Character's voice is cute af

>character's voice is cute af
>search her VA on google
>she's actually fucking ugly
Why can't we have cute VA's like the japs do, bros?

Attached: fao6l65wbqy11.jpg (1212x1761, 230K)

Other urls found in this thread:


dear god that nose

Cute VAs are just As

The teeth are even worse.

I never thought it was possible to have such an uncute navel.

found your problem

let's keep it vidya

Attached: olivia munn epic transformation.jpg (1534x696, 677K)

Attached: ff7r voice cast so far.jpg (2018x502, 777K)

We’re you born this decade op?

>Cute VAs are just As

Attached: giphy.gif (400x275, 665K)

dios fucking mio what happened

I really wish Erica Lindbeck didn't look like a literal tranny. She deserved a better face

Attached: GTpCPQZ.png (470x544, 451K)

Attached: Yikes!.jpg (648x484, 131K)

White women are terrible. That's why.

Derek Jeter

Oatmeal raisin or white macadamia nut cookies?

I prefer chewy chocolate chip

>everyone ITT

Attached: 1560931346853.jpg (810x810, 63K)

based. she took the bogpill

but i like the new VAs for Tifa and Aerith

Attached: tifa-aerith.png (1024x680, 933K)

That fucking chin oh my god.

This is why I don't consume dubshit

>generic american dub voice

why are you playing persona 5 in american that is the real ugly thing here

>Google search your name
>New entry on Yea Forums
>People are calling you ugly
>The thread exists for years
Fuck you, OP.

Attached: Not healthy.jpg (2048x2048, 393K)

Jap VA's mostly arent cute either, except to guys with extreme yellow fever.

Not true. They're either average or very cute. I've never seen an unattractive nip va.

Topkek. You incels are so lonely that you'd completely forget your petty criticism if she took interest in you.

superman is sephiroth?!

I don't know Japanese

oh shit the punk chick from glow? nice

>t. retard with yellow fever

>t. toasty roastie
Lose weight. Stop sleeping around so much.

That epicanthal fold surgery though.

Then you probably have yellow fever or severely low standards, my dude. Half these women are ugly right here (and the rest not above a 7 at the very most).

Attached: 720px-Seiyuu_cast.jpg (720x170, 28K)

Seriously, why do white roasties fear Japan so much?

Attached: bNcrakd.png (599x595, 353K)

she has a sweet personality

these people need to go. we should viciously oppress invasionposters.

She was so cute, why god

Go back to wizchan, moron.

>less cuntish and boring
>have a personality that can't be summarized by the statement "is mad at their dad"

I do not believe for even a moment that that is the same person.

Something tells me the person who wrote that article is just jealous that other women are being called adorable

Holy fuck, who is Tifa, because shes a grade A qt3.14

Attached: 2B love.png (112x112, 18K)

just gotta verify whether it's for real or not
dont wanna assume too much

Britt Baron

Attached: britt-baron.png (500x248, 170K)

Madoka is meh, Homura is alright. Sayaka is a solid fuckin 8 if not better, Mami is meh, Kyoko and Kyubei are meh. At least going by those pictures.

Only 2/3 of your points are correct.

What gave it away?

More like extremenly autistic. But she seems to enjoy what she does, so that's fine I guess

Superman has been Sephiroth for quite awhile now since one of DC's go-to VAs for Supes, George Newbern, has voiced him since like, KH2.

Although now that you mention it, I had no idea they had CWverse Superman voicing him, so that's kinda funny. I still haven't watched Supergirl to that point, so I have no idea if he's a good Superman.

my belly button is so dirty, how do people keep it clean?
i can't pick at it, it makes me feel weird

She looks better in her Tifa headshot there, but still a qt. Long hair / girl next door look suits her well.

Which one's wrong and prove it is wrong.

Amerimutt white women are obsessed with race and are incredibly jealous

Because in Japan the VAs have to fuck the producers before they get hired, so only the ones who are hot enough make it in that industry. It's called pillow casting.
Kinda similar to regular actresses in Hollywood.

>someone I talk to online occasionally sends me Erika Harlacher's tweets through dms
I don't even know how to feel about it.

The article was written by an asian woman

Attached: Kwon-headshot-Smeeta-Mahanti-color-vertical.jpg (800x1200, 132K)

I mean, she's ugly, but she's one of the most decent english anime VAs. Does she tweet cringe feminist shit or something?

An unattractive, american-asian woman.

>shantae fan

life could be worse

Attached: 3kidrzpd76a31.png (900x1200, 1.46M)

Is that what fucking jews in hollywood and plastic surgeons does to your face?

Because Japan hires idols to do voices. They don't care about the quality of the work. You aren't Japanese so you don't realize how shit they really are. You just see some squawking gook that appeases your pathetic fetish.

...who is not Japanese and lives in America


Madoka and Mami are a bit less than "meh". Just a bit. Sayaka is fucking smoking, holy shit. Truly when worse girl turns out to be best girl.

>this, Japanese male VAs are generally great but the women are all obnoxious cunts who can't do anything besides screeching and whispering

Appearance aside, what the fuck is with her eye makeup? Maybe it's cause of my cosmetologist ex but that's a fashion emergency right there good lord anons

i have never even seen the phrase "fashion emergency" outside of a disney channel sitcom.

>Play game with Eng audio
>Everyone sounds like they're 40
>Play game with Jap audio
>Everyone sounds like they're 4

Attached: 1529820685381.png (849x783, 337K)

>Less cuntish and boring

Jap women are still women, friend. They may have different sorts of hang ups between cultures, but they are still there.

2B's english voice actor is the worst example of this

Not from what I've seen, but all he's really sent me are selfies of herself or pictures of her dog.

kind of a fun phrase to use on the rare occasion desu senpai
this, a lot of people talk as if they are good friends with them or that they live among them. As someone who does, they are very much still women, just different hang ups

While you're right, I don't give a shit about her looks. What I do care about is that she transformed the strong yet calm and sometimes sensitive 2B into stonk woman number 2374912753. Stupid fucking cunt. She was fine in Danganronpa though, maybe I should be blaming the director

Attached: a81et2kpkf131.jpg (900x1200, 118K)

Is there a controversy around Nakamura? She fucking loves the attention she's getting, she showed off a huge collection of fanart that she saved of people just drawing her in adorable ways.

She's wrong and she shouldn't enjoy it

Attached: D8tzkroXYAE-k5B.jpg (1199x662, 78K)

Ok, fair, I concede on that point.

>She loves the attention
The problem isn't Nakamura, it's the other women who aren't getting attention, mad that a cute woman is getting some while their frigid ass isn't.

>caring about and agreeing with the thoughts of cultural imperialists
They aren't correct or important. They are fun to mock though.

>Seph is a turbo-chad

>Sephiroth is voiced by a chad
>Cloud voiced by a soi boi

Have you heard of Tara Strong? Laura Bailey? Etc.?

Also, the entire point of voice acting is that they don't have to look like the character. Go complain about Sean Schemmel not looking half as ripped as Goku.

Attached: qDz1q[1].gif (216x229, 1.81M)

Seph is also Superman in that shitty CW Supergirl show. Kinda funny since his old VA was Superman in some of the animated shit too. I wonder if they're doing it on purpose.

holy shit tifas voice actor is gorgeous who is she

she's honestly pretty cute, also she's a good voice actresses

she's almost 40 years old, even without surgery she would be looking a lot worse now. all these before and after photos that are 15 years apart are retarded.


she really doesn't look that bad besides the nose

>pretty cute
On the inside

Attached: Erika_Harlacher.PNG.png (481x514, 520K)

oy vey that schnozz
west cucks will defend this

Attached: 1066576041222.png (553x691, 399K)

Kill yourself.

Attached: fatluses.png (500x388, 124K)

like I said good voice, did kyoko in danganronpa

Oy gevalt its anuddah shoah


Yeah, I know. She did a really sexy and soothing voice. I liked it too

Attached: Kyoko_Kirigiri_Illustration.png (916x916, 575K)

The jersey jew rat. OP is 100% gay

like I'm gonna play this shit in English, imagine the cringe

Here's a good one.

Attached: fa007b733099d81c323d59e397692e54--famous-people-actresses[1].jpg (250x377, 26K)



of who?


Ashleigh Ball.

Are you gay? I'll gf her in flash.

You have very low standards




VAs back in the day were hot.

>Laura Bailey
>Young Cassandra Morris
>Christine Marie Cabanos
>Young Cristina Vee

Attached: 1568864976169.jpg (403x403, 127K)

>I'll gf "her" in flash
Are you gay?

All me

Never meet your hero

don't look them up then
ignorance is bliss

He looks like he writes for kotaku.

Tifa wins again, like always.

>Aerith's VA
she cute

Attached: 9767052.jpg (400x599, 57K)

Fucking why

Still would, pretty cute.

Well that's why they're VAs and not real actors

They heard that guys like eyebags but didn't want to lose out on their beauty sleep.

Shes legit super nice. Too nice for her own good. I saw her hug a wario cosplayer who was wearing a gold speedo at an animecon and she did it without disgust or hesitation.

It's cute

These threads are super mean, Erica Harlacher is super nice to everyone, she doesn't deserve this thread. It's not like your looks matter for voice acting.

What about Travis Willingham?

It's Yea Forums so meanness just comes with the territory.

Look, I like Erica but this thread doesn't fucking mean anything in the grand scheme of things. irl she could get literally anything she wanted with her average looks so it's not like this matters to her

People see Ann's voice actress and shit talk her behind her back. Unfortunate that she gets tied to the Persona fandom. She is geniunely a nice and legit good person. She also doesn't spout SJW nonsense either. She doesnt deserve to be talked down on.

shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

What a qt little emo.

Go choke on a dick, you pouty lipped fuck.

seriously tho who

Is that fucking real

it's not like there are any cute anons to go with them

I'm literally a 9/10

Yes there are.

Attached: 1556414812535.jpg (1130x1325, 181K)

you forgot a 0, it's actually 9/100

6'3 85kg blue eyes and i get laid weekly

This user is right, I have a picture of him to prove his claim

Attached: cutie.png (225x225, 7K)

you're light for your height, what are you some kind of sticc

>didn't say fit
yep 9/100 lanklet

Why is /pol/ so full of qts?

Attached: 1564097435188.jpg (604x453, 43K)

>/pol/ so full of qts

Attached: 1561497813835.jpg (4032x3024, 1.51M)

Has she actually been in anything big outside of that one X-Men movie that's already been forgotten?

for being a white supremacist shithole sure are a lot of brownies

what's young egoprator in a squall coat doing there?


Well, /pol/ is mostly Americans.

Attached: 1562645818551.png (227x214, 4K)

The solution is simply to develop some taste and stop being a dubfag.

Is that a dude?

Is THAT a dude?

The albino girl became a model, actually.

Attached: 1559216692163.jpg (480x720, 55K)

Are you memeing?

>HWNDU was almost 3 years ago

Attached: 537473525771.jpg (545x362, 32K)


Attached: 1542683278711.jpg (600x800, 81K)

why do you lie?

Attached: why do you lie.jpg (713x506, 39K)

>/pol/ hates trannies
>but they look like girls

Attached: 1537791521221.jpg (2560x1440, 1.51M)

She's kinda creepy.

Reminds me of myself in my teens. Holy shit, I was a faggot.

Everyone with common sense hates them.

Attached: 1555647508737.png (655x690, 537K)

only passable one is blue, she's cute, the rest are fugly

Literally nothing wrong with albinos.
They look ethereal.

Attached: 1557926400168.jpg (803x1064, 199K)

Why is her makeup upside down lmoa

lmao seething white knights.
All women are trash.

albino blacks

They're ugly as fuck 99% of the time

Only if black

Well yeah, should have specified, white albinos.

Attached: 1544404861399.jpg (534x534, 25K)

>tfw no awkward, slightly ugly, pale, virgin gf to show pure love to

American cities like NYC are ~20% white, if you define white as 100% racially european. Keep in mind these people are still not ethnically pure, just "racially".
Most "whites" in urban environments are massively affluent compared to the average american white, and even more so compared to their darker neighbors within the city. As they are priviliged in the literal sense they excel in global capitalist environments and don't fall to the wayside, meaning they have no reason whatsoever to join outsider or revolutionary political movements like the new/dissident/chaotic/populist right. If anything, they have reason to fight against these things to protect their hegemony (however fleeting).
Minorities, impoverished whites. and especially mixed-race people do experience the massive social alienation from global capitalism, and flock to fringe movements such as these. The fact that nearly every person in that image is mixed race plays to this point.
Also Shia Labouf is a fucking faggot holy shit lmao.

It's only this one specific model who is remotely attractive when looking through google images

Nah, there's plenty.
They also tend to have the most beautiful eyes, purple ones.

Attached: 1557393021277.jpg (807x538, 75K)

Anyone can be potentially an albino.
The ratio of ugly and good looking albinos are going to be in the same proportion as the rest of humanity, it's not like albinos are their own race.

Cute enough for someone like me.

Looks like Cosmo if he transitioned a little better.

imagine unironically caring about the 3dpd appearance of VOICE actors

>look up Japanese VA (male)
>they're all ugly as fuck or 90

He's like a mix of Smallville's and Reeve's Supes. So good, specially after Cavill's.
The latest crossover actually had him as a central character, and was pretty good.

>tfw ywn be a pretty albino girl
Kill me

Tara Strong from the mid 90s. Try Google next time.

>he says while thinking RE RU RAKI RA RRING RONG RING RONG ear-screeching is good
Weeb tossers holy shit, not even once

Because there’s a reason they aren’t video actors

imagine bitching about weebs while playing jap games and browsing Yea Forums

Overdosed on Japanese potatoes.

Imagine all the free air she can sniff

>voice actor has many talents

Attached: howdiditknow.png (1197x822, 772K)

They certainly have existed.

Attached: apollo smile.png (431x250, 153K)

Why do these images look like photos of Nickelodeon stars taken during the 90s

Imagine working at this place and overhearing all of these rejects talk about inane bullshit for hours

Attached: 1566488104597.jpg (228x221, 11K)

Looked her up and holy fuck that woman is thirsty. The term cake was literally invented for women like her.

It probably kept some wagie from offing himself for one more day

ahaha you asshole

Attached: 70.png (573x559, 545K)

Attached: diversity3.jpg (2128x962, 493K)

why does it matter? you aren't one of those weirdos who sucks on bellybuttons are you?

I will buy your game

Yea Forums being shallow as fuck isn't anything new


Attached: cooler daniel.jpg (1452x816, 462K)

>b-but seiyuu are all attractive!
Jesus fuck why is Yea Forums full of retarded weeaboos

Attached: kugimiya-rie-image.jpg (300x300, 32K)

Plutia's VA (Neptunia)

Attached: 800px-Cherami_Leigh_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (800x1043, 146K)

But japs are ugly.

Attached: FMAdub.jpg (1440x1080, 193K)

>Red Blood Cell
>Makoto Niijima

Albinos are usually ugly because they're usually almost completely blind. She's a lucky one or has someone dressing her

Attached: ED9C2466-E05F-4A4F-9005-D4047EEE8F7F.gif (480x270, 421K)

>both sides of the extreme are hypocritical retards
who'da thunk

Fucking seriously, English dubs shouldn't mimic all the trash of the Japanese version 100% of the time. One of the best things about the English dub was that they took it more seriously, which kind of sucked because they cut out all the comedy skits at the end of each show. The murderer of the week would joke around with Ed and Al at the end of each show.


Britt Baron

>Why can't we have cute VA's like the japs do, bros?
Probably because white women aren't cute

Whois calling asian women adorable? They're bland, robotic and soulless.

Theyre american shade of white.

Horseshoe is real

This is what happens to a succubus who can't get any more semen.

Erica looks like that little girl from Hereditary

her going full bimbo would almost be hot if she wasn't genuinely beautiful in the first place

>that episode of Drawn Together where she orgasms over car crashes


>search the VA on google

Your first mistake. What even is the point, is the cute character in-game not enough?

85 is actually top end of my BMI and no i am not skinny at all

You wouldn't be saying that if she was your girlfriend and a virgin.

god i would marry her in a heartbeat

>not enough movement to justify being a gif instead of a jpg

thank you user
look at those perky puffy nipples
i bet they're really cute

Attached: 500full.jpg (500x750, 56K)

>he doesn't know

know what?

Attached: MV5BZjU3NzcxMjUtYjdjMC00NjYwLTgzZjktYjM3ZjVmNmU3ZjA1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA2MzQ0ODc@._V1_.jpg (1365x2048, 288K)

it's better if you don't know

Yeah well, the game

>Imagine being Vic on that red carpet and having to be all like "damn, Monica Rial, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my multitude of characters and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck a pair of twins consensually in his hotel room. Like seriously imagine having to be Vic and not only stand on that carpet while Monica Rial flaunts her disgusting fashion statment in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her horse teeth and leathery skin, and just stand there, question after question, minute after minute, while she spoke in that mic. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone at the office tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MONICA RIAL LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been doing nothing but failing to fuck a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of Florida. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled chin as she tucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the interviewer calls for another question, and you know you could kill every single person in front of the Chinese Theater before the studio security could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Vic. You're going to eventually lose your future over this. Just sue them. Take the money and sue them.

Attached: Imagine being Vic and .png (1280x720, 841K)

Legit 10/10 woman. QT3.14

Attached: Cherami Leigh.jpg (666x1000, 124K)

lower your standards incel

She looks like a fucking toucan

in order from left to right. On a scale of 1-10
5, 3, 7,5,4,7

What manga is this?

Just look up Claudia Black, especially during her Farscape days, and shut the fuck up.

I love how its always the leftists, the ones who preach tolerance and love, who are the most violent and hateful faggots on earth

A nose job probably wouldn't hurt. I know a girl who got one (she didn't need it in the first place), but she looked good after it.

Attached: 1565405688415m.jpg (1024x576, 99K)

this bitch is just really pale. She's wearing a wig, fake eyelashes and contact lenses, and she's lightened herself more with photoshop.

Bravo guys

She's an albino you fucking nitwit

That's literally how all albinos look like.

Attached: 1557484698412.jpg (1280x897, 158K)

Thats a creepy pic

These girls are so pale.
I wonder if there are any goth albinos.


Attached: EnKFtzg.jpg (345x337, 30K)

what's the familiar piece of fanart

dont, my dick can only tolerate so much abuse


Attached: 1542109741309.jpg (2433x3888, 946K)


yolandi should have voiced a character her voice is cute and so is she if you are not a total faggot

Attached: c43Tp6i.jpg (717x960, 120K)


For some reason I thought she had a lot of tattoos, must be her husband.

she had a few you just cant see them in this pic her band mate has a ton but thats not her husband they broke up and are just good freinds now

faggot only into thicc women
not that there is anything wrong with thicc women


Attached: 1473652688756.gif (295x216, 1.99M)

You need to aquire some standards my man

yolandi is adorable just cause you cant see it doesnt mean its not true


I want to marry 2B's dub voice actress
She shouldn't even be pretty for some reason she is to me. Not to mentioned her voice is sexy too


Attached: 3e84e362453d023d6d801a80fdfa349a.jpg (350x437, 25K)

If they were cute they wouldn't be voice actors but real actors instead.

>white albinos
>cute angels

>black albinos

One race, the human race.

Attached: 1566507262601.jpg (600x1000, 97K)



thats a nigger though

Alright, Yea Forums, if you were to waifufag a VA simply based off of voice, who would it be?

Attached: EACPEVsW4AI64xV.jpg (696x981, 79K)

yes she is cute a cute adorable brat

Go fuck a trashfire, weirdo

I love her I don't care!
2B, or Makoto

A o i Y u k i

go fuck yourself you probably think amy lee is ugly too

Attached: 88810e288aca5edcaff0776c487c4615_xl.jpg (1200x1200, 150K)

Amy Lee is still my gothfu.
Beautiful voice.

At least she doesnt look like she put her head in a blender, just incredible average looking

I'm going to rape Erika Harlacher!

Wait, Amy Lee became a VA?

Literally soulless, why isn't /x/ onto this?

Vic is so fucking based.
How long before they scrub the very notion that he was also ever involved with Yu Yu Hakusho and FMA?

Attached: Bui.jpg (960x720, 77K)

>receding hairline
>vitamin deficient epidermis
>anal bead necklace? is this the new queen of spades tattoo?
Get some fucking self respect you crusty dumpster diver

and yolandi is my ghettofu and a cute angelic ratty brat at that

Attached: 9d450ee64432d8f1c8cae27394b0f132.jpg (640x689, 47K)


Attached: 1564743708162.png (375x385, 7K)

looks like a chimp

Jesus christ your taste in women is so fucking bad I want to smack you

i like all kinds of women from thicc to thin scarlette johanson is another favorite or at lest she was before the bitch went blonde and made herself fucking hideous

humans are just domesticated chimps to begin with. not looking like a chimp is more weird.

I have no problem with trashy girls with tattoos and hair dyes, but bowl cuts are a no go for me.

Attached: 1557735828639.png (1080x1350, 2.32M)

i like her hair

wonder if she plays video games

English VAs usually looks better because most of them are actors/actresses who are not successful enough in Hollywood.

what a poor creature

why would you do this? you would need to take months off of work for healing people who do this should be checked into mental health facilities the NORMAL human nature is to avoid injury and wounds

i want to kick her with golf shoes

How the fuck doesn't that shit get infected?

what gave you that idea, user?

fucking lol
mods, for real? I can tell what it was just from these reactions. just delete this entire offtopic thread you fagoloids

Why the fuck did they delete my qt? Is scarification unacceptable but literally carving a whole in your crotch is acceptable on Yea Forums - Trannies?

Yeah, this one tends to get some pretty cute emo-style hairstyles.

Attached: 1537966606085.png (1080x1350, 1.55M)

Damn cosmo finally got braces huh?

>video game voice actors
>offtopic thread

i was talking about yolandi's hair

not everyone is as desperate as you /gif/ coomer

Why are her socks different.

Another needle in the back through purified scarification

slipknot is the greatest

gotta have at least one pickle rick sock on at all times

She looks really small.
I want to fuck her violently.

>voice actor looks almost identical to the character she voices

Attached: katara.jpg (600x500, 79K)

Attached: e90c49616c0d8a0e630bbbac0cbb6f1a--mae-whitman-the-mystery.jpg (720x1080, 120K)

idk why it was deleted, it wasnt that bad
but its jannies not mods, mods dont actually monitor anything they just click on their reports and hang out in the irc acting self important

People that use Yea Forums don’t post pictures of themselves online. Every one of theses pictures comes from reddit. Which is funny because this guy probably agrees with YOU more than us


Pic not related

i've posted myself plenty of times cos im hot

let's see it then

Holy shit, they really aren't white. Even German potatoes look better

Males who call other males "chads" are faggots with repressed sexuality. You're literally worshiping another man's looks. top kek

Ewww, she a monkey, she has no lips. You like monkeys. All of you. Aerith voice actor, it's a monkey.
This is a monkey too.
More monkeys.
It's a monkey huh?
No, monkey.
People can have their preferences.
Emo monkey.

Too many weirdos in this thread like posting bestiality. It's monkeys everywhere.

>dat sharp knee
Ugh, not even worth my time.

She was in the awful predator movie, naked in magic mike, and cameod in one of the less good ironman movies

I would

*american asian
Yeah, these are basically all mental.

hentai baka

Upon googling her, she seems cuter than that picture. The headshot is closer to how she seems to look normally. Over all a cutie patootie. Not amazing, but really cute.

>Holy shit, they really aren't white. Even German potatoes look better
The "Anglo" were a German tribe you fucking idiot

Why are westerners so self hating about everything they produce one day, then is all muh white pride the next?

gtfo you smelly brown person

And they must have bred with sheep because those people don't look Germanic or even European. They're too deformed and nonsymetrical

Wait, are most of them from theCW shows?

>whites: God I hate western tv, games, VAs, culture, and especially the French and Germans
>nonwhite: yeah I can agree on bad games

You're American aren't you

Because of retardation. /pol/ is one massive blackhole for intelligence. Yet OP magically made a thread that is just as cruel and unneeded.

nice generalisation you fucking racist retard

What does it matter what they look like, when voice acting is their job? Fucking hell, have sex.

There's an entire board dedicated to posting your pics, newfag. And even ignoring that it's not that rare for threads about that showing up on boards like /int/

Attached: engie.png (481x347, 239K)

Norwegian, the peak of humanity. And yes, before you ask, I am 203cm, blond and blue eyed.

Only 3 of them:
>Cody Christian (Cloud)
>Gideon Emery (Biggs)
>Tyler Hoechlin (Sephiroth)

nice fake country

Well, Teen Wolf was from MTV but whatever

>just like the japs do
MY FUCKING SIDES. Jap women are horrendous, you disgusting weeb.

Then you're just an idiot and I guess you'll have to live with that.

>playing with english dubs

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so cosmo has finally fixed his teeth?

I'll get my solace in your willing women who loves nordic men, as with the rest of the world.

Cosmo killed himself months ago

ugly Va's tend to get their positions by being competent voice actors, and not just because their boss got a stiffy in the interview.

based. on stream?



Come on, no need for rude.

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holy based randy

what exactly did you mean by this

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>change the original work so that it suits my murrican tastes! i want to feel like a serious grown up when i watch my japanese cartoons!
>i hang around uncute women so the women i see on tv need to act like that too!!

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This mostly works as live action too

pic is literally me

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post em

This is why you're all virgins

It's not about looking worse
It's about looking like a monster instead of a human

>Person has fun on stage making a presentation
>Everyone loves that, shows support and makes fan art
>She loves how people are adoring her and shares her favorites on twitter
>The people love it because of how much fun everyone has and how there are still devs with such energy
>Literally every single person is happy
>ReeeeesetEra STILL gets offended, cries misogyny and discrimination, gets offended on her behalf
>Claims its everyone else who is programmed and not them
The messiah complex is unreal

underrated post


resetgender seethed to the moon and back about it.

I love her so much, bros

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Most normal guys would fuck the shit out of her, really pretty girls are out of most guys league so most guys prefer girls that look like her.

What specis of ape is this?

Is this projared?

Agree but some VA are cute but are massive sluts like that haruhi suzumiya VA

>rat faced kike with stereotypical kike nose
>ironic 1950's housewife photoshoot despite being feminist
>crazy eyes i.e. wide glare that shows whites over or under the irises

Hard pass.

Great to see this libtard cunt in miserable and hit that 25 year wall painfully hard. She's steadily morphing into the third Bogdanof brother.

>haruhi suzumiya VA

Completely disagree, she's cute and I would love a gf that liked video games/had a sweet voice like her.

If the VA direction is done by somebody from the KH localization team you bet your ass it is intentional. Those people are fucking nerds.

Yet you're still a lanky socially awkward incel

keep coping about "muh heritage" as you jerk it into your hand buddy

>check her insta
>her boyfriend is some hapa mutt

lmao everytime

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Wait, there's people that watch anime with english dub? Do you also like to have needles inserted in your eardrum?

poor fella doesn't know

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Most on TV or official shit are dubs and most watch animu that way.

Still can't get over the fact that he fucked everyone except the bassist.

user, we're on the video game board


She’s cute

But she dunked on polygon when retortgate happened.

Yea Forums/nel is edgy reddit post G/US election

People find her cute because she did endearing things on stage, not because she's asian.

People also called the Unravel guy cute for being emotional on stage and he sure as shit ain't an asian woman.

Tell that to roasties, not us