This game is hard I am stuck

this game is hard I am stuck

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Check the maps and unopened doors.

Also examine the items.

I have to get through a tiny hallway with two mega zombies and its hard to dodge them and i dont have much ammo

Which puzzles have you completed?

god I wish I could play this game for the first time again

awwwh fucking hell. I went through hell and back trying to get some egghead a serum for his venomous bite and now i just found out he died..... I have barely any damn ammo and there are like a million red zombies rdy to pwn me. "oh just use the kerosine on them" I just filled it up and got a total of TWO uses out of it, wow.

f(5th)pbp,it's just not the same again to get stuck on the mansion full of danger outside and inside whilst knowing how to "escape"

i posted a thread a while back today about playing this for the first time and so far I have not had any issues. I am no expert but examining every item, checking every room thoroughly, and remembering shortcuts is the way to go

i know exactly where to go, my issue is the damn red zombies i am telling you. All I have are my grenades and i dont want to waste them.


This game is awesome.

I want to play it again for the first time.


It'll be extra fun this way.

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i dont get it either... at least re2 remake had actual shooting mechanics...

it's a shame because i only really liked the PD segments in 2, i want more of that looping exploration in a single level.

>Point the shotgun up
>Wait for them to get close
>Enjoy it.

damn, what difficulty you playing at?

A shame you didn't get the serum, he'll drop the assault shotgun later on if you get the serum to him.

Is it true that the HD version butchered the visuals compared to the Gamecube version? Is there a mod to fix it?

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it's on normal (easy apparently), the shotty doesnt always one shot them, seriously, I know the head shot trick, it doesnt always work
and now i have 0 shells -_-

damn Yea Forumsro, I would maybe start over and be more conservative with ammo or something..I have avoided fighting most enemies unless i really have to.

Yes, it's true. They fucked it up, but google the AI upscaled version of the textures. It's much better than the official ones. They're scaled from the GC version.

>and now i have 0 shells -_-
lel user


Please, continue this game. Try to beat it. I'm laughing here.

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yeah i am seriously considering this. and I thought I WAS being conservative.
im not updating you anymore, anime bitch.





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the nest lab was kino

You have to get the serum pretty fast or he dies. I think they shave off a minute 30 on the higher difficulty.

Are you enjoying the game so far?

once u know what to do, the 2nd run wont take as long. just run past the zoombas

Once you've played enough on hardcore you see how linear and boring it really is.

7 zombies, 6 plant dudes, 2 lickers, G 2nd form, Super Mr. X/G 3rd form.

>played enough on hardcore
nah a game like ReMake 2, I would only play once desu and never again. for that one playthrough, i really liked NEST. it was fun uncovering the shitstorm that took place there.

thats the most comfiest room of the game, prove me wrong.

I always thought it wasn't that fun as a kid
didn't have the same cool feel of the first 3 REs

Haha, glad you're enjoying it.

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I'm impressed with the job they did with the RE0 remaster, it was much better than the REmaster's work but

I just wish they made it a better game

alright lads, I got passe my pickle and am on a roll now. But plz, humor me. THIS fucking room was basically the hard thing for me. There are TWO red zombones in this room. Yes I run passed 90 percent of the enemies but with these two goons, the hallway is so narrow and they flank you, I am probably going to just kill and burn them. cuz now i found more kerosene and they seem worth it. almost everyone else you can run passed.

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If they’re red, you don’t have to burn them. They’ll stay dead. Keep at it, user. You can do it.