ITT: Games only you played
ITT: Games only you played
I own this game but I have yet to open the case. I'll play it by the end of the year, I've always wanted to see pre-souls Souls. Does this one have the Moonlight Sword?
not only did i play this, but i'm working on the ultimate eternal ring successor right now... keep an eye out
got this game as a christmas gift when I was a kid. I barely played it until after finish demon's souls and learning that fromsoft made this too. 6/10 pretty alright game.
Never even heard of it.
This fucking piece of shit right here. The art looked cool as fuck so I bought it at GameStop when they were getting rid of all their old ps2 games. I could've bought Suikoden 5, Valkyrie profile or Radiata stories instead. I'm still mad, this game sucks.
I also bought this game, the vn parts were terrible and boring but the action parts were kinda fun. I never see anyone talk about either of these on Yea Forums, probably because they're fucking terrible.
Magicians Dead in the arcade.
This Sakura Wars is so fucking bizarre to me. They start with the Japanese one, that's fine. Then Paris, okay. Then they have a cowboy samurai as the lead for the American part. What the fuck.
I'm playing it now and I'm enjoying it. the girls are cute once you get to know them
Sell the cartridge if you still have it
I played it until after the Harlem court chapter and I just couldn't keep playing it, it was boring me way too much.
Looks pretty cool, Is that supposed to be Drzit in the middle?
Honestly Shadow Tower Abyss is a more interesting experience in the pre-souls regard. Keep expectations low.
I think it's generally regarded as the worst mainline entry in the series. I'm pretty sure the first 3 are much better.