Less than 2 months, are you going to play with invasions on?
Less than 2 months, are you going to play with invasions on?
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Nope. Multiplayer doesn't belong in DOOM.
morbidly curious how this will run on switch
Doom on switch got a lot of patches, but Eternal runs on a beefier engine
The original doom had multiplayer you fucking moron!
Archvile with the Kaiju skin.
Can I play as a girl?
Honestly fuck everyone who keeps calling Doomguy a generic marine, he'd have a way more interesting moveset then some fucko like masterchief
Who cares about casuals? Certainty not Sakurai after we just got Hero and Banjo
this has to be bait. not bad for first post
there are no invasions.
They just made a new mode where you spawn as demons, that's it.
Im gonna get fuckin mulched coz im bad at vidya but hopefully ill have fun either way
Not on the first playthrough, but I will afterward.
First playthrough will be without invasions but the second playthrough will be nightmare with HELLA INVASIONS
No, there are two modes
He's right though, you don't invade as another doom guy, you invade as one of like three monsters. Which is okay, but I wish it was like you'd just spawn up as a zombie doomguy or something with half of everything the player has (half health, armor, upgrades, ammo)
The closest thing to that would be to play as the Marauder.
No you invade as the marauder
One run without invasions and then a hard mode run with them.
Do we have any real information on the Marauder? Also is there any info on the demonic infection thing they showed in the HUD?
I mean the first run will be hard and the next run will be the mode above hard.
I wish they would go back to DOOM3 era pushing PC hardware instead of just giving us a crappy console port
>demonic infection thing they showed in the HUD?
Unfortunately I think that may be an indicator of their still being arenas
Isn't nu-doom like the best optimized game ever released on PC?
>Also is there any info on the demonic infection thing they showed in the HUD?
It's just a way to gauge how many enemies there are on the map.
>To give players a clearer sense of if they've seen everything they need to see, and shot every demon that needs to be shot, id added a new corruption meter in the upper righthand portion of the screen.
DOOM 2016 was one of the best optimized games ever and it was one of the first games to use Vulkan to get a stable 120/144fps. Have faith; idtech games aren't neutered for console.
Yeah it runs like butter on nearly any PC, vulkan is actually not a meme
No info about the Marauder. The Demonic Corruption bar is basically the amount of Demons that are still alive in a level, and you’ll get skill points for filling up the bar to certain ,just like the Combat Rating from Doom 2016. But something unannounced happens when you kill all the demons in a level, at least according to Hugo and Marty and the last Gameplay reveal they did.
It's still graphically handicapped by console standards, they changed their focus to consoles with the Rage 1 engine.
An optimized game for PC wouldn't be able to run on consoles
Ok cool but can we talk about something actually interesting instead like how he would play in smash?
do you guys think the 2 on 1 mode is a meme or will it do ok. also is there even traditional multiplayer?
2 v 1 battles are the fucking worst in Smash which is why I hate team battles with stocks on. Hopefully Doomguy will have some good zoning moves i can use while hiding behind my buddy
New enemy for Battlemode.
He won't be in smash for at least another 4 months
The game is coming out in 2 no shit we are gonna be focusing on the actual game.
>also is there even traditional multiplayer?
Sadly it seems not. I guess they decided that since the multilayer in the last one was so poorly recived no matter how good they made the new one people would hate it on principle.
I really wanna know how it will run on a Stadia
Whats there to talk about, Smash is a game that is actually out so we know how characters play which gives us a lot of substance when talking about how Doomguy's moveset will work
They already showed gameplay on Stadia
That doesn't make any sense. They literally optimized it for PC by implementing a Vulkan back end to get really really good performance on PC video cards. None of this effort helped improve performance on console.
Cross platform game engines are designed to use multiple back ends. The whole 'consoles holding PCs back!' thing is only for garbage tier game developers. I'm sure you'll get higher res textures and much better video quality / performance overall. Not sure what else you expect.
That's such a dumb decision. They're excluding something because a product made by a different studio was ill-received.
Did they get rid of the multiplayer mode from 2k16 doom?
they haven't said a single word about it
I imagine the map creater is gone too
No traditional multiplayer, no arcade mode, no map maker.
The multiplayer was madde by a different studio?
did anyone use the map maker?
I know the multiplayer didnt last long
The multiplayer for Doom 4 was outsourced to Certain Affinity, who made DLCs for Halo and Call of Duty. Eternal's is being done in-house, which makes the decision to not even include a simple Slayer v Slayer mode baffling.
>which makes the decision to not even include a simple Slayer v Slayer mode baffling.
probably because a regular pvp mode bombed hard on 2k16
Hopefully they add more modes and shit post-launch, but lets be honest, Battle Mode is a gimmick anyway. If we get a really damn good campaign without resources significantly diverted to multiplayer i'd rather take that over a mediocre multiplayer that bogs down the solo.
But it was also shit in 2016. Instead of trying to improve anything, they just throw the baby out with the bathwater. Doom 4's multiplayer sucked because it was a shitty Halo clone, all they needed to do was not make that same mistake again.
probably because they thought it wasnt worthwhile so they went with something different
MGSV was better optimised
t. could run mgsv on max with my old shitty pc but could barely run doom at 20 fps on lowest
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Doom Eternal finale. It confirms that the Doomslayer is completely different from the Doomguy (Pic is the Doomslayer)
This makes no sense
>you can be invaded in the new Doom
My violence erection can't get any harder
I think people eventually figured out a way to use custom textures with the map editor.
I imagine the multiplayer component will only work if you play it uncracked, so no. I'm not quite fool enough to give Bethesda my money a second time.
I'm dumb enough to give them my money but not at full price.
Hopefully invasions will still be active by the time it goes on a good sale.
Did you remember to pre-order for your exclusive DOOT Revenant skin you colossal homo paypig?
No, faggot.
I'm a damn fool, but I am getting the pre-order like an idiot. Didn't put $30 on the season pass though.
What is taking them so long to make this fucking game?
I don’t want to fight heaven bro’s. I hope we don’t
or rather the digital deluxe edition, whatever
>Mfw im actually gonna preorder tomorrow
Someone give me the jist on what’s new in this game?
I just downloaded the last one and I am pumped to start
>t. Christcuck
Battle Mode has you versus two player demons, but that same gameplay carries into the campaign where players can invade you as demons. They awkwardly didn't show it at E3 this year for whatever reason in favor of emphasizing Battle Mode, but it's still in the game.
Aren't we given a choice?
I preordered the collectors edition. I hope the helmet fits. I'll wear it while I play for added immersion.
Invasions? Huh?
Leaked info? source?
Have you been living under a rock?
>no arcade mode
Why? That was great fun.
I mean it's pretty obvious Doom took a lot of inspiration from 40k
>are you going to play with invasions on
what kind of skill-less dicklet wouldnt?
Casual scum that can’t handle a challenge probably.
I'm fucking hating that this game has so many cutscenes.
You realize that invasion is just Bethesda admitting they can't code AI for shit, so they're outsourcing enemy AI to other players - same way they outsourced their QA staff to modders.
I have a feeling the majority of them will be brief much like that of the first games first time encounters of particular demons
I miss the original Super Shotgun.
>id software
>the AI in 2016 was fine
r u retarded?
Doom looks three times better than MGSV.
Litterally the only thing I find searching for this is your copypasta
master chief isn't a generic marine