How you holding up Yea Forums?
How you holding up Yea Forums?
I got a DUI and another open case involving running from an accident so I'm gonna be broke for a long time.
Not too well. Unfortunately/fortunately my family loves me so I can't kill myself. Played some eu4 multiplayer with an old friend, and then some autistically modded oblivion. Was kinda fun. And how are you doing?
>if only you knew how not great not terrible things really are
I am good. Thank you for checking.
No great, not terrible.
Got a job so that's not terrible. But now I can't play vidya as often as I'd like, so that's not great.
Alright, still trying to recover my shitty last job. Been a lot of up and down, but, I'm finally feeling like I can do things again. Playing a lot of DMCV lately. It's been a fantastic way for me to get out of my head. Aside from that finally updating my resume and looking at a job that's closer to my field than my last one.
I fucking hate this place and trying my hardest to stop posting here as often. Took a couple of days off and I feel alittle bit less miserable. Wonder if I can get away from here completely.
probably gonna flunk out of college and might get disowned by my father since I told him I would stop drinking but haven't
Don't do either of those things. I mean you should stop drinking but don't drop out.
Deal wit it faggot
Not great, but not terrible
the times i've managed to pull myself away from here are some of the happiest i've been. inevitably i end up getting depressed and falling back into old routines that include wasting hours on Yea Forums but if you can leave, fucking do it. this place is poisonous.
i came back here after a year sober. and im back to posting in 10 different threads and refreshing them
I am. It was my fuck up. I'm gonna get medical help too cause if it weren't for that I could have avoided this
my future is uncertain, but i bought a psp 3003 a week ago, so im doing fine i guess
I was supposed to finish work for three incomplete classes this summer and fall quarter officially started today, which means even if I do the work now it probably won't be valid and I'll just get Fs.
Sell your car and get a bike so when you die its less likely you'll take someone with you
better than un-turned-in 0s.
What's the medical condition, beer hands?
BDP, bipolar and schizophrenia
It's not good.
Dunno what to play either
bad, my gaming laptop is in the repair shop after a short two years.
I don't think it's gonna make it bros.
I also don't think I can afford a new one.
I tied but literally have nowhere else to go or to do
the blackpill is realizing that everyone has their own internet purgatory. For normalfags its facebook and instagram
my skin is getting better since i started taking isotretinoin
i hope it gets even better than it already has
>mfw never gonna give it up
>browse 16 hours a day minimum waiting for my designated shit posting thread to post cropped gay smutt in
>don't even play vidya
>it anything else
>b-b-b-burn it all to the ground
That's what you get for being a dumb nigger
Starting a job at Amazon on Wednesday. Hopefully within a month I can stop living in my car.
Hold in brother. Me too I like playing EU4 but I am in a college residence and I dont play.
What do you think paradox are going to announce at PDXcon 2019 that starts the 18 of october?
Are you excited for the new EU4 Manchu dlc? I didnt really look into it but I prefer when DLC content takes place in Europe. I prefer the mechanic with HRE, Ottoman and France as neighbors then just having big ming doing fuckall.
Hope anyone will answer. We can get some good conversation.
It's hard to cope that I'll never make it as a voice actor/voiceover artist
How come? Anyone can make it if you are not a mute or stuttering.
Jared Harris was robbed for the second time in a row but Stellan was robbed harder.
I am holding pretty good but I wish I had some vydiagaem machine to play with. I have no comouter and no console. I live in college dorms.
So I just read and lurk around. I lurk around Yea Forums more now tho.
I love this community hope everyone is doing great
I've truly reached adulthood now that I'm perpetually tired every other day. Glad that Code Vein's dropping Thursday and I can get lost in the needless amounts of edge.
I made a dead kid joke today, and everybody got triggered.
But I'm going to watch the original mad max tonight. So that's nice....
I suppose. Getting the self esteem to go through with it has been tough for me though. And finding a voice coach that isn't a scam.
Thanks user. Haven't really followed the news on pdx stuff lately so I don't know. Victoria III would be cool, though to be honest I haven't even learned how Vic2 works. Regards to eu4 with the latest patch china seems a bit more dynamic, had ming lose mandate to shun and then japan, while later making a comeback. Though yeah I'd agree playing in europe is more fun, AE can be a bitch in the hre though
Spent almost all my money. Will be going broke soon and living on the streets. Hopefully I can still shitpost from libraries or something.
I'd suggest buying a tent or something. But yeah, libraries are good.
spiraling into the depths of despair
I fell in love, but he doesn't love me back.
Im struggling to get my fucking permit, and I feel like a degenerate I cant even pass a simple test
Not great, not terrible.
Fucking hate my life. It’s been endless boring monotony for 9 years now
Great. I need to clean up my room and do some astronomy homework but other than that I'm fine. Plan on playing some Yakuza 0 or Jet Grind Radio after I get done.
Is it because you're a faggot?
i hate you all, your always whining about something. First it was too hard. then it went to shit, puke & piss planet
Same here, I never played Vic2 but I would love a stategy game about the Napoleon era wars. So I hope its Vic III that will be announce.
To be honest my friend after dozens of hundreds of hours in EU4 I feel that I did it all.
Ahats your last acheivement and whats the hardest one you got?
Latest would be: Baltic Crusader. It was quiet fun, but its weird cause it felt OP to play TO and conquer the east compare to couple of patches back. I tried it couples of years ago and it wasnt easy. But with espionnage idea i guess it got easier.
Hardest would be; Take that Von Habsburgh. To conquer Austria as Hungary. That was a fun one
And Lazarus (something i think, i forgot the name). I created a balkan serbia that wrecked trought the HRE and Italy after. Felt good
I hate my life and I want nothing more than to become a NEET. I'm 29, I tried being a "normie" in college and realized it's complete bullshit. All people want to do is drink (or worse,) and tell the same stories and jokes over and over because they can't remember having told them before. I didn't get a degree but I have an aircraft mechanic's license. I've hated every job I've ever had and when I tried going back to school I hated that too. The online times I've been happy were the periods of down time between school and finding work when I didn't have to do anything except take care of my pets. I'm constantly afraid of even looking at the time because I don't want to know how soon until the next day of bullshit will come. I'll probably kill myself when my parents die.
I'm alright.
What a clever response
The world is fucking going to shit, WWIII could happen any day now, and there's nothing good to play.
So that's a yes
I started to work on a game.
And it feels good making progress and learning things.
Coding is a bitch, though.
Well? How are you holding up you attention seeking retard?
Im still poor...
College makes me want to put a bullet in my brain every day, I genuinely don't think im cut out for it
Hang in there guys. Good times are on the horizon.
As well as can be expected.
>he didn't ascend beyond the concept of loneliness and sadness after his third year of being a neet
The real hell is trying to get rid of the bags under your eyes
Just deal with it, once you get your own dorm it gets much better.
I have all the time in the world for vidya and I have a job that allows me to play vidya as well. It’s not really a well respected job but the pay is ok.
My only fear is that I think I’m getting too comfortable with where I’m currently at in my life. I’m about to be 26 and I haven’t even started up on college yet. I know my life is stagnating but I literally have zero drive to do anything else. I tell my
self this is not right and I need to change but deep deep down I know I love doing what I’m doing right now. Nothing.
I dont know what to say. Socialise. Get into a certain club about a hoby that you like. Life can ba beautiful enjoy it.
If you like badminton, chess or pool go seek a club and join. You will get to find friends and then whatever can happen. With friends you gmcan do a lot. They invite you you get to meet new ones and then have the chance to seek for an intimate partner. Play it cool and probably in your 3-4 tries you will find someone and then the cycle of live and meaning comes back and your DNA is made to handle it. Love you user
This is peanuts compared to this thread, but I somehow lost my keyfob inside my car. It can remote start and shit, but I cannot find the fucking thing.
I'm a fatass with a fitness test tomorrow.
I went from a large group of friends who played everything to having that group splinter as most people just wanted to play mobas, to having that smaller group only ever want to play FFXIV. I'm probably gonna start playing the games I want to play with randos and hope I make friends along the way but I feel that isn't a thing anymore.
>your own dorm
I commute 30 minutes there
Thanks user. I'm trying to stay positive but it's getting harder every day.
>ready for the end
it's my birthday today and i'm drinking alcohol
i'm doin pretty good
Is that you Ampharosfag? It's been months and I still don't know why you keep posting that sheep. You have never once said why. What are you trying to accomplish?
Next time call a cab, you idiot.
Wishing I had the means to suicide because trying to change job industries while disabled is fucking impossible.
>Oh you're deaf? We do phones here, sorry. (Despite there being TTY or Captioned telephones)
>Oh you're deaf? We work with the public here, sorry. (Despite there being methods to work around that)
Pisses me off. I have certifications showing I can do IT work, but basic help-desk (since getting higher seems impossible without professional IT experience) won't hire because lol deaf lol and it's fucking impossible to move to another location if they won't even CONSIDER me for an entry level position to THEN get higher level positions with EXP/etc.
Poorly. I'm 29 years old, heavily repressing my desire to go through gender transition, and every year I lose one or two friends because no one contacts each other and now I'm down to about two friends I see about once every couple of months. I have a job I hate, I'm single, and I know that one of the single greatest causes of my suffering (how much I had my body's sex) can't easily be fixed because places like this board so kindly like to remind me that there's no empathy or love in this world, just hatred and revulsion. So I'm not going to transition, I'm going to keep having these awful feelings for the rest of my life which probably won't be much longer, basically just waiting until my parents die before I follow them.
How are you able to use a computer if you're deaf
finally started HRT and feeling great. im getting there :)
Nice, fuck the habsburgs, remember them being annoying in my brandenburg-prussia-germany save. Hardest and latest for me would be the same, the Basileus one, makes sense how surviving as the byzantines are at least partially down to luck, but still really frustrating. Only have a couple of hundred hours in eu4 so I only have a few achievements. Late as hell here, so going to catch some sleep. Stay safe out there
Good I started learning japanese this month
wow you're still around?
Text to speech.
good luck friend. money is the only thing stopping me at this point lol
I really feel this image, like not in gaming but also in how society has progressed in recent years
currently trying to find a way to be an hero. sometime i wish i could be a burger so i could get a gun easily
You will never be 'there'. You are being manipulated and falling for a fad. Either you're a perfectly healthy person going through a phase or you have autism and have been trained to obsess with your sex as if something is wrong with you.
You will be doing irreversible damage to yourself and it will not bring you any closure.
gonna check out that new doujin?
Those people scares me. Like when I take the bus, train or metro and sometime I see a cute gal, I always think to myself it might be a dude.
So I want to stay kind but fuck you. Become a man. Go chop wood for an hour outside, then build a fence and dig somes holes with a shovel. You will see you will come back manly. Dont fuck with your hormones. Your body is your soul.
>was hyped as fuck about classic
>it wasnt as good as I remembered
>wasted a fucking months on it
>now back to no games to play
How do you know you're right? Do you ever question your belief on this? Is it derived from research on psychology and well-being of people who identify as trans, is it based on gut feeling, or is it based on philosophy? How do you know you're so correct that you are comfortable telling someone they'll never be happy and that their doctor is wrong?
Bored I guess. Waiting for special reserve games to ship my fucking special edition Metal Wolf Chaos so I can finally play the fucking game. Still don't know what the fuck I want to do with my life. Little lonely, depressed. Highlight of the entire year was the new godzilla movie, keep crying to the fucking soundtrack. I still stress, worry, and continue to be angry at shit that happened so long ago that it just doesn't fucking matter anymore.
Was doing pretty awful for a while, was let go from my job, broke for months on end and couldn't find anything, all while dealing with clinical depression and insomnia that is so bad that I usually go 4-5 days without sleep and am so stressed that my body is tearing itself apart and I had to go to the emergency room over it. But now I'm doing good, got a new job that is way less stressful and pays the same, saving up, occasionally getting sleep meds and painkillers but all these junkies that caused the opiod crisis are making it nearly impossible for people like me or even my dying grandparents to get medication that helps them. But I'd say I'm getting better slowly. Now just need to get back to school once I build up some money. Though a girl I really cared about died a month back so that was rough.
just do what I did user. post a picture of fat albert and just say "he's in" and you'll end up getting a 2 week ban from some janny faggot
>phone poster
checks out
Working a 12 day work week because the guy who usually does my job on the weekends is moving this week so he's out, and another guy is off all week so supervisor is covering HIS shift, so I agreed to work the weekend right on into the next week. Everyone's very appreciative and the 16 hrs OT will be nice but it still sucks not having time to play vidya on my new PC I just built. At least the job isn't very stressful or difficult.
Speaking of, it's 10 after and I have to go get ready.
I live as a man. Everyone sees me as a man. I've worked in manual labour before though I currently have a desk job. I go to the gym, built big muscles (hoping that would fix me), act manly, do manly things, had girlfriends. And I want to kill myself. I'm not going to transition, I'm going to die. There's something wrong with my brain, I've read research that suggests some people have brain anatomy that partly matches the opposite sex, maybe my brain's mental map of the body is wrong, I don't know what's wrong but I hate who I am. If society was kinder then I'd do something, I commend people who are stronger than me and who do transition, but I've repressed these feelings since as far back as I can remember and it gets worse and worse every year. I so desperately wish people were kinder.
I think I'm turning schizo, so p good
>that you are comfortable telling someone they'll never be happy
I never said they will never be happy. I said it won't bring him any closure since he is pursuing some 'there' that he'll never achieve.
Imagine being someone who was convinced that cutting off their genitals would get them closer to 'there'. Imagine the pain that person has to endure every day after the surgery to dilate until the day of their eventual suicide.
People like you are monsters, people who feed on the mentally ill and lonely and tell them there's some sort of greener grass if they just take these pills, just fuck up their physiology, just fuck up their brains and get them dependent on these pills and the hordes of anti-depressants that come with it.
You don't have to go through the pain you encourage these people to go through, you just get the good feeling of following the fad and 'helping' someone. The people like me who berate them and tell them reality love them more.
Good, fuck people like you.
So don't work at a fucking call center idiot. Kill yourself.
good you piece of shit. my roommate got killed by a fucking idiot like you drunk driving the day of a massive party we were throwing at our place. Either learn to sober up or stop driving
Gender Dysphoria is a real condition, it's caused by hormonal imbalances and yes - your brain being structured differently. There are treatments you can look for, and transitioning isn't the only one. Hormone therapy doesn't have to be accompanied by full transition.
Good and bad, really. I've battled depression for a significant chunk of my life (I'm in my late 30's) and was a NEET for quite a while. I don't have any post secondary education or anything like that, either. Recently though, I decided I needed to change. I've started job searching; mostly things involving sales, where making good money is possible for someone with no post secondary. Started working out again, eating better, that whole thing, too. I started all that just a month ago and the change is already noticeable.
It's hard though; I want to get into better shape, find a good job, save some money and eventually move halfway across the country to the city I've always wanted to live in. That's a scary thing. Plus, dealing with depression, things left over from childhood, things like takes a toll on a person. Some days aren't great, but others really are. I feel like one day I might be able to find my home, somewhere I actually belong and that thought is a big, big help. So really, its a mixed bag. But more good than bad.
>I've read research that suggests some people have brain anatomy that partly matches the opposite sex, maybe my brain's mental map of the body is wrong
There's also research that shows people with autism fixate and obsess on a certain thing. With all the trans and fag programming/corporate support, why isn't it that you got some bug in your ear as a kid about your gender being wrong and you've simply been wrongly fixated on this aspect of your life?
Some obsess over sonic, some obsess over their sex
can I have source on that doujin please?
you need to get better at drunk driving, my man
Where I live, the water tastes like fugking vomit. Its hard boys. I got to buy water bottles cause its disgusting.
I guess I dont pay enough taxes
>worried I have pancreatic or colon cancer
>endless health anxiety every day
not so great
Don't see it on panda, so many new ones are non-h.
Don't give it attention. It's a diseased tranny is all it is. And no i'm not memeing, it's actually an honest-to-God trannoid. The thing is fucked in the head, ignore all it's posts or it will try to poison and control you.
>Cute 18 year old girl at work is crushing on me
>Enjoying vidya like crazy
>Started skateboarding recently and really enjoy it, got hurt pretty bad about a month ago but healed up well and fast, still skating
>Not the absolute best shape I could be in but in the best shape I've ever been in, going to start lifting again tomorrow
So it seems like things are going pretty well for me, what's the catch? Oh, I'm 30 years old and still live with my mother and have no money saved up
Don't know who those 2 are and I don't care.
just move somewhere that is more accepting like either or seattle/portland/cali. I have multiple trans friends that have done that and are now able to live their lives easier.
Have you ever known someone obviously going down a poor path in life, but not badly enough for anyone to intervene and stop it? I'm sure you know the type at least: that guy who dropped out of school or got a shitty art degree, who bounces from job to job and half-assedly makes music or something on the side. Everyone can see he's going nowhere, but they're too nice to say anything, so he just keeps telling himself he'll make it someday. Only he never does.
I'm convinced a lot of trans people suffer the same fate. I believe there are "real" trans people who actually benefit from transitioning, but there are also people who are merely obsessive/autistic and convince themselves they are, when in fact it's just a matter of the grass looking greener. For them, everyone's kindness is no help in the long run.
Pretty good actually. Need to get back into playing Splatoon 2. Also cutting back on drinking to weekends only. I have some paper work I need to do but I always procrastinate on it so whatever. Everything seems to be going okay.
>you just get the good feeling of following the fad and 'helping' someone. The people like me who berate them and tell them reality love them more.
My opinion is informed by science and research and nothing else. It's not a political stance, it's a cold one based on a consensus of impartial studies.
> We conducted a systematic literature review of all peer-reviewed articles published in English between 1991 and June 2017 that assess the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being. We identified 56 studies that consist of primary research on this topic, of which 52 (93%) found that gender transition improves the overall well-being of transgender people, while 4 (7%) report mixed or null findings. We found no studies concluding that gender transition causes overall harm. As an added resource, we separately include 17 additional studies that consist of literature reviews and practitioner guidelines.
If the research was more mixed I'd entertain your position, but it isn't. Your position is political, mine is not, the research is not. The only supposition this research makes is that depression is bad and should be reduced. You seem to be implying the sanctity of the body's biological integrity is more important than whether or not a person wants to kill themselves. I don't think there's anything more important than the mind.
The science says you can't repress, you can't talk someone out of it the same way you can't talk a person out of being gay. We don't have the ability to change someone's brain that way. If you had science that shows me there's an alternative that's better able to reduce rates of suicide or transition and it's more reliable than the dozens of studies supporting transition, show me. Otherwise reconsider your feelings-based take on this issue.
Do you have any reason to believe you have cancer, or are you just a hypochondriac?
I'm searching /pol/ archives again for the spiciest views of reality and destroying my mind in the process. To answer your question- not so good.
>Oh, I'm 30 years old
>still live with my mother
>have no money saved up
>Cute 18 year old girl at work is crushing on me
>Started skateboarding
You are the biggest loser I've ever seen
>Your position is political, mine is not, the research is not.
In fact, being homosexual was described by science as being a mental illness until it was made entirely political. Academia now really is a terrible example if you're looking for a non-political group of people
it just being showcased at his booth this week, probably will be sold/scanned later
pretty good
my Switch is dying on me so I'm done playing Three Houses for now
game is pretty good, just found out Dimitri is a violent psychopath, and is pulling a complete Arthas on a town
>I've read research that suggests some people have brain anatomy that partly matches the opposite sex
I will never fully understand your struggle, but I hope you can figure out a way to be happy. Don't give up.
I gotta cover a 10 hour shift tomorrow but I had a chill day, got laid
Im doing ok right now. I've lost 16kg in the last 2 months (35lb). My job is nice, a little bit dead at times but I get to work nights and weekends, get a lot of free time for doing so, decent pay and can play vidya at work when nothing is happening.
Still no gf, but not sure if I want one desu. Got no drive for love, but a bigger house and shared expenses would be nice.
>places like this board so kindly like to remind me that there's no empathy or love in this world, just hatred and revulsion. So I'm not going to transition
Then this board did it's job and prevented you from fucking your life up further by showcasing to everyone how mentally fucked you are instead of keeping it inside like everyone else. Thank you for not forcing your relatives to have to grin and lie to you to your face
Ran into an old highschool friend yesterday and chatted a bit about what we're both doing, he already graduated uni and bought his own house with his gf. Meanwhile I flunked out of college, and have done nothing but alternate between shitty jobs and being a worthless alcoholic NEET. Made me realize that i'm already behind most of my peers and will more than likely never make it.
So not that great.
everyone on this board makes fun of wagies, but i literally can't get a minimum wage job. Im not hired anywhere I apply and Im stuck at my parents house.
why put myself into debt through college just to apply and never get a job? Im seriously considering signing with the airforce just because its not a god damn application.
Anyone from airforce wanna talk me out of it or convince me?
I got a job that I'm going to abandon a year from now so I can move out on my own.
I'm in so much pain.
Me too. I'm starting to see things again and it was really hard to drive while doing my groceries because I thought I saw many cars moving in the intersection when there were none there. I'm too poor to afford my meds and if I don't get those little shits soon i might not make it.
I'm doing alright went with co-workers last night and a girl I like it was fun me and my dad are getting a cat so that's fun, fucking disappointed how cube world is coming along but it's not the end of the world also trying to work out
>Im not hired anywhere I apply
Where have you applied? Are there any temp staffing agencies in your city? That's a good way to get a warehouse job no customer interaction required
Everybody has a different path. We will all make it. Stay with our Lord and Savior Jesus-Christ and everything will be allright.
I'm about to unironically change your whole life.
While that may be, how far ahead is no guarantee how successful they will be in the end. Some people will stagger and fall, and pick themselves up to become stronger.
There will be people who have become insanely succesfull towards the end of their lives and those who succeed and fail spectacularly later. Also those who will spend their whole life regretting that they are behind, and then find themselves at the end of their lives only a few steps away from start.
Stupid fag
I'm at the point where I need youtube videos in the background of whatever I do, especially falling asleep, otherwise a deep feeling of isolation and honest to god fear fills me.
I also need 2 200mg caffeine pills and 25mg of ephidrine to get out of bed in the morning.
I hope it's not scat.
i'm 5'7" and ugly and still dealing with acne and jobless and taking all online classes in college and have gotten to the point where i'm fantasizing about girls i found attractive back in highschool being my girlfriend
i turn 20 in january and am losing my mind thinking about how i never got to be a teenager. i am stressed out by literally everything in life i could possibly think of and am angry very often. i feel it in my chest most of the time.
Why are you in so much pain
Bit of both. I probably have IBS. I've had yellow stools and pencil thin stools. One cancer cause one and the other causes the other symptom. IBS causes both and I have a grandfather and cousin who have IBS.
still worried though
Wow what a pointless post.
try some blu collar work, they like new employees.
>In fact, being homosexual was described by science as being a mental illness until it was made entirely political. Academia now really is a terrible example if you're looking for a non-political group of people
It's true in that the phrase "mental illness" is socially constructed in that there are all sorts of variations in behaviour and the brain and only some are considered an "illness". I think the most useful definition and the one psychologists use today is whether or not that variance inherently causes distress. Being gay doesn't necessarily cause suffering, it's just society's treatment of gay people that does. Being schizophrenic is gonna cause suffering regardless of how kind or cruel society is, though a cruel society makes it worse.
Happy trans people exist, so psychologists zeroed in on "gender dysphoria" as the clinical diagnosis. The negative feeling that your body doesn't match your mind inherently causes distress.
I agree there are politics in academia, the idea that "sadness is bad" is a political stance given that some cultures believe there are more important things (pleasing God for example).
You know it probably will be though, its radiohead
Are you a bot?
>I also need 2 200mg caffeine pills and 25mg of ephidrine to get out of bed in the morning.
I know that feel, except for actually having stuff to deal with it.
In high school, I reserved an extra hour every morning just to actually wake up. I commonly spent half an hour literally staring at a wall.
>You are the biggest loser I've ever seen
You're exaggerating to make me feel bad or just started using the internet.
Sometimes I get a real sharp pain on my right chest when inhaling but I can't fit a visit to the doctor in my schedule and it's not frequent enough to go to urgent care.
>It's true in that the phrase "mental illness" is socially constructed
I'm Alright, as long as I don't think about it too much.
He's right though. Just because your life is shit now doesn't mean it has to be forever. There are plenty of people on top who ended up in the gutter later on, and vice versa.
all of that is over the counter
Fallen deeply in love with a good friend of mine and I really want her to know how I feel but at the same time I don't want to ruin what we have/am too much of a pussy to actually do it. It's eating me up inside everyday, everything else in my life is going pretty well.
>It's true in that the phrase "mental illness" is socially constructed
Retards don't get this and they actually get angry if you use the phrase "socially constructed".
I don't think it's possible to explain to /pol/tards what a mental illness is. They have this preconceived notion of insanity which encompasses everyone they dislike and no one whom they like.
Pretty good. I've gained back all the weight I lost, but I don't think I'm any fatter.
Would a bot post an epic picture like this.
I only see movement in the dark and shit right now. Hope I don't getbad enough to hallucinate in the day
I hate my job, is both very stressful and low paying, the only reason I didn't left is because I have hopes of getting a dev position in the same company.
What did went to uni for? Most of degrees are scams
Take it from me user, being a teenager blows anyway. Spend your time preparing for your 20s, which are (if done right) the true best years of one's life.
I'm really angry with myself. I just turned 30, and for the first time in my life I'm in what feels like a healthy relationship. I have a girlfriend who I love, who isn't overbearing. She doesn't really play video games but she likes to get cozy and watch me play and just be in my presence. We've been dating for a year. We're talking about a future, as soon as 2 years from now, where we live with each other. It scares the shit out of me. I am so sure that I'm going to fuck this up. The idea of progressing my life to that stage is almost unbearable. I'm going to end up ruining this thing that I'm genuinely excited to be in. I'm going to lose her because I can't be a fucking man for once in my life.
Ive been playing starsector and thats been a lot of fun at least.
Just do it, you'll be really glad you did. There's animators like me that want new talent instead of Tom Kenny and Tara Strong in every fucking show.
okay, this is ep*c
Insanity is when your perception of reality doesn't match actual reality.
> CLINICAL PICTURE: An adult male patient with a borderline learning disability presented with cross-dressing and a strong wish to undergo a sex change.
lol wow that's some great research what a sample size
I'm NEETing hard right now so I don't need it at the moment. In high school I still had that irrational trust that parents are competent enough to help me out with problems.
This is normal. I don't remember what the term is for it, but it's just a cramp your rib muscles.
/pol/tards understand more than you do that when you say something is a social construct it's pure deflection
Stop worrying about not being far enough ahead and just go. Also start working out because your brain is clearly not working well.
Also everyone lies and exaggerates their life position, and won't ever show you the flaws. What you see is often superficial.
I dont know If I can stomach nursing shifts. I love the job, but I dont know If I can survive 3 12 hour shifts in a row, even with the 3 days off.
I've been without work and living with my parents for a year. I thought finding a new job in my field would be easy, but the only ones I can find are around a hundred miles away. I don't want to leave my hometown, and I especially don't want to go to a big city, but to do so, I'd have to settle for a job outside of my skillset or wait for quite a while for one to open up in my area.
I finally got desperate enough to apply within a major city that's the antithesis of everything I wanted (Living in a tiny apartment next to hundreds of thousands of people fighting traffic every day to go to a soulless, fast paced job where everything's wrapped in corporate doctrine so detailed that nothing ever happens outside of the ordinary) and the only silver lining I have is that eventually something will open up back home that I can take, even if it means probably losing half my salary. Houston jobs at least pay very well to make up for the cost of living, but I just want to live in my swamp with no neighbors for miles around.
I've done nothing but take my parents for cancer treatments three times a week and shitpost on Yea Forums when I'm back at home. I think they might die before I ever get a steady job and place to live again, much less married and have children. Even if they don't, they live in a falling down shack and can't afford anything better, and the money I was saving to get them a new house isn't enough and isn't increasing when I'm not working.
Find me the research that proves pimozide doesn't work.
Hm, feel kinda shitty tonight but trying to not feel like an absolute fleabag. At this point, I'll either get better or I think I'll go crazy. But hey, life continues. Long as I'm here, I
'm gonna keep doing what I want. Doubt anyone will read this, but if you did, thanks. Venting helps I guess.
I looked up how to get a realtor's license and apparently I can take the course online for as little as $180. Maybe I should give it a shot? I'm very good with people and I've trained in public speaking and debate teams. I dropped out of college though because I, shocker, was depressed like fucking everyone else here, so I don't have many ground level prospects.
I know my dad actually respects me a lot for whatever reason, but I also know that a lot of the leeway I get from him comes from guilt he accumulated over not being there to protect me from my mom.
>no samples associating mental illness with gender dysphoria
I present the entire speedrunning community.
I drink energy drinks like always and drift from mania to despair. Gonna play some Noita later.
You should think carefully about whether or not telling her is the correct choice. I told a good friend I had feelings for them over a year ago, and it's eaten me up inside ever since, should've just kept my fucking mouth shut.
I turn 26 in a couple weeks. My insurance that I've had since I was a kid is going to expire then. And seeing as I have always been really sick my whole life that is pretty much a death sentence if I don't qualify for state insurance. Healthcare in America is a nightmare
That's a very poor definition because it can be stretched to mean anything.
People don't "see reality". Everyone uses senses to get a particular measurement of reality.
Nowadays, delusion is defined roughly as "beliefs about the objective world that are contradicted by almost everyone else, but still don't change after that".
natural selection
Mcdonalds, wallmart, mom and pop local restaurants, taco bell, target, safeway, petco, starbucks, the home depot, JcPenny they hired a nigger who doesn't fold clothes, he just stuffs expensive suits and pants in a plastic bag
basha's (basically a VONS chain), wall greens, natural grocers, cold stone, panda express, habit, canes, id never apply to be a pizza driver, game stop, del taco, jack in the box, chick fil a, and a couple of call centers from INDEED, and the movie theater
Ive never committed a crime, but I don't have friends who can refer me. Im absolutely convinced thats the only way people get jobs.
>/pol/tard kneejerk reaction means that reality is wrong