Code Vein

Is there any chance of it being good?

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Other urls found in this thread:ötz_von_Berlichingen

play the demo and find out

There's no demo for PC.

KT is better than bamco at copying
Nioh is better than this and Toukiden is better than GE


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For sure. I wish they made the hub world interesting like if they had a pinball machine you could play in it or something since all the other Revenants collect random shit. Interactive hubs with minigames should be a priority

It'll be niche but it's enjoyable from what I've played in the demo and network test. Will be shitposted on here though

absolutely none

as someone who played the demo, no.

so watch a youtube video of someone on console play the demo and talk about it

>If Code Vein scores higher, the threads will be full of shitposting
>If Code Vein scores lower, the threads will be full of different people shitposting
no matter what happens, there's gonna be tears

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Are you gonna give away your blood Yea Forums

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Don't matter. I'm stoked to double down on being an edgelord.

Is this game out yet? I'm coming off quite the bender so forgive my ignorance. I preodered it on steam at some point, I forget when I've been incoherent for a while, but it won't install.


You can at least listen to edgy music on the Jukebox while sleeping on the couch

Depends. Are you willing to look at the game for what it is? Or compare it endlessly to other titles, complaining about how it does not play exactly like them?

I am expecting Dark Souls but with anime girls.

To play exactly like another game is something, to try to play exactly like it and come out worse is quite another.

I'm mean when it' wears it inspiration on it's sleeve it's kinda hard not to compare it

Demo was fun. Chuuni without being 2chu
Will unfortunately be short on sales and critically panned and won't be made into a series

How is this relevant to Code Vein?

>There's no demo for PC.
Just uh... pirate it I guess.

Last time someone did that we all shit at them for their opinions because they didnt play the game. Everyone went apeshit over the streamshitters. Are you just baiting to have a thread full of shitposting?

Whats the deal with Ps+ for this game? Will I not need it like for the demo?

All I know is that all the girls better be waifuable. Harem end too.

Pre-load is available :)

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Eh, don't worry about it. Let the lulz flow freely and all the salt will just wash right off.

How old are you?

Io is already the MC's wife

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>someone previously said wingame keys had started going out
>nothing so far

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they sent me my key for deluxe edition

The bosses are all int he same round arena, and the combat and animations are clunky ass hell, only true weebs will continue to play it more than an hour

You could get keys for under $40 over a month ago. Guaranteed trash.

Has anyone here played the Code Veun demos?
How are they?
Is the combat dodge or parry focused?

>having just one bride
What are you impotent?

>if the surge and code vein both flop

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Also, is its combat smooth, fast?

Dodge focused, though can block with certain weapons
>his wife doesn't drain everything from him
I guess she just doesn't love you enough

I want to fuck the shit out of Io's fat tits and bust a massive load all over her cute indifferent face!

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It needs some work but I think it will be good.

>falls short of the original
so that's what, a 4/10 in non-gamingjourno numbers? should I stop my download?

You reminded of tenjou tenge when Souhaku rapes Reiki's physical form, in the past. Because of the way she was raised, she doesn't understand what he's doing to her, only looking up at him with curiosity as sweat drips down their bodies. God that panel was so hot.

>The slightest of smiles when you creampie her


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Think its a fact at this point. The surge ironically had a better chance this go around but it sounds like they still fudged it up.
Code Vein is going into the toilet.
Still got my Deluxe Editon, gotta protect Io

The things we do for love.

comparing games to other games in the same genre is a great way to not like games
this game has plenty of its own appeal, even ignoring the anime style the combat is really unique for this type of arpg and it's worth checking out
it's gonna be a niche success; something like gravity rush's original release, or dragon's dogma

>falls short of the original
Uh wasn't the original complete garbage

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>The first game was shit boring
>2 fall short
Uhhh guys should i stop my torrent?

Preorderfags need to die.

the pre-order of the deluxe edition also come with the pre-order bonuses for the base version. I know that this is a dumb question but just making sure before I pull the trigger on steam.

At what time does this come out

Staggered release on the 26th/27th depending on where you live because nips are dipshits

>ywn lay your head in io's lap and catch a faint whiff of her slightly musky pussy

What time tho, I wanna know when I should wake up to turn on my pc and start playing, 26/27th is too vague

That's all I know user; it's unclear, they haven't dropped an actual time. I'd ASSUME Japan's midnight.

>That's all I know user
Where's Mr. Bamco when you need him

I would think so, would make little to no sense for them not to provide both


Still no user

Mother of fuck you can see her ass.

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I know I'll play it and most likely enjoy it, I'm not expecting some AAA masterpiece, it's an anime game and I love those.

The demo was fun, but I will wait till it goes on sale for super cheap like GE2 and 3 have.

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This is a disgusting example to be setting for your little brother. I am officially OFF the Mia train.

So we have Yakumo, Jack, Eva, and now Mia. Tomorrow is likely to be Louis

She's only training him to be siscon. Mia has the purest of intentions.

>latex and harness
wow, you fags showing the skirt outfit constantly were way off the mark, I am now interested in this game again

>same devs as God Eater
Fat fucking chance

The weeb in me really wants this game but the combat is just too floaty for me. I’m too used to souls character made of lead bricks.

I'm just happy for a vampire rpg that isn't shit like Vampyr

This game will be lucky to even get this score considering its the fucking Godeater devs.

Both games will be a fun pickup on sale though, of that I have no doubts.

Isn’t Godeater the MonHun-like? Was it that bad? I mean they made 3 of them.

They made Trails of Cold Steel and they're all pretty mediocre. the 4 first ps2 .hack games were also meh.

"it's bad because it's a souls ripoff, and even worse because it does things differently from souls"
t. Yea Forums

i will now buy your game

>They made Trails of Cold Steel and they're all pretty mediocre.
that's Falcom though, what the fuck are you talking about?

t. poorfag

God Eater had a few unique things going for it like weapon switching, bullet customization, somewhat competent AI that you could command, and underboob. It was also one of the first MH clones. Code Vein has the burden of coming after LotF, Surge, NiOh, etc.

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They in the general sense.

>implying anything will be as bad as LotF

>30 gb

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>finally got key from wingamestore
>isn't showing up in library after redemption
>fails to start install process

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it's not 2006 anymore with 16gb being your standard.

worked for me

Should only take me about 20-25min to download but if you have shit internet preloading is up so go do that

nvm fixed it

Release is the 27th 12am Eastern time
Do your own timezone conversions

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Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck

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I live in Texas. What's that?

Preordered the deluxe edition even though I didn't play the demo. Better be good.

Also have the JP figure edition preordeed, gonna scalp it.

>I live in Texas

me too!

Most of the concerns over CV applied to GE as well
>weapons have no impact
>animations have no weight
>level design is garbage

>Vampire game
>not sucking

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>desperate attempt by Bandai Namco to cash in on the remnants of the Souls audience
It's gonna suck

>weapons have no impact
>animations have no weight
Literally all that's missing from Code Vein is controller rumble on weapon impact. That's what's making it feel so weak. Other than that it's pretty much fine. Not excellent, just fine.

I like setting desu. They need to make some anime instead of game
>God Eater devs

>controller rumble on weapon impact

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No but they could always add it later like they did Nioh. I mean Daemon X Machina is having PvP added as well

I just want to play as a Murasaki that CAN kick monster ass without getting raped into oblivion

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PST (Pacific Standard Time) i think

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i just want to make cosplay characters ok

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Is this a bad thing? Since when? Everyone's bitching about the game not having enough feedback, why would more be bad?

>Literally all that's missing from Code Vein is controller rumble on weapon impact.
Really? I've had my controller rumble turned off for the last 10 years. It used to take me away from the game in a sense.

Dora the Explorer
Crimson Chin

Adding rubble doesn't fix the flaws.

Nigger feed back here mean = animation from MC and monsters
Not rumble town, no one like rumble

rumble is a terrible way to implement "feedback". I literally never play with rumble in souls games but weapons in those games still feel weighty because the weapons swing just right and the enemies react correctly to being struck by said weapons

The only reason no one likes rumble is because there's not feature on any console or any game that just lets you have the rumble on indefinitely. Rumble can be a good thing if some company would finally implement it.

No what's missing is freezeframes and stun.

metacritic review score will be between 70-80.


Texas is central time. You dumbfuckos.
Unless you live in El Paso, which is mountain time.

Am I supposed to care about metacritic?

Nobody wants your incel blood, incel

For Americans, what site has the cheapest pre-order for the Steam version preferably deluxe?

i would also like to know this

The enemies get stunlocked way too much already

but vampires exclusively drink the blood of virgins

wingamestore atm


Man idk im poopan rn

Pacific = west coast
Eastern = east coast
Then you have two in between. Central which aligns with Texas and Chicago. And mountain, which aligns with Colorado. Not that hard.

Yeah but the only important ones are PT and ET. ET less so since no one watches TV anymore.

>Not that hard

Yes i am niger

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>Fujos will make Louis lewds before there are Io lewds
God damn it

Fujos can time travel?

It's really hard to not compare this game to Nioh, DS, BB, etc. as it was basically marketed as an anime Dark Souls. Which is kind of dumb.

thanks just bought it

Where are the Io lewds?

>Its dumb to market Edgy Anime Souls as Edgy Anime Souls
What do you want them to market it as then?

Well, I guess since you're new to Yea Forums I should spoonfeed you at least a little.

The 25% off discount on GG is about to run out, should I still pre-order it?

Really dislike the art style (fucking anime hot topic edgy shit), level design (fucking caves, ice caves, lava caves), over sized weapons with floaty animations, trash tier music, limp slowly to experience our shitty story set pieces etc etc. But I guess I still like the anime tiddy and the character creator.

Is it still worth it?

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Your character is barely apart of the main game. No.

>animu tits and cac
Just play koikatsu or aa2.

it's 31% off on wingamestore

The game is fun but can't hold a candle to Dark Souls on all the points it's trying to copy it. Whereas it also has some fun ideas and gameplay mechanic people won't focus on because, literally every part that is like DS, is just simply better in DS.

This game comes out after my birthday, since I'll be getting it, what character should I make? Sexy waifu or good husbando for IO love? Help me make the right choice anons.

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First play through: Edgy dude
Second play through: Edgy gal

Ichor and Gift system shits all over DaS' magic

Yeah to be honest the game looks like hot garbage apart from the waifu creator. I'd say wait for the reviews/general reception and then buy it on sale the next year if you still want it.

Yes and that's one of the point where it works differently from a Souls.

In the game

>preloads are up

I hoped this gets cracked day 1 I'm itching to play. Can some Anons post some webms of the combat?


It's a mediocre anime game protected with Denuvo, def won't be cracked for a while.

It's gonna be good. Probably nothing spectacular but definitely fun.

The only two things Souls is definitively gonna have on this game is level design and lore/world-building. Code Vein will have lore, but it will be gay and/or derivative. The action is rock solid and it's got a lot of RPG mechanics to satisfy spergs.

Idk it has D3 denuvo according to crackwatch and other shit with that same denuvo is cracked so I'm gonna cross my fingers for a day 1 crack

lmao, just buy it if you want to play it that badly, russian keys go for only $20

I have my backlog to get through which includes the first 3 souls games so i don't mind waiting

Ofcourse not.

Its one of those shitty 100 dollar development budget anine games scamco shits out in batches of 5 every 6 months.

okay but they literally delayed it for a year to polish it

And it's still relatively mediocre. Says a lot about how terrible it was before.

when did you finish the game

>level design and lore/world-building
Most people can't get away with 60% of their story being Berserk """references""" and the other 40% being gibberish.

>berserk invented medieval europe

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Midnight in your time zone.

nothing in berserk is original
guts is based on a german mercenary
the godhand are the cenobites from hellraiser
the rest is just generic medieval european fantasy shit

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Yep yep only a coincidence he as actively said Berserk is a big influence and that his games are jam packed full of the shit. Every Western medieval game is full of the same shit which is why Dark Souls is so praised, for being so generic like the rest of it.ötz_von_Berlichingen
only a coincidence right

I don't give a shit about Guts and his stupid arm.

it'll suck, obviously.
but that's fine, as i have terrible taste.

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>iron maidens
>fire lizards
>all invented by berserk
imagine reaching this hard

you are complete garbage

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Thanks for the (You) inbred now back to your cage.


Damn, it's worse than the first Surge? Then that means the game is really shit. After all, the Surge is one of the worst Souls-like games I've ever played.

Im expecting it be a edgy anime souls game with a huge amount of jank
Im mostly buying it for the novelty of what the game is more so than it being a good game or not
anyone expecting this game to be good will be in for a huge surprise

it also has a high chance of crashing or not launching at all and has shitty framerate

>1480 – 1562

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Where to get the game cheap, anons?

I think I fucked up guys
>bought the Japanese blood thirst edition and a Mega Drive mini off a Japanese site
>after shipping and currency conversion it came to $270 USD
Will the Japanese LE be in high demand? Thinking of just selling it and getting the PC version.

Goddamn that is so amateurish. Oh wait...
>German developer
So typical Eurojank then I guess?

If the PS4 network beta test from a couple of months back was any indication, then the game will indeed be janky as fuck. The game somehow manages to feel slower and clunkier than (though not as floaty as) Dark Souls 2.

Seriously, everything felt so unsatisfying to do. In the best of these Souls-like games (such as Nioh or Blasphemous), basic things such as moving your character, hitting enemies and parrying should feel very satisfying to do. That was not the case at all with Code Vein.
It's bizarre to me that they fucked up things so bad with Code Vein even though it's apparently a lot of the same developers who worked on God Eater 3, which at the very least had satisfying gamefeel. The gamefeel in Code Vein is horrendous.

Relax. From what I've seen it looks quite a bit better. Not quite as ruthless to the player, innovates in ways no souls-like has innovated yet, the limb break system isn't quite so pronounced and the Soundtrack's really good.

Nice, so I don't have to delete another game to install this.

>latest denuvo is not cracked
>most likely a 2+ month wait

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>he doesn't know

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>muh uncrackable
Fine, three months then.

I heard they using old Denuvo, maybe first day crack or maybe week.

wtf I love preorders now!!

What it has to do with code vein?

Maybe it's connected to Surge shilling in some recent Code Vein threads.

Dreck 13 fags think their garbage is competition for Code Vein.

To be fair, the last Surge thread decided to bash Code Vein in the OP and then got upset that CV fags came to their threads to tell them what's what.

Don't lie user

No chaces code vein flop, at least on sales

Dude my AA soulslike is better than your AA soulslike

Do they fuck?

>more cyborgs in another shithole dystopian city

no thank you

Why are you literally the only person I've seen say this? Everyone who has played it says the exact opposite.

It got A LOT better on the recent demo, but it's still kindda underwhelming compared to Souls, Monster Hunter or Sekiro... They made tons of progress tho, so if the rest of the game is good, and that you can deal with the lack of feedback on hits, there's probably enough interesting mechanics to have fun

That's a bit of a stretch

Miura said he didn't know about this German dude when he made Berserk.

Think about it. Guts' character was invented in 1988. In 1988, the Internet wasn't a thing yet. How the fuck would Miura be aware of some obscure German dude from hundreds of years ago? He would have literally know way to obtain that information.

It's a coincidence.

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I don't know. I don't know what other people consider good gamefeel, but for me Code Vein isn't it.

My friend is getting it on PC, so I might as well give it another try once he's done playing through the game once. I have heard a lot of things about how responsive the devs are to feedback, so I have some hope that they've made good strides since the network beta test.
It also may be the case that playing on PC will just make everything feel better regardless, because playing on base PS4 was like having the entire game on PS3 Blighttown as far as performance was concerned. I'm sure the framerate dipped as low as 10fps whenever the Queen's Knight does her attacks. As such, I acknowledge the possibility that the negative experience may not have in part been the gameplay's fault, but rather that of the console.

At the very least, even if the hit feedback remains bad, at the very least I just hope they have removed a lot of stupid bullshit like the forced walking sections. I can imagine that the game will require us to visit a lot of these "memory" sections in order to gain new Blood Code types and just progress the story. I really hope the game allows us to sprint through these sections, because no matter how good the stories are, I will not want to re-experience these slow walking sections in repeated playthroughs. Similarly, exploring Louis's basecamp in the network test felt miserable because the game will not allow you to run. You have to make do with exploring the rather big basecamp with your character's weird and slow prancing jog. Mind you, God Eater 3 (which apparently shares the same key developers as Code Vein) had the same problem. You have such a miserable slow speed in your flying base.

Yeah, history books were invented in 2000+.

>I just hope they have removed a lot of stupid bullshit like the forced walking sections
Spoiler alert : they didn't and it's still depressing.

Miura base guts on kenshiro who based it on mad max and theres a bit of conan around

The network test ran like shit but the public demo they released runs a lot better. Seriously, it's like day and night. The network test almost turned me off completely but the newer demo made me interested again. Still not sure if I'll get it Day 1 but it's nice to see that they did try and polish things up after getting feedback.

I want to make Io a mother! Give her several cute babies to hug and carry around.

I am considering between buying the game and buying the deluxe edition. Give me your honest opinion, Yea Forums, do you think deluxe edition is worth the price?

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Get it on green man gaming or something for 12% off. Looks like they deliver keys immediately with purchase now that we're so close to launch.

Time to play Surge while waiting for CV crack.
I hope the game is not that shit so i can waste my time

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Probably not, but I got it for 50 euro on 3rd party store, so I don't even regret it.

>I hope the game is not that shit so i can waste my time
Play the fuckin demo.

It's 26 eur for base game and 42 eur for deluxe for me.

There is no demo on PC.

You get season pass with deluxe edition. We still don't know what content will we get though so it's hard to justify the purchase.
It's around $47 for me (thanks 3rd world country) so I brought it anyway.

factually false, it was said that Guts is based on some east european knight/mercenary as concept. And apparently also based on some real life captain of sorts.


You'll likely have to wait to find out for sure. From what I hear, only Germany required PS+ for the demo. Don't be surprised if Snoy says >shut it down

You think it will be possible to use 2H weapons and obtain the lightest roll? This game is really dodge-centric and I don't feel like using the shadow dodge skill all the time just to use the heavier weapons.
There was one particular move of the Queen's Knight (spin2win shield) that was impossible to roll away from with big weapons.
I might go rifle-spear instead of 2H specifically because of this conundrum.

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Remember the Team Sonic Racing and Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled threads? Well this is pretty much exactly like that.

Any game that has to rely on MUH WAIFUUUUU (ala River City Girls) to be relevant and noticed is usually not good

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The game will have dozens of blood codes. Who knows there will probably be a blood code that is suited for heavy weapon users that prefer to have some mobility.

That's what I'm hoping for. That there's some min-maxed combination of gear that will allow me to use the blue particle effect roll with a 2H weapon.

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I'll just stick to a all bosses video on youtube. The gameplay isn't worth a penny

Well one thing is for sure if a shitty game with zero marketing and barely any sort of following like The Surge can get a sequel then I think we're pretty much guaranteed a sequel for Code Vein already

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>venous claw
>thought it was some typo for venomous
>look it up
>it's actually related to some medical condition about blood not flowing properly through your veins
Huh, I wonder how many blood and vein related puns will be in this game

You can use the haste gift to force yourself into the fastest roll for a short while. As for heavy weapons having a fast roll, probably there's a transform option to decrease weight of equipment in exchange for lower stats so you can probably force a fast roll by lowering your weapon/veils weight with the right code.
>Queen's Knight's Spin2win
Twohanded weapons get off easier than one-handers for that, steady bulwark makes your guards better and with some of the two-handers you get 100% damage reduction so you can just block and punish instead of having to roll away.

I was talking about The Surge 2 user...

Do we know how many weapon types there are? I have been keeping myself in the dark for a lot of this game.

>there's a transform option to decrease weight
Oh, yeah. "Alleviate" I believe
>steady bulwark = 100% damage reduction
Thanks dude, I didn't know about that one. My first impression of blocking was that it was shit, but I'll have to try it with bulwark.

>guy has a make-shift prosthetic

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Put a sock in it.


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It'll be middle of the road and forgettable like The Surge

Both games will be mediocre

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Why do devs do this? It's clear nobody actually likes slow forced walking scenes. It's not fun when you do it the first time in a game, and it's even less fun when you do it in a subsequent playthrough.

If it's any consolation I made a new character to do a level 1 run and when I skipped the cutscene it simply skipped the memory walking segment, the io one stayed though

swords, greatswords, polearms, hammers and bayonets only so far.
Each weapon has slightly different movesets though

Bayonets sounds interesting.


Considering this game went trhough development limbo, any chances that it got censored?

iirc it's a gun with a bayonet attached to it. So you can do ranged & melee attacks

Sick. I love antique firearms stuff in videogames.

>Considering this game went trhough development limbo
what the fuck are you talking about?

>be in a shitty timezone
>get game later

It's going to suck but Yea Forumsirgins will love it because muh waifus. They didn't even have to try to make a good game, as long as there's tits, a good character creator and a claim of "soulslike" gameplay then it'll sell like hot cakes, get garbage reviews when the hype dies and fall into obscurity with no hope for a sequel. Good gameplay and storytelling carries games like this but the demo and youtube playthroughs seems to suggest that cv has neither.

It went for a long period of time without any news and at that time a lot of people thought the game was either dead or censored to hell.
These threads exist so it's clear the game is not dead but is it censored?

Do companions have dialogues/comments while accompanying you? I like the idea of the playing through these games solo, but I don't want to miss out on those types of interactions.

I'll pirate it, it looks like trash but I'm a sucker for designing slutty waifus

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>with no hope for a sequel.
Mate, The Surge got a sequel even though that game was trash and probably sold like shit.

>is it censored

Boobs still jiggle (especially Io's) and none of the outfits or anything have been altered between versions so probably not. GE3 got away without covering any of the titties too so this looks like it managed to fly under Sony's radar as well.

The only thing that might be censoring is that in one of the cutscenes early on it shows some droplets of blood falling to the ground and they don't show up on the PS4 version for whatever reason. That seems more likely to be a graphical glitch or something though because it makes no sense to censor a few drops of blood of all things when a couple of minutes later in a different cutscene an entire fountain erupts in blood.

The companion you take with you in the Depths will make comment on things and about the current situation. Stuff like telling you to be careful if you're low on health, saying big monsters look dangerous, etc. Don't know if they'll comment on actual story related things but it gives them some personality.

They shilled 2 like mad, claiming it's "fixed" and "we sorted the problems the original had", surprise surprise it's still shit and is once again buggy on launch.
CV has one shot to lay good groundwork out, and I really want it to be good but so far it doesn't seem to have much under the edgy red and black paintwork.

Thank you for the serious answer.
I've heard they may have removed the boobs slider for the character creator, is that true?

there never was a boob slider iirc, just a character "weight" slider like in unmodded vanilla todds game

There was never a boob slider in any of the versions or regions. You can't even adjust height manually. The only thing in regards to frame is a physique slider. Which is weird since the rest of the character creator is pretty in-depth. Maybe letting you create characters with goofy proportions would cause clipping with the Blood Veils or something.


We love Mia here.

Wait for the mods where you can make midgets and amazoness characters. I'm 100% convinced the animations are going to be completely jank since that's the reason they didn't let you go wild with the size sliders.

She seems like the best partner if you're playing a melee build since she'll just stay back and noscope the enemy while you keep their attention. Only downside is if a boss decides to focus on her she goes down fast but by then she's already shaved off like half their health anyway.

Titfucking doesn't feel that great sadly, i get dissapointed every time. My girlfriend has huge tits, she's wears 70G cups, but its still not really fun.
>pic related, said gf

Attached: IMG_20190924_130931.jpg (645x803, 176K)

I don't know of I should get on PC or ps4. My comp is so hit or miss when it comes to games lately that I can't really trust it, but I want it for the potential accessory limit remover mods.

Thanks, I was on the fence since censorship bullshit spoiled too many games for me but I guess I'm buying this one.

I think the public and even critics are finally catching up to them. As far as I know, there are no 10/10 reviews for Surge 2 and barely any 9/10 reviews. Most are like 7/10. Most of the reviews have been "it's an improvement over Surge 1", which isn't really high praise considering Surge 1 was like a 4/10.

yeah just a coincidence he has the same name, the same fake arm and is a mercenary
books didnt exist in 1988
history was invented after the internet

>i dislike every single thing about the game but hey, it has anime tits
Based megacoomer

>Anime cucks souls
Nope nooooooooooooooopppeeee.

Attached: Nope.webm (540x304, 2.9M)

>books didnt exist in 1988
maybe the translated version didn't, asshole,

Why would you watch videos of a video game you don't like and have no intention of playing? Are you retarded?

>zero marketing

I want Ios game to do well so it can get a sequel! I think they can improve on it, maybe some of the dlc will fix some issues but I think it would be a shame if this gets shelved and forever flopped.

Just check the recommended specs.

Post characters and I'll rate them

You can literally check on crackwatch brainlet. They are using old denuvo


Learn to read

Why would you watch it if you aren't going to play? Zoomers are so retarded

Boomer cope

nioh sucked though

I'm 23 retard

You sound like an edgy doomer kid then.

But all of the game's main problems stem from it trying to copy others instead of doing its own thing. Throwing out the dumb souls-esque combat or leaning more on the Bloodborne end of the spectrum and making it a fast-paced action game would be a massive improvement.

>Soulshit dies

you forgot Elden Ring

It'll be the last one.

No, the things it does differently are mostly okay or even neat. But what it does take from souls it executes badly.

If you are talking about the memories, you can skip them


>checked email
>Amazon just sent my copy
Oh boy, can't wait to play this tomorrow or the day after while all you digicucks still have to wait.

>tfw preloaded and still need to wait for the "release" day
I better ignore these threads

Attached: 1560191647664.gif (300x225, 1.43M)

What? There's literally nothing about what version the game is using because the game is not even out.
Complete retard.

>being good

How many bosses are in the demo? Just fought Oliver

retard I said check the site for a reason

Attached: Screenshot_20190924-083723.png (1080x2160, 1.42M)

holy shit never reply again

Nice cope

I want you to check the site tomorrow and then tell us what you see

Yes, looks fun

There are 2 more major bosses, with something like 4 or 5 mini boss fights in between. Now that I think of it it's a pretty sizeable demo, I guess it just all went by fast.

>nooooooo, my post-apocalyptic dystopian city doesn't have vampires and spells

Attached: 1421744267505.png (422x437, 16K)

Like I said it's hit or miss even if I meet the recommended specs.

>game was trash and probably sold like shit.
wrong and wrong

There was a visual novel on Steam that required 16gb of ram minimun, nips can’t into specs

Absofuckinglutely not, this game is utter shit but horny retards will buy it for their waifus.

Are story spoilers out yet. I want to know if MC ends up with any of the females or if it's going to be another bait like god eater games.

Even PS4 Pro and XB1X has trouble hitting 60fps. Just imagine how shit it will run ported on PC. There's a reason why they didn't release a demo on PC.
>inb4 muh datamining
It has Denuvo. CV will be cracked eventually, but not in 2 days.

There is no romance

playing a male self-insert and i don't mix fapping and gaming. you spend too much time on Yea Forums, most people are playing it because it's a AAA action JRPG

My PS4 pro had zero problem running the demo. really doubt PC will be an issue, it will probably run similar to DS3

male pc's get with one of the dudes by default, but you need beat NG+4 + the last DLC to romance any of the females.

>God Eater dev team
U fookin wot m8?

Has a dataminer been able to access the preload folders and managed to rip the ost out?
I want to hear the full ost already.

he's right though

Same shitcuck who probably ate up the zombie craze. This cyborg/dystopian gray-screen simulator trend needs to die

It has Mia, so of course

Same here.

I was looking forward to it but it looks kinda jank

I want fréderica's period blood

>i wan't more medieval fantasy games with druids and hobbits
Your shit reign is over. Cope nigger.

>delayed game for a year with barely any improvements
>not even any romance even though they advertised all the waifus at first

No one has any information past the first couple of bosses streamers were allowed to play.

>it looks kinda jank
heard one other person say that but i'm never sure what people mean when they say that since it's an extremely vague slang term. Everything is responsive and consistent, so I wouldn't call it "janky"

I hope the game gets the same support as GE3. That game still gets updates for free on the regular. Though CV has paid dlc. I do hope for post game patches and updates.

They seem to be going in really hard on this as a new IP, so as long as it doesn't bomb it will probably get worked on. Game is doing pretty well so far from every metric I can see at the moment

To me it’s more that your character looks too heavy to control.
I didn’t play the demo though so I’m only going by the gameplays.

I don't feel that, the characters are super agile. People have said the weapons don't look heavy either, but the actually heavy ones (2H swords, hammers) definitely feel good and there's actually hitstop with them. The least jank thing is how smooth dodging is, especially if you have the light dodge.

As far as I can tell, it seems to be shorthand for "I don't like the game but have no actual reason for why"


I'm worried that it will run like ds3 on my comp because ds3 ran like dog shit on mine even though I met the requirements.

The network test I can understand since it did feel extremely clunky and had FPS drops everywhere. The new demo though is an immense improvement and everything feels really smooth. "Jank" does seem to be the blanket term for people who didn't actually play it or just watched videos and don't like how it looks. I can't speak for the other weapons since I didn't really try them, but the one-hand swords feel fine.

that sucks, it ran silky smooth for me, I was honestly impressed.

I think I'll end up going with the ps4 version just so I don't potentially suffer with another ds3 running between 20-45 frames.

Why were people comparing this to the Surge 2?

When is it coming out again?

the only benefit to going PC is getting the deluxe edition for 50 on wingamestore. You can get the regular edition for PS4 on amazon for 50.


Both are soulslike and released around the same time, that’s it.

Why not wait a day after it's out to see the benchmarks?
Also what kind of pc do you have? Could you list the specs?

Thursday 10 AM i think

it says approx 2 days on steam?

Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a vampire girl

Attached: 1569214451951.png (400x324, 126K)

midnight release

>or if it's going to be another bait like god eater games.
Blame the female character creator.
Of course the MC is going to end up with quiet likely Mia but ingame is just going to be a cocktease like with Alisa, Ciel and Claire.
Can't wait for the untranslated CV mangas where they explain some things or make the the MC have personality

>Of course the MC is going to end up with quiet likely Mia
I don't mind as along as he ends up with someone.

I don't have any beef with piracy since no one cares if you want to pay for the game or just take it away and play but what I don't like is how obnoxious piratefags are
they have to turn every game discussion thread into "hurr torrent pirate when it will take a day to crack it I'm sure"
literally no one cares just wait for the game to get cracked and get it there is no reason to discuss how you can use a torrent client and instead of shitting up the thread with unrelated discussion just talk about the game itself instead and pirate it once it comes out

>End up with Mia
Everything we've seen suggests Io as the canon love interest

>Implying every ending won't have her dying by siding with Dr. "Let's evolve" Mido or herself resurrecting the trees around the world.
If anything the opening gives a huge spoiler where she dissapears when all the trees have grown.
I mean if I wrong better but I been playing all GE to know where this is going.

This, to be quite fucking honest with you senpai.

I have a amd fx 8150 8 core and a R9 390

A tragic romance is still a romance. She can be the canon love interest and die at the end

seething surge cuck

You might want to look at the cheevo icons user. All 3 endings show you with Io all of them showing that she's going to die or disappear somehow

>fx 8150
This is probably your problem. DS3 ran 60 fps on my I7 3770k 16gb ram and hd7950

Yeah I've had it since 2011 so it's probably time I upgrade it, but until I do that I might just grab the ps4 version.

Seems like a good option if you know how it runs on the ps4.

>hurr no romance
What is this then?

Attached: 12302183098210931.jpg (416x202, 14K)

Refers to that trailer where Io fades away.

VPN on the 26th unless you're NZ

Earlier there were some Surgefags trying to shit on Code Vein

That might be this one. It shows a sword planted by a tree and some white petals on the ground.

Attached: heirs.jpg (328x196, 12K)

Please stop posting spoilers. I would report it but mods don't follow that rule unless its a popular game.