I want to get into dark meme but dont know where to start. Should I start at Demon Souls...

I want to get into dark meme but dont know where to start. Should I start at Demon Souls? I've heard that bloodborne is a good way to get into these games if i haven't in the past. Whats your favorite user and why?

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Play them in release order but skip Ds2, it's an embarrassing stain on an amazing series

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Do in release order including Demon's Souls if you can, except I'd consider BB and DS3 interchangeable with their order

Do you have a PS3? Demon souls. No? Dark Souls. Pretty obvious

start with 1, its the best one, and the only one that doesn't allow you to teleport right from the start, which makes everything much more fun, then you go to demons or bloodborne, leave 3 and 2 for last since they're not as good, but they're still good

Demon's Souls then Dark Souls then Bloodborne then Dark Souls III then Sekiro.

Why is DSII so bad?

Play 2 last, or avoid it entirely. It looks worse than ds1 on the switch. By far.

Dark Souls is fine. If you really want to play them all start with Demon's Souls, because if you play that one second it might feel a bit underwhelming. It's hard to talk about it without spoiling the experience, but basically, you're fine if you start with DaS and go in totally cold. I haven't finished DaS3 or touched Bloodborne, but DaS is definitely my favorite out of the first 3.

Not that user, but I like it as much as the other Souls games because what it lacks in quality it makes up for by being the Soulsborne game with the most content. That, and it has fucking Bone Fist which is the best weapon across all games.

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I went Bloodborne, DeS, DaS1, 2, 3, Sekiro
DaS1 > BB > DeS > Sekiro > 3 > 2
Don't play co-op

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demon's or 1 is a good place to start

Start with 2, it's the most forgiving, less confusing, with the most availability of builds so you can forever go back to it with nostalgia for your first one and do something completely different. It offers the most paths at once at all times for you to take so if you feel stuck somewhere there's always elsewhere to go.
It's also the clunkiest so all the other ones you play will feel like an improvement controls-wise, except DeS.

DS2 wasn't directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki.

It wasn't developed by the same people that made the rest of the series and they missed the mark pretty hard in almost every area, enemies, bosses, levels, world design, basic movement are all extremely mediocre

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This place is fun, just do what the game has been teaching you since the first area to get enemies in narrow points like doorways where you can kill 4 of them at once.
Anyone who complains 2 is 'artificial difficulty' has no idea how to strategize.

It's not, it's the best one.

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Started with Dark Souls 3. The "lore" is fucking horrendous and the lack of music outside of Boss rooms and Firelink shrine really bothers me. Some places can get really fucking annoying like Iirathyl dungeon, Dragonpeak whatever and Farron swamp with the deep water where you can't run so take breaks if you reach a frustration point to where you'll break something if you keep going on.

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than enjoying Dark Souls 2. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are statting, creating, grinding and gearing a character for at least 18 hours just so he can go and get swarmed by endless hordes of boring enemies. All the hard work you put into your autistic little undead - raising his ADP to actually get iframes, sculpting his stupid face in the anime character creator, making sure he has enough life gems, fighting the same boss in knight armor over and over again, seeking estus shards. All of it has one simple result: you wasting your NEET lifestyle on a strict downgrade of a game that came out in 2011.

Built the perfect hollow? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, some random faggots won't gank squad you in pvp. They'll get to fuck you in the darksign every night. They get the benefits of lagstabbing you off a cliff covered in an ugly green MS paint texture.

As a man who enjoys Dark Souls 2, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours of your life to playing the worst From Software title since Evergrace. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Its not nearly as bad as people say it is. Compared to most games coming out today its a fine game, well worth playing. Its just compared to the other games its lacking in a lot of areas. People who act like its a DMC2-tier abomination are bandwagoning retards. Also, make sure to play the DLC as it has some of the best content in the series.

Brightstone is the ugliest, least inspired area in any video game I've ever played, like the rest of Ds2 it's not difficult, just bland and uninteresting

it's not bad, just not as good as the other ones, the bosses aren't that interesting and the weapons and armors aren't well balanced, but its still an interesting game, its way more creative than 3

Demon's Souls can be emulated now right? I really want to play it but I don't want to dig out my PS3 which probably doesn't even work anymore.

>I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than enjoying Dark Souls 2
>As a man who enjoys Dark Souls 2,

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>weapons and armors aren't well balanced
It's the only game where Whips are viable, where almost any single build is viable. No other has as much variety in PVP builds and people doing crazy shit because it's much better balanced than 1 or 3.

Holy shit all this time and I never seen these things have faces on top, I thought those were just helmets.

i specifically remember that room. Fuck DaS2 is so bad

It's a MUCH better experience emulated than on the PS3.
I remember taking a whole shit and cleaning up once that went faster than the loading screen after dying on the PS3 fat.
Emulated it takes 15 seconds max.

Play them all in release order OP.
Now onto important lore questions Is The Deep real?

if you actually want to play them all then this is the way to do it
also it hasnt happened yet

Dark Souls lore sucks. It's inconsistent and vague in the worst way possible. The fuck is the Deep suppose to be when the entire series has been about the abyss? Leftover Bloodborne shit I guess.

>its way more creative than 3
How? It was just ds1 but worse with a few qol changes.
Ds3 at the very least had some cool level gimmicks, bosses and art direction. Absolutely nothing in Ds2 stood out to me. I'm not trying to shit on Ds2, I'm just having a very hard time understanding this opinion

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You have 2 options. Either start with Dark Souls 1 or Bloodborne. Then play DaS 2 and 3 and finally play Sekiro.

Skip Demon's Souls.

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So many cool designs and yet they have almost zero explanation.

>but skip Ds2, it's an embarrassing stain on an amazing series

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2 feels much more like a king's field with ds combat than a dark souls, there are way more different areas. 3 most of the time is just filled with gothic cathedrals, and I think 2's artstyle is better too, simply because its more colorful, but that's subjective. I'm also not trying to shit on 3, it's technically a much better game, but I remember a lot more from 2 than from 3.

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i started with sekiro, then bloodborne, then DS and now i'm on DS2. I think the way i did it was pretty good, because sekiro is very different to the others and both sek and bb actively force you to git gud at moving around where in DS you might fall into the trap of bullshitting from behind a shield constantly and not have fun.

Unless you have a friend who can show you how to play or you have someone to talk you through it you're not likely to "get into" Dark Souls if you haven't already.

Pretty much anyone. I've played 2 first, then 1 and 3, but, besides a little reference there and here, there isn't any content that you lose for playing those games in the order you want. Considering the first Souls you play defines your taste for the rest of the series, you might choose the one that appeals the most for you. All of them are special games and they can hold on individually.

My advice is to don't try to emulate the feeling of boomers that played on release, but instead watching trailers and reviews about the games and choosing the one that most reasonates with you.

It's the slowest and clunkiest game in the series, looks like shit, the animations suck ass, areas are mostly shit (except the DLC ones) with lore that is even more nonsensical than DS1

Is a Ryzen 3600 strong enough to run it well? I've never emulated before but I imagine it's CPU intensive.

Man you're gonna LOVE DS1

Just play dark souls, if you like it, then 3, then bloodeborne, then go back to demon's and 2.

Start at the remastered Dark Souls, skip DaS II, go to DaS III then you can check out Demon's Souls and DaS II if you're aching for more.

It's a good game, it's just a bad follow up to Dark Souls. It feels hollow in many ways. But it's fun, and so is pvp.

i would say play demons souls first, then ds2 since it has some issues in how it play and feels compared to the other games. ds2 isnt as bad as the memers try to say it is.
ignore this faggot bloodborne shitters are the worst they cant see past bloodborne and if a game isnt like bloodborne it 'sucks' dont become one of these retards who got into souls a decade later.

the bosses are really easy. some of them are literally crash bandicoot tier bosses. they try to make areas intimidating by putting a bunch of hazard objects like explosive barrels or fire pits around to constrict the space, and it's just so much less inventive than ds was in that regard. the dialogue and voice acting is less interesting. for some reason they incorporated iframes and estus recovery into build customisation. the areas are generally flat and do not interlink in a meaningful way.

it just feels like a traditional game developer, like that of a jap hack and slash game, got hold of an IP they didn't deserve. the elements which carry the game are those borrowed from the original game. otherwise it is this barebones hack and slash game.

HOWEVER at end game the dual wielding stuff is cool

Start with one, or you'll end up playing it and missing out on the casual filters like teleporting from the start, multi-directional rolling, and less railroading

Start with Demon's Souls or Dark Souls Remastered.

My favorite is a tie between DS1 and Bloodborne. I think Bloodborne is objectively superior - and, honestly, the best game of all time - but I have a lot of nostalgia for DS1.

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DS2 is great, OP. It's not as "impressive" or tight as the others, but it's still miles better than most other games.
Start with Demon's Souls or DS1, but play in release order beyond that.

Whatever you do, play Bloodborne AFTER you play Dark Souls 3. Both of those games forgo the defensive strategy from the earlier titles in favor of faster paced combat, but BB has the rally mechanic which gives you a very small window in which you can refill a certain amount of health you've just lost by attacking the enemies right after getting hit. This mechanic rewards an aggressive play style in Bloodborne, however Dark Souls 3 does not have this mechanic. It can be frustrating to remember this and not go nuts on the offensive in DS3.

Slower, strategic combat: Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2. Of these three, Dark Souls is objectively the best.

Fast-paced, aggressive combat: Dark Souls 3 (has shields but they're made of styrofoam), Bloodborne (has 2 shields in the whole game, both of which are useless), and I guess Sekiro if we're counting that. Of these three, Bloodborne is the best, but I'm biased because I love the story and setting.

i started with DS2 scholar, thats what got me into the series. I beat all the games...

I would say that DS2 scholar had the most fun PVP I had in a while, creating builds was just fun for me. DS3 and BB were great pve experiences but I wasnt crazy about PvP. DS1 did a great job with exploration and environmental design you always wanted to go further, pvp sucks because everyone twinks out like crazy.

I would say play DS2 Scholar, if you hate it then drop it for DS1 to DS3 to BB. Then if you want to really enjoy the culture of the series, play Demon Souls . It feels like a watered down DS1 but the environment was really unique and you see where a lot of it started

DS1 is shit for anybody that didn't play DS1 as their first soul game.

Play Blooborne as it's a fuckton better than any Dark Souls game.

Does anyone have scans of the Dark Souls Design Works Books in English?

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Why didn't Miyazaki direct DSII? Why did it have a new engine?

Start with Demon's souls and experience the best moment the series has to offer

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Start with dark souls 2, the best dark souls

>and yet they have almost zero explanation.
A little mystery with various implications here and there never hurt anyone.

Ds2 looks miles better than ds1 wich is not hard because ds1 looks like fucking shit, even demon's souls had a better art direction

Explain what's wrong with multidirectional rolling. Locking on on Das1 was fucking useless because of how clunky rolling was.

This is the worst opinion posted in this thread so far, i have a hard time believing that you're serious instead of just shitposting.

>I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than enjoying Dark Souls 2.
It amazes me how hard DaS2 makes faggots seethe.

Same. Not helmet s this whole time, huh?

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DaS3 was specifically made to not explain anything. There's not a "little mystery", there's straight up nothing there at all. It's all presentation with absolutely no depth, which is the problem with DaS3 as a whole.

Bloodborne is so fucking good. I pity anyone that never plays it since it's tethered to the PS4.

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>DaS3 was specifically made to not explain anything. There's not a "little mystery", there's straight up nothing there at all. It's all presentation with absolutely no depth, which is the problem with DaS3 as a whole.

Quick run down on the Pus of Man lore?

>DaS3 was specifically made to not explain anything
It does explain a few things like Smough being real and Ornstein being an illusion since the real one left, or whether or not it's canon that Gwyndolin perishes at Chosen Undead's hand, etc. But not the big ideas like angels, or the Deep, the locusts, etc. I keep putting off writing an essay about this because DSIII is sort of the definition of spectacle over meaning and substance (not necessarily style over substance). You get this breathtaking view of the Ringed City? You explore 1/25th of it and muck around in an abyssal swamp.
There you go, another thing left to the wayside.

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>Skip Demon's Souls.
unironically kill yourself

It makes no sense to include Bloodborne as a Souls game. The only similarity is the button layout, otherwise the games barely have anything in common. If you try to play either game anything like the other you'll get rekt in seconds. Personally, I think Bloodborne is a huge letdown if you approach it like a souls game. It's less of an arpg and more of a hack n slash but without combos. In other words, braindead casual souls lite.

It shares literally all of the core mechanics with Souls, it looks visually extremely similar, item and weapon upgrades work the same, multiplayer systems are almost the same, levelling works the same, the way you progress through the game is structured the same as any other Souls game and so on.
They could've called Bloodborne "Dark Souls 3" when it came out and everybody would've accepted it as such.

You sound like you preorder games

>Whats your favorite user and why?
You, because I love you!

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Just play DS1 and DS3, start with 1.

I'm essence op, just do order of release date.

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People who recommend starting with DeS are idiots, there's a reason the series didn't really take off until DS1.
DeS is a good game and if it was your first then good for you, but it's far less accessible than the other games, going into it with the knowledge from at least one other Souls game will make it much easier to understand.

Dark souls 1
then finally sekiro.

Dark souls 2 is fine but it's literally just another series using dark souls 1 formula but changed to look different enough.ike they were cheating on a test.

It's okay user, everyone knows that ds1 is an incredibly ugly game. It doesn't stop it from being excellent.

Who are you quoting?

A complete dipshit.

Finished Sekiro, currently playing BloordBorne. What should I play next? I steamrolled Cleric Beast, Gascoigne and Blood Starved Beast (I did summon Alfred though) I feel like mastering Sekiro beforehand makes Bloodborne a lot less formidable.

An absolute dumbfuck

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considering that the world tendency system is only used in des, I don't see how playing das first would help. des is also more linear.

Just play them you fucking retard

it makes a lot of really questionable changes to the combat/progression mechanics, it has tons of tedious or pushover bosses and floods the levels with copy-pasted enemies instead of strategic enemy placement, the levels themselves are a mess with bonfires placed completely arbitrarily, the covenants are somehow even worse than ds1's, the story makes absolutely no sense either alone or in connection to the previous game, the world isn't interconnected in any way that makes sense...

dark souls 2 has some good things, it has some interesting art direction and cool weapons and for a while it had the best pvp, it is arguably a better game than ds3, but it was a letdown compared to 1

*presses L2*
*presses R2*

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Since online is dead you'd have to at least learn about world tendency before playing since it can cuck you from some content if you don't know how to manage it

Don't be such a contrarian

Deep is just what the church renamed Dark to lie to their congregation

context clues buddy

Then why do all three games share a lot of its problems, or have other problems that are just as bad, or worse depending on preference? Is From just retarded?

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I haven't played sekrio but the amount backsteps and rolls you can do in bloodborne makes it very easier than any darksouls game I hate it's related to them.

Have you played DaS3?

The only thing wrong in this whole post is “dont play co-op”
Co-op is fine but only for fucking around or helping others. Don’t be the guy who needs help and your golden

Yeah, I had a ton of fun doing co-op but I beat the game solo first

>tfw want to play but always remember THAT area


Why do you need to hear music throughout the game?

someone post the spoiler free guide to DaS1 pls


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Dark Souls 2 is objectively the best. I tried to play Dark Souls around release but never got into it. Played 2 and it sucked me into the series, after which I platted 2, 1, 3, and Bloodborne. Sekiro not worth a 2nd playthrough.

What makes 2 better than the others is a superior hub and more emotional and worthwhile storytelling. Still fairly barebones but nowhere near as bad as 1 and 3. The song of the Milfanito and the ending theme were heart wrenching, and I nearly during one part of the story. Maybe you need to be mature to understand, however.

here is the guide; get the balder side sword, upgrade it and get 40 dex, then press R1 until everything dies.

ur hansome mistr

Start with Dark Souls. Demon's Souls is a Yea Forums meme because it's the obscure first game of a popular series. It's good, but too clunky to be a good start. Best order:
Dark Souls -> Dark Souls 3 -> Demon's Souls -> Bloodborne -> any other clone/ds2

>play the games out of order
>play cuckborn
Post immediately discarded.

The only From games worth playing are Dark Souls and Dark Souls II Scholar. Ignore anyone who says otherwise.

my last system was psx and I still saw the trailers for it and wanted to play it. when I got dark souls on pc I thought it was just a port with a different name until I looked it up.

unironically kill yourself you worthless subhuman zoomer

Anyone who suggests starting with anything but Demon's Souls hasn't played it and should be ignored

Just play them all in release order except leave DS2 for the last because it does take a while to get into it due to how the game was designed by different people and plays so differently.

Demon's Souls -> Dark Souls (Remastered for 60 fps) -> Dark Souls III, maybe Dark Souls 2, if you're not burned out yet.

Note that Dark Souls III heavily references DeS and DS1, so I'd absolutely recommend playing those 2 before DS3.

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Start with Demon's Souls.
Seeing the improvements and missteps with each entry is part of the fun


That's just false, all 3 games do not share the issues that plague Ds2.

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In order. They are all good in their own way, even ds2.

Dark souls 2 is basically the cash grab sequel that misses the entire point of the original.

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imagine being this fucking stupid

Demon Souls > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3
skip sekiro and ds2

underrated post

He's right though, it clearly misunderstood the original work. They even managed to fuck up basic artistic shit like hollows being plump green zombies rather than shriveled husks

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Play Dark Souls 3 or any game with a healthy multiplayer on your platform.

The biggest selling point of Soulsborne imo is weird multiplayer system that really encourages mischief. Play the games as blind as you can and play the newest souls game with multiplayer (may be Elden Ring) day 1

give me the dark knight build for DS2SotFS

I feel bad for DS2 because I liked some things it did as far as fixing some jank, like jumping being separate from your run button. I liked the beginning up until the last giant and adored Majula as a hub, but the world being disjointed as shit really hurt it, as did having to come back to the herald to do anything. Soul memory was the biggest offender though and really killed the longevity of the game for me.

Because "hollow" doesn't exist in the Japanese versions where it just means "corpse".

Does humanity translate to "shitty wicker thing" too?

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Dark Souls 2 was trying to expand on the Dark Souls universe but failed because development hell.
Dark Souls 3 on the other hand was made for people like you

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>It's a MUCH better experience emulated than on the PS3.
enjoy your bugs and no online

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>but the world being disjointed as shit really hurt it, as did having to come back to the herald to do anything.
Same as DeS
Where are my matosis parrots

That's not a case of expanding on the universe though, that's a blatant misunderstanding of the original material.

I would start with Demon Souls if possible, I never got to play it but I'm sure it's great.
Release order is usually the best as you can see how the games evolve for better or worst.
Dark Souls 2 is worth a try, I had trouble with it after playing it back to back with Dark Souls. It's really clunky but once you get used to it it's rather enjoyable.
Bloodborne is great to, a bit harder if you are too used to other souls game imo. Sekiro is great to, only problem with this one is the lack of variety but I found it more challenging and rewarding than other Fromsoft game
>tldr; play them all in release order

What is? Plump green zombies, or DS2 existing. Because you're wrong on both accounts.

Start at bloodborne and stop at bloodborne because it's all downhill from there

DS3 did develop the lore though. It just moved in a weird awkward direction of connecting to Bloodborne. With all the moon stuff and all the blood stuff it kinda felt like they were trying to imply a connection without actually showing one

Play Dark Souls 3 it's the only good one. Then move on to Sekiro.

>with all the moon stuff
Did you play DS1?

Changing humanity to wicker balls shits all over the original concept of hollowing and the nature of humanity. "lol if you look at it, it makes you human because it reminds you of humanity or something fuck it" It's fucking embarrassing how hard they missed the mark

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>Haha bro start with the hardest most bullshit entry to the series ;)

What the fuck, It's like you want people to not get into this franchise, absolutely devilish

Yeah they should've stuck with carrying ghosts in your pockets those fucks

Demon's Souls is offline. It's no longer the ideal starting point, it will seem excessively confusing, barren and you'll understand a lot less about what to do.

Start with Dark Souls, then skip Dark Souls II.

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I guess since everyone is saying their own take, I'll add mine:

Start with DeS or DkS 1, then do whichever one you didn't do. Then play Bloodborne.

Then ignore the rest.

I loved how the one NPC whose quest was to find a cure for her slow and steady hollowing gave you the item that reverses the effect, telling you that she doesn't know what it is or what it does.
Bonus hilarity points for using the effigy afterwards right in front of her.

DS1 was all about the sun, DS3 all about the moon the way I saw it

What the fuck happened to the masked guys from the trailer? They aren't anywhere in the game.

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this Des => das => BB => das 3 is the way to go.

If you play DES and DAS without shields it will be harder, but BB and DAS 3 will be cakewalks.

Ignore 2, only play it when you've completed the rest and STILL want more.

They're the headless guys in the windmill.

There's a way better sense of direction in Demon's Souls than there is in Dark Souls. Apart from world tendency DeS is pretty straight forward. Whereas in Dark Souls it's so easy to get lost for a new player.

Humanity sprites are fragments of the Dark Soul user, they're souls.
The Gods found their unique souls that made them powerful sentient beings, before that they were most likely hollows like us. The Furtive Pygmy found the Dark Soul and rather than being selfish and holding immense power he split it up with all of the other pygmies creating proper sentient humans, basically weak miniature versions of the Gods. The curse/hollowing is the act of the Dark Soul escaping the body, reverting people back to their shitty original mindless hollow forms. Effigies were such a stupid idea and have no place in this ecosystem, Ds2 was a mistake.

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>most people ITT aren't even recommending Suckiro
Well I guess the science is settled then

DS3 is even easier. And Sekiro is even easier than that, except for like 5 bosses in late game. 90% of Sekiro is a cakewalk compared to any other souls game

That's the point. You're not supposed to discover everything in a single playthrough.
If you use guides because of some completionist autism then you're robbing yourself of a unique experience and i don't think that's how these games are meant to be played.

>demon souls

>there's a reason the series didn't really take off until DS1
Because journalists didn't care since it wasn't popular anywhere but here and a few other places, then when Dark Souls got Reddit famous they all had to scramble to pretend to have liked the identical formula all along.

I love DeS but there's no reason to play it first now it's offline. You're just giving somebody a terrible first impression by suggesting it.

deleted it, sry user

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no wait, found it


>DS1 about the sun
When I met guinevere in Anor Londo I intuitively knew she was a false idol and destroyed her with one arrow only. As the world collapsed around me and I felt the terrible feeling of having broken something I came to the realization that my hunch was correct.

The entire world of Dark souls 1 is dead, you are in purgatory, in a world that is shifting from once alive to dead.

Dark souls about the Sun, did you miss everything the game was trying to say to you?

And you think this game was about the sun?

But you break the effigy just as you do a regular soul when you consume it. I don' understand why the obsession with the "wicker ball" part when it's essentially just a shitty container.

>and you'll understand a lot less about what to do.
which is why this game is so goddamn fun, you dumb zoomer.

Playing each of them in release order will probably burn you out soon.

I would go:

- Start with either Dark Souls Remastered OR Dark Souls 3
- Bloodborne
- Sekiro

It's not a container, the description states the act of looking at it reminds you of your humanity. The dusty old cunt says the same thing in the intro.

>Dark Souls (Remastered for 60 fps)
Poorfags should not be allowed in this thread

>Playing Demon's Souls offline is what makes the game fun
No it's not, retard. A sense of communal discovery and assistance is part of what made it fun. The game is designed around that. Consistently walking into a trap or situation you had no way of knowing about or preparing for isn't fun and was never supposed to be how the game was played.
Learning and teaching things from Demon's Souls general threads on Yea Forums is part of what made it fun. Now projecting zoomers like you get a YouTuber to explain the lore.

Personally I just thought it was one of the many graphical shortcomings of DS2 and it was supposed to be filled with some shit, which I think the icon implies. Because how exactly can a wicker effigy come off as "A warm, soft, shadow like effigy" and "Peer closely at an effigy, and one begins to perceive a human form" of a static object?
The answer is you can't. It's just another thing that fell through the chasms that is DS2 development.

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dark souls 1 is incomplete
dark souls 3 is souless
dark souls 2 is KINO souls

DS2 was literally put together from scratch with the assets they had in a few months to hit the deadlines, they had to remake the game over and over because it wasn't working out

This is why everything in that game feels disconnected and almost random, it's the very definition of incomplete

It took me a while to get into Dark Souls 3, I initially was disappointed. It wasn't anything like Dark Souls 1 to my mind.
Then, a few years later. I've replayed it, and I've sunk 100s of hours in the past few months in it. It's so fucking fun now. I've even made specific characters for PVP in certain areas. I love it. I'm on NG+9 on my most powerful character, and I just love rushing through the bosses.

The glitches in Dark Souls 1 though keep me playing, right now I'm doing the parry glitch that gets you into sen's fortress early. Which means Iron Golem is my first boss after the Asylum demon. So I'm SL1 fighting Ornstein and Smough then getting the lordvessel. It really is fun.

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>every other boss fight has 2-3 enemies
Yikes. Can the difficulty get any more artificial?

You know what's artificial difficulty? Every boss being an infinitely flailing bloodborne reject.

If that's the case, why the fuck did they remove the mask? It looked cool.

Sounds pretty kino to me. I mean 3 is supposed to be a bridge from 1 to BB so it's great that this idea carries over to both gameplay, story and enemy design

90% of your post is headcanon shit.

Actually articulate why something is good or bad instead of using your go-to meaningless meme. I fucking hate Yea Forums posters.

>Actually articulate why something is good
Didn't I do exactly that you retard? It's good because it's consistent with the general aesthetic of the game.

Your posts just aren't kino.

Sekiro is far harder than any of the other games.

Not really. Once you get it into your head to deflect instead of roll, and stop strafing so it doesn't mess up your mikiri counters and jumps, it's pretty easy.

Like I said, 5 late game bosses in Sekiro are probably harder than anything in DS. The rest of Sekiro is piss easy. Even the final palace is a joke, you can posses an enemy and just walk through it. Yeah that's very hard, anal rodeo has nothing on this

Because he was doing bloodborne at the time

The amount of backstops and rolls you can do make the combat more focussed around backsteps and rolls. I wouldn’t necessarily say bb is easier, it’s just faster paced

>posses an enemy and just walk through it
t. never played Sekino

That doesn’t mean it’s not a container you idiot.

Ignore posters telling you to skip Ds2, it's a little unpolished and messy but if you're a fan of the series you'll still love it.

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Start with Dark Souls Remastered and follow up with Dark Souls 3. Ignore DS2 because it's inferior and pointless compared to 1 and 3.

Also ignore Demon's Souls. It had some great ideas. Play it if you have to if you're a gaming historian or some shit but it's pointless and inferior to what came after in every single way without adding anything worthwile.

If you have a PS4 also play Bloodborne. either before or after the Dark Souls games.

I think you just identified the distinction, the traversal is a lot easier in sekiro but the bosses are harder. Your mobility makes grunt enemies a lot easier but while most ds bosses might take two or three tries max, people were routinely stuck on sek bosses for hours at a time

Start with first DS and all its DLCs.
Here are some tips if you DON'T plan to do NGs or reruns:
>Don't watch boss tutorials. Boss fights are essentially about you learning their moveset, then spending time to devise some kind of strategy. Guides take the fun out of the fight and make the game less memorable.
>People will tell you to avoid cookie-cutter builds and explore game mechanics. Do try to plan out at least general direction where you're heading. Wasted skillpoints will give you harder time during boss fights, which (if it's your first time) WILL tempt you to watch/read guides.
>Don't be afraid to cheese. Bombing carpa demon is a valid strategy.
>Try to avoid summoning, but it's still better than reading guides
>Take it slow. Play DS casually. Play 3 1hr sessions instead of 1 3hr session. You get less frustrated and it actually makes you eager to face the boss again if you're stuck. The tutorial and the demon on the wall took me 1 week to beat during my first run.
>Explore. Read item description. Pay attention to the environment. PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE YOU FIND ITEMS. It's not necessary to advance in the game, but it's the only way to learn lore. Descriptions are often cryptic and are open to many interpretations. Once you're finished with the game, watch some lore videos. You'll be surprised how many things you've missed and how sad/epic some of the enemies are. DS lore is very fun
>Don't go for the best stats. Go for the best looks. If a shit helmet goes better with your armor, then wear the shit helmet. Trust me, it works.
>I said don't read guides, but when you're finished exploring the area, do read about it on the wiki. Sometimes you can miss important areas... I missed a whole DLC

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How the hell are you supposed to know about saving Solaire ?

unfinished trash
video very related

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Based and this user is correct.

I've realized that these angels have the legs and torso of the locusts in the swamp...
Are they related by any chance?

Yeah, the ring she gives you is a hint that she's a fake one.

Which one was it, Lucatiel?

>Game is non-linear. You can clear different areas in different order. Don't listen to shit advice "Do X first, then Y". After taurus (early game) I headed straight to Catacombs and when I was done I was raping everything until mid-late game. It can take away some of the fun though, I killed multiple bosses on the first try without drinking estus (healing).
>If not sure about your build, Dex means you will be utilizing game parrying and dodging mechanics a lot, also pyromancy - one type of magic. Str means big fucken weapons, thick armor and a shield the size of your mom's fat ass. You are an indestructible rampaging beast. Patrician choice. Int means magic (not pyromancy) and occasional swording. Pick if you gay.

Finally, in terms of choosing the game, again - start with DS1. It introduces you to the general lore, it has polished mechanics and a comfy feel (I was playing on 480p resolution back in the day).

DS2 has very immersive voice acting and great cinematics. Controls are shit. I didn't even clear half of it, but I suggest you do play it sometime - bosses are pretty cool.

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you're pretty shit. only the red dragon in 1-1 is tough, rest is all doable if you're not a noobish running noob.

world tendency sucks.

>great cinematics
*red pulsating screen border intensifies*

I have over 200 hours of each game and 2 is the easiest by fucking far. Everything dies fast, every weapon deals a lot of damage to everything, even fucking whips. Bosses melt on any upgraded weapon, there's nothing faster than you in the entire game and you can go to many simple areas at once, making it less easy to get lost.
2 is the easiest one, hands fucking down.

Had something to do with copyright with fucking naruto of all things that has similar characters.

Do not listen to anyone that says ds2 is bad, it’s the best in the series besides bb

Doubt it since Naruto rips off designs itself like Jeeg and Raideen.


DS3 is what DS2 should have been. Great controls, better graphics, nice music. I have only one issue though. Bosses are weaker in general. Remember I told you that you had to study boss movements to beat him? Well in this game almost every boss has a particular way to cheese him. Here, unlike in the first game, the most fun (for me at least) was figuring out not the patterns of the boss, but where and what should I do to break him. I'm not joking. For Vordt you need to stay in the corner near the gate where he can't touch you. For Crystal mage you need to stand in the upper right corner of the fighting area and spam arrows. For giant skeleton you just need to stay behind him and attack his arms when he hits the floor.

In DS1 bosses were in large empty rooms and were very mobile. These two factors greatly reduced your ability to exploit AI. In DS3 devs start playing with various gimmicks which were poorly implemented.

And yes, you can play the game straightforward and "the way it was intended", but then all the difficulty becomes artificial - it's not the boss that is hard, it's your own rules that you've imposed on yourself who make it hard.

To sum it up, I recommend playing in the following order DS1 > DS3 > DS2 > DS1

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Is that Deep Down? Goddamn I wish that game got finished.


It's like saying "HoMM IV is a bad game".

The entire world is negative adn wants to kill you. every map you run that has cities in it have abandoned cities with the undead suffering their ghostly echoes. Nito fucked the entire earth by unleashing its miasma.

Yeahhh, fuck the sun. Still love sunbro though, misguided as he is.

both das 2 and das 3 lose interconnectivity and amazing map design... das 3 bosses are great looking but because you can just roll to victory it doesnt matter that much.

>DS3 has more cool gimmicks than DS2

That's just factually wrong. Most levels in DS3 all play the exact fucking same. In DS2 almost every level had its own gimmick.

The bosses in DS1 were easier on average.

>DS3 is what DS2 should have been
yeah, no

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Human effigies are not humanity and were never intended to be the exact same thing, holy fucking shit you're retarded


Go back to watch pretentious youtubers faggot

>DS3 is what DS2 should have been.

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But the effigies aren't a cure for hollowing, they are something there to remind you of your humanity, but if you're already going insane (like Lucatiel does) they aren't gonna do jackshit. That's why the three crowns are a huge deal in the game, because they effectively stop you from going hollow.


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>Demon's Souls

OP don't fall for the meme "skip DS2" or "DS2 is trash lol". Play it and make your own opinion of it. Just be wary that it plays differently than the others. It tests crowd control and it's signifcantly slower in its combat pacing. You're much better off playing unlocked in DS2 than the other games.


Duh. Of course you get spoiled by the sequel's improvements. Unless you played DS2 which has even more downgrades than upgrades.
DeS fags are just mad the sequel got credit for its innovations.

DS1 is what they both should have been.

How did they fuck up the "open progression but ultimately linear" formula so badly straight away? Even Bloodborne is more like DS2 than DS1 in terms of its exploration and progression.

>so badly
Weird cause I think DS3 and BB are easily better than DS1

demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne, and sekiro. skip the sequels

DS2 is objectively more open and non-linear than BB, and both are objectively more so than DS3

coping ds2tranny hahaha

>you're pretty shit. only the red dragon in 1-1 is tough, rest is all doable if you're not a noobish running noob.
I never said anything about difficulty. It's not how the game was meant to be played. Period.

Good luck finding The Great Hollow in DaS without a player's message.

>more open and non-linear
More =! Better

DS1 starts off with maybe 2 really viable paths if you're really good (since even if you get past the Catacombs you'll hit a hard wall in the Tomb) but gradually opens up until you hit the funnel point again (Sen's-Anor Londo) and it opens up again right after.

DS2 and Bloodborne just plop you down in the middle of several viable paths that are mostly disconnected from each other and don't vary much between themselves. And DS3 may as well just be a hallway.

The fuck up was losing the vaguely SotN-esque flow rather than having a bevy of samey, boring options.

All Sekiro did was expose overlevelled/summoning/spamming shitters who just found cheese in Dark Souls and cruised through the games. They say Sekiro is harder because Sekiro requires even a tiny amount of skill.

If you didn't get to 50-100 levels over the recommended and summon 2 phantoms for every boss while sitting in the corner spamming Sunlight Spears, Dark Souls was harder.