post AW fanart or get out
Advance Wars thread
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I personally think that Advance Wars and the Nintendo Wars series personally wasn't cut out to for this day and age. Good riddance.
>Start thread
>don't post shit
Sami's smile gives me life
Never had a chance to play it back then, finished first one a few years ago and loved it. I have restarted AW2 like 3 times in my emulator since I play it for a while and let it rest for months, so when I want to get back to it I feel the need to start all over again. I like to play it on mute while I see shit on youtube
nice fire emblem omake
We'll get another game one day, once IS figures out how to work in romancing the god-tier AW waifus we've already got.
Reminder that Wars is Fire Emblem's older brother.
Any lewd Nell?
"Fire Emblem is Nintendo Wars' younger and sexier sister"
>Nintendo Wars
not with all the weeb pandering garbage.
Kind of. Wars have always given me a chess-like vibe, while Fire Emblem is "tactical JRPG" (notice the caps).
good job you made her sad
She makes me happy
Is this some new web browser metal slug clone?
wrong game, pal
But imagine if they stopped making weeb fire emblem games and made a new advanced wars for the switch... Shit I'd even buy a switch for that
>Advance wars thread
>Less than 10 posts in people crying about FE
an old SRPG like FE but with a lesser focus on individual units and a modern military setting. discontinued after IS couldn't milk it dry of waifus like they did FE.
Do you like SMT? It's the Persona ride all over again, but FE is shit.
Oh, I mean it's literally Fire Emblem's older brother. The original Famicon Wars was released before the original Fire Emblem, and of course they were both made by the same company.
There's no reason for them to stop making FE games. The two series can easily coexist side-by-side. I'm confident that they'll return to AW sooner or later.
More like less than 10 posts in some FEfag starts shit. Probably you, now that I think of it.
Somebody less than 20 seconds after I posted also complained about FE. I know this place is infested with proxying autists now but I assure you I liked advance wars and nobody has a vendetta against a 10 years dead series.
It's less SRPG and more straight-up turn-based strategy, which makes all the more frustrating that Wars series stopped getting games as of the original DS while FE's gotten at least one game on every nintendo console.
AW died because after they tried to fix DS’ horribly broken gameplay with a reboot people abandoned the series because god forbid CO powers not just be a comeback mechanic that passively fills.
>Be 200X
>Try playing vs with friends at HS sporting event
>One asshole plays as Sensi
>Game never ends because fucking infantry out the ass
People primarily abandoned the series because they tossed away Advance Wars' hallmark aesthetic in favor of grim'n'gritty brown in a misguided attempt to appeal to the Western fanbase. It's a shame, because DoR had a great roster, although I'll admit that I didn't care for the CO zone mechanic.
why was every one of her AW1 reaction faces a nut face
>Good game kills the series
I can't think of a lot of other instances of this happening. I guess people just couldn't stomach Advance Wars trying something new with the art direction. The game itself is still rock solid
prove it
The gameplay is great, but the game has serious flaws. The artstyle absolutely blows chunks in comparison to the charm of the previous games. It's nothing but generic anime that we've all seen a hundred times before. Just look at Gage's design, for example. The game only has two sets of combat sprites, and they're barely animated in comparison with the gorgeous sprites the Wars World games have. The gun barrels don't even recoil, for example, nor do the treads move. The soundtrack has issues as well. While technically excellent, all of the driving metal ends up blending together after a while. Penny, Tabitha, Forsythe, and Isabella are the only ones who have uniquely memorable themes, and even then it's nowhere near the variety of the old games, where you could go from energetic rock to boppy techno to samurai marches to jazz to elegant piano to sea shanties at the drop of a hat.
Going along these lines, the dilution of CO powers into the CO zone and the removal of D2Ds made it much harder to create unique COs, which was one of the major draws of the series.
There's also the issue that AW used to be a very story-lite game where the story primarily existed for characters to serve up a little light-hearted banter in between levels. In DoR, they saddle the player with an overwrought, cliche-ridden slog of a story which felt far more like the uninspired fare of a typical Fire Emblem game than the goofy banter people had come to expect from Wars.
In short, DoR may have had the best unit roster in the series, but it completely ripped out the series' soul. It's no wonder that people didn't care much for it. I enjoyed my time with it, but I'd rank it as the worst game of the series by far.
>yfw we will never see an Advance Wars/Metal Slug crossover
Oh, also, it was pretty starved for content in general, if I recall. There was no War Room or Hard Campaign, which were both very egregious exclusions. Honestly, between that and the unambiguously half-assed job they did on the combat sprites, it felt like DoR didn't have nearly as much budget or manpower behind it as some of the previous games.
this would be nice
this will never happen
All I want is a fucking Battalion Wars 3.
Is tanktop + baggy pants like a female character designer cheat code? You pretty much cannot go wrong with this combo
It's an utter shame, because of all the grim'n'gritty brown ultrarealistic reboots out there, DoR was head and shoulders above the rest of them.
Add shorts instead of baggy pants and you would be right, also keep the boots.
Lash is my wife
Sammy is a whore.
What would be the Commander Powers of Marco, Tarma, Fio and Eri?
Shiet, do commanders have powers? I didn't pass the tutorial levels from the first game yet.
Why did IS abandon Advance Wars?
Soldier girls tend to like sex.
Where the fuck is Sasha?
Isn't they all dykes?
>Aren't they********
Rest in peace, Advance Wars.
Wargroove is pretty good to satiate some of the AW drought. Multiplayer is fun if you get anyone to play it with
Couldn't get over the artstyle, decided to play an FF:T ripoff instead.
It's a good game, no argument! I had a great time with it. I just wish the series had gone out on a note more faithful to itself.
Declining sales. DoR's visual overhaul was their attempt to lean fully into the Western audience; it didn't even release in Japan. Unfortunately, this attempt failed, and so they binned the series. It's worth keeping in mind that Fire Emblem was tanking around this time period as well, and was only revitalized by Awakening's renewed focus on character relationships. Now that Fire Emblem has exploded in popularity, I'm confident IS can and will leverage what they've learned to bring AW back one day.
Wargroove's success in demonstrating that an appetite for Advance Wars still exists certainly won't hurt either. If an indie studio can do that well, imagine what IS could do if they put their back into it.
Ah, that's too bad! I loved the artstyle, it's got that classic AW charm. I'm not a huge fan of the tumblr nose, if that's what your objection was, but everything else is bang on.
>Better waifu than any FE slut
>Will never be in SSB
Where's the justice?
post more CO portraits
Because the waifu money basically made them a household name for Nintendo fans. No reason for them to go back to a franchise that was a passion project at most, and a money sink at worst.
>Project M was adding her but got the C&D before they made her playable
Being a Wars fan is suffering. It's by far the most neglected first-party series in Smash at this point, and yet most people don't even know. I'm pretty confident that there's no other remaining first-party series with an equivalent pedigree that doesn't already have a rep, or at least a fucking stage.
Wars is older than Fire Emblem and has over a dozen games. Series don't get that big because they're passion projects. Wars and Fire Emblem were tanking out at around the same time in the late 2000s, but the gamble to revitalize Fire Emblem worked, while the gamble to revitalize Advance Wars failed. That's about it.
God damn I want a new AW so bad. My friends and I played these games all the time throughout middle/high school. Bus rides wouldn’t have been the same without it.
Wargroove scratches that exact itch, even if the fantasy aesthetic isn't as fun as the real-world history one. Give it a shot; you'll probably like it, and the better it does, the more obvious it'll be to Nintendo that there's still demand for Wars.
how do I get good at this game
i used to play a SHIT LOAD of competitive AW2 but delving so deep into it kind of ruined the casual experience for me, so i had to resort to making various balance mods for it and shit, which admittedly was a lot of fun and brought some life back into the game for me
AW1 to me has by far the best campaign, and an advance/hard campaign that's actually hard. AW2 is probably the best overall game, but AW1s campaign is fucking awesome. AW:DS has a great campaign too though mostly because of the cool stuff you can do with force ranks. its horse shit for serious play but still pretty fun for casual multiplayer. the tag system, while cool in theory, is absolutely retarded in practice
at which game in particular?
I like Sonja
Looks pretty good, I’ll have to try it out. Thanks man
what about her
I got Wargroove, but I wish there was a way to speed up the beginning of the campaign. There's a lot of hand-holding and explaining - there should be a "I've already played Advance Wars" setting that lets you do things on your own early on.
I can't offer much advice for multiplayer, but for SP:
1) You always need more infantry than you think you do. If you're going to end the turn without building anything from a factory, you should probably build an infantry there.
2) It's often worthwhile to APC rush a factory/airbase in a strategic location between you and the AI. If you can capture it early and hold it, that gives you a huge advantage; conversely, if they get it, you're in deep shit.
3) Factory missions/boss missions late in the campaign often require you to bomber/HQ rush if you want a good score; slogging it out conventionally may be difficult or impossible.
4) Merge damaged units often. One 8HP unit is typically far more valuable than 2 4HP units.
5) If playing AW2 or AWDS, make sure to know whether you want to be going for your CO Power or Super CO Power. While you might think that the Super is always better, this isn't always the case. Some COs, like Colin and Sensei, have extremely spammable CO powers that are also extremely broken, significantly more so than their Super Power.
if you are talking about AW1 multiplayer, all you have to do is pick max and you instantly win. if you dont want to crush your opponents' souls too much, pick kanbei or eagle
if you are talking about AW2 multiplayer, pick any of grit, colin, sturm, hachi, sensei, or kanbei. everyone else depends on the map
in AW:DS multiplayer you pick eagle and sami as your tag partners and win every single game without any difficulty whatsoever. if its singles only, see the aw2 cos to pick and also add javier to it.
as for actual gameplay, the only things you should really ever be building are infantry, mech, recon, tank, artillery, and apc. literally every other unit is situational. build anti airs against sami and/or if there are airports on the map (you want to have an anti air in a reasonable position BEFORE the enemy buys anything from the airport). on that note if you have airports, build battle copters if you can reasonably use them
Rachel > Sami
>beat AWDS normal campaign
>start "hard" campaign
>pick Colin on the first level against Rachel for a laugh, he's broken right?
>forget that Tanks are the most expensive unit you can build
>end up forced into a grueling 2.5-hour Verdun-style meatgrinder against Rachel where any time my tanks get the tiniest foothold ICBMs rain down and reset the board
I still have PTSD from that level. I honestly think that was the most grueling AW level I've ever played. Of course, after that I ended up being able to clown on all of the maps with insanely broken tag teams, but still.
Based and ICBMpilled.
Fuck off mayor
What about for the factory mission for green earth in Advance Wars 2? I always have trouble with that one and it takes me forever to beat it. How can I stop getting a shit rank on that mission?
That's the one with a major naval component where you have both Orange Star and Yellow Comet assisting, right? I don't remember very well, but taking a look at the map, I might bring Max, Drake, and Kanbei. If you can protect a battleship or two to gain control over the middle of the map, then you can slam some tanks and/or bombers (probably bombers, let's be real) through the top to hit the pipe. Never forget that Max's direct attack bonus also applies to aircraft.
Actually, looking at the map, Eagle might be a better pick than Drake, since you can grab a couple of additional airbases easily, and his power is really good for cheesing out factories.
daily reminder the Advance Wars murder happened and was documented
before any newfags ask
>guy orbits around roastie whore
>roastie whore already has a boyfriend who frequents the same AW forum as our protagonist
>autistic retard kills the boyfriend and starts stalking roastie harder and feigns ignorance but eventually gets caught
andy eagle and either kanbei or sensei
the mission is much simpler if you send a lander over with a rocket or two from whoever yellow comet is and then essentially backdoor the pipe seam, you can use green earth and orange star to get power points up but really that mission is most easily completed by leaving it up to yellow comet
Jess is best girl and Sensei is best CO.
Wars doesn't even have a SONG. Just four spirits. For the series that brought FE to the west you think IS would at least give some respect, but nah, let's add another generic swordie to piss on its grave
the worst part is, there's nearly no demand in Smash community for it, because most smash fans are too zoomer to even know what AW was. At least GS has constant smash attention and an assist.
>most neglected first-party series
Did anybody actually play this? I keep thinking it was some weird fever dream until I remember getting hyped about it as a kid.
>sami awakened my lust for both tomboys and redheads over 20 years ago
>tfw advance wars is now never ever tier
>Wipes your units off the map with an army of rockets and artillery
At least you guys got a rep in Smash.
I wish this game was better. I love the style
>that one friend who'd play Sami and spam mechs making each turn take forever, the game slow to a crawl, and he eventually wins when using her Ultimate CO Ability and capping an HQ in 1 turn
The balance of Wargroove never felt right and I felt like there were never enough unit producing structures
Really? You can't think of any other instances of that?
The trick to winning is knowing the CO roles: Orange Star and Green Earth are a distraction, while Yellow Comet takes over the lower half of the map, and eventually builds a lander to carry rockets to take out the pipe seam from the side.
The trick to maximizing score is to know how power, technique, and speed really work.
Power is based on the ratio of the largest number of enemy troops destroyed in a single day to how many units the enemy deployed over the course of the whole battle. Technique is the ratio of how many units you lost to how many units you deployed over the course of the battle.
In Great Sea Battle, power and technique are based on Green Earth. To maximize power and technique, sacrifice Orange Star to clog up the bridges at the top, weakening but NOT DESTROYING Black hole units, while Green Earth builds up a massive air force (if Eagle) or navy (if Drake), and then destroying as many Black Hole units as you can in a single turn, ideally on the same turn Yellow Comet is ready to finish destroying the pipe seam with rockets.
On hard mode, avoiding destroying Black Hole units until the end is absolutely essential, in order to exploit the fact that you cannot have more than 50 units deployed at a time. The Factory causes Black Hole to max out to 50 fast and produce no more, keeping a cap on how many enemy units you need to destroy in a single turn to max the Power score.
I think the dev team disbanded or moved on to FE/other
I mean, it wasn't really a GBA-exclusive series
Flak and Jugger, Tag Team Champions of Wars World
I want lash and sami to kiss
I'm glad lash finally became a good guy
"Listen to the foe from afar... Watch him up close."
>when your enemy clusters their units close together in an attempt to swarm you
I want Lash and Sami to kiss each other's navels
>tfw your company commander will never be this hot in real life
Used to play it when I was younger. It's got a really nice artstyle but it doesn't hold up well today. The sequel is on Wii and is held back by motion controls but I feel like it could be better if it wasn't handicapped with them.
Open file at your own risk
I tried my best to get into wargroove but stopped halfway through. It must've been an amalgamation of all the new systems that just really hindered me while playing it. The caeser fortress raid in the fog particularly was rage-inducing. The battle animations also leave a bit to be desired, just didn't feel the same as when AW did them. Also the MC and story sucks ass.