Somehow I can't play other characters than Yamcha in FighterZ. I'm a saibaiman level. How do I get good without having to train for 300 autistic hours?
Somehow I can't play other characters than Yamcha in FighterZ. I'm a saibaiman level...
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play gogeta
If you think training is autistic play a different genre.
sacred ointment
nevermind, I can't play much since I'm a wagie there are many days that I work and end up too tired to play and even if I play a bit against the AI on high level I can't follow the pace of the game and it makes me nauseous.
Use auto combos only. It's the autistic mode of the game. I see people get the 530k trophy only by doing that shitty dinamic combo.
What does this mean?
Play party mode
Is party mode with a friend or what? I haven't tried.
The secret of bejng a god at fighting games is to only play with your friends that understand even less about how the game works. This is age-old gamer wisdom and it will always be true until the end of time.
Leak of dragon ball English dub outtakes
Imagine not wanting to learn combos but playing a fighting game. Where do these retarded casuals come from. Enjoy mashing square retard
>saibaman level
What? How? I'm absolute dogshit at fighting games and I'm at least Saiyan rank. Saibamen are literal children mashing buttons. You can just block and punish with autocombos to make it out.
The thing is I haven't learn how to block and can't punish back. I know it's the back arrow but I can't never block in time wheter it's a mid/high and suddenly a low.
>I haven't learn how to block
How dumb are you?
I don't know. I just can't time to block.
Hold down back. Whenever there's a gap in their pressure, mash light. That really should be enough to get you out of saibaman rank.
and let's say even if I practice with high level AI's I don't know how to recover from being hit. Like I'll keep getting comboed but I can't combo them as hard as they do. I only played the story mode on normal and by the Android arc I was already struggling to play against evil Android 21.
How the heck can you only play yamcha? You try the Goku and Vegeta yet?
He means Yamcha is a Rekki or however the fuck you spell it character in a game full of Beam spam.
So I can't fault him if he can't understand how to play characters that aren't A->6A(auto combo Rekki)->4B (to teleport behind and continue Rekki/auto-combo)->214B (to raise-uppercut/end Rekki)->Repeat.
train for 299 hours
>buy Bardock
>buy Vegito
>mash square
There, you are now at least Super Saiyan rank
Go to training mode and just hold back down and look at the opponent does. Set the opponent to smash square at first, then to triangle, then to cpu on easy. Later change to the opponent's character and press buttons on your own, then switch back to your character and block and learn that set of inputs. Eventually you will get used to the patterns
And pick something like Bardock, Kid Goku, SS Goku, Vegito and T.Gohan(last 2 for autocombos) to tag along with Yamcha. If you care about getting good, dont be afraid of using those characters even if they are considered cheap. Just get used to the game with them and then change them with other characters later when you learn how the game works.
>go to online when the game was released
>try to block and dont press any other button
>block for 2 seconds but then it stops working
>months later try the game again but with another controller
>suddenly can block
You know how mad I was? I thought I sucked ass and that made me give up on the fucking game. All because the DS4 wasnt reading the direction inputs right, when some 3rd party controller could.
You need to learn the basics before you learn combos. If you still don't know how to block you need to work on that first. Find out how you can use blocking/vanish or sometimes moves your character has to fight pressure.
Is this shit real? The goku, krillin, and satan lines sound like them, but then the sacret ointment shit sounds like unfunny abridged nonsense
>yamcha getting past saibaman
Quit your job
Kame house is with randos. You can set up one like a ring match iirc but you'll need 5 other dudes. You can try joining the same party at the kame house if you time it well. It's pretty stupid that Arc doesn't let you invite or have offline party besides Switch version.
I haven't gotten into this game that much but isn't all of Cell, SSJ Goku, and Adult Gohan in the top tier?
I just checked the tier list and Yamcha isn't even in the top 20 of the one that I saw.
Goku/Vegeta/Tien plays easier than Yamcha.
It's Bardock, Kid Goku and maaaybe Kid Buu dominating right now.
i did like 30 ranked matches and won 20 of them. i lost a lot because i left the game on when i went out of the room, and the battles literally kept going as he kept killing me. but i always have GT goku on my team. he is my absolute main and he corners literally EVERY character. he is the ultimate badass. i'm also going to get gogeta on my team when he comes out, and i'll still have janemba too.
That was at launch, meta is a bit different now, though none of the characters you mentioned are bad in the slightest.
For instance, Piccolo is now rightly recognized as one of the most lethal characters in the game.
That seems a list from the game release when Yamcha and 16(before nerfs) were hidden beasts.
Top tier are likes of Bardock, GT Goku, Adult Gohan, Kid Buu, SS Goku, Yamcha
Yamcha is pretty good. He sees a lot of use
Christ, Tenshinhan fucked me up in that fight and I'm pretty sure it was on normal arcade.
How is Cell now?
I can't. I need to get a car.
>hidden beast
I feel like I remember every top team having a 16 for the first few months after the launch. I don't think how powerful he was was hidden at all.
From what I understand Yamcha as a solo character kinda sucks but his assist is amazing. That's pretty much all I ever see him used for.
is it better to get good with the d pad or control stick on ps4? i dislike how they don't change the inputs when you are on the opposite side. it's confusing as hell when you're in training sometimes.
Dpad, easily
damn. i have to get used to it then. it kinda hurts the thumb, and even though i use it sometimes, i involuntarily go back to the analog mid battle
user, fighting games and training go hand in hand. Its why people get so triggered when they lose because they put in so much time to git gud. Don't make it a second job. Just playing casually over time will make you pretty good. You are gonna have to actually train like a job if you wanna be one of the top players though because some of these guys have been playing fighting games since they were 6 and have godlike reaction speed
Just stop playing fighting games. You don't have it.
Bend over and apply the sacred ointment
i would destroy you in fighter z buddy. i don't care about other fighting games lol.
Nobody gave a shit about 16 in the first 2 months until people realized how broken he was at the time, same as Yamcha. People were busy playing with Cell, Kid Buu, Adult gohan and SS Vegeta(for his assist) until Bardock was released.
He can solo, since he can link his lv1 into lv3. But the one that can turn the tables solo the most is SS Goku and now GT Goku.
Dpad. But I dont like DS4's dpad, but that's me.
>Nigga literally asked if he should use pad or stick
>Has problems switching sides
Nah you legit don't have it. Go back to rhythm games saibaman-kun.
Yes. 100%.
again, i would annihilate you. i'm always trying to get better so thats why i asked.
You shouldn't talk shit when you don't have it. Go back to rhythm games Bro. Just telling it for your own good. Your IQ is way too low for this.
400 hours makes you a fledling novice. Play 1000 hours first to have a clue
His biggest weakness is being tall.
it would be fucking hilarious if we 1v1ed and i just slapped the shit out of you after saying all this. go ahead, give me your psn if you're so confident.
I'm on PC. What's with you acting like hot shit when you literally asked those braindead questions? I'm being nice and telling you already that you don't have it.
>bbut im on pc!
lol get the fuck out. i don't even play fighting games. i player FIGHTERZ motherfucker.
I've always been a friendless loser, but have a couple of fighting games since the PS2 era. But I have to admit I have garbage reaction speed. I have SCIII, Budokai 1-2, SCV, SCVI and I am all below average player.
Sure thing bro 1v1 me
*Unzips dick
I fucked your mom lol
Dude. Learn some BnBs. Go online, and stop fucking superdashimg and vanishing randomly
But he's not even OP.
>I've always been a friendless loser.
Okay? And? You think you'll get friends with that attitude?
No, but I can't make any.
Why do you think that is?
Not him, but getting extremely combative and challenging people to 1v1s is the lowest of the low in the fgc. We all know if you lose, you'll blame lag or something, you're already proving you can't be humble. Take a chill pill, relax.
Also, if you have trouble with side switching, you need to think of the motions differently. I think of things like "forward quarter circle" rather than the actual motion for the moves. Though, fighterz is EXTREMELY basic, theres only like 3 motions in the whole game to remember.
It's fine if you can walk the walk. But holy shit I hope this user is shitposting.
I don't know to.
It's not just reaction speed though. Reaction speed only makes a difference at the highest levels of play and even then experience still matters more. Predicting what your opponent will do and being ready for it is better than reacting to what he's currently doing. Reaction speed only saves you when you mess up or might give you a slight edge. What you should be focusing on is what their next move might be and that comes with time and experience playing the actual game against a ton of people
Bread and Butter. I figured this a long time ago when I was maining Hazama during Blazblue CS. You figure out the easy to do combos and mix ups of a character that makes them more accessible to play with. Once I figured out Hazama's BnB's, I got more wins and my online play was funner. I DEFINITELY wasn't a top pro player, hell no, but you at least get to feel like you're not a Saibaman-tier scrub.
If you cant play from the right side i don't think you can walk the walk. Just my guess. I'd be down for some games but I am also a pc player. Also my internet is COMCASTED, I was playing earlier and had an 18 frame delay.
Play Bardock and mash L
Gogeta is gonna be so busted.
First: You sound spineless. Already admitting yourself as a friendless loser is already a redflag. This means that you portray yourself as no worth to others. Friendship comes from a give and take relationship. People can sense that you won't contribute to it.
Second, you seem to be a person who avoids hard work and research and would rather seek the easy way out. Again people can sense this and would learn to rely on you for help and give you any responsibility.
Lastly, you're most likely a wallflower or sit in the back type of dude. If you don't even try to get out there, no shit people are going to walk all over you.
I'm PC user. I'm talking about this ps4cuck.
Sucks about your internet.
pcloser talking shit on the sidelines is funny. i would destroy you too.
This would sound cool if you played anything but Fighterz, actually. Fighterz is like, the easiest fighting game out there, I would hope literally anyone can play it, that's the point.
but fighter Z is better than other fighting games. it doesn't just look better. if it's easy, then there should be more skilled players out there making it harder for everyone else who thinks it's 'easy' which there is.
at this point I'd rather draw A21 porn and Towa than keep on playing
Ah, sorry, had you mistaken. Yeah, my internet fucking blows. If you want to play some matches I'm bored and not doing anything, but the best it gets is 9 frames. I've been fucked ever since hurricane Michael fucked my shit up last year, all the internet in the region is just awful.
Holy shit kek
Please just don't play fighting games
or play mk
Play a lot, watch and understand how others play, and then watch your replays to see how you can improve.
Sit in training mode and learn some basic combos if you're just starting out, but don't spend too much time there.
This is a joke about Yamcha and Saibamen right? If so, Kek. If not, holy shit absolutely not based or epic or redpilled
Have you played other fighting games to make this judgement? Or do you just have an assumption that the first one you've picked up is the best?
when the game first came out i made a few people rage quit using 16. you can do a low hit then right after and overhead and most people dont got what it takes to block that consistently.
i've have the persona arena games, blazblue central fiction, marvel vs capcom 2 and 3, and one of the shitty UNIST games
It's sad that a characters ungodly perfect and well made is coming out so late. Man they fucked the schedule of s2 up.
I'm actually too scared to play online since I can barely win against normie AI's.
Finish your aerial combos with j.214M bro, they'll be that much more satisfying
>that move switching sides
If you can use assists with or while using that move, damn.
Cant wait for teams to be full of Bardock, Gogeta, GT Goku/SS Goku.
That's fair, keep playing offline until you're comfortable with the game and your characters. Just understand that the best way of learning is fighting real people, and you will have to get ready for lose streaks regardless.
The thing with CPUs is that they like to let us get away with a lot of stupid shit, even the highest difficulty ones. So be careful not to get any bad habits from fighting them all the time.
It's possible he did try at first, but after repeated failures he lost heart.
No matter what I tried when I was younger, girls ignored me. I realized this is how girls would react to me no matter what I did, so I learned to live with it. Now, lately, I've been talking to more girls, and I've been surprised several times when a girl I was talking to, but didn't have any intention on sleeping with, flat out said they liked me and wanted to do stuff with me. Since I'm not at all used to girls being this interested in me, I don't know how to handle it and end up declining them.
If more girls had showed an interest in me when I was younger, I would have lost my virginity by now and would know how to handle myself when finally confronted by a girl who appears to find me cute. Perhaps it's the same for them, but with friends.
My god stop superdashing, you're clearly just mashing, stop it.
just look for some basic none autocombos, you don't have to practice for 300 hours to improve, but it's just like anyother game if you really want to step up you're gonna have to play or practice.
i little tip i can give you is to try to end your combos with a lvl 3 super, the mix up that follows a lvl3 is pretty strong since the opponent cannot wake up earlier, just learn the timing and your opponen will have to pretty much guess what are you going to do next, is not a great strategy against experience players but usually with newer players is pretty easy to win