is it legal to exclude people from a public event based on gender pronoun bs? or did they make it illegal? we need more exclusion wherever possible.
not sure about americlaps but i know in canada "misgendering" someone can literally get you expelled from university (and i think it might also be illegal in civil law)
When are they going to have actual unironic dilation stations?
I'm pretty sure it falls under something like "discrimination based on appearence, race, gender etc" gender kinda works since its so vague, its so you can't exclude girls from anything, and trannies shimmy on in under that guise even if they're not.
i could care less, but i don't
I miss when they danced to teh urn and made bets against each other to do cool tricks.
I think a few cities in burgerville fine you for it.
>caring about this
the right cause of action is to just stop watching them and eventually they'll discover no one is giving them attention any more and the trannies will go away.
I don't get it, what's the issue here?
the mentally ill are treated as sane
Listing your pronouns means you're a subhuman
tranny drama is the only reason i come to Yea Forums kek
Imagine having to call a person it or something made up like zhe/zhir or else you get trouble.
It's about time.
Giving women the privilege to vote was a mistake.
for what fucking reason
It's the only reason Yea Forums exists honestly
the most dedicated speedrunners (mostly virgins) developed autogynephilia and transitioned to the easier gender (female gender has lower skillcap, lower skill floor)
samefag mad tranny
i'm asking why are pronouns relevant in speedrun info.
posting this in the twitch chat would get you permabanned in 10 seconds tops btw
never supporting them again
Whats the big deal with respecting their choices
>Yea Forums - Video games and drama
sounds about right
>Video games
Whats the big deal with respecting others' not respecting their choices?
you're at GDQ, you're running a game and they ask you what pronouns you want, what do you say?
I don't have any pronouns
rent free
>not 40%
Is this just for one of their one offs or is it permanent? Either way, imma thinking it’s time to back away.
This is the dumbest shit. I guess they decided that pandering to lefties would be more profitable than not and all the people and money they are alienating are an acceptable loss.
I was already over their shitty scheduling and lineups in recent years but this is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
The fact they do it purely for attention, there was a South Park episode that showed it pretty well, but long story short, most trannies out there are transtrenders, they just keep doing things that are outside of human logic (they are free to fuck whoever they want gender wise, but there is literally two genders, biological FACT that will NEVER change) all for for the sake of getting ass kisses and "Wooo! you go girl you are so pretty and powerful!!!" comments.
Call me Master, especially if you're black.
ruin all their fun by saying anything is acceptable, but then acting like it is all a burden. Just out oppression them while acting like it doesn't matter and is life threatening all at once. Keep it breakneck so they can't think about it.
rent free
i knew a person IRL who did this (wanted everyone to use their name only, no pronouns at all)
(Name) went to the store to buy a loaf of bread so that she could feed herself
turns into
(Name) went to the store to buy a loaf of bread so that (Name) could feed (Nameself)
Because I don't have to respect them.
Respect implies acceptance.
Best they can get from me is tolerance.
I'm pretty sure that's optional. I would hope if I did a speedrun at GDQ, one of the people running it wouldn't be like, "Preferred pronouns?" to put up on the screen, and then insist I need to give them.
And one more thing, why don't they write it as "male pronouns" or "female pronouns"? In total, for both, there's "he", "him", "his", and "she", "her", and "hers", and they only get part of that. It makes no sense why they wouldn't save space and time.
EXPOSED,how will user ever recover from those 1+ min posts?
lmao imagine getting snagged so hard on the concept of gender
gender is a spook you mongs
Attack Helicopter/Monsoon
"Hey Fuckface".
I identify as King Nigger.
Anyone who does not respect my identity is in big trouble. Please call me by my preferred pronoun.
Zhir actually means "fat"(noun) in Russian and Ukrainian, so even that could be disrespectful to the fat fucks
Give me one (1) a SINGLE reason why deliberately expressing pronouns is a negative. I'll fucking wait.
should we also put HUMAN BEING, WITH TWO LEGS in the description?
how the fuck is this info relevant to a speedrun?
Yeah it's fucking stupid.
>including nazi spam
Anyone who isn't going along with pronoun bullshit is a nazi.
The number of legs you have is not relevant to your identity. Your gender definitely is because pronouns are part of how we coomunicate with each other.
Creates a passive assumption I didn't agree to that you are important in any way.
Because geeks like you lose your shit over non issues.
rent free
I like that speedrunners manage to raise millions of dollars towards great charities, meanwhile all of you are literal human garbage
based as fuck, im gonna use this one day
The fact that if you give an inch to this kind of people they will ask for a mile.
You did this on purpose.
Just call everyone you talk to a "faggot" then if you want to assume such a pompous attitude. I'm sure your station in life will not decrease.
I would just demand people use "she/her" while continuing to be normal ole male me and zero attempt to be feminine at all.
This is the best way to show how ridiculous it is.
respect is earned, not given.
You don't get to tell people how to treat you or how to think about you, society judges you based on your actions, not on your mere presence.
The speedrun community is made for trannies by trannies, this is nothing new
my language does not have pronouns. it confuses me.
First you must tell me why we don't call tables chairs and call chairs tables.
Which language?
Why do your genitals play a bigger role on your identity than having two legs?
Either way that's false, legless people have a different view of themselves and the world
The only identity you need is your username / name, pronouns are unnecessary
So you treat everyone you first meet like shit until they earn it, right? Such an idiotic philosophy it boggles the mind to ever assume there is any kind of logic here.
You don't know a person's history at face value. You're opening the book of their life at page 1023 and acting like you know the story.
AGDQ has been tranny central for a few years now. Nothing new, honestly last year's AGDQ didn't seem as tranny oriented as the ones before it, but this year seems like it'll be super tranny focused since they're adding pronouns to the actual fucking info menu or whatever.
C'mon son. Cancer prevention? that shit is mostly "RNG" as they say. Passing migrants? no thank you.
On top of that
>donating to NGOs
Keep your money dawg.
p.s.: eat da fuggin bug burger
You literally have the mindset of "Anyone who disagrees with me is a nazi".
>pronouns are part of how we coomunicate with each other
See, you don't know the difference between tolerance and respect, and I don't blame you since you keep changing the definitions to suit the current sitation with no consistency. I can TOLERATE someone, but that doesn't mean I have to RESPECT them. You EARN respect through your good deeds and actions, not by demanding it like some king. This is why these trannies want the laws changed, so they can be treated like kings without earning the respect of a ruler.
Respect is an elevated form of discourse. When you meet people on the street respect isn't needed. If you treated everyone you met with respect the concept of respect would be lessened.
It is only for those that earn it, that is what creates it as an elevated relationship.
Everything dealing with the nu-left is about destroying all distinction in all its forms. It is not a wise course of action.
this point will never ever be addressed by social liberals
s-surely they won't have this shit at AGDQ and SGDQ, r-right?
I don't speak human garbage, what is this filth trying to say, if it is trying to say something?
>still watching speedruns
it's 2019 brah
how many times do you need to watch someone play zelda
Well yeah respect is earned man.
And no one is going to respect some dude they know nothing about.
>i want to be a girl
>i will crossdress and maybe cut my dick off
>use female pronouns please
>i am transgender
Why identify as trans? If you're so far gone logically you would just call yourself a woman no? What the fuck
Because they are special snowflakes user, they gotta be threated as such!
or a man in a dress.