Ps5 climate change!

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I'm not a snowflake but I get very upset when the left tries to push their views on me

Why do Amerimutts care about climate change so much?

Does that mean it will be less powerful? Sad

t. indian who swims through rivers of shit every morning to go to work

One of the best features of my PS3 was its ability to heat up my basement.

What this really means is
>PS5 is using shitty laptop parts from AMD again and therefore the system will consume less power because the chips would explode if they tried to

They're just preparing consolefags for the inevitable damage control when the PS5 is only slightly stronger than an XboneX since Navi runs hot as fuck and AMD had to nerf the fuck out of it to get it to fit in the console's power and heat envelope.

that's funny, because my PS4 hasn't consumed any power since I finished RDR2.

Imagine actually thinking we can stop climate change.

It's an oldest meme

They already do plenty for the environment by not having any worthwhile games to play on their consoles.

Yeah something tells me they are only saying this and reality will be different...

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Bad journalism.
It will consume less power when in sleep mode.
Daily reminder that Polygon is bankrolled by Microsoft.

Climate change is just a mask
The real reason is to reduce energy consumption to be less reliant on the middle East for oil

People with half a brain won't buy into this not because they think Sony is trying to "push their views" on us, but because they're obviously trying to appeal to a certain group of people.

Shouldn't it be an effort to simply lower the power bill.

As long as they don't charge more for a "sustainable" console, I couldn't give any less fucks about this. Every human with 2 digit IQ knows that global warming is a natural cycle and not caused or accentuated by humans.

>Yea Forums was trying to hype up /THE NEXT GEN/ being as good as pc gaming
>instead sony's putting out a potato because politics
Pfffft, don't forget your complimentary bug burger.


Kind of hope all the fucking games I bought on PS3 will work on PS5. I really like Fatal Frame

t. Jew who is investing in ocean front property in Florida even though it's supposed to be underwater in 50 years

Yes, it is now if we're talking about PlayStation

It's really amazing how communists in the 80s actually fooled the whole world into thinking this bullshit is real.

This, they were pushing the 4k 60 fps bullshit so now when its just the ps4pro but slightly better they can claim the lack of power is because of environmentalism.

Why do Europeans care even more? You know that greta girl isn't american right?

its actually current day china


Geezer Thundercunt doesn’t represent all Europeans’ views

>Climate change is just a mask
>The real reason is to reduce energy consumption to be less reliant on the middle East for oil

Why not both?

Because an underage girl said it was bad and let's face it, everyone loves underage girls, am i rite?

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If we used our own oil reserves instead of either exporting them or ignoring them entirely we'd be almost completely self sufficient.

people would take it more seriousl if they had choosen a CUTE underage girl to pass that message

>will consume less power
well yeah, amd's laptop tier parts are currently built more that way than they were the when ps4 used the old amd laptop tier parts

Climate change is a fact, it isn’t a “view”, it isn’t something you can have an equally valid opinion on.

don't even try that here, all these retards are ironically conservative you can't even talk to them.

show me one study that isn't tainted by them that proves that it is a scientific fact. its a hoax created to destabilize the west

People don't belive in clinatw change? But how?

I mean, I know Im a filthy spic, but between 2010 and 2019 we've seen some snow in some cold area of our country... I mean, if that's not a change then I don't know

This just mean it will be full of 4 hours movie games so you don't have to use it that much

Don't bother, Yea Forums is so contrarian that you'll get people unironically arguing with you that climate change is fake

If that means it won't sound like a jet engine, then I'm all for it.

Because people have long term memory.

>oh no a global ice is coming
>oh no all forests will die of acidic rain
>oh no global warming will kill us
>oh no the climate is changing (on schedule btw) surely that hasnt happened before

There is nothing wrong with trying to improve our carbon footprint etc but this isnt something average joe should pay for.

Humanity needs to fucking shrink its numbers back by billions not bully people into paying tons of extra money or forcing them to eat bugs.

Considering it's Navi, prepare to be disappointed.

The climate never changed before 2010? I never knew the climate was stable all throughout the Cenozoic era until 2010

How do you expect the population to shrink by a billion people or more? Nothing short of a global catastrophe will see that happen, but the rate this planet is going that isn't too far in the future

>Just say you toned down the graphics to save the planet

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yeah, less white power BOOOM TAKE THAT INCELS

Dumb nigger wants the sky to look like Beijing

Translation: 7nm generally consumes less power.

Oh man please tell me more about this upcoming mass extinction event?

I never knew the climate changes magically and ignores cause and effect

Yes, it's even more eco-friendly, now it can handle more cockroaches.

How does this involve Americans

>source: my ass

>Greta threatened us so we get to make the next console green and charge everyone 200 more dollars
ANyone want to take bets on what'll be missing from the PS5?

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Yeah i bet if the dino's would have lowered their carbon footprint they would still be around

Climate Change is real but there is literally nothing we can do to stop or delay it.
It's more like a climate cycle, really.


They have to catch up to Nintendo, which has multiple environmental committees

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Gotta wonder what kind of mental retardation leads to posts like these

But the facts keep changing

Gotta wonder what kind of retard you would have to be to believe in man made climate change

Yeah sure, it's a cycle and shit, natural, like mother earth and stuff

oh boy, here comes the deniers that think man has nothing to do with climate change *sigh*


He's european. They pretty much have to vent their anger at america to cope with the fact that they're living in a tyrannical nanny state.

Such as?

man doesnt woman does

does the common populace have ANY chance at denting climate change? If everyone idled less, half the cars were switched to electric etc etc. would it have any effect?

Was it more of a fact when it was global warming, or global cooling?


Caring about the environment is nice but big businesses wouldn't give a shit if it was only that

Waging deadly all out war against African and Asian countries is literally the most effective way of fighting global warming. I'm not even kidding. Dead men don't produce CO2.

the worst thing that could happen is fragile life goes extinct and that's a good thing the earth can sustain itself humans are completely reliant on it and only care about climate change cause they might die which would be good and funny fuck em

You are now aware that consoles running games at 60 fps is going to become a climate change talking point soon. And if you argue that games should run at stable smooth framerates(thus using more power), you are a climate change denier or ignorant accelerator of climate change. Have fun in the next few years.
I'm glad you love reading as much as I do

we're due another ice age
poles began to shift already

No because 90% of the chemicals and trash come from China, India and factories.
People throw around the "MUH TEN BILLION CARS EVERY DAY" shit because it's a boogeyman made up by oil companies to shift the blame to citizenry.

Yeah there's actually a really simple solution that anyone can be a part of. All you have to do is have less children.

What happened to your distrust of mainstream media?

It's really amazing how people can just blindly wave away all the mass extinction events and then point to us making factories as killing the earth.

Nope they had to get a girl just ugly enough to make the old pedos heads turn at first glance but not enough to ignore everything she says because they just want her cunny.

>there are people in this thread who still think Climate change isn't real and that its a political issue.

Big Oil has you by the nuts, its time to grow up

But it's the citizenry who consume the products made with fossil fuels. If they didn't consume them big business wouldn't make any. Are you simple or something?

Why did you leave out the import of refugees once your population stops growing?

Global warming, as a concept, sure it exists.
Global warming as an immediate threat and also we need to send literally ALL of the developed world into a neodark age but not THESE countries ;) is a colossal fraud meant to make countries less able to function independently.

try again

sure thing, greta

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>injecting Politics into my video games

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Yeah because mass extinction events just happen for no reason right?

>live in former coal town
>Trump still hasn’t brought back business back over here
What the fuck

Big oil is investing big time in all those retarded windmill/solar energy, so it's the other way around buddy

I dont get why this gif is making the rounds right now. Its just an angry child staring at someone who doesnt even know she is there.

The climate must remain static and all species that exist today must exist forever

I was talking about the whole world. Nice assumptions there bro, I'm wonder what agenda is going through your head right now

how do they have data for how hot the medieval ages were if they didn't even have mc donalds back then?

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>One person saying no will change anything
Again, china.
Unless you can somehow make everyone in America not want new phones and cheap toys it won't happen.

Nobody denies the climate changes. What people don't believe is that taxing white people to death to import a bunch of illegal aliens who breed like rats doesn't make a lot of sense in reducing the carbon footprint.

nice bait jew

Haha climate change is bullshit. I wont be buying a ps5 now. Get fucked, Sony.

its the lefts perversion of religion

It's actually not, Exxon in particular has spent 60 years spreading misinfo with fake ass sponsored studies

>in my country it's 98% clean thanks to nuclear energy and dams
>affecting climate change, ever.
I still don't get why the USA has so few nuclear power plants. To little space non-risk spaces?

>it's another multi billion corporation virtue signaling for woke points

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>Member of the cool and edgy alt-right
>memed a president into office (BASED!)
>what stance should I take on climate change?
>there are cringy dye-hairs who are against it
>not caring about the planet is by far the cooler, more edgy option
>my meme president said it was a hoax by china which is funny
>science says it exists but they have an agenda unlike the businessmen who say it doesn't
>its settled, I am against it
Some call me based and redpilled, but I'm just a cool free thinker who doesn't believe in the lies fed to the sheeples.

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Oh yeah i forgot that it was our fault that all the volcanoes suddenly started erupting. Must have been our future carbon emissions traveling back in time.

I actual live in a coal town and he has visited us 4 times and shook my hand twice. Our economy is booming and we have enough cash to repave the entire town and repair/restore 2 of our old bridges

>climate change isn't real

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Somehow I doubt this was actually an environmental choice, so much as the PS4 simply drawing the most power of any console in the history of the console market. And the PS5 just being less insane than that, as PR tries to claim brownie posts for it at the same time.

>Believing in climate change
>Believing we'll all be dead in 12 months to 10 years

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the records from the medieval times are spotty at best. ironically the only place were you can measure it is the pole where we can analyse the ice layers.

Good for you, nigger. Now where’s mine?

How else are you going to fear monger for more tax dollars?

o, NOW the source don't count, how convenient.

I dont know man, but the snow dhit nwver happpened around here... So yeah, weird

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you are either lying, or a in a dem district

i forgot global warming was a thing 60 years ago. Also yes it is true, you should spend some time actually investigating this stuff instead of regurging those bullet points you learned from inconvenient truth.

but did you see how she DESTROYED the president right there? we are ALL her at that moment #impeachorangeman

What's this has to do with video games? California need to be purged from the earth.

> we need to take action on climate change.
>Oh so we are finally gonna do something about China and India?
>what? No you must have no children

>equating sensationalist media and casual conversations of climate change, e.g we'll be dead in 10 years to the scientific journals that have tracked the real world change humans have of the ecosystem
Do you get your education off twitter or something?

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Only cat ladies and trannies believe in man made climate change.

In your lifetime. You know the earth has existed for quite a long time right?

what town?

Literally nobody is saying that, and nobody has ever said that.
The argument has always been that's economic suicide to cripple a developed nation to reduce it's carbon footprint, and even if it were the case, causes based in the reducing of the carbon footprint simultaneously push mass migration which doesn't actually fix the problem.

This, but only select portions and unironically
Cringe, but redpilled

At least they'll all die with me when the world turns to ash.

>i got so BTFO i need to throw another comment without quoting anyone
neolibs have you by the nuts

>literally a few major corporations are responsible for mass pollution and contributing to climate change and everyone knows who they are

j-just have less kids and buy less plastic...yes

What about China? The only reason they're a superpower is because they sell cheap shit to other countries. Sick of this dumb meme

>Literally nobody is saying climate change isn't real
>thread full of people saying literally that
What did he mean by this?

Staggering level of reading comprehension friend!
Unfortunately your problem is only with Michael E. Mann, given how he's the only one who went to your precious Pennsylvania State.
Perhaps attempt to challenge your beliefs, read, and try to reason and understand with what you are presented with.
It's a much better learning experience than going to the anecdotes, reading the first one, then pinning it all on /duh jews/

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>not caring about the planet is by far the cooler
holy fucking cringe. I bet youre out planting trees right now, huh?

Germany tried that, then Merkel had to fix Germany's population not growing.

What doesn't make sense is why you repeat this argument ad nauseum when the people telling you about climate change aren't saying anything about immigration. They're two different issues.

When people say climate change isn't real, what they actually mean is mass media climate change theories are retarded.


You joke, but that really is how things are for people. Most of the alt right is made up of edgy manchildren and kids who sided with the cool, edgy 'group'.

You can see this evidence with ease by how little they know about real politics (Because real politics is boring but based meme president isn't) or real world republication values.

how about
>who cares if we all *uurp* die???

Cause it's a lot easier to say that than "I don't want to cripple my country's economy and import a lot of third worlders"

Hey remember when Al Gore said New York would be under water by 2012? Climate change is a business. It's just another way to tax people.

Yes actually the idea of climate change came up longer than 60 years ago. Wait, did you think Al Gore invented it or something?

And you’re just being a pissy little niglet.

They could start by making games to end up that year of drought.

You know not giving a shit about things is what kids do right?

Learn to "cope" with being an complete and utter waste of human resources. Like honestly, how can you even sit there typing away such assine comments with a sense of smug superiority when you know full well it's just an ironic facade to masquerade your blatant shortcomings as a person.

Did you fuck up in high school user? Did someone bully you to turn you into to such a whiney, whispy shitskin that you feel the need to post such sad comments on an image board? Is it because you were in the cool kid group but knew you didn't belong so you painfully tried to act as though you were one despite secretly being a full fledged homosexual?

Then you realize that a girl you liked fucked your best friend and now you can't help but think about the past and what could've been if you hadn't been such a sperg? Like the time she sat next to you and you tried asking her out on her facebook wall? Well did you!? YOU FUCKING DUMB SHIT.

Well guess what, she's gone and now you'll be alone, playing video games forever even though you don't like them and searching omegle /r9K/ tags just you can engage in human conversation because Yea Forums's anonymity just doesn't do it for you anymore whilst you cry yourself to sleep at 3am in the morning.

Go fuck yourself nerd.

Nice reading comprehension, i said global warming, not climate change you dumb nigger

>implying i wont be in my home on mars while you cook
boil for me, earthie

Except nobody is talking about mass media climate change theories except you

>Contribute the near entirety of pollution via energy use and manufacturing
>Never have to answer for damage to the environment

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What happened to that Mexican lesbian gun control bitch and that other guy?

What popular opinion do you go against user to seem like a more interesting, smarter person than your peers? For me, I don't believe the world is round. Evidence just doesn't add up.

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So, the PS5 will be made of 100% recycled materials with no rare earth minerals strip-mined from deforested regions under civil war, no new sources of oil fracked from the earth to create the plastic, will work from the wind/solar power with a 1:1 conversion rate in converting solar/kinetic energy into electricity built onto the device itself with a guaranteed no-animal-kill rate, etc.?

Yeah, fuck you Sony. You're fooling no-one.

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Hazard. Shit’s bad out here and nobody tells me why.

I love how you faggots lie about this when candidates of the DNC debates only plan is to tax white people to death to fund illegals.

here's a (you), at least you tried

they both died from gun violence

And? My point still stands retard

Life finds a way. there was 2 global coolings and the famous meteor meme that killed the dinos, but life will do fine as a whole. One thing though is that earth went through several hot-cold quick eras in the past few thousands centuries, so nothing in our current ecology is actually a stable state. wanting so desperately to save lions and pandas is futile, they were transitional species. It's not like the dino era anymore where you could have 50 million years of climate stability. we live in time of death and rebirth.

>replying to a pasta

Pile me up, user

Aren't Americans like the least climate conscious of any of the first world nations? Like don't a majority of Americans still believe climate change is either a hoax or not man made? Isn't their current president a climate denier?

Not even that for long as other countries are starting to become cheaper options
The other reason is because they steal fucking everything due to their cancer government and short sighted businesses that let them. China can only be successful as last as other more successful countries exist for them to copy.

riddle me this batman
what is 1% but 50% at the same time?

what's with all this climate change thing? is it really getting this bad?

they are going to add little threadmilsinside it so the roaches can power the system themselves.

And yet somehow a SONY tweet represents all of America?
Yea Forumstards and 4chins in general always judge out-groups by the worst visible element and in-groups by the average if not some random above average element. Also a large reason why nationalism and socialism took over /pol/

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stop attacking innocent kid-

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60 years ago people were afraid of global cooling you dumb nigger, if Exxon was going against public sentiment then they were fucking right

>replying with a pasta

remember when he sued that liberal newspaper for a shit ton of money and won? fucking based

Brainlet here, if there are so many big brains on the planet how come they can't come up with devices to fix the planet?

Even if it were, America couldn't fix it.
MAYBE California and new york could make a dent in it but
>California and New York doing anything that involves personal responsibility instead of demanding the rest of the country pays for their problems

why do these idiots care? YOLO, am I right?

pay climate reparations, goy!


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"man" is a fallacious guilt trip. China, the USA and India produce 90% of the problem. Europe could literally be nuked today and nothing will change. The whole movement is meant to make westerners ignore China, the greatest ally that bravely make our phones and cars, and should never be judge by us, poor siners that DARE to not eat slugs to pay for the sins of CO2 to mama earth.

>Climate change is a fact, it isn’t a “view”
Climate change has always happened and will continue to happen as has been evident over the past billions of years the Earth has existed.
Climate Change being a product of man and man being the main source of it is 100% wrong and retarded.
The Earth has naturally heated and cooled for millennia now. That is a fact and not up for debate.
Mankind affecting shit is so wrong even the retards on the slow bus look smarter than anyone that believes that bullshit.


Yeah sure, all that CO2 emitted by the west between the industrial revolution and 2000, i guess that counted for nothing.
>Muh China
>Muh India
This is just the next stage in the denial process. Fossil fuel companies disseminate a new meme argument that does the rounds everytime it looks like people are starting to accept climate change as real. It's what cigarette companies did to stifle the smoking debate for as long as possible. The longer they put it off, the more profit they make.

>that greta girl
who? euro media doesnt even report on her, only amerifat media does because they have a eurofetish and inferiority complex about eu

Because science is hard and expensive and there is zero profit in fixing shit. The only reason to clean up the impact people have is for future generations, and of course people don't give a shit about that because its future people problems. That said there are plenty of big brains who have come up with a ton of tech, its just not widely used or reported on yet.

It's called nuking India or China or both.
It's a highly viable strategy.

>that liberal newspaper
just "newspaper" would suffice

>climate change activists are just another pawns of corporations