right to publish the Pokemon games we wouldnt get them yearly but each game would be crafted and made with more effort that whatever the fuck shit SS are
I imagine Miyamoto's autism fires up to the max every time he sees anything about Pokemon, he must be shitting himself everytime anyone mentions it.
I doubt he fucking cares
I doubt he doesn't, everyone thinks Pikachu=Nintendo, he is basically the face of Nintendo game making, he goes as far as to force developers to stop creating new content to create a solid universe, if he was given Pokemon I'm quite sure he would make it as close to the anime as possible, the main selling point of the game.
Miyamoto is the guy that doesn't let games get made unless they do something new, right? It would actually be interesting to see what would happen if he had any authority over Pokemon
Yes, I think most people underrates his autism, if it wasn't for him VG would be very different, he is a hack most of the time but when he hits gold, it's 24 fucking karat and tons of it.
Resolution and draw-distance/lod is definitely bumped up but everything else is about right