>tfw missed out on Quake
>tfw will never know how it feels to play a high skill FPS game since literally all of them are dead
vidya for this feel?
>tfw missed out on Quake
>tfw will never know how it feels to play a high skill FPS game since literally all of them are dead
vidya for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Quake Champions
modded bo3
High skill fps sound boring as fuck. Retards jumping around with one hit shots isn't fun.
You know crying about games not having "high skill level" just outs you as someone who sucks at them right?
go to /vr/
they have shitloads of download links and guides to play these games
not comparable
the closest thing you can play to quake, by far, is TF2
When I wrote Quake Champions I meant a game that is trying to be Quake but it also isn't.
It feels like a game trying to replicate it but it fails.
Another reason that he deserved the cancer. Fuck that guy. They will never tell you this, but Englishmen are as adept at trying to ruin the world as Krauts.
just play Quake Live
there's around 100 or maybe 200 people that play clan arena, usually 2 or 3 servers with a peak of 50 or so players playing at a time every night, with a minimum of 4 or so players playing at almost all hours (east coast) aside from usually the late night and early morning
tons of fun, QC has plenty of problems with its execution plus DM is a super boring grindfest compared to CA.
the big thing about this game is being comfortable with all the weapons, if you can't rail you're gonna have a bad time, but you also need to be able to rocket people and LG track people.
>It feels like a game trying to replicate it but it fails.
It doesn't really feel like a game trying to replicate it. They did so much hated bullshit with the classes diff movement speeds and such. I will never consider it a quake game
TF2 MGE servers
He's right you know.
I check in on Ricochet servers all the time and they're all dead. Yet everyone complains about arena shooters dying despite the fact that severs are still up and running.
Ricochet is an arena shooter now?
Was it ever even alive?
I want Phobos and Crash to come back bros
TF2 still has a healthy competitive scene in NA/EU/AU and is as good as it gets these days when it comes to old school type FPS
Also shilling this youtube.com
You wish him cancer for being right?
you know people still play og quake 3 right? crom's server usually has people on in the afternoon
i always want to play these old shooters online, but then i go online and get rekt so hard i don't want to play them online anymore
Ricochet is the best game in the world
I have never once seen a living soul in the servers
It's too good for us, just like every other arena shooter
crom's usually has a range of skill levels at any time. they're not all high level
>Quake Champions
fun game if you like spending half the time sitting in queue/menu KEK
Play Quake Live until Diabotical comes out. QL is pretty dead but it has a server browser so you can always jump into a game quickly outside of dead hours.
Diabotical will save the arena shooter genre but probably won't come out for at least 6 months imo.
Why play Quake 3 when Quake Live exists? Practically the same game except one has more players.
QC is shit but it's nowhere as casual as TF2
>clan arena
op said he wanted quake
>high skill fps
>adds fucking insane movement tricks
Q3A is alive and well. What are you talking about, retard?
Good luck getting into that at this point though. Prepare to get absolutely raped.
>tfw will never know how it feels to play a high skill FPS game since literally all of them are dead
What the fuck did (you) mean by this?
I played a game called Sauerbraten that was really fun.
Don't know if it is alive still, though. Perhaps you could give it a shot.
Sauerbraten has the best instagib netcode of any game ever made.
And yeah, it's still somewhat lively.
Play quake champions. It’s great fun with the same core beats as quake live. It’s not as skill demanding, but it’s better than anything else on the market. You won’t put a dent into a high skill player, much like quake live, but rising through the ranks and seeing your mastery improve is highly addicting and satisfying. Also champion active and passive abilities introduce a lot of variety in play style and mobility. Highly recommended.
This. I haven't been able to find another player in like 10 years. 15 years ago it felt like I was playing with the same 20 or so people whenever I got on.
That’s what you think until you actually try it and understand what the game is composed of. Much like watching any new sport or game you don’t understand is boring as fuck.
serious tf2 takes way more skill than serious quake, rollouts are harder than strafe jumps and uber counting is a better mechanic than heavy/mega. most duels in quake turn to shutouts even if skill differential is by 5%
the average tf2 player is significantly worse though which makes the game much easier to stomp pubwise.
High skill first person shooters generally take more shots to kill you, actually. You want a game that you can have ongoing firefights in rather than just who sees who first.
Play xonotic or wolfenstein enemy territory if you want a team based game
ET: Legacy is dead
Nobody plays legacy unless you on discord setting a match up, just play on community server's just visit trackbase or splatladder
You only need 1 other person to duel. Unless the game has literally 0 people playing it, it's not dead.
Isn't Legacy supposed to be compatible with non-Legacy?
I still didn't find any servers that weren't bots
QL is still alive and unless you live in Asia or the middle east, you will find matches.
There's always QC, too, if you can put up with the downtimes.
hello esreddit.
I would be playing QC if it had a FUCKING SERVER BROWSER. Quakeworld literally invented the in game server browser and they don't have it in QC.
Legacy was supposed to be the et pro replacement with an modern engine, and yes it's compatible with normal ET since it's still id tech 3 (you gonna need to use 2.75 because reasons), you don't really use the server browser anymore that's why you use trackbase/splatladder to find them, the game has a healthy population but not many people realize it
Thanks user
based tf2 poster
this is fucking true. arena shooters died for a reason.
>muh skill based shooters are ded ;-;
good, you fags are dying off and i cant wait to see you go.
>arena shooters died for a reason.
the reason being the last good arena shooter (Quake 3) came out 20 years ago, all those games he listed are trash
Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch, people still play Quake.
But you could go play Quake Live right now, you dumb shit, it's free. Practice with bots if you're just starting.
What is a good multiplayer game to start today so you won't be too far behind? Should I try Gears 5?
t. nostalgia addled retarded boomer
not him but
>quake 4 was shit
>unreal was never good
>ET is a different genre
>quake clones like xonotic or nexuiz have always been niche
>quake live killed by ID
Reflex is fine, I don't know why it failed but yeah, Q3 was the last good arena fps.
There are enough people out there to duel with if you live in EU or US. Go seek out the AFPS communities, they're out there. Games with several hundred players regularly are not dead.
>one hit kills
>high skill
Come on nigga.
>Played all kinds of quake clones and arena shooters 10+ years ago
I miss boomer shooters.
Reflex failed because cpm is subhuman tier
It's not free anymore, it's US$10 now