Are you going to watch the game awards user?

Are you going to watch the game awards user?

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I dunno, when is it?

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who has the picture of her in those shiny tight pants? i saw them on her at some presentation and i need more

imagine the smell

As long as ace combat 7 wins best soundtrack I'll be happy
Also awards are stupid and dumb

Disgusting mutt.

i only now watch game awards to see how bad the train wreck is each year

post her feets

isn't that just a thinly veiled ad show?

No, I'll watch YOU, Gamer (Game A). Ward! (Word)

Welcome to most award shows, yes.

When is it

Will she be there?
I thought she was just the host for the E3 PC Gamer show

i cant wait to watch shit games get voted as number 1 by tasteless faggots!

please post feets ;-;

Since there's 90% going to be random reveals there again like last, sure.

You mean like award shows in general?

that hair really doesnt suit her

Shut the fuck up.

she looks like she's from the 80's

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She looks like she stepped out of a time machine

you say that like a bad thing?

And thats a good thing!

That's pretty hot.

She so fucking cute goddamn

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What kinds of white girls have hair like this?
The Irish?

Bring this look BACK NOW

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What's a good streamer to watch during the Game Awards?

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I hear she eats men...

Youtube with a /v thread
Don't let someone react for you

God I hope

good news, she's heard the suggestions and will take them to heart

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Can't wait for more steamdrones tears

wait oneal is going to present the game awards again this year?

this makes me shell hard


>same last name as me
I'd still take her name

She's knows how to treat a faggot

oh my god, I want to rape her so goddamn bad

That's a guy isn't it?

The veil may as well be made of plastic wrap at this point.

You've been broken by Yea Forums

shutup slut

She's hot.

curly hair is disgusting

no award shows are fucking awful, as bad as e3 is i hope this shit never becomes as big


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Nah, being gay is disgusting
