10 years of build up....for this....i feel betrayed and sad at the same time. Those fucks had a good thing going and they squandered it
10 years of build up....for this....i feel betrayed and sad at the same time...
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing cod after MW2
>playing zombies
>caring about, of all things wrong with CoD, the plot to zombies
>making a thread whining about it on here
Fuck you, maybe i just like 0laying dumb generic shooter every now and then. And the zambambos story was pretty kino (heh) before they went all multiverse and shit
The man with no taste.
T.didnt have friends to play with after school and spend hours bantering and dicking around in maps
>phoneposter can't use t. right
nice try, get out
holy shit i would agree with you if u werent so cringe
Zombies Chronicles felt boss
That seemed like a pretty good ending, why are you upset OP?
>lmaoing THEY were zombies all along, and were the cause of everything wrong in the universe. The solution is to commit an hero
It felt empty that ending, why couldnt it wnd on a better note. Also wtf does that make samantha and eddie then? Time paradoxes born from a time paradox?
Everything in that was shit except for that last part. Imagining the two crews just living their lives. Damn it bros, after all these years, i just want them to be at peace. Also did they just let victus die? What the fuck.
Zombies died a long time ago.
everyone died.
This is exactly what i mean. It was such a cop out ever since the zambo team had a falling out, and activision didnt bother to fix jack shit and called it quits on the mode. Fuck sake, now we're stuck with thise 4 from the ancient rome map
What was the golden age of COD Zombies?
What even happened to the old writers from the world at war/ black ops days? I miss those days so much. Gives me a heartache i haven't felt in a long long time.
golden age of zombies is whenever the player was 12 years old
Last kino map was origins. Last actual good map was der esiendrach
Der Riese
Origins was shit. Der eisendrache was great but storywise every bo3 map was ass
Fuck they had it right with their story. Just a crazy german fuck (whos actually not a nazi) who dicked around with science experiments too much and pissed off a little girl. They were ok with going with the realm of ancient shit of origins, in that it was being set up like "oh this pretentious scientist doesnt understand the knowledge and power of ancient people, so for his ignorance he is doomed" yada yada, but then multiverse shit kicked in and alien demons
Everything was gold before bo2. Most will say black ops 1 was kino. Also black ops 2 was ok but damn it could have been better.
Zombies was fun you pleb, but after black ops 1 I'd say it went to shit.
Origins was the physical manifestation of funposting. Sure it was ridiculous but it was fun. And who doesnt love those staves?
can someone tl;dr me on the zombies storyline?
Imagine playing cod zombies after the monstrosity that was blops2
>Everything was gold before bo2. Most will say black ops 1 was kino. Also black ops 2 was ok but damn it could have been better.
Quick run down on what went wrong with BO2 and BO3?
Actual, unironic cringe.
go back
Blops 2 was good and half of bo3 was fun, fuck you
Zambo team had a falling out, got shit new writers, and then had another falling out
codbabbies realizing it was shovelware all along
MW3 was fun and nobody can change my mind.
Dud they have any idea of what to do post black ops one?
Literally impossible. You have to do a fuckton of research. Even if it's just for waw-bo1
Why did they "fall out?"
MW3 survival was kino as fuck and i pray to god they bring it back in the new game.
They did. It was called the victus crew but people kept bitching about the original guys. So they decided to "reboot" them, but people complained about them too, even though they were objectively better personality wise. Sure i love the wise cracking of the og crew but cmon, the reboot versions were cool too
>tfw playing Der Reise in to the wee hours of the morning on a school night, having a great time with your friends
>Those days have passed, everyone's moved on, didn't keep in touch
feels bad brehs...
cod zombies has a story?
Fuck im not sure how to explain it. I know it had sometjing to do with the general writing for the mode, the direction it was headed, and also jason blunder himself. Maybe go watch Milo's bid on it
Yes and some manchildren in their 20s kept up with it for half their lives just for the big ending to be LMAO
>playing kinonwith friends
>always bicker about first door
>always scramble to get the music playing
>mfw running around in circles shooting bullet sponges turned out to be more fun then the campaign (and yes it was good too but you know what i mean)
It's a deep rabbit hole
So the final map was just a remake of call of the dead? That’s lame
>map is called Kino Der Toten
>it was kino
Nice maymay
BO1 was the best in the series you fucking pinko faggot.
You kidding m8? They weren't zombies all along, zombie richtofen killed them because he and Nikolai after countless attempts realized that the cycle couldn't be broken, the great war would always be lost, the dark aether would always be released etc. They were stuck in an endless loop
Imagine taking cod zombies storyline seriously
Can we take a moment to appreciate the hiddem songs that was made for this random ass mode
Like fuck, if this wasnt connected to zambambos, it would be pretty killer on its own merit
Literally no one deserved to die like that except og nikolai, and both richtofens
Everyone has their pass times, like how some fucks jerk off to tranny threads on Yea Forums every hour
Why are there multiple Nikolai's. What's all the shit about the Aether? Why is Richthofen a zombie? How is he speaking to those four people from Black Ops 2. What are those flying Alien things?
They wanted a reset, which is what's needed.
They tried with BO2 but fucked it up. This is the best they're gonna get for a reboot next game
Reboot what? Theyve said theyre done with the 4 mates and are planning on finishing those bumfucks story from the titanic map
Kys for thinking blops2 zombies was good. Tranzit was garbage, literally only origins was good.
so let me understand one thing, they resumed the entire zombies story into the fact that the entire time, they were being teleported by richtofens daughter, just for them to discover later on by richtofen that those place they were in after the threater was just multiverses? and that the only way to end all of it was to activate a device that destroyed all multiverses then kill themselves? what a fucking disappointment, i was thinking there was some kind of ancient angry god controlling them, what a shame, jesus christ, what a waste of potential
This is exactly what im saying. The original writer for the mode left after bo1 and let that hack jason steer the ship
I'm saying this because I also sunk too much time on it. Fuck it hurts bros
>killing Romero easily and doign sponges around
>2am and mommy is screaming go to bed
Fuckkk, the only thing I can do now is laugh at how shit it's all become.
wait, is zombies ending?
i havent played cod since blops1...
what game had best zombies?
Unironically 3 solely because of the 5th dlc packs that had all those maps remastered
Why the fuck is the last map played with those 4 retards instead of the Alpha Omega 8-man crew? Fucking retarded, zombies has gone downhill since BO1 but this ending was too much.
Those 4 are unironically fun. They represent the effects that 8 had on the universe/planet on the average joe
Everything before BO2/Tranzit.
Absolutely wrong. United Offensive bro.
I don't give a shit, how do you end a 10-year storyline without the OG crew?
>the real great war was the friends we made along the way
>last map was just call of the dead remaster
I'm in disbelief, this is terrible, I have no jokes
probably 3, had all original dlc maps plus chronicles as well as great mod support
man im glad i stopped caring about the plot after tranzit, fucking hell
chaos story is the epitome of soulless
That ending wasn't too bad. Sets up for the reboot we're going to get next year. But one thing
>Richtofen gets shot in the head
>NOT by Sam
>She was right there
>He was a zombie
Fuck you.
zombies after bo1 is shit
>tfw Black Ops 5 were gonna be stuck with pic related
Shit suck breh
Activision doesnt care, they just want chink bux with their pseudo hero shooter loot boxes
I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that they just showed up outta nowhere to pull some retarded heist aamd "oppsies dasiy, you are now cursed, fuck you. Go find a way to get uncursed". The evil scientist doing experiments that pissed off ancient spirits is better than this or alien demon things
Based maps
>der reise
>shi no numa
NOT based maps
>shangri la
>call of the dead
>Nacht der untoten
>hurrr hurrrrrrrrrrr b-but nacht was based!!!
No it’s not. It’s too small and there’s no good places to set up
Zombies was ruined the moment Origins dropped, both story wise and gameplay wise. The map started the trend of "learn every little thing about the map or don't have fun lol" and the ending was such a fucking slap in the face I was genuinely shocked to learn that they somehow made the story worse with BO3. Jason Blundell is a fucking hack and can suck my cock.
it makes more sense with dlc1 setting the stage for the titanic map which honestly means me wonder why they didn’t have that map be first then the ship
The ending of Origins should of been the end of the story line. Sam playing pretend with her toys made sense. Zombies never took itself seriously before that point so a dumb ending like that would have fit in with the caricatures you play as.
>shi no numa
Whats wrong user-kun? Bad at nideo games? But yea fuck jason
>blops 2
>not liking shi no numa
Cringe faggot
Going through this thread, I have absolutely no clue where these developments come from. Multiverse? Richtofen's a zombie? How is Samantha even around to shoot Nikolai, I thought she got mauled to death? Why does he even have to die?
I didn't enjoy the story because it was particularly good, but it was engaging as this crazy german fuck teleported his group around to fend for their lives.
I’m more pissed about how lazy and recycled this Cod is. I didn’t buy it but holy shit Cod drones will still buy anything from these companies. They deserve to get robbed by lootboxes, battlepasses, and 110$ for the season passes. Also Samantha is taller than Eddie but shorter than him during the walkcycle. What a shitty ending and game fuck Treyarch.
I don't see Alcatraz or resolution on based
Richtofen broke the Universe when he made the teleporter, fracturing a single universe into the Multiverse and basically setting events in motion which indirectly created the zombies.
The floating aliens are the keepers and originally chilled out in a higher dimension keeping an eye on the Universe; but when it broke it fractured their plane too and corrupted some of them with the "Aether".
The Aether is basically primordial universal energy, and the ones it drove insane began corrupting everything with Element 115.
The reason there are two lots of groups is that whilst one is from the Prime timeline, the second lot are younger versions of themselves from a parallel universe.
Young Nikolai read a tome of the universe and realised that the events they set in motion established a stable time paradox, perpetuated by a super powerful Keeper who sent them back in time to fulfil the paradox.
The only way was to break said paradox was to kill all of the playable characters and destroy the artifact that holds the Multiverse together as a huge reset button to reform it into one universe without Element 115 or corruption from the Aether.
I could answer the other questions if you want, but it's pretty complicated.
Put Alcatraz on there because I forgot about it, didn’t play anything passed that so
Remember how kino the early easter eggs were? Not exposing too much but still enough to be intriguing and sometimes making the atmosphere even more scary? When it wasnt just a bunch of stupid bullshit live a tv show writer trying to dig himself out of a hole?
I remember doing all the Easter eggs for ascension when it first came out and the ending part wasn’t confirmed yet, we all thought that chained door by the rocket opened and you had to fight the silverback gorilla, was pissed when it turned out you only got death machine for like 2 minutes
Good map though
Kino will always be the best
For me, it's the Thundergun
Once again, original writer left and we got stuck with said tv man digging himself out of a hole
What was the best zombies song and why was it abracadavre?
Cringy avenged sevenfold songs need not apply
Jason Blundell is a hack
Craig Huston got robbed of giving a good ending to this shit
Fuck Treyarch
Fuck Activision
Fuck You
I want to die.
Underated because it came after the BO1 boom
>not Carrion
>not archangel
>not Dead Again
>not The gift
>not mystery
>not I am the well
>not Stormbound
Nexk yourself
Those all sound gay as fuck my man. Still abracadavre lmaooo gg
I like always running
The last easter egg song I enjoyed was this
You’re right. That was cringe
I replayed the campaigns of COD4, MW2, MW3, Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2. Why did the older CODs have such better guns? The newer games the guns all fucking suck. That MW 2019 beta was a fucking nightmare and just boring. The maps are so fucking bad. Its sad that the only thing I'm excited for with MW 2019 is seeing the Single Player and Price return, and even then, It'll be all over in 4 hours or so.
>favorite ww is the scavenger
>mfw the remake of the map it was first introduced in doesn't even have it
>mfw BO4 in general
I'm glad I got this shitty game as a gift
Someone found the Boss Fight arena, even though it was never used.
Jfc, can they be anymore incompetent. Like fuck, im sure they worked their asses off for being a skeleton crew by this point but cmon
Why the motherfuck are there aliens and Eldritch bitches now
>i love MP7 and MSR simulator!
it was fun for a little while, but after prestige 13 i dropped it
How did the zombies plot get so esoteric? Is anyone able to actually follow along from game to game? Cause I sure as hell can't.
And I swear the storyline has "wrapped up" like 3 times now. How do we even know this time is the real ending?
This user knows whats up
>the gift
based tastes
lmao that was such a terrible ending fuck you Blundell
Also why does Stuhlinger look like the boomer meme now
>No it’s not. It’s too small and there’s no good places to set up
if you're uncreative, yes
Im confused. Black ops 2 came out a long time ago. Was this ending just revealed now? I havent played any of these games or zombies so i have no idea.
How come tranzit is above Moon and shi no numa?!
they went to shit after hail to the king honestly. the stage was such a bad album outside of paradigm and simulation. city of evil still will never be topped
Wow, I'm actually upset. Zombie Chronicles 2 with victis maps would be the only way to makeup for this.
Where would you put Alpha Omega? It's better than Nuketown desu. I'd put it on C tier. Your list is pretty good, I think Buried, Tranzit, Shi No, and Kino should each go up one respective tier though.
Wait the fucking DLC is out?
I haven't played the new map since I'm on PC and didn't check A/O out much since it released, somewhere around C or D would be fitting for it I suppose, and yeah I agree that those maps should be bumped up, I went back to most of them when Zombies Chronicles was on sale and was surprised that I liked them more than I remembered
It's pretty fun and not nearly as congested as Nuketown. Helps there's an entire lower level. I'm hopeful we get Zombie Chronicles 2 so the victis maps get some qol changes they need.
>tfw when MW2 was the last good Cod game
Are there any good FPS left that are good?
>shortening melee range
No it wasnt
>the phoneposter telling others to go back
For me it's the winters howl
Not that i know of. Gen 6 and 7 had a lot of great ones. This generation is pretty bland for the fps games.
Wait what?
I thought the ending was Samantha playing with toys.
I have no idea what's going on but if anyone can explain please do.
I could but don't want to
They look so good here and in the in-game models they look like shit. Scarlett looks like a tranny and Shaw looks like some old decrepit bum with AIDS.
Should have waited until Blops 5, if we get ZC2 then I'm done with the franchise.
Where are they walking towards?
Just read this. Thanks.
So how do those non main characters tie into the story? Like from black ops 2 or 3, or the gladiator arena from 4?
Stormbound is unbelievably based.
Chaos was off to a rough start since Treyarch and Activision are retards and screwed with the release/chronology of maps, Dead of the Night was originally planned to be on disc but was swapped out for IX since they couldn't get all the stuff sorted for the celebrity likeness/voicework.
The current rumor going around is that they're ditching chaos and doing ANOTHER reboot of the Aether story
Shadows of evil is underrated as fuck
The last line in the script.
Victis continues to exist only to be pawns for the big boys and eventually dies because Nikolai needed to tie up loose ends
The gladiator arena is from a completely different story that has nothing to do with Aether
That aether reboot isn't a rumour i'm pretty sure it's straight fact.
Do you think they will ever remake all the maps and make a game with them all in it.
There's so many maps I never played. I remember playing one where there were huge ass robot mechs walking and got stomped by one.
I unironically like the chaos storyline for all the mythical stuff they did. Ancient Evil is one of my favourite maps
I like Shadows' setting, characters and shit like the Apothicon Servant and unique monsters, but the ritual setup being required EVERY game alongside the map being fucking busted in single player really drags it down for me
I have no horse in this race, but I seriously want to know how you can tell if someone is phone posting. I mean, I am because I’m making a hamburger in the kitchen right now and it’s been a few years since I posted with a computer. I genuinely want to know if you can tell or if this is just random shit flinging.
Last time I played it I got the moon dlc in blops1. now theres aliens and giants and shit. I dont even know what the story is about, didnt the german guy switch bodies or something?
>playing cod after WAW
I think they should have waited and done chaos in 5 and had all their resources on that, I like the maps and everything but Chaos got fucked hard.
I agree user. Playing zombies with the bros is fun. Doing all the easter egg stuff was interesting but it got overly complicated later down the line.
this, I stopped listening to A7X when they released Nightmare but HttK was okay.
I still think their best song is Save Me
The zombie storyline has been trash since BO2. Moon should've been the ending
Did Victis really have to die?
I understand killing prime and Ultimis but killing Victis was retarded
why did the plot get so convoluted anyways? did they never stop and think how fucked it got?
also what happened to that cowgirl with big tits from blops 2, does she die too?
>tfw knew the singers sister in HS and got free shit
Shut up faggot
>also what happened to that cowgirl with big tits from blops 2, does she die too?
She puts on a shirt that covers her breasts and then dies in this final map along with the people she was with
If it's any consolation everyone died.
She wanted to fuck the nerd and that ended up not happening.
>She wanted to fuck the nerd and that ended up not happening.
>They both died as virgins and pawns due to keikaku from a Bolshevik
Correct me if I'm being a retard but do we see victis explicitly die? I'm guessing you're referring to the part where it blacks out when Stuhlinger is talking to Richtofen?
Blondi? Is that you?
Yep, that was the universe being destroyed and them going with it.
Never trust a russian
3 has all the original maps, but they're ruined with gobblegums and Black Ops 3 weapons
>playing CoD after 2
zoom zoom
I thought they ended this shit in 3? If they pulled this in for 4 something tells me they'll do it again for 5.
They should've stucked into cold war or before, BO2 ruined everything weapon related with its shitty futuristic weapons.
How in the world do you think the older guns are better? The guns in mw2019 improved them in every single way
5 is a reboot
Where the fuck was Monty during all of this?
Unpopular opinion
Tranzit was actually really really fun with 4 players. Never got to play Moon with more than two, but I didn't like it that much.
Gold Age was everything up to Kino, because that was the most consistent stretch.
It would continue to decline in quality until Shangri-La which was it's lowest point, and wouldn't completely turn around until Origins.
Basically zombies is at it's best when you don't know a whole lot about the background stuff, or when it is (relatively) still grounded.
Everything not involving the original characters sucked, the only stand out being Tranzit for experimenting with a fairly large map.
The only non-Treyarch zombies worth mentioning are the first AW map and the WWII maps, they are ok.
an uncorrupted timeline where the crew got their wishes.
For me its Zombies in Spaceland. Miss me with that Nazi shit, too played out
Titanfall 2 is better than every COD
I'm so fucking pissed about victis man, they deserved so much better. I never got the hate for them and found them to be really relatable because they were regular people like us caught in the middle of all this bullshit. Is there a possibility of a second ending?
Low budget I guess.
They were just talking about what they wish they got.
when you type in a phone it capitalizes the first letter by default user how did you never notice this?
this, this, this fuck we should just make a time travel device to go back and have everything be unfucked from nigger division
The ending sucked ass, but I'm just glad Ultimis and Primis finally got the closure they've deserved for so long.
>tfw infinite warfare had the best zombies plot
zelenski didnt deserve this
Man what the fuck dude someone finally does something interesting and fun with zombies and people just shit all over it because it's not black cocks zombies.
even they couldn't milk aether for a whole season of maps. the last two have been fucking remakes
>why did the plot get so convoluted anyways?
blundell took over but was too scared (or lazy) to make his own story from scratch so he milked zelenski's story for 3 more games. This shit should have just ended with Moon
blundell is a hack and transit crew had a good story in the comics and I would've been fine dicking around with them for other maps
Meanwhile, in Yea Forums No Numa...
>buy a perk
>misty burps
didn't really like the nerd character despite his voice actor probably being Robin from teen titans
Yeah, the only Victis characters I liked were Stuhlinger and Misty
Zombies went downhill when they started basing entire maps around stupid easter eggs instead of survival
Man if only 2008 Yea Forums could see this place now. Where did you MW kiddos crawl out of?
>Shi No Numa
psshh more like Numa Numa am I right?
Zombies was the only good thing to come out of Call of Duty.
friends, siblings, relatives, that kinda stuff I'd assume
I honestly think Zombies in Spaceland is one of the best zombies maps made. It's big with plenty of places to setup, implements the theme park setting really well with all the mini games/ticket system, perks and shit were all good.
Buried was a kino map
>an actual thread about a video game on this board
I think they'd be scared more by looking through the catalog than this thread
So were the bl2 crew just wiped off of existence? that's fucked up considering they were the victims of coincidence
Everyone and everything but samantha and richtofen (child) were wiped
>final map doesn't even have original or 2.0 characters
>final song doesn't include Elena, doesn't even have a singer
>it's a fucking Call of the dead remake, a map the OG's weren't even playable in in the first place
>final cutscene is barely animated 2D
>Sam not being the one to kill Richtofen
>powered up aether!Sam that was teased last map just fucking not there
>no Great War
>no Monty
>no shadowman
>no new wonderweapon
I've never felt more personally insulted by a product in my life
so what happens to the universe? does it continue from some point and things play out normally or something? I dont get it
It got rebooted hard
Prease be excited for brack ops 5
It doesn't make even a bit of sense, if the multiverse has been wiped then Eddie should be too seeing as how he's from another universe and not the original. Also I thought Monty was literally God? Why would he be wiped?
one of the most based crews that ever was and ever will be, next to the og's, 2.0, shadows of evil, five, call of the dead, and mob of the dead
>>no new wonderweapon
What, there is a new wonder weapon: The mysterious Scoped Tesla Gun!
What the fuck was even the point of Monty and the shadowman? I thought this when they introduced him at the last second in BO3 but when we learned we're killing him in 4 I was actually excited, mortals taking on what I also assumed was literal God is always so interesting to me
Zombies was shit after moon
Him and Shadowman weren't gods they were ayys hyped up on aether juice apparently.
You're freaking out over what could be potentially nothing; there's likely an alternate ending as people found areas in Tag that aren't normally accessible during the EE
absolutely based
God I really fucking hope
I think it's an ending rather than reboot bait. If they do reboot it, I imagine there'll be absolutely no implication that the reboot is in any way a continution of the original Aether story.
>Call of Duty thread were people are saying MW2 was good
Oh, Yea Forums, how far you have fallen...
>muh zombies stories
I can't imagine why anyone actually gave a shit about the "story" behind what was essentially a thrown-in gamemode in WaW. Zombies stopped being fun after Black Ops 1 when focus shifted from holding out in one location to travelling across a massive and unfocused map instead
Pretty sure she ruined her singing voice by screaming too much which is why she was absent for most of BO2 and didn't scream at all in the BO3 songs she was in.
I don't know sounds good but when has there ever been an ending not immediately discovered after map launch?
>theres an alternate ending!
This exact thing happened in BO3 with the revelations ending, scrapped areas and dialogue still left in the map. It's nothing, just further proof of either laziness or activision rushing/not allocating enough funds
tranzit was literally one map, besides, people who played zombies with friends enjoyed it, something you won't understand since you don't have friends
No one will agree with you but you're correct in all things, everyone else is just blind.
Mystery still slaps pretty goddamn hard and it's frankly an insult not having her in the final map.
>tranzit was literally one map
I wasn't talking about tranzit. Every zombies map now requires you to train zombies around a map like a retard instead of being able to hold out in a relatively small area for any decent period of time.
>people who played zombies with friends enjoyed it
Something being fun with friends is not indicative of its quality. Generally even the worst games can be made bearable if you're playing them with someone else.
Revelations but I guess the Victis crew maps from BLOPS 2 count too as they all have 2 different endings for each
>and didn't scream at all in the BO3 songs she was in.
Dead Again
I don't think there's an alt ending but revelations literally took a full week to find the ending, even with dataminers
Best perk jingle, prove me wrong
I just want a game that's just a spiritual successor to zombies
An arcadey coop shooter with weird fun stuff
I may come across as a cynic but I am really doubting it. However. Someone should do this when the portal opens up.
That's not even remotely true. Do you even play the mode?
Fucking bones.
You were close I'll give you that
name one fucking map that had an alternate ending
>when the best jingle is about the worst perk
I don't even hate blops 4, in fact I like the perk system at its face.
Yes. I played two maps from one of the most recent CoDs (can't remember which) and you can't even make it to round 5 just staying in the starting area without getting overwhelmed, unlike classic zombies maps like Nacht, Kino, Verrucht etc.
Die Rise
Fitting considering those are all Victis crew maps
If you can't survive past round 5 in the first room of fucking Blood of the dead, classified, Voyage, IX, or ancient you're bad at the game.
Tranzit, Die rise, MoTD, Buried.
think before you post
>you can't even make it to round 5 just staying in the starting area without getting overwhelmed
True chads stay in the small starting area of alpha omega until round 9
It has a lot of potential, the problem is that there are perks that are way too OP and others that simply aren't powerful enough. I hope they bring a more balanced version of it to the 2020 reboot
>I like the perk system at its face
Same user, same. They directly addressed my biggest complaint with how you always go for jug and speed cola, and if you're playing solo quick revive, leaving only one perk for variance. But for some reason I really dislike the new perk system.
I should have been more specific, when i said alternate ending I meant the "you need to do some hidden extra steps or you'll get the bad ending" kind of ending , those endings just let you chose the kind of ending you want, at least that's what i remember, haven't played those in a while
>you can't even make it to round 5 just staying in the starting area without getting overwhelmed
Sounds like a you problem.
Depending on the map, you can end up doing extra steps for either Richtofen's or Maxis' side
It is literally not physically possible to repair all the barricades in time without zombies inevitably swarming in in the new maps even during the first five rounds. In the classic maps you could at least play the first few rounds without leading a train of zombies around like a retard. Nuzombies is more about exploiting poor pathfinding AI than actually holding out against a horde
>This exact thing happened in BO3 with the revelations ending, scrapped areas and dialogue still left in the map.
really? Where's the source? first time I heard this cuz none of the COD zombies YouTuber I know not talk about this. or you just pull it out your ass
Besides the disappointing ending, how are you guys enjoying Tag so far?
Don't they tell you what to do and you get to choose? I'm talking about how people think there's some super secret ending whenever a map has a shitty ending
My biggest issue is how you have to fucking repack five times to get the equivalent of double tap
I bet black peoples eyes taste like blue berries
trazit is good
Ah ok never mind now I get what you're saying
It's call of the dead but more. No george makes the map better.
So it's a possibility they bring that zombie mode in that CoD coming out for mobile?
it is good and befitting map especially with victis, the subtle tribute to George was really sweet
Bruh Blackops 4 zombies was shot from the beginning. The maps we got that weren't chaos crew were all remakes. Except everyone can agree a straight remake of the OG maps would have been better
I'm not actually sure I agree. Alpha Omega is way better than Nuketown and Blood is okay.
"115" or "I'mma Try it Out"
These are hype
Classified was better than 5 too, forgot to mention that.
??? You obviously weren't a part of the community when revelations dropped because for the next few months all anyone was talking about was the super EE and pouring over every unused asset as "proof"
I do think there was another huge ee they were going to do but ended up dropping it.
Looks like MGS4 Snake.
It's a shame BOTD was disappointing, the updated version of that song is great
>Do you think they will ever remake all the maps and make a game with them all in it.
ofc not
fuck, it is really good
>Tranzit was actually really really fun with 4 players
It was fun with even two.
>filling in the worm things on the map select screen
>months of speculating what it could mean
>revelations ending is completing the cycle, getting all the worms must help you break it!
>all you get is a fucking RK5
Talk about tripping right at the goddamn finish line
Tranzit was legitimately scary to me, they got the atmosphere down pat
Marlton was my favorite, like Richtofen.
I guess intelligent people prefer the intelligent characters, and unintelligent people despise them.
Sorry but I don't agree with you, Classified and Alpha Omega were both large improvements over their original incarnations by cutting the bullshit from their respective maps and adding new areas that generally improved the maps' design and flow and Tag is also seems to be following in their footsteps. Blood was just alright but could've benefited from things the Afterlife system returning.
Don't get me wrong, I would've preferred all new, original maps for Aether but for what we got; it could've been far worse.
Same my friend but you don't need to add the pretentious insult. I liked all the characters for different reasons. I could only imagine what we would've got if people didn't bitch about the victis crew
>yelling at your friends to get on the bus
>laughing at your friend who missed it and was running trying to get on while you held the door shut
>getting left behind and feeling like a badass surviving on your own and watching your friends pull up on the next bus cycle
>knifing the driver to get you all kicked out in the corn field
Take me back bros take me back right now
Attempting to follow anything after Black Ops 1 was a nightmare that I gave up. I tried giving 3 a chance and I liked the idea they had going with that in killing their Ultimis timeline counterparts... But... I dunno...
The original group was so much more fun from a time where there was Nazi flags in Vidya and Richtofen was a Crazy Nazi.
When Perk Machines had amazing jingles and ideas of what they were and you could have dumb fun with them before people figured out 'right builds' and how to beat maps. I bellyflopped with PhD. Flopper all the time and sung the tune to parties on Xbox Live all the time.
But... Ugh... The remastered songs in the later games, the gobblegums and level up systems and just all the future warfare killed it. I liked the idea of being stuck in WW2 and fighting with WW2 weapons and we all talked about how cool the Wonder Weapons were before the got too cute with the ideas in BO2
Surviving in the nacht location in the field was great
>seemingly endless mist with shrieking babies, and hidden pathways and deadly corners
>tons of close quarters, easy to get trapped in
>impossible to stay hunkered in the buss after zombies reach ultimate bullet sponge level because of entrances all around you
>plenty of death traps
The difference between Marlton and Richtofen is that Marlton always came off as whiny where as Richtofen was cool and interesting no matter what version of him it was.
>Marlton always came off as whiny
Nah I think you just don't like the voice, they both could be "whiny".
I somewhat agree with you but don't ever talk shit about the songs, they're the one thing that has stayed just as good if not improved over time. The where are we going remaster turns a 10/10 song into an 11/10, and even the weird beauty of annihilation remix is amazing on it's own
I gave up when they did Cthulhu shit in 3
How do you go from science to that
Oh, No... You got me wrong. I meant the remastered Perk Machine songs. Or the times Dr. Monty is singing them.
>when focus shifted from holding out in one location to travelling across a massive and unfocused map instead
So Ascension.
>no monty
I fully expect to get a fucking comic series to expand on the bullshit we got
Both version of him are so fucking cool
>evil German scientist using Nazi funding to harness ancient magic to control the world, arch nemesis is an 8 year old girl he accidentally turned into a god
>morally grey German scientist slowly going insane from the knowledge that he broke the universe and attempting to right the wrong despite having pissed off what is pretty much literally God
Ascension had holdout locations. I think he is meaning more like Black Ops 2 maps where there was large places to travel or mazes to figure out to get things done.
Call of the Dead kinda started this for being so big and having a boss that prevents camping. Shangri-la also had places where camping was shit and was mazelike. Moon as well...
Are you talking about the Shadows of Evil perk jingles? those are exclusive to that map. the Dr Monty stuff was just a funny side thing of "lol look at this god figure trying to write catchy music for a drink"
The funniest thing about it is that Treyarch had the money to use his likeness because he appears in the cutscenes but not to get him to do any lines. It's likely because Activision slashed their budget in half but they had to give him an appearance somehow
Ah I see, I like the shadows remasters though, they do a great job of showcasing the whole alternate universe thing that I'm a sucker for.
Where my oylmpia boys at
Zombies was always boring, sure everyone had fun on ww1 and bo1, may even bo2 but its been always the same, aswell as the mode was made more attractiv for kids with its bright colors, boring story and so on
>buying either first room weapon
retards who can't knife their way to an smg
Eh, if they let Craig's writing shine then maybe it won't be so bad
>comfy Zombies discussion thread
>on Yea Forums
Am I in the twilight zone?
for me MP40
fuck off
Till I die my nigga, the PaP dragon rounds were 10/10, I miss when random normal weapons had shit like that added to their upgraded forms
normies took over long ago.
Get ready for the MW nostalgia threads
I was thinking the same thing, then I realized what time it is in burger land and it all made sense
Name one "non-normie" zombie game.
Hey, it's better than another e-celeb or coomerbait thread, zombies is pure vidya
I get that 'One map only'... But...
The original Perk-a-cola songs were just so much better then the Black Ops 3 take on it.
user, it's one map out of the entire selection of maps, I think you're blowing it out of proportion
>complaining about a thread 100% about vidya, not a single e-celeb or youtuber directly mentioned
You are unironically what turned this board into one of the worst on the site, I hope you're at least self-aware enough to see that
I'm not complaining about the fucking Monty songs faggot, I mean the OTHER MAPS. But Black Ops 3 Juggernog, Speed Cola, Revive Soda, DT Root Beer and Mule Kick are just worst then the old ones.
Odd that the Vrill and the scavenger weren't brought back.
You may look that up again, doesn't seem like you are understanding it yourself
If you faggot cant live with being criticized based on your liking doesn't mean its unreasoned
fuck off now
This, the atmosphere of call of the dead seemed comfy for me. The background noises, music, and quotes did it for me
The whole time travel multiple universe story always sucked anyway
Should have just kept it simple
They're the same? They're just quieter. Pretty sure the faggot here is you freaking out over literally nothing. If your complaint was lack of new perks or perk jingles in 4 I would understand but I genuinely do not know what you are on about
Alright I'm confused user, I wasn't saying the Origins/Monty stuff. Are you complaining about these?
Because if so they're literally in 1 map, all the other maps use the traditional jingles. Those were only used to fit with the aesthetic of Morg City
>Rick and Morty
Is this the Vril Device/Golden Rod not back? I swear they reference it during the EE.
Also they did kind of bring back the Scavenger, they just fusion-danced it with the Wunderwaffe DG-2
>>Rick and Morty
No I mean VR11
So Samantha and Eddie are Adam and Eve? cool
Oh yeah, why tf didn't they include that? It's a better alternative to Monkey Bombs.
zombo plotline is the only decent thing it had left.
Would you populate the garden of eden with Samantha?
Fuck, I never realized that.
>"Final" map for this storyline until BLOPS 5 because they're obviously going to bring the old cast yet again on the next game
>you don't even play as the old cast, instead you use the shitters from Tranzit that no one cares about
>Dr. Monty and the interdimensional alien war clusterfuck ends up meaning absolutely nothing and is mostly ignored at the end
>The real war was the friends we made along the way
They should've just killed the old cast after Moon and never brought them back instead of introducing the great war bullshit
So what do you hope for in the inevitable Aether reboot?
It better not feature any of victis, primis, or ultimus. I'd be fucking pissed.
Some pretentious YouTube with an overpriced mic better make a 3 hour vid on every part of the zombo story from beginning to end so I can watch something comfy.
A more grounded story, deep lore is good however the direction they went in was out of control.
Also let someone asides from Blundell take control of the story
Oh dear God, imagine all the porn that is going to be made of this
Who cares, it's not like they've made a good Black Ops game after 1 anyway
Agreed, Craig Houston is actually a decent writer and should be the one calling the shots in relation to the story
Not Blundell
the full zombies story is so fucking complicated and long it would probably take upwards of 7 hours to explain everything fully with complete context
best girl
Great campaign and survival mode was a lot of fun. Didn't dig the multiplayer. The maps annoyed me.
Fuck Treyarch for trying to hide her cleavage
Funny enough they updated her model with the new patch and gave her bigger tits
Imagine caring about an utterly dogshit storyline that barely strung together as they went along while smoking crack at the same time
Wait... This is actually very based
blops 3 and 4 are fucking good if you ask me. Blackout was super fun.
jesus fuck i used to do QA for Treyarch and couldn't believe the shit they were doing. I was doing the same fuckin maps and objectives and shit every day knowing people were gonna hate it. They literally only make these games and modes now because they know they're popular
Was there any reason for them making Nikolai the group leader outside of him being Blundell's favorite character
The truth that I know but don't wanna face
>tfw I was 12 when W@W came out
BO2 squad are survivors manipulated by both Richtofen and Maxis' consciousness to support their goals (its why the BO2 easter egg has two paths, as you side with either one). The conspiracy theorist Stuhlinger was part of a doomsday cult that ate zombie flesh, so Prime timeline Richtofen is able to directly communicate with him.
The mobsters from BO2 are trapped in a form of purgatory that's fueled by the souls of the prisoners trapped there, but it's explicitly one created as a pocket dimension aligned with Alcatraz - because Young Richtofen and Group 935 develop a lab there. The purgatory is created as a trap for Young Richtofen because its one of the only times that the Apothicons (corrupted keepers) know where he's going to be (because in the paradox the young team ALWAYS goes to the Alcatraz lab to collect blood samples as it's what prevents them from being erased in the paradox).
The BO3 1930s squad are damned souls that are tricked into opening their dimension to the Apothicons. The setting is a purgatory dimension version of their city they live in (similar to the Alcatraz one functionally) which is why they recognise all the locations.
BO4 Gladiatorial one is unrelated to the main storyline, its part of a new storyline.
When Prime Nikolai kills the crew and destroys the summoning key, he literally caused the paradox that perpetuated the existence to close. The entire Multiverse folded in on itself taking everything (including the 115 corruption) with it. Presumably Sam and Eddie are headed into a new Universe without any of this as a clean slate, but everything else was tied to the fracturing of the Multiverse so it had to go. We don't even know why Sam survived really, maybe it's that they were innocent souls or maybe Sam was too powerful to erase because of how long she spent in the Aether.
People glitches into an unused area in the new map tho, and it's an escape boat so maybe Victis will make it out.
He's Blundell's favourite because of all this sacrifice for the greater good stuff, this was Blundell's plan from the offset.
But within context, the timeline breaking at Blood of the Dead means that Richtofen's soul is in the house, and Dempsey/Takeo's souls are in the summoning key so only Nikolai's soul is uncompromised by any higher powers.
Also Nikolai is the most emotionally mature of the group regarding death and no win scenarios after the death of his wife. A big part of why Richtofen had to die in Blood was his inability to come to terms with the solution being for everyone to perish. Richtofen was prepared to continue the paradox and all of the suffering that came with it because he was terrified of his own mortality and the loss of his friends.
I vas the nicest one... und you won't even remember...
>tfw he really was the nicest one
Holy god why does she look like a cute little cum whore here, who might smell a bit, but like an erotic kinda smell? And its just her regular face to wtf
>12 in 08
proof that Yea Forums only regurgitates le ebic maymays to fit in
>Didn't even get to kill Blundell's faggot oc Monty.
God fucking damn it. Fuck you Gayarch
The last one you played.
Agree with all of those except Call of the Dead. It's my problematic fav
Kinda, their "death" was a byproduct of all the previous events not happening. They are probably alive, they're just living normal lives in the normal world.
Based as hell
>Tranzit above moon and shi no numba despise you
Jesus christ man, I remember everyone clamoring to find an alternate ending to revelations. If you weren't there you weren't there I guess
My unironic favorite part of zombies were seeing the machines and hearing the new jingles they came up with. Removing that just removed the last bit of zombies I liked.
For me, it's Pareidolia
>the best thread on Yea Forums this year is nostalgiafagging about cod zombies and discussion on its lore
This really is the worst timeline!
Holy fuck, someone else that liked Infinite Warfare Zombies.
>Victis only playable in FOUR maps across 5 games
God BO4 zombies is a joke
Only good thing about the final fucking map of the story
why dont they just make a game to focuses only on zombies?
>outside of paradigm and simulation.
>Not HIgher, Fermi Paradox, or Roman Sky
Revival bump for intrest
No idea. People have been asking for it since 1
The great war was a meme to get all the gangs together so they could be killed, Nikolai let them have a nice of celebration together and let them think of their futures oblivious that they had to die. When Richtofen told Nikolai that the only one who could stop "him" from perpetrating the events of the story he doesn't mean Monty he means himself because everything is spurned by Richtofen not wanting to die.
Sam and Eddie also off themselves but since this is a Christian franchise you can't show kids blowing their own brains out which is why they walk into the light.
>al those zoomer replies
holy fag
I stopped caring about COD zombies after BO1
Give me a quickrun of all the zombies lore from all cods
I used to remember it was great
What do you guys think the chances of ZC2 with Victis naps is?