>game treats water as a deadly elemental
Game treats water as a deadly elemental
Other urls found in this thread:
>water and ice are two separate elements
>fire magic incapacitates enemies
whats going on here?
did he get sprayed in the face with boiling green coolant from some autistic overclocking project?
>game makes ice strong against fire
Literally why? If the answer is it becomes water than that's cheating, might as well have water become vapor then.
It wouldn't be boiling. But he fucked up his custom loop and paid the price.
You can roll a big piece of Ice intop of a fire to put it out
That makes sense though - do you think sea and river dwellers have the same magic as people living in frozen lands?
>Lightning spells are Earth element.
If your fan breaks the system shuts down. If liquid cooling leaks it ruins the other components. The manufacturer won't replace your rig, only the cooler.
>Go to restaurant
>Get mutilated for life
why is living in china so dangerous
what we she doing, pouring fuel into a tabletop stove that was already running?
>poison is earth element
Bugmen have no self preservation instinct.
>lady pours alchohol(?) into some food
>lid is aimed at the other lady.
>while pouring, it somehow catches fire.
>flame creeps up the stream of alchol and makes it's way into the lid, burning the contents of the bottle.
>the gas expands inside the bottle as it burns spraying the remaining alchohol at the other lady.
>it's basically a shortburst flamethrower now
that about right?
maybe i missed something?
Also what are the odds of surviving if she just jumps into the those yellow sink and they run a tap on her.
Which game does that? That said, I bet gnomes know how to make electricity from earth via Piezoelectric effect. A gnome secret, human Earth Mages can't compete.
Hg, U, As
You're gonna hug his ass?
Those are buffet units, not sinks, I think.
She's fucked. No real way to extinguish the alcohol covering her body before she has horrific full body 3rd degree burns.
It probably wasn't running. Flammable gas vapor has insane ignite threshold. If even speck of red hot metal is near there, it'd flame up the entire thing.
Gnome electric tinkers is such an underused meme.
>dorfs use bulky steam machinery
>gnomes have simple electricity
>humans are master sailors and merchants
>elves tame shit and form trees into buildings
>goblins do explosive chemistry and flintlocks, with some primitive internal combustion engines
>orcs bash things over the head and steal while hopped up on magic herbs that make them go psycho
This is how things should be
>>orcs bash things over the head and steal while hopped up on magic herbs that make them go psycho
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