Oh no NO NO NO NO NO!!!!

oh no NO NO NO NO NO!!!!

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Everyone will buy it anyway, so who cares.

we already have a thread about this, and it doesn't have a retarded youtube screenshot in the op

Nintendo's hardware is chink tier

>That thumbnail from the Up Next video
Holy fucking SHIT, dude. That face is literally a Nintendo thing isn't it?

fuck americans

>connect a separate joycon to console
>hold up on it softly
>omg day 1 drift!!1!



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When is "oh no no no" and other low quality copy paste phrases going to be an auto ban

This drifting shit is just reddit clickbait. If you take care of your shit it won't happen

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come on now, that shit is the default youtuber reaction thumbnail

Isn't this mostly targeted toward kids? I feel like it is with the cheaper value and apparently, materials.

It drifting within a day goes against everything we know about the so called design flaw though. For it to happen that fast, you really have to be doing something you shouldn't be doing, a manufacturer's flaw or you're intentionally causing the drift to happen for clickbait.


>works on my machine

Attached: 1540988952974.png (242x242, 107K)

>Buy the first run of hardware
>It's shit
Gee it's like this happens with every single piece of gaming hardware or something.

Damn, that sucks.
Good thing he contacted support about this issue. After all, there's no way someone would upload a video about a problem without also contacting support, right?

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>he doesn’t know about autism evans

You fuckers only had 10k people that had issues with the Joycon. You lost all credibility when all of you dropped the class action lawsuits.

>You fuckers only had 10k people that had issues with the Joycon. You lost all credibility when all of you dropped the class action lawsuits.
Literally what asshole are you pulling both of these claims from.