How do you make a game this bad?
How do you make a game this bad?
Why is XV dog shit incarnate?
FFXV and MGSV are the games that made me lose respect for Yea Forums's tastes, permanently. I had hope, but the candle when out when those two games came out.
But Yea Forums said that both games were terrible quick after they came out.
by cutting it up into a million pieces to make more money
Yes, exactly, dipshit.
even it's insanely autistic defender can't do it anymore
FFXV is objectively the best FF SE ever made. KH3 however is dogshit incarnate.
>caring about 2 shitty openworld games with boring gameplay and even worse stories
So Nomura's XV was dogshit incarnate while Tabata's XV is kino incarnate? No lies detected
Is there any way to make this game fun? I'm running out of options
You defend KH3 so your opinion doesn't matter.
Where did I mention KH3?
Yes by playing it since its fun once you start.
>boring gameplay
I'm being 100% genuine and from the heart here: find another hobby. Videogames aren't for you.
Just then. It's obvious you're a setting KH fag anyway since only you fags are butthurt over XV shitting all over KH3
Pandering to casuals to ruin the combat:
And we're off.
By making a worse game that took even longer to make and is even more unfinished.
and they're both good
I just started playing this after watching the kingsglaive movie.
they barely tell you whats going on through the cutscenes in the beginning. had I not seen the film (or missed the text during load screens) I wouldn't really understand why they were on the road trip.
plus, the PC game has a shit audio glitch. 5.1 doesn't work right. it's either 7.1 or stereo. wtf.
game is kind of boring so far. great graphics though for the most part. (literally maxing out my 980ti at 45 -60fps)
You must be confusing this with FF7R which is made for casuals.
>Kitase: This is one button action.
Not really.
>criticize FFXV for being shit
>praise FFVIIR even though it's shit
when you first posted because the intent of why you created this thread was because you're the kh/ff7r/nomura shill in the other FF7 vs FF8 thread that was getting BTFO and triggered by XV so you made this thread to deflect and samefag.
Yes really.
That's just pandering to nostalgiafags. Nice try though.
nomura shills are braindead
they even defend ff7r having hold to attack while they seethed that xv dare have it
7R isn't out yet..
No it's pandering to casuals. FF7 didn't have autobattle press nothing to win mode.
That absolute seeth.
>FF7 didn't have autobattle press nothing to win mode
yeah it did. I just recently beat the game doing a melee only run. literally held down O for every fight.
We already know how it "plays"
Is this a KH3 hate thread or not?
it's just a thread made to get XV-kun out from derailing another thread that had nothing to do with XV
And FF7R requires no buttons at all.
KH3 is cancer
So it is. Based.
yeh its just kh fag seething
late game you had materia that made you attack first in every fight and you could combine it with that shit kills everything in one go with repeat attacks. literally don't have to pick up the controller
of course this didn't work for bosses as I imagine classic mode with no command inputs won't work for 7R
Can I ask what is actually wrong with you? Honestly, why are you like this? Is this trauma based mental lunacy?
KH3 sucked!
dogshit incarnate...
>it’s another Barry episode
I’m sick of reruns.
the forehead with two right hands
That's pretty based
You wanna fucking go, bitch?
and 7r is only midgar and has auto attacks auto defends and auto movement
You first you retarded German greek failed abortion
yes kh3 is dogshit incarnate
So not much different than 15?
He’s just autistic, man. Like, really autistic.
by having it be made by incompetent retards the having incompetent autist like xvkun defend it