Will it ever be topped?

Will it ever be topped?

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will i ever be topped?

This BTFO that game.

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By other series maybe but Pokemon as whole not a chance in hell, even more now that they have dropped every side project in order to pour everything on cheap gachas and mainline.

It was topped by the first one.


redpill me on mystery dungeon.
i always assumed they were gay pokemon pinball tier cashgrabs and so ignored them

>beat main story
>character and partner just become soulless puppets to accommodate leader transfer

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By charizard?


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Have you ever wanted to play a roguelike but with Pokemon and a pretty great story?

Go on...

I can't say I have but that doesn't sound terrible.

Are you familiar in any way, shape, or form with Shiren the Wanderer because that will kind of help, honestly.

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no i don't like cuckime

oh no no no, how will we Mystery Dungeonbros ever recover

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no tangela

game journalists are too retarded for roguelikes

This is the game that taught me reviews don't matter
Didn't the IGN reviewer accidentally give away that he didn't finish the game?

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Lets be real for a second. The game is shallow as hell. Though i'd still give it a 7-8, not a 55.

Something like that. Most review sites are understaffed and staff have to have a review out in less than 24 hours now if I remember.

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>Story is actually good and not a shittier version of the android saga mixed with sonic 06.
>Partner is less of an insufferable faggot
They all become soulless puppets. You can only program so many lines.

PMD is overrated as fuck and only liked by people who have never touched a roguelike in their lives, people who have never touched a jrpg besides mainline Pokemon in their lives, and furries.

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At this point to even the main series games have as much quality as EoS