What's it like now?
What's it like now?
supposedly they eased up on some of the F2P restrictions recently
Is there even content being added or is it on life support? I dont think I've heard anything about this game for a while now, even the general at /vg/ died out.
Is it worth a subscription if you like Star Wars shit?
It’s fun. I played a Sith Inquisitor and liked the storyline. I got to max level and stopped playing though. World seemed very sparse as far as other players, I think it’s the same issue people have with retail WoW. Also with it being F2P there’s a large market (Called the cartel market) of aesthetic shit and high level gear that you can pay real money for.
There's an expansion pack coming out on the 2nd actually. Dunno what it's about.
shit. We need TOR Classic. I want the comfy early days back, bros.
Finished the JK storyline ages ago and thought it was ok, I wouldnt mind playing with some anons anyone interested?
awful. It's practically a movie at this point with how fucking easy it is.
its cool, but the best part of the game is flashpoints (dungeons, which are limited to 5 per week for f2p players.) and class stories. you don't really need to sub to do those.
sub gives you a lot of convenience stuff(unlimited dungeons, raids and pvp, hide helmet,ect,ect).
be warned though, some story lines are complete horseshit (like the shadow of revan expansion) and the knights of eternal throne expansion story starts out pretty good, but ends kinda weakly.
Nah, subscription just increases xp gain and some other superfluous things. The game is easily payable F2P. Maybe if you're REALLY enjoying it and don't mind giving EA money.
those were the days
I've always wanted to play through this like a single player game just to see where the KOTOR story goes. But I hear it was a disaster in every way.
What do you have to lose if you try?
Time, our most precious commodity.
I come back to it every year or so, the original class stories are always a decent time. I also really like GSF, but that's a dead game within a dead game.
They did? When was this? I played about a year and a half ago and it was still pretty rough then. You could hardly do anything as a F2P player.
And yet, you spend time here.
The duality of man.
Crazy, right?
Honestly, that user said exactly what I was gunna say. Why do you think your time wasted here is more precious than wasting it in SWTOR?
Reminder that Vette is best girl
Strangely enough, I enjoy time spent here. Not really guaranteed with TOR and what I know they have done to KOTOR. And there's a hell of a lot more that I am not aware of which is potentially worse.
>think about checking it out
>remember what they did to Revan and the Exile
God, I fucking hate Bioware
>Revan gets his ass beat by a ghost, imprisoned, goes nuts, tries to kill millions, gets his ass beat again, dies, comes back, tries to kill everyone again, gets his ass beat and dies for good
>Exile gets shanked in the back and hangs around jerking Revan off for the next hundred years
It has some neat concepts, I very much enjoyed the idea of the Sith Empire despite it being kind of ridiculous in its strength and how quickly it arrived. Having a simultaneously aristocratic and meritocratic militarist state that you can be a part of, and you can choose to embrace or resist different aspects of its ideals, was really interesting to me. That said, I spent a lot of time fantasizing about things like this because I had so much time doing mind numbing WoW-style gameplay between quests which varied wildly in how well they were written.
Some of the class stories are pretty entertaining if you're looking for a more singleplayer experience, though there are some you should just stay away from coughTroopercough
I love the differences in how your character can be depending on his/her alignment.
Warrior for example. He's either a bloodthirsty thug who revels in killing, or a patriot who wants to change the Empire from within and will kill if forced to, but is content to find other ways
How the fuck do you expect to get Obi-Wan playing as a Dark Jedi
>But I hear it was a disaster in every way.
From a player perspective, it wasn't a disaster in any way. The gameplay is generic MMO, but most of the writing is pretty good. It probably wasn't smart for EA to blow tons of money making a subscription-based MMO when subscription-based MMOs were losing steam, but that's on them.
Hell, Agent can basically defect and become a Republic double agent. Too bad it means nothing in gameplay and very little in story.
BH can do something similar when he just straight up takes a contract on his old boss for the Chancellor
This is definitely piquing my interest. Can you elaborate a bit more?
Fair enough, who's one user to tell another how to waste their time. All's I'm tryna say is: nothing ventured, nothing gained. You could stay within your comfort zone, enjoying the monotony of Yea Forums; or step out of your comfort zone, and experience something new.
Maybe you'll enjoy your time more, maybe you'll yearn for the comfort of the familiar. I cannot force you to do anything or make your decisions, and I don't know what you like.
I do know that time wasted on Yea Forums is time spent not learning a new skill or new knowledge. Yea Forums causes stagnation and it's difficult to escape the muck and wallow of the grotto.
I still think you have nothing to lose from trying, but the decision is ultimately yours to make.
I'd pick it up again if they released it on Steam just to add to my collection and as a sign they are confident in it financially. As it stands, shits fucking dead and will fold any month now. Bioware has made too many financial flops to keep this going before EA pulls the plug. It was a meh single player experience overall.
The Sith Empire is a weird mix of megalomaniac Sith Lords and otherwise sensible people, the Agent story does a really good job of exploring this. Sith are the upper echelon of its society, but they're naturally kind of erratic and can be a nuisance for an organized nation. Imperial Intelligence operates tangential to this, acting like a proper intelligence agency with spies and schemes and such. In general, there are a lot of fairly normal people who live in the Empire and think it's fine. They're not moustache-twirling villains, just people who like living in a society where your position is determined by your merits despite the inherent inequalities that leads to. They did a good job fleshing out an evil faction where you don't have to be evil.
This game's F2P? Part of it or the whole thing, I know there's been add ons for years now
Dont go into it expecting an mmo, it's very much a single player game with some optional mmo elements like raids and a few multiplayer dungeons. I personally enjoy it to play a little every now and then. Some of the writing is pretty bad and the animations can be hilariously bad but its still enjoyable.
It really contrasts well just how grey this universe is. A lot of people are just trying to get by and are victim to the super powered assholes on both sides, and if you are an alignment that conflicts with what you expect from your faction, you stand out a LOT. Light Side sith feel more like Jedi than some Jedi, and Dark Side Jedi are some of the worst people around
At least the original class stories from release are free, don't know if the expansions are. Can't speak to the F2P experience, I played before F2P initially and couldn't really stomach it when I went back later so I just resubbed.
Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan are gonna be free once the next expansion launches
You learn pretty fast which stories are badly written and which are good. Warrior and Agent are probably the best of them, especially if you contrast that to how fucking awful Consular is
Yes, you could have 1 mil credits, infinite medical probes, and more inventory slots. Can't equip artifact items or fuck with colors/remove hats.
If you want single player either play as a Jedi Knight or the operator class I can’t think of the name of.
The class stories are F2P and they're the only good thing about the game.
>especially if you contrast that to how fucking awful Consular is
this, it was absolute trash. especially alderaan, literally felt like a high school kid slapped the plot together in ten minutes.
jedi knight is decent if you don't mind jedi shit. smuggler is ok too.
I played until both what remained of the sith empire and the republic gathered in a secret base or something than stoped playing. Now there's more to play single play?
Btw I'm a imperial agent sniper but want to go be stealth, is it possible?
I don't know why everyone recommends Jedi Knight, I found it to be pretty bland. Nowhere near the worst but still behind Agent and both Sith.
Thanks guys
Jedi Knight is the least bad Republic story. But that's not saying much.
Light Knight is just so fucking boring and bland. It's literally just stereotypical jedi shit with some wasted potential in the middle
As flawed as KOTFE/KOTET was, I liked how the writers used it as an opportunity to do away with the rot that had been holding the Empire back and give reason to introduce saner Lords and Darths in their place
The same can't be said for the Republic, unfortunately. With each passing patch and expansion it's either becoming more inept, or more corrupt.
btw this armor color and rifle was never added to the real game was it.
SWTOR captured lightning in a bottle with their handling of LS Sith Warriors. Or patriotic Sith characters in general. It's such a rare concept done so well.
I guess. I played it as an ultra-edgy dark-side fat womanizing twilek knight with huge lips, and I found myself wishing I'd taken it a little more seriously because some of the characters were neat.