Mediocre series only this board likes
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Pretty much. Mediocre might be generous even.
I mean its okay for what it is. You probably wouldn't be calling it mediocre if it wasn't so popular. But its popularity has always baffled me, even though I did enjoy 0 way back then and recently played through 7.
It's not popular though. Nobody but Yea Forums even cares about this terrible weeb shit and these games never sold well. 7 bombed hard.
Then why are you so mad about a "terrible" game not selling well?
Keep getting mad about people liking things, cuck
I'm not OP
So who is your planefu, Yea Forums?
Yeah, I know, I'm a pleb
t. seething DCSfag
>7 bombed hard
Man Yea Forums sure likes posting the opposite of reality considering PA has funding now up through 2025 and already got AC8 greenlit.
Damn Yea Forums is full of bitter people
Not true at all.
What plane game even IS popular?
No you're not, the Tomcat is hot.
I wish all of the planefags could like our plane games together instead of these shitty little fanbase wars. I bet the people who start them don't even play these games.
>duhhh my niche game about planes is better than your niche game about planes
War Thunder probably, but they aren't really that popular in general.
Hasn't that game kind of killed itself with extremely predatory pay-to-win mechanics?
I don't know, I haven't played it in years, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Not particularly. The grind is fucking annoying but if you just want to blow an afternoon fucking around with your planefu it's fine. Unless your some sorta faggot who can't appreciate planes made before 1944
this board has good taste
I don't understand why Yea Forums is so butthurt about planes. AC series is war tales and DCS is purely plane simulator.
I thought that was kind of the problem. The WW2 aspect of the game is kind of dead when people are flying around in Gen 3 jet fighters made decades after the war.
F6F-5 Hellcat
nigga i just like plane games
Any of these
I'm pretty sure it's just one guy that's really fucking mad about Ace Combat for some reason
DCS fags (I'm one too, but I'm an idort) for some reason can't stop stoking fanbase wars. It's because /simg/, the place most of the DCS fags congregated on /vg/, was one of the hiveminds of no-fun-allowed autism when it came to planes. That general died for a reason, and when it did; the people who made it garbage had to find something else to do for a hobby. Hence, they go to aceg and AC threads to shit in it.
Which is a shame because the two games are excellent complementary games to one another. You have AC for your silly arcade fun and DCS for the hardcore sit-in-a-mission-for-two-hours autism simulators. If Eagle Dynamics wasn't one of the worst devs around, I would recommend everyone at least try the game. There are some neat parts to it.
i hate how they invade Yea Forums music threads and spam their shitty music. it's either a generic hollywood sounding soundtrack or some mexican sounding shit from an older game
Nah, it's still very meta with people breaking the BR system at the WWII level but it only takes me a minute or two to hop into a game to BF-110 some bitch niggas
>only this board likes
How is it like living in a bubble ?
Shit for
not even Yea Forums likes it its just a few plane fags from /vg/
>not even Yea Forums likes it its just a few plane fags from /vg/
>What are all the AC threads when 7 launched
And when the DLC drops and we're helping longcaster find the missing sub sandwich, we'll be doing it all over again.
simple google search
dont know much about sales but 200,000 copies in a week only in japan seem pretty good
>heroes of the pacific
You shut your whore mouth