HEARTBREAK gets review bombed by trannies after the dev's gf said anti-tranny stuff on Twitter

HEARTBREAK gets review bombed by trannies after the dev's gf said anti-tranny stuff on Twitter.


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Is the game good?

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is he /our/ dev ?

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>So then, have I become your enemy because I told you the truth?


Not even the dev, she the dev's gf but it's driving the trannies crazy. Very much /our/ dev.

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>The screenshots on the Steam page
Oh fucking LOL.
I'm going to buy this game purely out of spite for the haters.

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is the game good?

she's right you know

>Already autosaged
Oh, so all those daily thinly veiled Persona/FGO/AL porn threads are 100% vidya and can reach 500 posts but this is autosaged within 10 minutes? Glad to know what's between the legs of the jannys on staff.

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TERFs are right.

>use word that autosages thread by default
>surprised when it autosages

I hate women but, I unironically support TERFs when it comes to them bashing trannies

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oh fug, i retard i didnt know they actually started to do something about the tranny spam from before

Gamers... I think it might be US who are oppressed.

remake the thread

looks fun probably would have never seen this even with my anthro/furry tag on

I might give this game a buy looks like if Golden Sun and pokemon had a child with a little classic FF in the mix

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TERFs might seen okay when they're painted solely against trannies but they're still batshit radical feminists who hate men in general

From what I heard in the other thread, it's more like an old school JRPG with quite a bit of side and post game content. Full of tomboys, reverse traps, and regular cute girls too. I came looking for more small pockets of actual game discussion, too bad the thread's autosaging.

>Trannies spend all day looking through other people's follows so they can call them out
And I thought posting on Yea Forums all day without playing games was bad.

It's real fucking weird that the woman going on about trannies being fucking retard made a game about some genderless fuck that you can't tell if they're male or female to be quite fucking honest