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What glitch? What happened now?

western only quest is bugged

The Halloween 2 event rerun requires you to do all the challenge quests to max out the welfare Servant (Brave Liz). But the one of the challenge quests is forever locked, meaning that all of the challenge quests after it are locked, meaning that your Brave Liz is stuck at NP1, which is awful, as the main advantage of welfare Servants is that you can reliably get their NP to max level. The glitch happened 24 hours ago, and the people running the server haven't even acknowledged it. They previously left a glitch in the last event unfixed, so people don't have much confidence that they'll fix it this time.

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Imagine not only being a gachafag but an EOP as well.

That glitch is called the install. Remove it. Don't put it back.
Glitch solved.

>Not having Brave Liz already

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which CQ?
>not having NP5 brave Elly already

Guess I'm fucked then, because I never bothered finishing the event last year, but at least I have her.

Western only CQ at the forest iirc
I'm just bummed I'll miss out on even more free gold skill gems

>playing EN

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>playing FGO
>not just fapping to the doujin and fanart
Dumb lizard

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FGO NA is burning !!!! Azur Lane and GFL chads rise up!!!!!!!!!

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I play both.
Your fanbase war is retarded

Is she even worth getting. I'd rather just wait a year logging in daily for Skadi and Dantes


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She's decent if you need a Buster ST Saber. Her 3rd skill is just a gamble since it spends the entirety of her NP meter if you want a random effect to trigger. Going off Level 10, you get 3k healing, 50% buster buff which I assume stacks with her mana burst at 40% at level 10, and 50 crit stars.

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Someone post pictures of the dumb lizard with her nipples peeking out of her retarded armor already.

Is censored Abigail in NA yet?

Imagine rubbing those horns with your hands

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Liz is N O T for lewd

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>Is censored Abigail in NA yet?

No, we still haven;t gotten Shimosa (Remnant Singularity 3). Salem is Remnant Singularity 4