>tfw you pay more for the DLC than the base game
worth it though
>tfw you pay more for the DLC than the base game
worth it though
I'd buy mhw + iceborn again for PC this instant if it only featured crossplay so I can continue using my PS4 progress and keep playing with my bros. Nothing wrong with PS4 version except loading times but my PC is where play most of my games.
World was an odd one as few monster hunter games make it outside of japan without being the ultimate version.
imagine if your first experience with monster hunter including everything the base game had plus iceborne all at once. that is what most of the previous games were like.
Same. I only have one friend who plays MHW (on PS4) and I want to play with him but don't want to deal with load times. I just want to play with my bros and have good load times. Why is it so hard?
2nd and 4th gens were the only ones that didnt get the base version in the west
I got MHW free with my video card so yeah, I'll be paying more for Iceborne.
Oh fuck off already don’t you have some bing bings to wahoo
Can you swap weapons in the field in the DLC when out of combat?
Because I still don't see why that's not a thing.
i think even in the base game if you went to a tent you could swap weapons.
>in the field
that's not in the field. it means if you see a lightning weak monster while roaming, you can equip your lightning weapon before engaging it.
I bing bing'd your moms wahoos
oh, so he is a faggot then? they prevent hot swapping weapons to avoid abuse of the system.
it's almost like part is having to commit to your actions, previous games you had to abandon quest if you wanted to switch weapons.
>they prevent hot swapping weapons to avoid abuse of the system.
it's a shit system. what kind of hunter doesn't pack weapons they need after researching the monsters? typical jap slog mechanic.
just. go. to. the. fucking. tent.
you can even fly there the second the map goes white.
why should you be allowed to run around with hundreds of weapons and hotswap them?
>go back
>retrack the monster
>equip a weapon
Wow, that sure added to the gameplay!
you are supposed to commit to your loadout, you should be glad you can restock and switch gear mid-hunt now.
just like how weapon durability plays a factor for melee weapons and you need to know the best time to sharpen to avoid getting slapped.
Is the datamine about the Guiding Lands true? Are we really getting 3 more areas in it?
You just sound whiny. The logic is all weapons weigh too much for you to carry more than one and be optimal in operation. Even the unnamed hunter has limitations. What you proposed means we should then also be able to carry the entire kill back for parts instead of just 3-6 slabs of meat/scales or wield full siege-dragonators to one shot everything we meet.
Imagine being this much of a fucking pleb tier fag that you need a specific anything for anything not G rank.
Who cares? Guding lands sucks.
If they remove the mechanic where areas can fall in level then it'd be much better to me. If Recess, Reach and Tower are coming to the Guiding Lands then it could be kino
jesus fuck that picture is so damn cute
Hot monkey dick's trailer has this place, which doesnt really match up with the recess areas mostly because of the rock, also kirin has the same thing happen in the zinogre trailer
What? There's files about a fucking tower in the guided lands?
>What? There's files about a fucking tower in the guided lands?
If there's 3 areas to add, Recess and the Reach are two, what would possibly be the 3rd? Underwater isn't coming until MH6 at the least. If we're really getting Fatalis then it's gotta be Tower
Did [Lance] get buffed in Iceborne?
Makes sense, we're lacking a tower in the new world.
I'm curious if the possible recess and reach areas have big ass open areas, Ukanlos and Akantor can very well pull a behemoth or kulve and be fought over the course of various areas.
Clutch counter is pretty fun, so long as you don't take a hit afterwards
Slinger guard keeps you in place from any strong attack that would push you back, as long as you have Guard 5 i think