Palisades Mall......home
Palisades Mall......home
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you just posted cringe
It's better in every way
That immediately made it shit for me, I don't like being put on a timer like that
Are you joking? The entire game and every objective is on a timer. Plus, DR1 did the same thing.
>"Frank, come back to the safehouse, you need to see this"
It's just skinned differently in 2 as your daughter needing shots. It's the same thing, really.
Art style never did it for me. Everything looked like shiny plastic.
>It's better in every way
The movement and general feel of the game is a direct downgrade (It's sluggish even compared to DR1)
The combo weapons effectively destroyed the franchise and the ethos of "everything is a weapon". I'm not even gonna go down the standard list of "talking points for retard casual DR fans", just go fuck yourself
I wish they'd have made a version of 2 where all of the dlc content was in one package. Case Zero was really good and I honestly never got around to Case West but I liked Zero and how if you played it before 2 you got 10 levels early.
Even the graphics are worse.
the later RS games looked even worse.
Typical DR4 player
I didn't like the tone shift and where it took the series.
Deadrising 1 is the perfect one off though and that game withstands time better than it's sequels ever will.
I only played DR3. What did I miss out on?
I loved 1, I played them both last year for the first time on PC. I did some switching back and forth on which was my favorite but I landed on 2. The transciever alone almost made the decision for me, its a huge cripple for DR1. I have no idea how combo weapons would destroy the game for you, all it did was add variety and give you something else to look forward to when you level up.
Never played DR1, and DR2 was my first so naturally i liked it without having anything to compare to.
Gay LARP. Go purchase a copy of DR1, pick up a baseball bat and use it for a bit. Then do the same in DR2. I rest my case on combo weapons.
It's supposed to be a fun mindless zombie beat em up,no need to take it so seriously lmao
>Never played DR1
Why the fuck are you here?
You're still wrong.
Bare fist Frank is more fun than any combo weapons ever could be.
to trigger you
shut the fuck up. 1 & 2 are both great. 3 & 4 are absolute shit tier cash grab
>You can't take games with silly premises remotely serious
You're the biggest faggot on Yea Forums I've seen all month. That's quite the low IQ accomplishment
Like I said, I played them both. I didn't notice any difference between swinging bats in either because I didn't sit and compare every tiny aspect like some autistic crowbcat video. But even if its better in 1, I'm not going to change my mind because of a weapon animation or whatever it is.
Imagine typing this out because someone told you to calm down over a video game
ayy have sex
>Not noticing huge differences in baseball bats in a zombie game franchise
Like I said, gay LARP.
>the ethos of "everything is a weapon".
Dead Rising 1 already did that with the minichainsaws, especially when you get the magazines that make one last the entire fucking game.
>Underage doesn't know what larping is and uses it wrong twice in a row
Look retard, don't you think I've had this debate before?
>HUrr durRr minichainsaws are the exact same as a combo weapons
It's the only exploitable weapon in the game and you have to actually go out of your way to find out this information. It's not something anyone would discover organically, so it's a moot point. Just shut up.
>Doesn't understand LARPing as a meme term
Shut the fuck up, boomer
>Nobody would think to actually pick up the chainsaws on their own
Well thats exactly what I did
.....The mini chainsaw only got its status because it's the only weapon in the game that has 3 different and random skill magazines apply to it - That's why it's considered busted, not because of the weapon itself.
I can't imagine being this much of a little bitch about 2 perfectly fine games.
He's going to reply to me with a >"perfectly fine" and bitch about DR2 some more
Guess I hit a nerve. Cope.
>only PC can administer shot
made no fucking sense
No, it didn't. But if it wasn't that, they'd just find another way to get you back to the safehouse at those times. Like I said, it wasn't about the shots.
......that's the point of it.
No it bloody wasn't.
He probably will, and while I disagree with you I understand the QoL improvements are tremendous and those changes may make it the better game to some.
then what is it?
Thank you
>QoL improvements
Fucking name them, because there are none. Why do I even do this to myself? I'm unironically the only dead rising fan in this thread to begin with
Guys, guys....
Can't we compromise?
>"But she's a got a new hat"
I enjoyed the fuck outta 2 despite its flaws, most especially co-op. But something about DR1 always pulls me back more strongly than 2 does. I could probably replay 1 forever but 2 I eventually need a break from.
it's just 1 guy
>People arguing over whether DR1 or DR2 is the better game.
I'll take either of these and Off The Record before I ever touch that travesty that is DR4. Don't advertise the return of Frank West when you change the voice actor and the total personality of the character itself.
Damn you. Damn every single person involved in that game.
>tfw no frens to play with and solo'd everything :(
>DR4 killed the franchise
I fucking angry that 3 didn't. Fuck the Canadians and fuck Capcom.
>just 1 guy
I'm also the only one in this thread with any degree of knowledge on both games and their respective mechanics, so get yeeted on
I played it a few days ago and got a couple co op requests out of the blue, wasn't expecting any at all.
Yeah, this is OtR but they're both about equally busy
>degree of knowledge
pc or console?
Let's not go to war with the Canadians. DR2 and OtR were pretty good in their own right. It was DR3 where you could see things were going downhill and DR4 was the nail in the coffin.
The moment you took out the timer and made the game more about making whacky combo weapons you pretty much took away what gave Dead Rising its soul and charm.
That's what Sandbox is for if you wanna play DR without the timer.
COPEnhagen is beautiful this time of year, you should visit
Well we have two possible outcomes now that the Capcom Vancouver studio got axed. Either DR is left in the grave where at least it won't be sullied anymore, or some act of God happens and Capcom Japan somehow ressurrects it and restores it to former glory.
If you ever get the opportunity I highly recommend it, fucking around the mall with another player is probably one of the most enjoyable aspects of DR2 for me.
Deadrising is a shit series and is a boring as fuck game.
I respectfully disagree.
>Still kills off rebecca
no we cant
better than dead island
gonna launch my ps3 copy wish me luck
DR 2: OTR > DR2 = DR1 > DR3 theres no other games past DR, whens DR4 bros? Hopefully they go back to their roots!
Imagine having such profoundly shit opinions
Off the record was pure boomer kino.
hmmmmm i loved DR1 but I think the snipers in DR2 ruined my game so i never played it again.
As soon as I saved the snipers started taking me out, I had 1 hp and as soon as my game loaded I would get sniped. Ah well never played it, DR1 was the tits doe
Answer truthfully
Why the fuck are you even playing the games then?
He looks like a washed up Jason Statham.
I like it.
yeah sir i would like to see your qualifications
Every single fucking DR game has been a massive fucking downgrade.
No you retards, combo weapons don't make a game fun when every single thing you can pick up feels like shit when using them.
1 and OTR were works of art.
We just need classic one-liner Rotolo and a darker focus on horror and realism instead of the cringefest that was 4.
I don't see how people can complain about combo weapons in 2 when small chainsaws existed in 1.
this but unironically. People like to shit on combo weapons because 'they invalidate using base objects as weapons' but conveniently ignore the fact those people are often the same ones who carried the magazines and two minisaws in DR1.
this. I wanted that big Asian booty from the moment I saw her. Chuck has good tastes. I wonder if Katie's mom was thicc.