ITT irl random encounters

ITT irl random encounters

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Other urls found in this thread:

this guy compensating or what ?

Would rather live next to him than dindus or fags any day.

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Probably, maybe wants to send a message or maybe he just really likes guns.

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>I wanna suck his cock
> he has clownskin like me, so he can rape my wife too.

>enemies can cast confusion/berserk with 100% success rate

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He wants to meme on the libtards

Whats a dindu? Is it the people responsible for starting all the current wars, and who are responsible for centuries of genocides against native people around the globe?

where did his ass go?

He shot it off, clearly.

truly epic

>enemy has the highground on you

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This dude must have a real small dick

classic big slime

A good boy who dindu nuffin

We get it, you're extremely scared of black people

I cant read the top part

Hes about to shoot that walmart up

Is this the discord raid thread? Can you guys post the discord link so I can join and help your raids?

>This dude must have a real small dick
your first though was about dick size huh? i think this is what we call projection in pop psychology

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Someone could run behind him and grab his gun and fuck him and everyone in the store up, he should secure that shit

What does this do to the liberals? Liberals only assist conservacucks, they don't really oppose each other, at the end of the day. That's just a facade for capitalists peons. Trump and Clinton partied together with Epstein.

no that's the jews

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>.t assmad native who's ""warrior"" ancestors died to a blanket a guy coughed into

this is Yea Forums, we are always thinking about dicks

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>recruit the love interest party member at Gamestop

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>Boss does it too
>Beating boss gives an item with immunity to the status
>No enemy uses it again until the final dungeon, where you've likely sold the item or forgotten about it

>Americans can't go a day without shooting each other up and flaunting guns
sad. Make sure you check the news when this guy snaps

Everyone genocides dont hate on us for being the best dawg.

It is secure. It's in a holster with a clip.

>man is very masculine
>lol he must have a small penis
Why is body shaming OK when its against men?

who could blame him when despite being a mere 13 percent of the population

smalldick conservacucks at it again

>go to check garbage for treasure
>IRL mimic

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Conservatives don't actually know what liberal means. They just use it to refer to anyone who's not far right for some reason

Big iron on his hiiiip...


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Fucking fat disgusting Americans

>Whats a dindu?

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Imagine actually owning a gun to make up for having a little dick chuds are fucking pathetic.

>those license plates
>right hand drive

fat gringo about to shoot the place up.

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are you sure they're not referring to you?

>white people

>renault clio

those are bongs.

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>why, yes indeed I am a sleek n tears model and aren't afraid to show it. How could you tell?

Why are americans so fucking fat?

How are people still biting on 15 year old Yea Forums bait.

Ahohoho it's funny because the license plates are European but you call him American because he's fat you're such a troll user-kun ^____^

where the door lead?

Big Diabetus needs his 3 revolvers to satisfy his Rambo fantasy though.
Could you imagine if shit actually went down near this guy?
>takes 10 seconds to waddle and turn 90 degrees
>wheezing, he's squinting through his bifocals looking for his target
>draws both revolvers while eyeing up his target
>everything goes red, he's screaming, the customers are screaming, he's firing off as fast as his sausage fingers can manage
>empties both guns
>drops down to one knee, the impact shattering the fragile sesamoid bone that was not designed to take that kind of impact
>nearly falls over reaching behind him to pull out his big iron
>tries to murmur "you feelin' lucky punk?" but it's a soft whisper
>Let's freedom ring in another volley
>turns out it was actually just grandma dropping a tin of cookies in the walliemart
God bless America

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they kill half the people in the country so i think its smart to avoid them they also smell like poop because they dont shower

>Liberals only assist conservacucks

yes because social issues mean nothing especially these days am I right? fucking ignorant zoomer. you're an unambitious loser and that's why you hate capitalism.

I wonder if he know how to do gun tricks.

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>anime reference
>On a Yea Forums Board

oof jesse the giant

>Gun in the back isn't tied to the belt or the pants

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>this guy compensating or what ?

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Doesn't make me less right :^)

This is amazing


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>brain this fixated on sucking cock

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God I want to be swallowed whole by a woman like that


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Would they fight or fuck if they came across each other?

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>Holds you at gunpoint while he fucks your wife
nothin personal

>his ancestors got dabbed on

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>very masculine
>overweight and horrible posture
Is this americlaps true power?

Everyone is scared of black people. Black people don't even like black people.

>Very masculine
>Fat elbows
>Wide birthing hips


He was always one of my favorite. Him and Jericho, back in the day.

>A shrimp dick fat racist actually spent time making this

How's that boot taste, boomer?

And this is why Twitter needs to be deleted. It promotes that this isn't the norm. You never see recordings of dindus helping someone. Only hurting.

I feel like the gun inbetween your asscheeks is a safety hazard.

Even black people don't like black people anymore. What's your point?

So nudity gives men more power?
Maybe we lock our potential behind our clothes.

I'm a leftist, not a dumbass liberal

How is it so easy to make a stealth /pol/ thread on Yea Forums and get this many replies?

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i just don't understand why nobody likes being around them, it's such a mystery

I was speaking in generalizations, not specifically to that guy in the pic.

not even the fattest country
you're just OBSESSED

>old Yea Forums goes out for a walk

some kids in cali came up on me and screamed in my ear, but I whipped to my right and pressed my hard boner against one of them and pulled him in tight and said
>boy your base is good
>but my dick is harder

Either one, the outcome is death to all mortal life

You can tell this fag thought he was making a hilarious post that would be posted in screenshot threads in the future.

Shaaaaame! Shaaaaame! Shaaaaame!

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Whenever you seen this dude come out you knew shit was going down.

The one with the red scarf is the MC
The guy on his left is his stupid best friend

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Fuck off fash

>Wake up
>See this
Wat do

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That’s a pretty big mirror he has.

Is there anything more sad than white ""men""?

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I can tell you're a fag who's infatuated with other people

it's called a meme. You leftlards don't know how to do it yet lol

Who the fuck let you out of the basement, woman?

It's a good thing this guy is probably too fat to be able to bend over and pick anything up because he'd chamber that thing in his asshole.

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because the mods literally don't care

cringed and bluepilled

Not fat or crazy enough for old/b/. Think more masaokis.

lmaoing at you basement dwelling incels whose only exposure to other people happens when mommy makes you leave the house once a month

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basically every social issue is systemic and corporate dems don't support any structural changes, so lip service and virtue signalling is the extent of the difference on social issues. Eh, fuck em. I'm more interested in dismantling the corporate oligarchy and returning democracy to the people, preferably the working people.

damn this is the western civilization we have to defend?

You're the one writing a paragraph about someone you don't even know


Nobody even mentioned penis here but you user, something you want to tell us?

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Fuck boomers and fuck crackers

everything he said is completely true though, women of all races love BWC


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This is the kind of gun owner that legitimately makes me nervous. It's clearly past the point of functionality and self-defense and has become his fetish. What situation does this guy believe he'll run into where he needs to use 3 fucking handguns. Even the most paranoid concealed carry-owners I know wouldn't carry more than a single firearm at a time, perhaps bring another cartridge but come on.

This, and also unironically

Am I the only one who see's two conjoined faces screaming in agony in his reflection?

forgot to post image lul.

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>using /pol/ meme
yikes and trannypilled

Is that a JoJo reference

you know how liberals are

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She gets weirder the longer you stare.

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>op's image
>>Wide birthing hips
we looking at the same photo?

That guy was a fat jealous loser and hes seething just like you

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I honestly don't know how many layers of bait this is. The caption is obviously fake, since that's STPeach, but I can't even tell who it's making fun of

go back

>surely nobody will call me out for not reading the thread

Wasn't that the plot of Kill la Kill?

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Based and dare I say quite redpilled as well.

Doubt it, he's not a teenager.
Maybe if someone passes him on the road though. Or throws garbage where he doesn't like it.

The american dream

You have to be 18 to post here.


I'm glad you like it, user.

you blind?

have sex

Fortify the room, you must prevent opfor from defusing a bomb


>Enemy's weakness is ???

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>tfw he is now Mayor of Knox County

He's just an NPC working through his script.

who's the cutie on the right?


Take your white ass back to /pol/.

I bet she’s watching an anal prolapse.
I looked just as horrified as she did.

the good, the bad and the niggly

>man is very masculine
>a dozen fucking strap-ons
>hunched back
>onions baldhead

Yeah sure thing buddy

>she looks like a tranny
Is this the power of asian “men?”

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>When you see your first BBC

A broken chip on his card.

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Body shaming is ok when it's someone who deserves to be made fun of you fat smelly incel


Cavemen were the epitome of masculinity

Before Tinder, this is what women had to do to shop for a fuck.

nigga on the right looks like the subway drug dealer from deus ex

When did Styx get a tan.

A mirror only needs to be half your height to project your entire body.

ayyyyy lmao

No. Because none of them act like men anymore. That's why things went "wrong" in the first place. Women don't want 30 year old boys that are too shy to talk, too anxious to take command, and too insecure to be confident. I never expected to see it happen so quickly. When I was in my teens and twenties I was dating and flirting and standing up for what was important to me. Not crying about minorities and trans. And as a result I was with women any time I wanted. I didn't even notice how bad it had gotten until I was in my early 30s. A 10/10 22 year old came onto me way stronger than I would ever think. After bedding her I asked why she wasn't after someone younger. It wasn't daddy issues, it wasn't my physical attraction (though I'm still not ugly at 36). She told me I was adventurous and she couldn't see me ever being afraid. All because I shared a couple of stories from my youth that weren't even that exciting.

Women want men. Period. If white men aren't going to do it they'll just go for others. In her case she still wanted a white man, but had to aim up a decade to get a guy that would look her in the eye while fucking her.

Why 3 tho?

Babies could crawl out of that I bet, I bet you could host a rave in that woman too, wow

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Why did that one get her ass kicked?

This looks like an extremely retarded way to carry a weapon. What's stopping somebody from sneaking up on him, grabbing it out of his waistband and shooting him with it? He probably couldn't reach his other guns and react in time. Even the way ghetto blacks keep it in their front waist area seems smarter than this.

Source on the cute girl behind this guy?

>go to japan
>be surprised that the culture of a colony hit by two nukes is a bit different

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Stop larping, only a true beta male would write some cringe shit like this

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>that's about all, peace out

He spoke at my college graduation. It was a little strange just knowing what he used to do. Good orator though. Does a decent job as mayor but he's overrated. Some of his supporters will get straight up hostile if you make a joke about the fact that he used to be a wrestler.

Keep coping

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Fake as fuck lmao

Imagine if she bred with that Mountain guy from GoT. It could be the rebirth of the nephilim.

>you look like a tasty snack remove your smog mask so I can suck more healthy air out of your lungs with a fat kiss

>What's stopping somebody from sneaking up on him, grabbing it out of his waistband and shooting him with it?

The holster
Fuck me, I hate sheltered liberals so much


Steering wheel is on the wrong side, buddy.

alita without makeup

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>soibois who think masculinity is being a metrosexual

>Thread devolved into a race baiting shitfling
fuck /pol/. Just talk about video games you losers

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>Actually make a tinder profile
>Swipe right on every asian cutie I come across
>Still only match with one
>Match with a decent amount of white 5/10s though
Tinders a fun reminder that I'm an ugly bastard

This is sad. You're a shit writer and you're def not funny

>Words words words words words words words words words words words words.
Brevity is the soul of wit user.

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what's the source of this gif? I keep seeing this, what's the context

Post a pic of yourself right now

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>I'm unemployed
>I like to travel
nuke the west

It's impressive how much you fail

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Imagine if the races were reversed. Why have white americans lost all confidence? Lynch those niggers.


>tfw raccoons absolutely destroy my blueberry bushes every year

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>man bag

He deserved that.

Because, it is their nature.

You do it, you're the big tough guy right, do it and stop expecting other people to do your dirty work

When the abyss stares back.

>white bitch seeing bbc for first time

Has Etika ascended?

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>tfw no 6'7 gf

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local food is very fattening, same problem britain has.

Why does this make me so sad

>Fat worthless beta male calling for a race war

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How can I into Jesse bros?

You are literally proving his point because you interpret guns and cowboy hat as masculinity

>when you deliberately seek out aids and poverty

>posts pictures of people he doesn't know
>doesn't actually have a white gf of his own
>is probably a hapa himself
You keep coping

>ketchup was on sale

Does he drive a forklift?

>I'm unemployed and I like to travel
as terrible as women are, men who enable these sluts are worse.

3 what? Dildos in your ass?

I high fived a racoon once when I was with some friends. It was pretty cool.

I fucking hate that faggot hack

>No! D-don't kill me! I'm on your side! I love Dave Chappelle! I went to an abortion clinic fundraiser! My family vote democrat! I-I-I don't even like mayonnaise!

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what's the context to this one?

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Because the future offspring will be even worse.

Keep seething

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that's Etika when he returns in 2022 to destroy the world

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Whites literally did shit like this to blacks for a good few hundred years in the south. Hell, even in the 60's (your grandparents probably saw it) this shit was common in the south with whites.

he literally had it coming and if you can't tell from the first watch of this webm you're not fit to live on this planet

why are white men so pathetically insecure?


What are you doing cow you are not shopping at a grocery you get out of that grocery store right now.

Fun fact, they have their own parallel legal system in almost every country that allows them to.


he's just a cowboy, relax tranny

Looks like shit vegans would do. Bring a dead animal and put it in the meat section to try and shock people about the "cruelty" of meat.

>3 magnums
Why? Why not just get something with a decent sized mag?

Why is this thread still up? Do your fucking jobs jannies

Tell her to tell Robert Rodriguez that Spy Kids 3D sucked

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You tell me

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The only cow that this fat fuck is wrangling is a Big Mac

no three guns you faggot, it's always dicks with you user.

This is why when you are in a situation like this you have to out nigger the niggers.

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>styx wife makes him go to the gym

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>just walking in the street doing nothing
>had it coming
are you dark skinned perhaps?

Now show me the statistics of all the lonely fatasses in China and Japan

Damn why's suicide so high among native americans? Isn't their population really small?

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Best Gantz girl

White wahmen
*autistic screeching*

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Took me a while to realize
Holy shit thats fucking sad

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just like muslims
they also fuck kids just like muslims do

10 cows escaped from a truck transport in germany and one of them wandered into a supermarket. cops had to shoot it.

Reservations are absolute hell.

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>had to shoot a dairy cow

the fuck

fucking how?


>that's thicc
hello virgin

The native american genocide of their people and culture is probably one of the worst in history
No gulags or holocaust can compare to the ethnic cleansing that took place 200 years ago.
They are not a very optimistic people.

is from a Zack Snyder movie?

>Imagine open carrying three guns
>One of them is a revolver

This is the kind of guy to argue with someone and shoot them because they pissed him off. Carrying a gun for defensive purposes is understandable, but why you need to open carry three of them I have no idea. Is he so afraid someone is going to mug him or harass him? Or does he just want to have a gun on him at all times because it makes him feel safe?

>shooting a dairy cow
you're lying i fucking know it

>that qt on the right

It’s because when white people show a sign of weakness especially in a group of delinquents they attack without mercy or reason.

i'm fucking the dog shit out of your mom right now faggot, go get me some beer faggot

I like this version more

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Because they live on reservations which are disgusting and incredibly poor, and their communities are ravaged by drugs and alcohol while also being part of a dying culture. Black people should be thankful every day they aren't native, those people are the ones truly suffering and we've all forgotten about them.

please enlighten me

only thing i can think of is that he shouldn't have been there in the first place or crossed the road to avoid the stink

>kike media saying everyone needs to stop eating meat to save the planet
>meanwhile same people are literally eating gold covered steak

>get bullied off your own land
>subjugated to absolutely shitty land but hey you can open casinos
>but the Government can take that land they promised you back or do whatever they want on it
>loss of cultural identity
>get called a Mexican and get told to get out of your own country by retarded hicks
gee, I wonder why


Attached: 1540504407733.webm (720x1280, 1.94M)

>black suit is the miniboss
>red suit is the mentor
>green suit is enemy who helps you after you beat him
>tan suit is team member who betrays everyone and turns into the villain
>blue suit is tan suit's sidekick

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>YAAAWNN, these gentleman ahead are no threat, nigg, I mean, people of color are misunderstood youth, and I am clearly ok with being around the- *whack*

You are obsessed with dicks bro

except the difference was that black people in Africa sold black people themselves. Yet they never seem to blame their own race hmmmmmm i wonder why...

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>Dave rapoza based a character off this sikh guy
Neat to see his reference

suck it, you tity monster, you are FAT! FAT!

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RIP o7

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underage aswell so atleast there's still time :)

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>last thing he said was to flee

now that's fresh

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>secret boss

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They sound like a really lost people. Reminds me of that turkic speaking ethnic group in Russia... the Tuvans I believe. I think they had really high suicide rates and alcoholism as well.


It's the same guy

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>i think this is what we call projection in pop psychology
It's actually an observation of a pattern of behavior, these dudes are all insecure as fuck

I wouldn't mind looking exactly like this

Nah, he's just a boomer

>hunched back
>loose pants
>has to not only carry 3 guns, but wear a shirt announcing he has a gun
The guy's a beta fag with hick parents.

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so sick of flowchart LRA's, perfect storm is literally impossible to play against

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Niggers, this is why we cross the road when we see you

Awe, that's such a cute possum family.

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>Shin niggami tensei

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to be fair jews did it first
muslims were late to the party

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God bless white people.

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Men used to carry weapons on them all the time because it makes good sense to do so.

>Fear not the dark my friend
>And let the feast begin

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It's more about his shirt than his gun.


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what the fuck