Can authors write for games dealing with topics they don't understand?
Can authors write for games dealing with topics they don't understand?
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>Can authors write for games dealing with topics they don't understand?
No. Have you tried to write about a profession you don't know jack shit about? You have to do research and find out how it works in real life. Same applies to romance. You at least need to study other works to produce something convincing.
>tfw want to write a science fiction story about the future
>mfw I cant because I never seen the future
Bruh, you're like, in the future, right now...
That's easy, you just need to pretend that events are happening in the future, but keep most things rooted in modern day reality. It's not important for the story to have explanations for everything. You can tell the same story about shenanigans during WW2 and year 3000, just setting changes.
Dumbass 99% of romance stories are unrealistic
What if I want to make a game like Hitman...
But it will never be convincing because I......never experienced the future.
>incel blows himself out
>Want to write a story about ninjas but I've never been a ninja
Believe it
>Can authors write for games dealing with topics they don't understand?
You just described 99% of game journalists
writers usually have no fucking idea what they are writing about
So what? Realism is only a part of successful novel. No one wants to read dating documentary. Story should be exciting and fun, follow the proven story beats.
Only for audiences who don't understand the topics either.
>tfw no relationship
chinks have no soul so nothing they write about dealing with actual human experiences are realistic
What will gaming's future be?
They do it all the time. Game writers are fucking terrible. Barely a notch above fan fiction. When was the last really well-written game you played?
Very very lame.
It wasn't realistic because the girl wasn't slutting it up.
>1200x2005 pixels
>blurry with .jpg artifacts
>converted to a 1.28 MB .png file
>shameless clickbait headline
>three small paragraphs of broken English describing a Twitter exchange between two nobodies
What the fuck is this format? Is this how zoomers convey information? Couldn't you have chosen a better image for your thread?
well don't worry, because there's no place for you in the future, anyway.
Borderlands 3.
90% of stories are not trying to be realistic, or even convincing. In fact being either is usually antithetical to what they're actually going for, which is being entertaining. Writers usually have no idea about how the topic they're writing about works in real life, it's far more important to just be able to write entertaining characters or interesting drama or whatever when you're writing fiction.
How do you tell the jpg artifacts/
Game Dev here, I'm involved in this process right now for an upcoming game, can't tell you the title or too much, but the plot is about assassinations and destabilizing swathes of the world.
One of our studies in the writing department was on the elimination of a traitor/ potential snitch who was under protective custody and how an assassin might get into a highly secured facility to take out the snitch where we had to look into how to disable backup security systems, engineer timetables to make an unguarded opening and what means of P.O.S. killing tools could be used without arousing too much suspicion.
I like to think we did a thorough job, but there's always going to be holes, room for that one looney to point out some tinfoil hatter style conspiracy that someone might notice but nobody would likely believe.
except most video game writing isn't even entertaining to anyone with a mental age above 16. they just suck and paired with the fact that most of them are lifeless losers it makes everything they write bland and unengaging even when you passively skim read it
do you see all of the mess around the text
Isn't that just anti-aliasing?
I disagree. You can't write jack shit about social circles you've never studied or been a part of.
jesus christ no
Memoirs of a Geisha is a book about a Japanese geisha going through her life written by a jewish man. It's a good book, and a decent film. You can write about absolutely anything as long as you have awareness of the conventions of the trade, you have good ideas, and you're plain good at writing.
>I will try harder next time
Mad max
Seems less about realism and more about philosphy. Maybe the person is just a shit writer but even being in a relationship would at least expose an ideal or an emotion, something to relate.
This could easily be replicated if you ask anyone what a break up was like or something.
Fake neet
>tfw nearly 30 and never experienced companionship
i wish for the sweet release of death
Just get a haircut sweety xd
You should be glad, it will be over soon. Years just fly past once you are over 30.
just like, be yourself dude
it's that ez lol
>"Convincing" romance plots
>In a video game
"Convincing" fantasies are still just fantasies. Real life doesn't care about half the rules these 5 star best seller novel stories with build up and "convincing" events people fill their heads with to replace real life love. Real love could end one day without reason and make nasty turns just because. The more sense it makes, the less real it looks. So why have rules to begin with? Of course it's not real, you're playing a fucking video game you faggot cunt. WAKE UP
Yeah please make it convincing and make her talk shit about my mother and bring up that time I asked for a footjob, I want the REAL RELATIONSHIP SHIT in my video game. Yeah video game devs make a relationship where they start psychological break downs on each other based on the food they eat and how they talk to their buddies at work YEAH GAMES YEAH CONVINCING YEAH!
how can women write love stories if they have never loved?
I'm glad you haven't killed yourself yet tomokofag
That's a really specific scenario, user. You okay?
Imagine my shock
Not that I can really judge him
why not, anyone who's observed the economy in any RPG ever will know the dev team failed economics to the point they literally know less than nothing
>lol it's just fiction
Fantasies are more compelling when they're grounded in real human feelings/experiences. The more relatable it is (albeit in a fantastical setting/plot), the easier it is to immerse yourself in the fantasy to begin with.
based and blackpilled
>Want to write a historic political thriller
>Have never seen the historic political process
You mean 99% of womens notions of romance are unrealistic
I'd say over 90% of the people on this planet have not experienced real love, we're just the only ones smart enough to realize it.
>When was the last really well-written game you played?
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
In fairness, Suda51 is one of the rare video game writers and the subject matter of that game is all about video games, so
i'm sad you haven't killed yourself yet faggot; tomoko is my waifu and you aren't tomoko.
you need to be better than the woman you are seducing and know it. otherwise you come off as a loser.
>travis strikes again
>well written
It's bizarre I'll give it that much, but it's not shakespeare. I mean hell, he's opened the gate for character revivals now. To which I saw him at Momocon and told him to bring back pic related if we DBZ now. I also slid him my VO business card, I expect nothing, but he's the goat if I make it into one of his games.
What does it accomplish being that self-deprecating? I see people on Yea Forums like that too, why would you hate yourself that much?
Why has no one else in Japan attempted to make a manga like watamote? You'd think this would split into its own genre like issekais or magical girl shows. Shows about depressing girls failing at life and every season we get a new tomoko.
No one wants to read about miserable fucks.
That's not self-deprecating, that's just the dev being honest about why his love story is unrealistic.
That's really humbling of him and I can sympathise but not even once? You're literally surrounded by pussy in high school. If he really is just a nice guy with shit social skills I feel bad for him but if he's anything like Yea Forums he can eat shit lol.
26 here, it kinda sucks for me too
not even watamote is a mange like watamote anymore; it's just yuri-lite
Yeah kinda like how scifi writers need to time travel to the future before writing a book
>Yeah kinda like how scifi writers need to time travel to the future before writing a book
Not an argument. If you don't know law, you can't write about court drama, if you don't know about serving in the army, you can't write about soldier lives etc...
"Future" is just some contrived backdrop for real things, real people and real events.
I didn't even get a single kiss in high school. In fact, I didn't even start dating with any kind of success to a few years after graduating college.
Normalfags literally cannot comprehend different lives than theirs. Don't respond to it.
>never experienced companionship
Have pets
Deadly Premonition
>Unironically typing "..."
This piss me off so much. At least the author will die as a virgin
I'm so fucking lonely
TSA is all about the creator and the creator losing passion for creating art through excessive meddling by the powers that be, but ultimately rediscovering that passion. The whole thing is also a meta commentary for the video game industry (much like NMH1) as well as the people who play them, which is much more than I can say about the average video game.
this is why scifi sucks ass
Yeah that's why the Harry Potter books flopped.
If they didn't, sci-fi and fantasy settings wouldn't exist. Unless you can explain how spells and time travel and warp drives work.
Yes? I mean I'm pretty sure the writers of Halo or whatever have never shot at ayys with laser guns or been to space or whatever.
So I'm not the only one
>abroobroobroo I'm so ronery prease buy my game
Dumb chink
What are you even talking about? Harry Potter is standard YA drivel.
not all of us are from a secret clan of wizards
The author of a sci-fi or fantasy setting always understands what's going on, because since it's not real, it's completely up to said author to define what is and isn't. The author will always know how magic works because they're the one who decides how it works.
love is not real
Even something that isn't real still needs to be internally consistent.
Sounds boring
Nothing funnier than some 23 year old lamenting not being able to do good world-building. No shit buddy. Most of the great stuff that inspires you was probably from creators in their forties at least.
Sure. You can write about fucking anything if you have a functional imagination and meet a minimum threshold of empathy for others.
Whether you can write it well and convincingly is another matter though, and that shit's not tied to experience but to the skill of the writing.
In a case like that, nigger could be 90 and spent every year of his life in a relationship with a different woman, love after love, heartbreak after heartbreak. But if his writing's garbage, the experience gets him nothing but a blurb on the back cover "this dipshit spent his entire life as a clown for women, and this shitty novel is all he has to show for it."
You can't imagine anything new. Everything you write is based only on things you have learned before. If you try to bullshit your way into areas you don't understand, people will laugh at you, like they laugh at hackers in movies banging on keyboards.
user, multiple generations of sci-fi writers are looking at you right now and going "this fucking dumb brainlet nigger."
Do you remember Bible? Without knowing how universe works, sci-fi authors couldn't describe creation of life and this planet without sounding like dumbfucks. Gotta know what you are talking about to let your imagination soar.
Not him but what the fuck are you smoking?
Ancient sci-fi is laughable.
Last night. AI The Somnium Files. I wouldn’t say that the plot is good, but it sure is entertaining as hell.
a lot of them are perfectly fine if you're not measuring your expectations against literature. of course it's pulp, what do you expect?