How is anyone supposed to know what to do next in Zelda games?

Nearly all zelda games are so fucking shit at giving directions and knowing the player know what to do next.

Like in OOT how the fuck is anyone supposed to know to go to the Kakariko Graveyard and push this one random fucking gravestone to get the hookshot?

Or in links awakening how is anyone supposed to know to get the fucking bird to unlock the eagle tower? And okay so theirs a bird statue, how is anyone supposed to know to go to the bird chime and then fucking go to this one out of the way area to do a shitty sign puzzle to learn a song? What about the stupid ass chess puzzles in the 6th tower? How am I supposed to know which piece goes where and how to throw it without dumb luck or a guide?

Same shit goes for every fucking zelda game. Like majoras masks bunny suit how is anyone supposed to know to talk to this one dude at a specific time to get the bremen mask and then they have to go to Romani ranch??

Or what about link to the past? How is anyone supposed to know to beat the final fucking boss they have to blow up a wall on the pyramid to get the silver arrows? And to even fucking blow up that wall they have to get a big ass bomb that's completely out of the way? I know you have to talk to one specific completely out of the way guy to get even a hint for the bomb but still who has time to talk to everyone to get one hint?

Is this shit just dumb luck or are people using guides for all of this? Or (and I doubt this) are people just talking to literally everyone and exploring the entire map to find this shit out? Seems wayy to time consuming for the average person.

Seriously, how is anyone supposed to know to do any of these "puzzles" without looking at a guide.

Attached: Zelda_ALttP_Pyramid_crack.png (256x224, 10K)

Also for what it's worth I have managed to finish these games. Just with a guide since I don't have all fucking day to talk to literally every person in the game.

Finding out where to go next is the only challenge in low IQ games

Fans rely on autistic shit such as speedrunning to make these games seem enjoyable because they’re piss easy and you can breeze through them like nothing, so any retard can complete the game without dying.

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sheik tells you to go the graveyard, its just called use your brain and explore your surroundings.

also for a first time playthrough its not that bad to listen to navi once in a while.

Zoomers hate exploring things and reading text

>Nearly all zelda games are so fucking shit at giving directions and knowing the player know what to do next.
>Like in OOT how the fuck is anyone supposed to know to go to the Kakariko Graveyard and push this one random fucking gravestone to get the hookshot?
Sheik tells you to go to Kakariko
>Or in links awakening how is anyone supposed to know to get the fucking bird to unlock the eagle tower? And okay so theirs a bird statue, how is anyone supposed to know to go to the bird chime and then fucking go to this one out of the way area to do a shitty sign puzzle to learn a song? What about the stupid ass chess puzzles in the 6th tower? How am I supposed to know which piece goes where and how to throw it without dumb luck or a guide?
Intuition and being clever, if you can't solve puzzles then Zelda is a no go
>Same shit goes for every fucking zelda game. Like majoras masks bunny suit how is anyone supposed to know to talk to this one dude at a specific time to get the bremen mask and then they have to go to Romani ranch??
Exploring and utilizing the time to your advantage, everything is scheduled in MM
>Or what about link to the past? How is anyone supposed to know to beat the final fucking boss they have to blow up a wall on the pyramid to get the silver arrows? And to even fucking blow up that wall they have to get a big ass bomb that's completely out of the way? I know you have to talk to one specific completely out of the way guy to get even a hint for the bomb but still who has time to talk to everyone to get one hint?
Someone who wants to beat he game
>Is this shit just dumb luck or are people using guides for all of this? Or (and I doubt this) are people just talking to literally everyone and exploring the entire map to find this shit out? Seems wayy to time consuming for the average person.
This is the original LoZ gamedesign
>Seriously, how is anyone supposed to know to do any of these "puzzles" without looking at a guide.

Not only does sheik tell you to go to the graveyard, It's one of the only graves with grass on it.

You explore, gather hints.
>Or what about link to the past?
When you fight Ganon and fall down, there's a wall thing that Saharasla speaks through, as he's done since the first dungeon in the light world, he gives you a hint there.

Talking to npcs like the villagers or the fortune teller should clue you in if you are yourself an npc and can't go and explore yourself.

word of mouth played a big part back in the day

These games are designed for autistic children (or manchildren) who have nothing better to do all day that talk to every npc and bomb every wall

>Like majoras masks bunny suit how is anyone supposed to know to talk to this one dude at a specific time to get the bremen mask and then they have to go to Romani ranch??
You rewind time and see what's different as you play. Eventually you talk to that guy. The game tells you what the mask does. When you find the area with small animals, you think to use it.

Casualization of games have ruined the minds of today's youth. They don't know how to problem solve. If something doens't tell them exactly where to go and show them the path to the location at all times they just can't function.

That's some pretty decent bait OP

Imagine if Yea Forums had to play some purezc quests, this nigga in particular would lose his mind

If this is for real, then you're a moron, 9 year olds are more intelligent than you. If it is bait, then you're pathetic for taking the time to write such a long shitpost.

>Like in OOT how the fuck is anyone supposed to know to go to the Kakariko Graveyard and push this one random fucking gravestone to get the hookshot?
Because Sheik tells you there's a hookshot in the graveyard and Dampe's journal tells you to open his grave to get the hookshot.

>Or in links awakening how is anyone supposed to know to get the fucking bird to unlock the eagle tower?
From the beginning of the game you see the sign that says "Here sleeps the flying rooster." Then after you get the hookshot you'll be exploring the overworld and stumble upon the Signpost Maze. Upon completing it and getting Mamu's frog song, he tells you it will make things feel more alive. This is the moment when every kid thought, "Fuck, maybe I can get that flying rooster back to life!" Just in case you didn't piece it together right then, the chicken guy on the mountain tells you that chickens used to fly, further directing you toward the flying rooster.

>What about the stupid ass chess puzzles in the 6th tower? How am I supposed to know which piece goes where and how to throw it without dumb luck or a guide?
By actually watching what the fucking things do when you throw them and not being a moron.

>I know you have to talk to one specific completely out of the way guy to get even a hint for the bomb but still who has time to talk to everyone to get one hint?
Anyone who doesn't have ADHD and knows that in games you should talk to every NPC when you get stuck.

>Is this shit just dumb luck or are people using guides for all of this?

>are people just talking to literally everyone and exploring the entire map to find this shit out?

>Seems wayy to time consuming for the average person.
Maybe if you have ADHD.

>Seriously, how is anyone supposed to know to do any of these "puzzles" without looking at a guide.
See above.

I even find myself falling victim to this in modern games. They hold your hand so goddamn much that it turns my brain off and then if the game asks me to remember something or put some pieces together I suddenly just can't do it for the life of me because the game was spending dozens of hours conditioning me to not bother paying attention. I never have this problem with retro games where I'm expected to be thinking and remembering things all the time.

>the dark world version of Link's house is "out of the way"
OP confirmed for retard. Stick to Sony moviegames.

>how the fuck is anyone supposed to know to go to the Kakariko Graveyard and push this one random fucking gravestone to get the hookshot?
Stopped reading there, you're a genuine retard.

>only cracked wall in the game that bombs don't destroy
>Find a giant unique bomb you're told can destroy things that normal bombs can't.

Gee I wonder what I should do.

You might just be stupid. I beat LTTP before I knew how to read.

just call the nintendo hotline and ask them what to do.

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But how are you supposed to REMEMBER. Its not like you pass by that giant crack in the wall every time you load the game up and start from the pyramid.

You didn't need the bunny mask to complete the game.

Shiek tells you to go straight to the forest temple and that's it. That's when you need to hookshot to proceed. There is no defending this.

based image

>who has time to talk to everyone to get one hint?
These games clearly aren't for you. You generally talk to npcs to see what they say, either for amusement or worldbuilding, and sometimes they say something useful as well.

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>theirs a bird statue

>But how are you supposed to REMEMBER.
By having a functional brain. If you have chronic memory problems you should probably start getting used to writing things down, though.

>giant crack in the wall
>only figured out you could blow it up by trying a bomb on every wall in the game
What's your IQ? Can't be over 7.

explore you retard

>Shiek tells you to go straight to the forest temple and that's it.
"Unfortunately, equipped as you currently are, you cannot even enter the temple... But, if you believe what I'm saying, you should head to Kakariko Village..."
Then you go to Kakariko village and eventually visit the graveyard and enter Dampe's shack and read his journal and it tells you to find and enter his grave to get an item.

>Seriously, how is anyone supposed to know to do any of these "puzzles" without looking at a guide.
It's almost like they wanted you to spend more money on buying a guide. Kind of coincidental that games became less cryptic the more popular the internet became.

The earlier thread about the boss fight was funny, you just ruined the concept.

>Seems wayy to time consuming for the average person
You see the trick is to not have brain damage and be able to remember things you discovered from one session to the next.

>Why do I have to explore in these exploration games???
Gee I wonder why all these Zelda "fans" in Yea Forums hate BotW

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here's every hint I was able to find about the hookshot:
first if you enter Dampe's shack and read his diary as a child:
"When I dug a hole, I found a treasure that stretches--and shrinks--BOING! It's so fun, I'll never give it to anybody!"
Then sheik tells you:
"Unfortunately, equipped as you currently are, you cannot even the temple... But, if you believe what I'm saying, you should to Kakariko Village..."
When you arrive at kakariko and talk to one npc:
"I tell you, I saw him! I saw the ghostly figure of Dampé gravekeeper sinking into his grave. It looked like he was some kind of treasure!"
Then if you read his diary as an adult:
"Whoever reads this, please enter my grave. I will let you have stretching, shrinking keepsake. I'm waiting for --Dampé"
So yeah... it's basically impossible to figure out.

Attached: diary.jpg (739x415, 30K)

I never figured it out because every time I got to this point I answered "No" because I legitimately didn't want to read it and I'm unwilling to lie, even in games. Had to quit the game :(

it's ok user, this kind of thinking saves you in TTYD

ALttP came with a hint book in the box since some of its puzzles were a little rough around the edges. The that got me was that puzzle in Misery Mire where you have to light the torches in what appears to be two rooms, but is actually a single room. No other room in the game is divided this way, and you learn over the course of the game that torches will go out when you leave the room.

>links awakening
>talks about link to the past.
Get it straight.

fpbp. literally everything is spelled out for you in every zelda game (yes even the first two you retards)

Someone was talking about how they remember oot and Mario 64 taking forever to beat and now they can crush it in no time. You see back in the day you explored every nook and cranny because it was fun but also necessary. Games took so much longer without guides and message boards, basically your classmates and friends were your message board. I pity those that can never experience this as it was actually fun to have friends come over and help or watch, taking turns on difficult areas etc.

Every Zelda game starting from LttP borderline holds your hand the whole way through and goes just shy of blatantly telling you what to do. You're just retarded.

Having played them all, I'd say the first two are far more intuitive than ALttP. Not to mention better games.

this is literally what started speedrunning and streamershit. it might be different from what you grew up with but it's bigger than ever.

oh yeah that one is a bit weird

I think a lot of people just solve it accidentally though, like players who play badly and just light every torch and then move on. I could see myself as a kid doing that and solving it by mistake.

are you retarded?