This is the best joke in all of video games

This is the best joke in all of video games.

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Shit and dated

Shigesato Itoi is a big fan of The Beatles. I think I read somewhere that he named the MOTHER franchise after a song by John Lennon.

i don't get it

Did you know John Lennon beat his wife?

If you fill the blanks, you get the word "Yes".

He later expressed immense regret for it.
How is it relevant?

rev up that mega man battle network

The Japanese one?

>be with insufferable cunt
>makes you so mad you want to beat her

Why was he with her at all? She didn't even shave.

It's okay to commit crimes as long as you feel bad about

Sneed, feed and seed
Chuck, fuck and suck

He probably named it after a somewhat more obscure Lennon record, "I'm Going to Beat My Wife 'Til She's No Longer a Mother"

>A beatles song "Sexterday"

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Did you know Lennon was a philandering bastard who abandoned his real son for his chinkspawn? Did you know his real son had to buy his inheritance from that chink cunt Ono?

Cancel culture un-BTFO


So everyone who commits a crime should go to jail for the rest of their lives? Is that what you're saying?
He beat his wife in his 20s, met Yoko, had an epiphany, and showed remorse for his actions. What the fuck do you want from him? Let him rest in peace.

What about this one:

>epiphanies now get you off jailtime.
Gee ain't that a thinker.

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lol he beat his wife

Yoko is Japanese.

I wonder if he's friends with Hirohiko Araki.

What! XXX DOES mean SEX user! Give ME SEX wife! (Give me! Give me!)

What's your point? Why bring it up? When someone talks about Rosemary's Baby or Chinatown I don't tell them "hurr did you know Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old".
It's irrelevant to the discussion.

Is this EarthBound's "humor"?

>He later expressed immense regret

As in, he suffered backlash

Just as his wife suffered immense backhand, how poetic

Yeah, he was a right bastard, but if I let the views of the creator impact how much I enjoy their work, I would only be allowed to enjoy a handful of things.

Let's be real, this guy isn't after any sort of justice. He doesn't like Lenon so whenever his name pops up in a positive context user's autism flares up and he goes "HE BEAT HIS WIFE IN HIS 20s THEREFORE BAND MAN BAD"
He doesn't seek to add anything to the conversation, nor does he feel any strong feelings about the crime at hand. He simply wants to validate his vendetta against a dead man. Ignore him.

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Slants are all the same.

Apparently I should be beating women while I'm still in my twenties
Anyone want to join me?

that's what the bible teaches you

>implying you can get a woman

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get your shit together user, you're not getting anything out of this

read the bible or something

The fact that he gave some apologize to not suffer scrunity still doesn't change anything you dumb turd

Now I do, thanks user.

There are social statute of limitations. Someone does something while young that left no significant impact on either parties involved with the offending party still feeling remorse even though they wouldn't have gotten in trouble if they didn't shows growth. Have you lived a virtuous life? never did anything wrong? what right do you have to cast stones over someone elses mistakes?

It's the reason why cancel culture is a farce as idiots frantically search through years of history to find something vaguely resembling a taboo or outright lying about one in order to go MAN BAD, STOP LIKING MAN NOW! BELIEVE WOMEN. it's naivete.
>dumb turd
Are you an actual child?

>social statute of limitations
Holy shit, shut the fuck up.

What a damage control

Not really
It would be chucks feed n seed........
Because it was formerly his...........

Are you trying to joke faggot?

While true, this specific joke was actually not related to The Beatles at all in the original Japanese. It was the same general concept (being asked to fill in a blank but getting either "yes" or "no" as prompts, with "yes" also being the correct answer) but instead referenced Heidi.

Buzzwords instead of an actual rebuttal. cute and I'm sure it gets you far on the playground, but you're talking to an adult. Either support your argument or you lose by default.

The Japanese version is better.

what does it say in the Japanese version?

It's the same fundamental joke, but instead of referencing the Beatles it references a popular anime adaptation of a 19th-century Swiss children's novel

>social statute of limitations
I wonder if i can use that as defense in the court of law lol.

"Nono don't worry guys, its ok if i stabbed him, everyone seemed fine about it XDDDD"

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why won't nintendo officially localize this game?

Are you confused?
They did, 24 years ago

nah not the fan translation. people have been crying for nintendo to officially localize this shit for years.

who at the Beatles?


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>the court of law
That uses regular SoL, hence his point about socially people move on much more easily.

are you stupid or blind?

God damn

Did you know bob saget raped and killed a girl in 1990?

Based retard

>I wonder if i can use that as defense in the court of law lol.
You literally can. Do you know what a statue of limitation is? Alright, so since your education isn't very good. If you commit a crime and the party you offended doesn't or can't press charges then after a certain period of time that case is dropped. If you didn't murder the person and he doesn't press charges then after 5-10 years depending on state you're absolved.

I get it. You're young and naive. To you bad people do bad things and stay bad because mommy and/or the screen that raised you told you that you lived in a just world. When you grow up you'll understand that people change and society is complicated.

where's itoi at now

Cancel culture is the common man getting accused over anything while couch casting and raping celebrities get defended by retards like you.

this is so tumblr it hurts
the undertale of videogames

Why does anyone like the Beatles?
All of their music is druggy whiny NWO shit.

>Cancel culture is the common man getting accused over anything while couch casting and raping celebrities get defended by retards like you.
Are you really so stuck in your echo chamber that you think cancel culture just sprung up out of nowhere because "retards like me" decided "yeah, lets oppress men for no reason because we're fucking cartoon villains,"

Cancel culture is a cancerous growth on the #metoo movement. #Metoo started and gained traction by exposing those couch casting and rapists (unless you think Harvey Weinstein is a common man).

The problem is that while most people saw #Metoo some saw it as an opportunity to associate anyone that wronged them with trash like Harvey Weinstein.

Cancel culture is bad because it took a legitimate problem (those casting couching rapists) and turned it into PERSON I NO LIKE BAD. EVIDENCE NOT NEEDED.

Writing a book about Iwata

No but you should.

No, you shouldn't. Because art is not the artist. Just because Roman Polanski is a rapist doesn't change the fact that he is a fantastic director. And the fact that Rosemary's Baby has a feminist message and Chinatown is an anti-rape movie that was made in the SAME YEAR Polanski raped Samantha Geimer speaks to how much of a difference there is between his works and him as a person.

I don't get it

yeah & i also spray fabreeze to cover up the smell of my jizz before my roommates get home. Polanski & I share that

John Lennon beat his wife

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Separate art from artist

Yea Forums has never been very good at this

The Beatles fuckin suck

>yeah, lets oppress men for no reason because we're fucking cartoon villains,"

it's good that you're self aware. now unpack that and take it further

...And nobody who mattered cared.

Oh no, you're not capable pf critical thinking.

It's amazing just how much of a shitshow this thread became.

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Its true

why the fuck is Heidi a thing in Japan
I was watching Gintama around this time last year and the whole fucking show is filled with Heidi jokes

It just seems like random western things randomly become popular in Japan.

Hahahaha he is sorry hahahaha white people act they they rape someone and apologize and it's all good now. Oh boy hahahahahaaaahahah

Based GdaƄsk poster

There was an anime adaptation in the 70s that really took off. Had a lot of big names working on it.


I was going to correct the user by posting Danzig, glad you were here to do that for me brother.

underage here is yoko ono the same one that made all those songs for anime OP and EDs?

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The song is Yesterday. You fill in the blank by choosing "Yes"

"Well Ness I guess we really were Less than Zero" bravo Itoi.

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However they giving me good vibrations and I'm getting excitations

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Not really, there is a lot of differences between chinks, gooks, and nips.

remember a few years ago when Ringo said Paul died and has been fake since lmao that crazy Ringo he's also in favor of brexit what a whacky guy